Ou 'i»ii i mm i 1 i li # * ' • I V Mr». Ruth Heacock m u her* from Mrs. J. H. Moore was out from Mrs. V ida Oordier, of Santa Crus, Rev. and. Mrs. George C. Carl and Lenta the f ln t of the week vlaltlng Portland tha first of the week visit­ California, Is visiting her grand­ son, of Portland, attended service« relatives. ing her mother, Mrs. P. J. Richmond. parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Dunlap. at the Newberg Brethren church last M n Oeorge W. Ranee was down Mré. J. R. Pemberton and little Sunday. The W. W. Hollingsworth Co. from McMinnville vlaltlng her were called to Sherwood the flret of j daughter came down from Salem | County Clerk C. B. Wilson has daughters lest Sunday. the week on account of the death Tuesday for a visit at the home of been appointed administrator of the her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. «state of the late Semon J. Madson, Mr. and Hr», 0. 0. Hod son were of Mrs. Sarah Smith. i deceased. v down from McMinnville last 8unday The little thlrteera-monthe-old eon Parker, visiting the Hoskins relatives* of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Peters, of 1 Since the item wss written an- I Mrs. Vesta Hollingsworth, who Mr. and Mrs. Omar Fendall and Springbrook, who bad been in a nounctng the death and funeral of has a position at the Y. W. C. A. in little son were over from Forest Portland hospital for treatment for Patrick Mullen at S t Paul, Infor­ 11’ortland, was out on a visit the first mation comes of the death of the of the week. Grove on a visit with relatives last some time, died on last Friday. aged widow. Sunday. A five-year-old son of Francis j Oeorge H. Umbaugh, publisher of Bernard Malnwarlng, editor of the , Crowe died Tuesday morning. The The Rev. Fred E. Carter family the Kelsonlan, of Kelso, Washington, have been busy during the week 1 the smelt ‘‘emporium” of the North­ O. A. C. Index, spent a day bere with funeral was conducted at the Cath­ moving from the parsonage to the west at this season of the year, spent his parents during the week when olic church Wednesday. or any kind of Electric Merchandise, we can supply Deskins' property just north of town j Sunday here visiting his children on the way to the state of Washing­ Mrs. George King and daughter, which they bought some time ago. I at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. R. ton on business. Misa Jeanette, of Vancouver, Wash­ your requirements. We sell laboratory tested The A. C. Seely family will move Kundell, and an Monday morning The college auxiliary will meet ington. and Leslie Cullen, of Port­ Into the parsonage property. ■ took a look-in at the Graphic office. Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock land, spent Sunday in Newberg. lamps, Edison Mazdas, they are the best at the home of Mrs. L. M. Parker Walter Dunlap and family, of and g full attendance Is greatly de­ Portland, spent the week end In sired as the Easter sale Is to be ar­ Newberg. They were accompanied ranged for. by a neice from Santa Crus, Cali­ Rev. Hiram Smith closed his fornia. week’s Bible lessons at the Brethren Rev. H. G. Crocker came from Ore­ church Saturday evening, and left gon City Tuesday to conduct the Sunday evening for Weston where funeral of A. Johnson, whose body he will conduct another short study was brought here Jrom Centr&lia, of the Bible. . * Washington. • 1 Come in and let us H. A, Hinshaw, of the Southern Mrs. Lewis L. Tall man and her “IT SERVES YOU RIGHT” , tell you how to Pacific, and B. C. Miles, of Salem, sister. Miss Lucile Bradley, of Ta­ who are member» of a new endow­ coma, are visitors at the home of ment committee for Pacific College Mr. and Mrs. Wendell, of Spring- in connection with the Interchurch brook Heights. World Motvemeht campaign, were In 1 The grammar school base ball team 4 Newberg Monday evening attending of West Chehalem Invites other 1 a meeting of the committee. gramma» school teams desiring to Mrs. Bell Gubberud, a sister of arrange for games to call Black R152 ON YO U R TIRE COSTS David Irelan, died last Sunday, aged for conferences. 55 years years, leaving a husband. Patrick Mullen, who had lived on Funeral service« were conducted at a farm near St. Paul for the past the W. W' Hollingsworth Co. chapel sixty years, died the first of the this, Thursday, morning at 9:30 week at the age of 81 years. The o'clock by Rev. George H. Lee, pas­ funeral was held on Tueeday morn­ Saves you about 75 per cen t We will tor of the Presbyterian church. ing at St. Paul. gladly tell you all about them The body of A. Johnson, who was Word has been received by rela- killed st Centralis, Washington, by {tives here of the birth of a daughter a falling tree, was brought here for | on March 14 to Mr. and Mrs. T. M. burial and funeral services were held at the W. W. Hollingsworth Co. Allen, of Astoria. Mrs. Allen will Ik be remembered as Miss Ruth Peter­ chapel Tueeday afternoon at 4 son. The little one has been chris­ o’clock. The age of the deceased tened Patricia Marion. was 50 years and he was a cousin The extra train carried 332 pas­ of Swan Benson. Senator John A. Hurley, of Vale, sengers to McMinnville Wednesday Malhuer county. In passing through evening, who went to see the big Newberg last Tuesday stopped o ff a basket ball game between the New­ V u l c a n i z i n g short time to visit bis uncle, John berg American Legion and the Mult­ IT. Smith. The parents of Mr. Hur­ nomah Guard teams. The score was 713 Firgt S t, Newberg ley lived at LaFayette a number of 22 to 9 In favor of the Guards. Sta­ OUR MOTTO i —Our years ago and he grew up at Inde­ tion Agent G.TV. James went along pendence where they located when as boss of the excursion. they left this county. Mr. and Mrs. El wood Johnson and OUR SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULTS WERE BUILT TO PRO­ Meade G. Elliott, who is doing Y. daughter. Miss Lucile, arrived last TECT YOUR VALUABLES. THEY ARE MADE OF HEAVY week* from Cleveland, Ohio, and are M. C. A. work in Seattle, was home MANGANESE STEEL SUNK IN CONCRETE, MAKING THEM over Sunday for a short visit. He t looking for a location. At present FIREPROOF AS WELL AS BURGLAR PROOF. sal68 years and he left a widow, two vs the Sunday morning sermon. On sons and a daughter. Funeral ser­ Sunday afternoon there will be a vices were conducted at the W. W. meeting In the interest of home mis­ Hollingsworth Co. chapel Wednesday sions conducted by Mrs. Lettle morning by Rev. George H. Lee. Youngs at 3 o’clock. The evening Several of the boyhood friends of service will begin at 7:30 o’clock. Herbert Hoover from Salem and WIRING MOTORS RANGES WASHING MACHINES VACUUM CLEANERS See us for anything Electrical Prices Have Advanced k i Yamhill Electric Company SAVE M ille r A d -O n -A -T ire Let us show you how by having your Vulcanizing done at the right time, IT W I L L S A V E Y O U BIG M O N E Y ! IburUJuaUes will be ABSOLUTELY — S A F E in OU SAFETY DEPOSIT YMJUS DOYLE’S TIRE SHOP FOR RENT 4 0 FIRST NATIONAL BANK A C R E S A M ORGUE? Knight Adjustment Co H. A. C A L E F E lk a y ’ s S traw H a t RED DRAGON SQUIRREL AND GOPHER POISON Sure Death to ‘i Squirrels and Gophers AT GRAHAM’S DRUG STORE Phone White 113 Eastman Kodak« Nyala Medicine* Charles E. Ladd, a member of the pioneer Ladd family, of Portland, died ait his home near Carlton last iSaturday morning at the age of 62 years, leaving a widow but mo chil­ dren. For many years the deceased ™ closely associated with the Ladd A Tilton Bank in Portland, but In recent years he has spent the greater part of his time at his home at Carl­ ton. Funeral services were conduct- led on Monday afternoon at the home ¡of hts sister, Mrs. Helen Ladd Cor­ bett. In Portland. County Commissioner 8. E. Cum­ mins. who was down from the coun­ ty seat the first of the week, said ho recently returned from a trip by auto to California where he traveled 5,000 miles over paved roads and where the various types of paving are being used. Said his repair bills down there were almost nothing and that the only thing for Oregon to do Is to keep plugging away for bet­ ter roads. Incidentally, Mr. Cum­ mins said that the report that was going over the county that he had married again was absolutely with­ out foundation, even for the rumor. Newberg have notified Chester G. Murphy of their intentions of at­ tending the meeting at the central library Friday night, when plans for organizing the Hoover Republican Club of Oregon will be perfected. Mr. MUfBfrr ■nnn»nem that netl- tiona for circulation to place Hoover's name on the republican ballot will be ready for volunteers to circulate and sign. The speakers will be personal friends and admir­ ers of Hoover.—Oregonian. An organization meeting of the Newberg district of the Oregon Growers Co-operative Association was held at the Commercial Club rooms last Friday afternoon when nearly all of the fifty-three local members were in attendance. Talks were made by C. I. Lewis and Sey­ more Jones, of Salem, and by George Zimmerman, of Yamhill, the latter being a member of the Yamhill county board of directors. At the cloee oF the discussion an election of a local advisory committee was held, resulting in the choosing of Frank Carlisle. H. L. Amoth and W. T. West. D Y E ---------- ------y “ Makes your old Hat — -------took like new Easily Applied, Quickly Dried In Sixteen Colors LYNN B. FERGUSON Prescription Druggist The NEWBERG, REXALL Store OREGON