Yours for success, Vincent’s G/o- lUee Urde Take Free Hides Apparent­ ly for the Pure Fun ef the Thing. Bite end strength ere popularly as­ sociated with victory, especially among the lower animate, but In many cases this Is far from being the case, particularly in the bird world. Among the rice flats of the Carolines, there abound at some seasons tiny rice birds, birds so small that }t takes two dosen for a good meal, even though bones and all are eaten. The great buzzard Is found circling over the flats at all times. He dreads the time for the rice bird to come, for he is then nearly pestered to death. It Is a common sight to see one of these tiny creatures fly up to • buzzard, and. after dodging this way aad that around the awkward bulk, finally alight well forward between the buzzard's wings on the back. Here the little passenger grabs a few feato- life After enjoying s ride for sa t e g ss he desi ree the Uttls fellow hops off and Is gone. The peculiar feature of the whole performance is* that apparently the ealy parpóse the rice bird has In get­ ting on the beck of the buzzard 1%-to take a free ride. It pozzies every one who chances to see the little play to any other remains ths( It is s frequent oc mice, and .the little birds seem to ley it hugely. - We have some good used Fords, 1917-1918 Models. Liberal terms. Anderson Motor Co. Stt Wanted— Fresh éggs. Grocery. For Sale— 3 good Phone Blue 118. Vincent's It fresh cows. It pd For Holiday groceries ask But ler at Vincent's Grocery. It For Sale— 3 registered Holstein bull calves. A. Swltser, phone 3 » aSl. 7 pd Lost— Bunch of keys. Finder please leave at Graphic office and receive reward. It .F or Sale— Good pigs, surry and double driving harness. W. K. Ames, phone ItaSS.1 8 pd Anyone wanting the service# of For Sale— 400 4 to 8 foot Italian a trained nurse may call Mrs. La- prune trees. Vincent’s Feed Store. 8 Rose Kelly, White 6 Wanted— Freeh cows and cows to freshen soon. Call Blus 149. 5tf and harness. Inquire at W. P. Haa- cock place. Geo. Noitls. 7 pd Cheat seed, gray oats and baled hay for sale by C. W. Altman, Dun­ For Sale— Four heifers 3 yean dee. r 5tf old, all bred, 2 Holstelns, 2 Jerseys. Box 717 or phone White 87. Stf at a bargain. Black R1502 F. R. Run dell, phone Man and wife want work oa farm. Must be near school. W rite Box 748 or phone Black 97. 8 pd For Sale— 2 fresh oow s, heavy milkers, good testsYs. John Groff. We have cash buyers for 40 acre Phone Blue 149. farms and up, and prune orchards. See the W. E. White Realty Co. I t Oregonian subscribers w ill please report any irregularities or other complaints by calling Black 174. Stf For Sale— R. M. Wads drag saw that has cut only 37 cords o f wood. R. N. Hutchens, phone Black 121.1], Your Christmas Dr. L. W. Horn, veterinary sur­ geon, Commercial barn. Phone Black 112, residence Black 72. S ftt Pltyr teem for sale or w ill trade r wagon, drag saw, g u engine, what have yon? J. A. Smith, Rooms for transients or by week at Laurel Cottage— »2 :80 peg week for Bingle person. Phone Red 198. 10 pd Virinola Grafonola Turkeys for Sale— Full blood To reduce our big stock of Coats, Suits, Etc, offering the following big reductions: 25,00 Women*! Dresses $19.85 27.50 - « 21.95 2830 44 * 2230 $40.00 I4 Z 5 0 33.15 5.00 Women’a Suits 50.00 55.00 $27.85 3235 33.75 3635 4135 $28.50 $30.00 $35.00 $ 37 3 0 $40.00 $45.00 $50.00 $55.00 $60.00 $75.00 3035 3235 3735 4135 4435 47.95 55.95 $ 13 3 0 Women’* Dresa Skirts $14.00 44 44 $1730 44 44 $18.00 44 44 81830 44 . 44 $ 20.00 $ 21£0 10.95 1135 1435 1435 1435 1635 $12.75 $15.00 $ 15 3 0 $16.50 $ 17 3 0 13.45 14.65 SHOPPING EARLY FO R E V E R Y B O D Y E V E R Y D A Y Stop in, le t ns give you a demonstration, and arrange to put either a VietroJa or Grafonola in your home today on easy payments. L u g e stock o f V ictor and Colombia Records. HEADQUARTERS FOR EVER YTH ING M U SIC AI Mow is the tim e to bay your new bonnet fo r Thanksgiving Day. A ll hats w ill be reduced, many o f them below cost, fo r Thanks- givin g week only, beginning Monday, November 24. W e are sell­ in g our hats at these very low prices as we need the space fo r on/ Hobday goods. I would advise (you to bay whether yoa need it now or not as m illinery is advancing in price every day. GR1DLEY M ILLINERY SHOP, 706 First S t Phone Black 75 Newberg, Oregon Beautiful Holiday Gifts W e w ill have a beautiful line o f the finest lingerie to show yoa fo r your Christmas Gifts. W hat makes a more beautiful and ap­ propriate g ift than a lovely camisole, gown, combination or boudoifi cap, aad the like, made o f the finest and sheerest o i materials. Drop In and see them at the GRID LEY M ILLINERY SHOP, 706 Pint Street N «w b «rf, Oregon . Plain sewing wanted, children’s and Infante* work preferred. Also room for rent. Inquire at Graphic office. 7 pd For Sale— Overland car. Model 82. Rune fine, w ill show you any time. It la a bargain. Phone after 6 p .m. 17*615. ltf 6 P O P U L A R STO R E: Trade or Sale— A splendid family Cleaning Ruga— I am prepared te do rug cleaning on short notice. auto, standard make, full leather For Sale— 5 horse power Stover John Dunlap, phone Blue l i t . 7 upholstery, buUt for service and engine good as new. Have no use beauty, looks and rides like new. for it. John N. Schneider. St. Taken In on a debt for much less Farm Loans— If you want money Paul, Oregon. 7tf than real value. W ill trade In on at a low rate o f interest and for a house and lot or suburban home For Sale— Studebaker car in good long time write to me for Informa­ and give you a bargain, or will condition. Tires nearly new, . 1 tion about a 20 year amortised sell cheap. Terms if desired. W rite Joe J. Thornton, description and prlte what you extra. A bargain. Qall at Mr. mortgage loan. WilsonvlUe, Oregon. 9 pd Hart’s garage. I t pd have to trade. Address Box 657 City. It I have $1400 equity in 6 room I have attached a special Bead Mold to my Vulcaniser and can re­ modern bugalow In East Portland pair and guarantee rtm cuts. Doyle, will trade toward farm or Newberg property. W rite Box .746, New­ 713 First street. It Newberg a few choice building berg. or Phone Black 97. 2 pd Dr. . Thompson's Perfect lots in fine location on Pacific Highway at east approach t6 The rain has coifle, the mud and Fitting Glasses saves your new bridge under construc­ water whl work through the small eyes. Regular visits. Watch these tion. City sewerage «and wa­ holes In your tread and give you columns for next date. 7tf ter all in. Large building grief. Doyle, the Vulcanlzer, can sites may be had to suit pur­ For Sale-Residence property on stop your grief. 713 First street. 1 chaser. There is a house on West Sheridan street. 7-room house one of these lots.' Terms if modern, all kinds of fruit. 3 lots 50 If you have any trouble irlth desired. H. L. McGarry, 400 xlOO each. W ill M. Sargent. 8 pd your bread making get a sack of, Second street, or Inquire at Queen Patent flour of Bntleq. We Graphic office. I t pd W e are In the market for your also have Olympia, Crown and dried prunes, black caps and logan­ White Mountain on hand. Vln- berries anti w i l l ' always pay the highest price. H. S. Oils A Co. 29tf For Sale— 2 brood sows, 15 shoots, cheap; 1400 pound farm horse, oats and vetch seed, -and win­ ter oats for seed. W alter Wilson. 7p Good 4 room house with sleeping porch, hall, back porch screened, 2 rooms plastered, tiled well, good woodshed, barn, chicken house, all kinds of fruit, wood In shed, some chickens, linoleum. Close to town. Just outside city, price 81500. Good terms. See Hann with Frank Taylor, west of City Hall. I t pd Want 100 acre farm with stock for all cash, must be good value not over $12,000. W rits full details. V . M. Phelps, P. O. Box No. 672, Portland, Oregon. Vincent’s Gro I. O. O. F . B u ild in g Staple and Fancy Groceries Fruits, Nuts and Candies FRESH VEGETABLES Prompt Delivery Your Patronafe Solicited Our shop Is som piste to do all kinds of repair work on Ford ears with a full line of genuine Ford parte for sals aad use. Anderson Motor Co. 2tf For Sale— No. 2 Russell sawmill, 48 inch main saw, 30 inch cut-off, belting. Complete mill without en­ gine. Price $800. R. W. Staley A Son. Phone 17*26 For Sals— A six room house, barn and outbuildings with four lots. Some fruit trass, end a number of ales shads tress. This property could be turned Into a nice home at vary Uttls expense end can be bought reasonable. For Informa­ tion address Post Office Box 207, Salem. Oregon. 4tf Investments and Loans Loans on farm and city property at lowest rates. Mortgages, notes and contracts bought -and sold. W ill loan on chattel mortgage; and buy and sell all kinds of bonds hav­ ing a market value. Make your money earn something. Never keep It Idle. For Investments see Atty. B. A. KUks. McMinnville, Ore. 7tf Up-to-date millinery work done at reasonable prices. We w ill make new hate. It you do not wish to buy new brills your old hate aad see what a little re-modeling and re- trimming w ill da 512 North Ed­ wards street, phone Blue 144, 4ttf Portland D aily Trip* I am still making trips to Port­ land leaving at 9 o’clock dally. W ill call at house for passeng er« on age will be appreciated. B. A. Hall, the Telegram man. phono Blu* ì l . Kftf Fanners, A tten tion ! Money to loan 1H p v cent oa your own terms. You can borrow money at 5 Ml per cent interest on your own terms with which to hoy land. Improve your farm, buy 11 vs stock or pay oft existing liens or ■ fft f if ir Ths U. 8. Oovsnuu— t la now ready for your application for ths money which you need. No commissions aad no foreclosure. For full and complete Information apply to Secretary of ths Local Board. Frank Holmes, Secretary, U. 8. National Bank Building, Ma- MlnnvUls, Oregon. lt f Buyers fo r Farms We have a buyer for* 20 to 49 acres with stock, located on a good road. W ill pay $4000 to «8000. $3000. down. Also for 16 acres st $4500 with stock. Small payment now and $$000 mors next April. Another buyer wants 80 acres or mors with stock that can he han­ dled for $1600. Cash. W ill assume $8000 or more on payment. . We have another buyer for 109 acres of cultivated land with stock and equipment at $12£00. $.1009 Latest Improved Vertical Feed and portable electrics demonstrated I OM838C808M0808080>M080WCHOK83BCT08ffl0808C8C HEMSTITCHING— Finest work in your home. On hand a few sec­ K n ifh t Adjustment Company on any kind of material at moderate ond hand machines at bargal^ If you own a farm that wlU suit COLLECTOR! prices. Picot Edge work. Switches prices. Repair work by expert ma­ these buyers, writs us full details McMinnville, Dallas, HQlsboro made to order. Lee Millinery Co., chinist. at once. Ralph Ackley Land Co., W rite or phone K. P.. Gregory Block. Newberg. 42tf 627 Corbett Bldg., Portland, Ore. 7 Loop. MaMtnnvlllo. 10 pd a Offm iE K l iffgB’I ’ffPMJlKWeBBBBK