Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, April 18, 1918, Image 8

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The New Spring
Shirts for Men
New spring patterns and
colors. The famous Silver
Brand shirta that for fit
and service have no su­
perior. Made of a good
quality percale and mad­
ras, styles with French
cuffs or laundried cuffs,
shown in all regular sizes.
$1.25 to $1.75
Men's Lisle Sox
Men's Union Suits
Lisle thread sox o f fine
quality, heels and toes are
double reinforced. Come in
black, white, gray; all sizes.
Ecru color union suits, good
quality, short sleeves, ankle
length style, made for com­
fort and wear; sizes 34 to 46
35c Per Pair
$ LZ5 Per Sint
Some excess stock
moving at very low
prices—good quality
material, too. Ask
our m int man.
We have purchased from the Aluminum manufacturers
of “ Life Time Ware’ ’ a quantity o f different kinds of
utensils to be offered to the people o f this community to
introduce this kind o f aluminum; it is high grade and is
fully guaranteed, at prices that will make you stop and
wonder. Watch our window for money-saving specials.
J k
■ ___ V M
a ll M
Other equally good values
to follow.
Larkin-Prince Hardware Co.
Oliver plows and extras. Hart’s
Sale bills printed at this office.
Expression o f Appreciation
Call Red 108 for your Spirella
No. 1 drain tile for sale by the
Spaulding Logging Co.
Have that plow sharpened at
McCoy Bros.’ garage for 25c.
Money to loan on good secur­
ity by Clarence Butt, attorney.
Wood For Sale—Good dry fir.
L. Hammer, phone White 169.
— .
Oxy-acetylene welding. Hart’s
We take this means of express­
25tf ing our appreciation atad thanks
Auto springs
specialty. to our friends and neighbors
25tf who so kindly assisted ns daring
Hart’s Shop.
the sickness and following the
Drain tile tor sale by the New­ death o f our loved one. Also for
berg Feed & Seed Co.
14tf the beautiful flowers.
N. L. Wiley and Family.
For Sale—Prune trees, berry
plants and fruit trees of all kinds
Telephone Notice
by Newberg Feed & Seed Co. tf
Subscribers wishing new tele­
phones installed or changes made
For Bargains in new and sec­
in location, should notify the
ond hand goods call at Nash’s
Company at once, that the prop­
Second Hand Store, 304 First St.
er numbers may be placed in the
' *‘31tf
new directory going to press
Lost—Pair rimless glasses in s o o n .__ ;___ _____ ______________
Newberg Telephone Company.
case 3 blocks north of silo fac­
tory on River street. Finder j
Attention Breeders I •
leave with Morris, the jeweler l p ;
There is no question about the
People who have wire stretch­ future of the horse business be-
ers belonging to Larkin Prince jng good—better than ever be­
Hardware Co. that they are not fore, if vou raise the right kind,
using are requested to bring them and you can, by breeding to Py-
los. His get have all the quali­
in as other people need them.
fications desirable.
He will be at the Commercial
For Sale—My house and lot
this season. Call and
on South College street. For
particulars address T. L. Cum­ investigate. It is an opportun­
mings, 383V& Fourth street, ity you can not afford to miss.
26-29 J. W. Henry.
True French has the best Yel­
There have been several cases low Seed Corn for sale. North
28 pd
of classification in the selective Meridian st.
draft in this county that are not
For Sale—Oat hay, clover hay,
at all satisfactory to the people
oats and potatoes. F. Groshen,
as a whole. The sheriff is chair­
phone West 1501.
man of this board, and should
1 For Sale—High grade and test­
be absolutely impartial in these
LOANS—Lowest rates, no de­
rulings. A rich man’s son should lays; mortgages bought. Attor­ ed yielders in seed oats, one best
’ spring oats grown. Prices right,
have no more leniency than a ney B. A. Kliks, McMinnville.
send for sample. Carlton Nur-
poor man’s son, and he should
not be permitted to make a false
For Sale—Good young horse, sery Co., Carlton, Ore.
claim to escape serving his coun­ weight 1300 lbs. Phone 29a-
Shirley for Sheriff /
try as a soldier. - Neither should 151, Newberg. W. A. Baker.20tf
Vote at the primaries May 17
men be permitted to rent large
Kitchen range for sale by W. for G. G. Shirley for sheriff, pd ad
tracts of land as an excuse that
they remain at home as an agri­ W. Silver, corner Third and Cen­
It pd
You Know W att
cultural necessity, when subject ter streets. .
to the draft. This war is pre­
Watt Henderson will not have
For Sale—Good new garden
dicted to last from three to ten
time to make a campaign this
hose and lawn mower. E. Greg­
years longer. If elected sheriff I
spring, as he has too much work
ory, 316 First st.
will use every effort possible to
to do in the office. You know
prevent such unfair classification,
It pd adv
W. L. pallets 20 cents a pound. Watt.
pd adv
G. G. Shirley. J. M. Lewelling, west end of
Sheridan street.
Attention, Ladies!
We have get the
werld beet en
■ilia m
i_____ 1_____________________________________________________
■ »
N e aim
A lu iiiiiiu
m iiiiw
a r v e i s t i lln
lm a n r u
d v
of i n Prices—
w fiiu
iii i W
u n iiw
iv w
. _ N _ OW ° _ N * ale
-------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
A 6-C u p P e r c o la to r
For Sale—Lime and Sulphur
spray at H. S. Gile and Co.’s
Primary election May 17, Packing* House.
1918, Nellie N. Dodson, (widow
Beans of all kinds wanted: also
of Judge J. B. DOdson.) 30 pd adv sacks. Newberg Feed & Seed
For Sheriff
i )
For County Treasurer
A wire fence for the
Chickens, pigs, hor­
ses, cattle, anything
you wish to fence
s t.
ca ira
ca s in
u D
v • Get
viv v our
prices before you buy
Many are the claims for the
knitting championship of Ore.
gon. The Grants Pass Courier
pins its faith to Grandma Eliza­
beth Ann Williams, aged 83,
who has knitted 16 sweaters
since July. During three Weeks
in January she knitted five, each
closely knitted and in fancy pat­
terns. One was made in three
days. _ _____ L_ _____ :—------
Mrs. E. L. Baker, of Saver,
1 . . W H I L L — knitted
a sock o f fine yarn in
New berg’s lea d in g Tailor
three hours and one minute, says
and CU
the Monmonth Herald.
Mrs. Catherine Stanton, o f He­
lix, 83 years old, has finished
several sweaters and socks in
It is set forth 18 steel ships what the East Oregonian, o
have been launched o f 136,400 Pendleton, claims fi record time.
tons, while there are 94 vessels
Grandma Jorv, ofSalem, “ Aunt
on the ways against 11 the lat­
Kate,” 80 years old, has knitted
ter part of 1916. The combined
a sweater in five days, says the
tonnage of vessels building then
Salem Statesman.
was 48,000 and those being
Comes forward the Vale Enter­
worked on now is 370,000 tons.
with details tending to sub­
The total amount represented in
the claim of Mrs. B. F
contracts has climbed in the
o f the knit­
same period from $22,250,000
ting department of Vale Chap­
to $155,300,000. -----
ter. She knitted a 25-inch
sweater with six ridges on the
shoulder in nine hours and twelve
CUPPED B O S EXCHANGES minutes, thus beating a record
made in Portland, both in min­
McNary is a Chamberlain-West utes, inches and number of shoul­
republican. Withycombe is not. der ridges.
Gov. Withycombe appointed Me-
A Medford woman has this
Nary U. S. senator. Both are beat a mile, according to the
candidates tor re-election. Suf­ Medford Snn, which states that
ferin’ cats! What a harmonious Mrs. Sadie Frick knitted a Ca
mixup!—Jefferson Review.
nadian style eight
Ww’ll het a four-dollar pacing hours, and the Canadian style is
rooster that Ben Olcott will be said to be some style, taking
nominated.—Culver Tribune.
nearly an boar longer than the
Re-election of Governor Withy­ American style.
combe will, in these strenuous __ Never to be outdone by any
times, do more towards uniting body anywhere in anything, the
the state in one great haromoni- enterprising city of Bend, through
ous whole than any other action the Bend Press, tells that Mrs.
that can be takerf.—Lebanon Carl McGhee has made 70 gauze
compresses 4x4 inches in 2 hours
•No true republican will sup­ and 45 minutes.
port eitllier Olcott or McNary.—
Lost—Lady’s navy blue silk
Roseburg News.
gloves. Finder please leave at
Governor Withycombe’s exam­
Graphic office.
ple has been an inspiration to
i l l
a n
In a statement issued by the
Chamber of Commerce «overihg
shipbuilding in the Oregon Dis­
trict, it is shown that where
there were six wooden shipbuild­
ing plants December 10, 1916,
there are^jow 17 and the num­
ber of employees in both steel
and wooden yards has increased
from 4,200 at that time to 25,-
000 men. The monthlv ‘ payroll
was $302,400 in December,
1916, and now is placed at $2,-
The latest 1918 model
is up to the minute in
both style and quality.
I f you need a bike take
time to give the Crown
the “ once over” and
we believe you’ ll buy.
Latest and complete
equipment throughout
This is what I am offering
and how I do it without
extra expense to my cus­
tomers. I f you are not
ready for your suit now and
going to buy in the next few
months, place your order
now. have the goods re­
served at the old price for
future delivery.
Can you
beat that?
Don’ t wait.
Place your order now.
“ Crown Bicycle’
When you write to a soldier
always write with ink and ad-
% dress him by lris anny title in­
stead o f mister, and write his
name in fail instead o f using ini­
tials. There are several hun­
dred J. P. Smiths in Prance and
elsewhere in the army. These
suggestions come from the post
office department at Washing­
ton. Another thing, put your
own address on the envelope. It
takes about 30 days tor a letter
to reach a soldier with his com­
mand in Prance, although many
___letters get through in from 15 to
20 days. About 3,000,000 pieces
o f mail a month go to the sol­
diers in France. They can be
promptly delivered only if ad.
dresses are plainly written and
address designates company and
b t a M k S m lU lii
$8? fr Is Yes Want to Last
that Much as yew spring sait?
on a
Seqator McNary filed his nom
ination papers for the long term
senatorsbip with Secretary of
State Olcott on Monday, and he
will now be in the race with the
full force of his personality While
he is busily engaged with his du­
ties back in Washington. Yes,
he will have a count coming >on
election night.—Sherwood News.
Was it during campaign rime
that that natural gas product
was discovered io Polk countv?
—Dallas Observer.
m s
Lieutenant John Rankin, of
Newberg, Oregon, was in charge
oTtHe medical department t at the
recent regimental maneuvers.
Darkness overtook the regiment
and the homeward march was a
bit slow. However, the difficul­
ty of marchingin the dark meant
nothing in the life of the lieuten­
ant. who informed the detach­
ment that he was a veritable!
owl, owing to the fact that
many o f bis calls in Newberg to
the bedside of a sick customer
were made in the wee small
ho\irs o f the night. He was bus­
ily engaged in the art of conver­
sation, when his "bootie” hit a
rock—the dive was a combina­
tion, swan, corkscrew and a
brodie—however, it was the
unanimous opinici} of those pres­
ent that it was a “ brodie" tor he,
lit squarely on his “ tummie" in
the center of a mud puddle.
“ Halt, medical detachment, '
halt!" shouted the lieutenant as
he came up for air.
The toads in Newberg are well
lighted; they have no rocks nor
mud puddles. Carry on!—Over
The Top—Camp Lewis.
the state in these trying times.
No one is in better touch with
the farmer and his needs. He
I has made a go»»d governor and
deserves re-election.—Molalla Pi
^y> - M
0# ,0tt» v
For Sale—Good work horse«,
Quilting, $1 a spool -by Adel- color black, weight about 1500
phian Society. Phone White pounds, 8 years old, price $175. or write Mrs. J . P. Hall.
28-31 Inquire at Graphic office. 29pd 17a61. Route 3
Bids Wanted
Notice is hereby given that the
council of the City of Newberg,
Yamhill county, Oregon, will,
up to five o ’clock p. tn. on the
6th day of May, 1918, receive
bids for Improvement Bonds of
the City o f Newberg, bearing
date February 1st, 1918, and
drawing interest at the rate ot
six per cent per annum and pay­
able on or before ten years after
date. No bid for less than par
and accrued interest will be con­
sidered. Certified check for 10
percent of amount of bid must
accompany each bid. The coun­
cil reserves the right to reject
any or all bids.
Dated April 16, 1918.
Rebesxa W. H. Smith,
Phone Recorder o f the City of Newberg.
— ♦