Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, February 28, 1918, Image 7

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    THE H U E
•Father Neale,” an Evangelist ef
Washington’» Time.
Attem pt Waa Fraught W ith Much DM
fleulty and Considerable Profan­
ity, Aooordlng to W riter.
City of Dorpat on Uno of Gorman
Ssrblane Ever Keep Oreen tea
ery e f Peoeaead Members o f
Their Families.
u r n is H u m
Wealth Not Worth While, De­
People e f Madrid Outdid Amsrieae
Baseball Fans When Bull Fight With
Popular Matador Is Announced.
B ver since obr arrival Hays and
It la not quite accurate to MNMte
‘ Madrid Is the greatest ball fighting
had been threatening to patronise on*
clares Owner of a Gusher.
this ceremony a funeral, fo r it Is nbt
rity in the world. From her staid
o f the tw o public bathhouses w ith i
that, but we have Id English an one
fesslonal and intellectual classe
first-class bogotano reputation rumor
V mihq Preachers to
word or tw o words with which to ex­
to the smallest and grimiest
A t D ifferent Tim es W oe In
Plebee, Minim Tall, Do
had It existed la the capital, sayi
H oly W rit to
press the meaning. In order to
vending newspapers on the streets,
a rm s
oi A
yi , Dilania
n u n ii , D
r o nland
iin a
Franck'* Vagabonding Down the
to Man Whose Farm Is
every Madrilleno Is a connoisseur at
M H tO M .
But In a land where the tempetatun
rated W ith Oil.
necessary to 'herid this sketch with the
bulls and hull fighters. Anyone who
rarely reaches 00 and. the floors an
words, "Ceremony Perform ed by a Bar­
thinks that baseball can turn Its dare-
day« when BUly Sunday oe-
D orpat Is one o f ths Important
tllo d .lt takas courage, and wo bad boas
bián Fam ily on the Anniversary o f the
Tw o man w ere riding through oaa tees into temporary lunatics on tee
pnbllc attention, we recall an
satisfying ourselves and our duty ti tars o f population In ths B altic prov- Death o f One o f Its Members,’* and no o f the newly discovered oil fields of day e f s world’s championship
«ra n g eliet preacher o f Washington's
humanity by bravely splashing a basli Inca o f Livonia, w h ite lies on the Una newspaper copy reader would pass a the Southwest. On eeeh side o f the should see the people o f Madrid
« ■ t o aaye an exchange. It waa late
o f icy w ater over manly forma ead o f advance o f the German offensive la title like that, w rite« a correspondent train rose an ugly forest o f derricks, a famous matador Is billed to
p a ttfe when T e th e r N eale" waa coo-
morning on rising. By dint o f strong tee direction o f Petrograd, says a bul­
It la the custom o f the country to re­ covering the rolling prairie with an some o f the ferocious Minra balls.
Brerted and ao great was his seal that
resolutions often repeated to be up si letin issued by ths National Geographic member the dead on tee anniversary o f unnatural growth. The ground under
Each o f the well-known swordsman
Be embraced every podUble chance to
six and visit one o f the cases de b a n « society.
death by a pilgrim age to the grave­ those leafless timber trees was black has his group o f followers, enthusiasts
Breach, and then preached as long as
Situated on the south bank o f the yard, with all appropriate ceremonies. with, crude oil. Refuse oil was burn­ as they are called, any one at
wa did finally manage one morning fa
■he people would stay to hoar
And ourselves wandering the street R iver Bm bate, which flows eastward A morbid custom, and one that might ing, and enormous clouds o f black whom w ill stake his fortune or Ms
fa n o f anecdotes and fond o f humor- by. eight, with tow el and soap undei Into Lake Peipus, Dorpat la connected
neck on the prowess o f his own par­
be productive pf endless and needless smoke rolled up Into the sky.
B iis stories, he « mused the crowds that
our arms, and stared a t by a ll wa met by rail w ith both R eval and R iga and grief, according to oar Ideas, bat tee
master as compared to all
pothered around him and often con­
W e discovered L g V iolets a t last, nex also has a triw eekly steamboat service Serbs are a hard race and face their ter-section farm that lay like a great slayers o f bulls. On the day o f a
certed some wandering sheep H e
door to a/blacksmith shop. The keep connecting it w lte the trade center o f
white square between the bristling rtda” these enthusiasts flock «boat the
p earpenter try trade, and when be was er we woke up told us w e might havi Pskov, on the Velikaya, one o f the sorrows without covering them. A ll pf
and the black soil. The little hotel, where their Idols are staying, to
p e t preaching he was working, fo r he a cold'bath, but that the sign on tlu w ater routes connecting the B altic
was surrounded by a cot­ greet them hours before the combat
p e te r took any money from his au- fron t w a ll: "H ot baths at all hour«," w ith "Southern Russia. The distance
Tw o men with a team with cheers and adulation. Early la
jpences. H is only book was the Bible, was to bo taken with k bogotano mean to R iga by n il Is 166 m ile«. In a south­
at work, stacks o f g * m and a lfa lfa the afternoon 'the streets leading to
pnd when he found a young preacher lag.
w esterly direction, w hile R eval lies to women weep. The virtues o f the dead and a herd at quiet cattle completed the plaza are choked with surging cur­
t a Concordance to aid him In Sad*
A tow mornings later w e did actual the northwest a distance o f 118 miles. are extolled and he la addressed and the picture.
rent« o f humanity, all moving to a
texts be would say:
Except fo r one or tw o churches. In­ apostrophised.
ly find the other establishment open
"Look I" one o f the. travelers ex­ single goal.
"D o m I do. study the B ible till you W e entered a large patio, the moo cluding the cathedral which crowns
The plaza Itself la a great amphithe­
This part o f te e ceremony over, tee claimed. "Isn ’t that queer I That must
fcnow It by h e a rt" And he had studied striking o f several buildings, w lthli Domberg (Cathedral h ill) and ths
be a dry section 1"
ater with a sanded arena fo r stage.
ft so thoroughly that he knew the least which waa a round, or, mqre exactly castle which rises on the brow o f
A man across the aisle who over­ The arena Is surrounded by a thick
Incidents recorded In i t and could d te an eight-sided house, and In tim e sue Schlossberg (C astle h ill), there are have brought with them. The affair
brick wall, broken here and there by
. > •
takes on the aspect o f some grave so­ heard spoke u p:
teem whenever they would come In ceeded In-arousing the place to the ex few m edieval buildings in the town,
"On the contrary, teat q u a rt«: Is tiny doors— one -door to the peas»
cial occasion. W ine is drank and much
iy. Once he heard a m inister trying tent o f bringing down upon ns s youtl owing to the fa ct that tee place was
food Is eaten. It is customary to tell perhaps tee richest oil land in tea whence the balls are loosed, «n o th *
prove that the people coufamot have hugely excited at the appearance 01 almost com pletely destroyed by hre In
all the anecdotes and Incidents relat­ field. See" that one derrick close by for the picadors, who ride In on de­
Seen Immersed in the Jordan^xcause a crowd o f tw o whole bathers a ll at 1777. I t had suffered from conflagra­
ing to the dead man that those present the house? It w fs a gusher and ran crepit old horses, a third fo r ths he­
that river was so small that a man one time.
tion on tw o previous occasions when can remember. Even bits o f the past more than eight hundred barrels a roes o f the day, the swordsmen,
could dam It up with his foot. A t the
The youth assured us there wui invading armies punished It fo r Its that have a humorous turn are not [jla y . Ph ilip Ross, his w ife and two take the money and the glory of
rloee o f the sermon Father Neale go| plenty o f hot water. I won the tow stubborn resistance. The old fortifi-
barred. It Is In some sort a bringing rona liv e on tee W hite term , as it Is occasion without running any
up and sa id :
and wss soon stripped.
But tin <4tions have also been dismantled and forth o f hla whole memory and setting called. When tee gusher
risk than their humble subordinates.
" I don’t pretend Jo have any great ’ shower was colder than the ice fleldi attractive promenades now take tee
him again before hla people, brushing ¡ Boss’ older son rushed Into tee house
On a sunny day the arena Is a ring
hook lo a n in ', bat tKere’« one book I bounding the pole. When I had caughi place o f the old w alls and earthworks.
aside the passing days that were hiding w ith the news. B o n and Ms w ife
o f color. Picadors are dressed in yah
do know, and that’s the Bible. That’s my breath I bawled m y repertory ol
Dorpat is known by many - r —** the thoughts o f him from view.
low, the “ cape men,” who tom tee buB
J. ""F ath er.’ he cried, th e oilmen say
toy book. New, our brother here says profane Spanish at the youth, w ! m (Y u riev, Dorpt, Derpt, Tarto, Tarto-
It Is Interesting to speculate on tea
wave gayly colored silk robes, tea llb-
the Jordan la ao small that you may could be eden through n hole above pot lln and Tahebata), a fa ct which recalls
meaning o f this unusual practice, and It's tea biggest drill In the state! W e tle darts which the banderillcros plant
atop It with year fo o t H is books may terlng with soma sort o f an upright Its tempestuous history during the six­
on the human tendency tea t gave It can lease tee whole farm to r a m il­ In the neck o f the bull are tipped wtfh
tell him so, hot my book tells me an­ boiler and firebox, and now and the* teenth, seventeenth and eighteenth
flags, even tee mules who haul o *
birth and keeps It alive. It seems to lion 1 Hurrah P
other story. I read In the B ible
peering down upon me. Suddenly tlu centuries, when It was a veritable shut­ root in the old human dread o f being
“The father calmly looked at the the debris carry huge Spanish bsnnmn
David, when he was flying from
water grow w arn, hot, boiling, te a « tlecock city, being tossed back and forgotten com pletely. As these peo­
in their headstalls. The matador to
Igaa. and «ranted to croes that
just when I had souped m yself from fo rte between contending nations ple do It unto the dead, so they expect
“ •What o f I t r
the final glory, flaming from head to
r, had to b in a boat to ca n y Um crown to too In the steam. It turned at which made the B altic provinces their
"•W h at o f I t ! W e are rich ! W e foot in a rich satin costume o f groan
their children and their relatives to do
rl That’s what m y book tells m et" suddenly cold again, and an Instant battlegrounds. I t Is supposed to have
unto them, and they cherish the custom can go to New York or Chicago and or bine, heavily embroidered with g o ld ..
> o f Father N eale’s recollections later stopped entirely. M y eyes tight been founded by n prince o f K iev early
Ho carries a flaming red flag to am-
as a fountain teat w ill keep their own liv e without working 1*
.are little known to the dosed I shouted at the youth above.
In tee eleventh century. Tw o hun­ memory green when their tim e
• ""L iv e without w ording? said Boas. rage tee bull, and before the day has
gsafltiu o f today, and some have never
“ Ea que el ague calledte se acago," dred years later tee Teutonic knights
•What sort o f life Is th a tr
gone far, the red o f tjie flag la blended
keen published. H are la an anecdote he droned. " It Is that tea hotel whtsi arrived, and the year follow in g their
"T h ey say Philip Ross brought hla with the red e f blood.
Loam Value e f
found In an old Journal:
advent tee cathedral was established
has finished Itself."
In one o f tee chapters o f "A 8tudent hand down on the kitchen table where
"One o f Washington’s habits he
There being no deadly weapon a! on the Domberg. Russia ousted ths In Arm s," by Donald Hankay, a volun­ be sat and said. "Call In Duncan.’ That
Wound Statistics.
mentioned as brought to Mount Ver­ hand I turned on a tap o f Ice-cold wa­ Germans in 1568; Poland took pnssns
teer In the lCngllsh army at the begin­ la tee younger son. Duncan cam*. In,
o f men wounded In
non from the camp whore everything ter and raced to the dressing room still Son In 1682; Sweden seised the town
ning o f this war, this authority says: and the fam ily sat there together.
been puMlshed fo r the
h alf soaped. Hays, scantily dad, w ai In 1600; Poland retodk it In 1608; "On ths whole, though, actaal experi­
“ I le t the oilmen drill to test onr
period between January, 1916 and
RVaahlngton received a note by a priv­ gazing fiercely at the youth through a Sweden was ooce more In possession la
ence o f w ar brings tea beat men to the
June, 1916. , Seven and eighty-seven
a te mess anger, he never naked the hols In the door.
1628; Russia Asserted Its claim s la
fore, and t e f best qualities o f the av­ Rosa. "The result w ill give us a m il­ hundredths per cent o f wounded men
hearer into the house, but usually took
"Then there Isn’t any more boj w a 1666, follow ed by a long period o f erage man.
Officers and men are
die on the battlefield. Ten and .at»-
Sweden-Russlan activities which re­
B a letter him self at the fron t door te r !" he demanded.
welded Into a closer, comradeship by «till ruin our quiet home/and unfit teen-hundredths per cant die 1 s t*
gad read It standing with his hand
"N ot, now, senor, but there w ill lx sulted In Russia’s making good Its dangers and discomforts shared! They us fo r life ’s real tasks. It has already
from their injuries, or 18.06 succumb,
claim in 1704. Four years later a large
haro In the open air. I f It required a soon."
learn to trust each othdr and to loo|r I spoiled scores o f our neighbors, as yon a proportion fa r less than 26 per cent
part o f the population waa deported
verbal reply he gave It, and dismissed
"Good. H ow soon!"
for tee essential qualities rather than
estimated m ortality wMch surgeons
to tee interior o f Russia.
P m bearer; or I f he meat w rite, ha
"B arty tomorrow morning, senor.”
for the accidental graces. One law ns j too much o f you boys to let yon grow drew up when the war began.
B efore tee outbreak o f the w orld
thud to his office, w rote the ansa
"W hy. you cram eyed son o f splg-
to lo ry men fo r their grant hearts,
A rtillery causes 54.74 pet4 cent ed
and bridging It out, delivered it to the dom," exploded .the ordinarily even- w ar Dorpat was the headquarters e f
their pi nek. their indomitable spirits, j ed. W e are healthy, and dally work wounds, rifles and revolvers 39.16 per
msaanmiir with his own hand.'"
tempered ex-corporal, " I came here and the Eighteenth army corps o f Russia. their Irrepressible hu m *, their readi­ f la a Joy. W e can’t afford to be rich.’
_ Father N eale states "that he
stripped to an undershirt that I might It has a population o f 60,000, and ever ness to shoulder a weaker brother's j "H e turned to his w ife and said, cent, bayonets 0.59 .and gaa 5.61.
Bombs, which have supplanted bay­
ones engaged doing some carpenter dance la my bare feet on this tile fiooi since the middle ages, when It was s
burden In addition to their tram. On* "Janet, thank God that we are able to onet work so largely, are classed with
work on one o f the northeast windows In honor o f Joee Maria de la Santa member o f the Hanseatic league, it has
; work, and do not want to liv e without
that opens upon the front plassa o f Trinidad Simon B oliva r! Get np on enjoyed considerable trade with Pskov sees men as God sees them, sport I it." And the w ife and the boys bowed artillery.
Percentages o f wounds in the hood
and Novgorod. The agricultural fair,
Ohs mansion at Mount Vernon, and that roof and fire up or . . ."
tonation. A night In a bombing party their beads w hile the sturdy old and neck a rt 21.92 per cent, for the
several ladles were taking tea on the
The youth was already feverishly held In August o f each year, la an Im­ Shows you Jim Smith as a man at Scotchman prayed.
collonade. Washington was walking stoking arm fuls o f wood under the up- portant feature o f the city’s life in
"T h e oilmen w * e frantic at Ms re­ trunk, they are 21.63 per bent, while
splendid courage. A shortage o f ra­
up and down Joining In the conversa­ right boiler, and by the time I le ft fo i times o f peace.
to sell or lease. They offered wounds In the extrem ities stand at
tions reveals his wonderful unselfish-
tion. One o f the ladles asked him his home Hays was shadow boxing to keep
prices. They threatened and 56.4 per cent.
ness. One danger sod discom fort a f­
Twenty-three and slxty-two hun­
opinion o f some o f the battles o f Na­ warm with a fa ir chance o f getting a
T e Warn Future Kings.
him Into yielding. But
ter another you share In common un­
dredth^ per cent o f the wounds* are
poleon, the fam e o f which was then bath before tee day waa done.
Prem ier Venlselos has announced
til you love him as a brother.
classed as serious, 63.01 as* medium,
ringing through the world. W ashing
his intention o f placing a marble
there. I f anyone dared to remind yon land hla w ife and sons are working on
and 13.07 as so slight that the vic­
ton’s reply, ae heard by Father Neale,
Could Exterminate Germans.
that Jim was only a fireman w hll^you
tims can return to the lines lmme- -
was In these words: Som ething more
Experiments made since the German
were a bunk clerk, you would give him
than the art o f man achieved those bombardment o f Arm entleres w ith a they take tee oath o f office, warning
one In the eye to go on with. You
Bottles.’ "
The train was again passing through
mysterious gas shell have disclosed them against usurping the rights o f have learned to know a man when yon
Snake Stops W ater Supply.
the tangle o f derricks and Mack soil.
that the poison was arsine, known In the people, w rites an Athens corre­ see one and to valne Mm."
But in the memory o f tee tw o travel­
Small Fam ily In Sarvioa#
the laboratory as arsenlureted hydro­ spondent
Glenville, a hamlet three miles beck
H e says that when he Is In London,
ers the W hite farm dwelt, a picture of Tsrrytown. was without water Tues­
In Bosevllle, a suborb o f Newark, gen, one o f the deadliest fumes known
Largest Catch e f Salmon.
If. J , four members o f a fam ily are to the chemists, according to a trench and visits the house o f commons, be ob­
New flak are introduced every year o f rare conscience anl conviction and day. Its only supply Is obtained from
serve« at the entrance to Westminster
« su ing the Stars agd Stripes. C apt correspondent
and new fishing grounds discovered resistance to the prevalent desire to the Gypsy spring on Gen. Howard Car-
Bdson I. Small, who had been retired
In Arm entleres tee gas from ths
roll’s estate. The pipe that led from
Íí? * <llne f a^ 1
ln* : “ Here I n a r a r e e y ^ 'fo r t te benefit o f fisher-
» fortüne and ,,T® w1thout work'
from active service, re-enllsted when shells continued Its deadly work fo i was beheaded Charles L King o f Eng- m„ n
the spring appeared to be frozen, se
men. Rescue work amoag the fishes
w ar on Germany «Was declare^ His nearly a week, although the shells Und, fo r having usurped the liberties
There ts no real life without work- William Van Winkle pulled the pipe
Is also undertaken and last year more
brother. W illis F. Small, who was con­ were all thrown In one hoar. More o f thnmeople o f England.” Whenever than 8,000.000 fish, left stranded In j lng. When w ill Americans learn that ont of the spring and took It home to
i lesson, and be content to live and work thaw It out. There was consternation
nected with a watch case company for than 4,000 men, women and children a kiiW now goes to Westminster to
evaporating pools, were saved to grow
36 years, baa become chief Inspector o f died, many In convulsions and many open or close the work o f parliament np to a life o f usefulness-that is. big « **•
*ann* Youth a Compan- In the house when a garter snake start­
he passes directly before this plaque,
ordnance, navy department, and Is at
stark mad.
ed to crawl out of the pipe.
enough to be fit for the table.
tloned "S t Bethlehem, Pa. Hla son,
The significant fact in ragard to the which has served fo r 200 years to warn
The snake had crawled Into the pipe
A ’ skilled Investigator baa been
W illis T . Small, J r- la at Anniston, arsine bomb which the Germans likely British kings not to trench on the
Oldest Bank In 8|>aln.
during the cold snap of Monday night
studying frog culture, and the Alaska
A la - aa a member o f B attery A at overlooked Is that while the amount ol rights o f (he people.* Follow ing this
England has been the banking nation and had- frozen In there, shutting off
salmon fisheries have been so guard
Hast Orange. A namssake o f C apt the drag In Germany Is lim ited, the si- precedent, M. Venlselos w ill Inscribe ed and protected In accordance with
U*e wor*6 for many years, and Lon- the water supply. When the pipe was
Bdson L Small end a n o i f W illis lies have lim itless supplies. I f Brltalq on the plaque In the chamber h ere:
federal laws that this season’s catch 6on, until very recently, was the world’s thawed the snake was released and
“ King Constantine lost bis throne for has been enormous, the largest ever financial center. That honor for more tried to escape from its storage prison
Small. 8r., quietly departed from home and France wish to retaliate they could
without telling about hla destination In less than s year manufacture these tw ice dismissing the parliament elect­
than a year has devolved upon New Van Winkle caught It and Is proudly
and enlisted. H e la stationed at Sym- bombs In sufficient quantities to kill ed by the people and Imposing his per­
The Alaska seals constitute the most York. The first bank In England was exhibiting It in a jar. While this story
N. T .
everfr living thing in the «German em­ sonal policy on the people, while the valuable herd o f wild animals ever established by Francis GMld. a London has s Wlnsted flavor It Is vouched for
dismissed parliament returning to pow­
owned by any government, end the bu­ goldsmith, who died October 4. 1718. by Van Winkle’s neighbor.
W hy It la “ Ham Meadow."
It would be a question only o f gab er npbeld the oonstitutionl Institutions reau o f fisheries Is thpir custodian.
This pioneer financial institution was
o f the country.”
Hem meadow la the name given to a ting enough airplanes to carry
opened In 1668, and a number o f rival
Lepers of Panama.
field near Dreeden, because It waa drop them.
goldsmiths soon opened sim ilar con­
When the United States government
Disciplinary Garden.
bought from the proceeds o f a sals of
Chloroform and Uniform.
The city o f Somerville, Mass., has cerns. The mint In the Tow er o f Lon­ began to construct the Panama canal It
a horn. A farm er sold a tourist a ham
Can You*B «at I t !
There sure never was a more self- established a disciplinary garden. don hud been the depository fo r the found seven pitiful lepers In the re­
fo r »87, and immediately purchased •
Once upon a time they published as important lieutenant than 8ml there. Those compelled to work this garden cash o f the merchants until Charles
public In an Isolated and forlorn build­
_ I
flue acre meadow with the money. This order prohibiting gambling In Slug One day o ff parade he remonstrated are youths who ha^e been caught tree- j retied the money as a loan. Then the ing. In 1905 It was voted to spend 825,-
. T
»rn d a re
K nw an
A m w ib I»
th o < r
F B lh
land has now been christened locally Sing. Tw o Inmates wars seen ex­ with Private Spudlock fo r some trivial
passing In, or In some way Injuring; n traders began to deposit their cash 000 f w a ynltable building for these
w ith the name o f the "H am Meadow." changing token money and they were reason, and the old soldier resented garden or park. In referring to this with goldsmiths in Lombard street. outcasts. In April. 1907, a hospital was
"M ight one be permitted to Inquire," haled to tea cou rt “
the unjust dressing-down.
novel arrangement the Youth’s C o » The first bank In the world was estab­ opened at Palo Seco and each patient
comments a Berlin Journal, “ whether
“W hat’s the ch arge!" asked tea
"You think you know army matters penlon says: "The Idea has grown out lished In Italy In 806 by Lombard Jews. was given s plot of land on which hf
the law w HI have anything to say In
better than I d o !" barked the bump­ o f a practice o f the Som erville pottos The oldest existing bank Is the Bank o f might raise fruits and vegetables, and
this disgraceful piece o f usury, or Is It
"Allegad gambling,” sold the deputy. tious officer, superiority.
court which compels young evildoer» Barcelona. Spain, which was founded so be partly self-supporting. The
only the wretched little hoarders o f ■
" I thought all the carda, dice,
"W ell, I don’t know, sir." be to make some sort o f restitution to in 1401.
Episcopal church. In q^tabllshlng here
few pounds o f potatoes who are
bllng paraphernalia and such
draw led; “ but I reckon I’ve been In thooe whom they have injured.”
the Mission of the Holy Comforter, has
chloroform as long as you’ve been in
Useful as a Snake.
offered these lepers practically the only
“Th ey «rara,” answered the deputy, uniform.”
society they ever see except each other.
L ittle Peter Is a good hoy as w ell as
Children Make Trains Jump.
bese tw o follow s ware beltin ' on
Presale In vìi
—— ———
j a number o f children playing about a boy o f greet originality In his no­ Now a chapel, a school for the chil­
whether It w ill rain today * n o t”
"F a te plays queer tricks ea n
dren. an infirmary for the shut-lna and
No Regrets.
tea New Jersey Central railroad sta- tions, but he has the serious (Unit o f
remarked Mr. Twobble.
laundry and gardens for the aett**
Optimlst— W ell, thank goodness, f t » don, says a Vineland (N . J.) corre- being extrem ely forgetful. One day
Distracting At|entlon.
"N e doubt"
make these lepers feel that they ir e
ooca t know where my diamond studs sgondent, discovered that by placing after having gone on an errand, and
" I always thought I would proposi
"In the good old days town scolds
Joint plates on the rails they could forgotten what he was sent for, he ex­ bring given their chance.— The World
severely dealt w ith."
to the woman I would marry whan
W ife— W h ere!
make trains "Jump,” and it was great claimed bitterly to hla alster:
"So they w ere, but the ducking stool
there wss the sheen e f silver end cat
“ Oh, dear I I wish I was a snake!"
Optimist— They are In one o f those
until trainmen discovered ten
glass, and shaded lights w ere so ftly has gone out o f fashion."
shirts we sent to the Belgians.— Life.
“ You wish you were a snake!” said
Exhaust Steam.
game and stopped I t
"Yes. About the only way wo
glow ing and behind a screen o f palms
hla sister, horrified.
More attention than ever before la
aa orchestra waa playing a Hungarian hope to got any relie f from a
“ Yes, and a great long one—as much being paid this wlpter to careful uea
No Chanoe to
Airm en’s Food.
nowadays Is to coax her Into a motion
In order that airmen may ha sup­
O b the theory that a person can as six feet long.”
of exhaust steam In power plants. It
picture theater and got has interested plied with hot food. It has bean sug­
“ T e s i"
"W hy, what for, P eter!”
better when alternately totting
may be applied to Innumerable pur
In a film.”
"A s a m atter o f fa c t I
"So I could tfe knots In m yself to
gested that airplane builders provide and standing, the French guiernmsnt
poses, such as heating feed water for
Mrs. Tw obble la a Jitney bus.'
w all cases to hold vacuum bottles of 1« outfitting the derieal department o f make me remember things.”— Pearson
the steam boiler, for many washing
Couldn't Be Wi
preheated food.
te e arm y with desks which lo w * and W eekly.
purposes, heating buildings, pastenrlz
I Mrs. A.— I don’t think th s * man*
W ouldn't »to p Her.
the typewriters every half heuto
lng and sterilizing and tho Uke. A
r e am particularly pood. I wonder
Jones—How fa r la this term
Charity Marks the Man.
•eeisl Vaudeville.
small Investment In additional holler
here they have been liv in g !
Our tree acquisitions lie only In our
the d ty t
These Bright Blinkers.
room equipment, such aa an exhanst-
‘T d dearly love to get Into society,
Mrs. B.— I don't know, bat their ^
charities. W e gain only as we w
Beal Batate Man— F otty odiai
_ _ _ Moneybags— It's sweet of
hut I don’t know how to make conver­ steam heater, will effect savings of
manners couldn’t be any w o n « If they T h ere la no beggar so detestable as be to say my eyes fascinate you.
Jonas—N ot te r «sough. M y
several hundred dollars s year In the
id been livin g at home all thsli who can afford nothing to Me neigh- do they remind yon o f!
would walk ftfty to gat to alb erga i*
coal hill o f even a moderate aired pow­
“Conversation? What you want Is S
Bias.— Peoole’s Homs Journal.
bor.— Simms.
Mk. Hardfsx—Ths 11 in mlUtoato
er plant
• good monolocne."