vy *** *¥d | and quantity of food. In one rpom there were hund­ greatly increased my desire toj This booklet coutains much reds and hundreds of rifles, see it. However I was not able ugefu) intormation regardinK to get there until the summer ot, w „ tern Oregon and w i„ l)e in­ 1885, when we made the trip in to anyone contempla­ company with three friends, ar­ ting a fishing, hunting or camp­ The Graphic has been asked to riving there in July. ing trip in that territory. C AM PING FISHING AND HUNTING GUIDE NEBRASKA-KANSAS PICNIC announce the Nebraska-Kansas picnic for Tuesday, August 21. A general invitation is extended to all former Nebraska and Kan­ sas people to attend and those who have come into the com­ munity recently aye urged to * Hattie Barber, age legal, to come out and enroll as members. Geo. Abel Brockway, age legal. Bring silverware and cups. MARRIAGE LICENSES 3BP "Crater Lake was discovered by a party ot twenty-two pros­ pectors, led by a John W. Hill­ man, then of Jacksonville, Ore­ gon, June 12, 1853, and named Deep Blue Lake. Mr. Hillman was the last survivor of this party and died in Hope Villa, Louisiana, March 1915, in the Copies can be obtained from any Southern Pacific Agent, or will be furnished free on applica­ tion to the General Passenger Department of the Southern Pa­ cific at Portland. u CENSUS WITHOUT WRITING The next census o f the United States will lie taken without the- writing of a single word or fig­ ure, so states a news dispatch from Washington. The average person will ask how in the world it can be done. "Simple,” said\Secretary Red- field. Enumerators will be sup­ plied with cards and punches. The cards will contain all the questions asked in former cen­ suses. Each question will be punched in the way answered. When the cards are returned to the census bureau an ingenious machine will punch new cards o f the smaller size, the holes being relatively in the same position in the old and new cards. Then the counting will be done by ma­ chinery. Graphic and Semi-Weeklyjour- A town ot cement buildings is being constructed in Montana. nal $2. per year.