Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, March 23, 1916, Image 2

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’T ir i '
• :
Geo. Hodges, Carlos Johnson, brook last Friday. Thsy
H arry Crater, Ellyn Smail, Teddy ed a splendid time.
Mr. and
ai. Geo
Adolph Wohlgemuth, w!
L. R. Ralston went to Salem
attending the Behnke • Wi
tert Friday to .t u o d « tri.1.
college at Porthmd,
N. C. Johnson made the trip to
visiting relatives Sat­
The W. C. T . U. held their
Portland and return Monday.
regular m onthly meeting at the urday and Sunday.
M r. and Mrs. W. L. Quinn re­
home o f Mrs. Emma Ncwhouse,
There w ill be a play give»,, at
turned home from Portland last
March 15. Thirteen ladies were tbe local gym Saturday night.
present, Mrs. M arie Tangen, The title is. “ The Courtship Of
Graavdta B verrat, o i Laurel, president, in chair. T w o
tbe Deacon.” The play w ill be
visitad his brother, W. R. Ever­ members were enrolled, Mrs. given by local talent. Every­
est, oe Tuesday o f last week.
R. W. Staley and Mrs. J. A. body invited to attend.
M rs. Elisabeth Palmer w ill George. The anion decided to
This week sees tbe end o f tbe
preach next Sunday morning, hold a medal contest and give a sixth month ot school w ith not
Blwood Hod son in the evening. lunch afterwards at the school a single ease o f tardiness for the
On Saturday, Match 18, Snpt. house, March 31. Mrs. E. W al­ entire six months. We call this
S. S. Duncan held a rural school ton read a splendid paper on record remarkable in view oi the
teacher's institute a t the school Narcotics, telMng o f the dread- fact th at there are 86 pupils a t­
house which was weH attended hill evil effects o f tobacco, espe­ tending the Fern wood schools.
and proved very satisfactory in cially the cigarette. After ad­ We wonder how many schools
every w ay. Th v meeting decided journment the hostess very kind­ can produce a similar record?
to hold another such meeting. ly s-nred dainty refreshments
Tbe H ood view boy and girl
April 15, a t this place, (D istrict during the social hoar.
teams played the Fern wood boy
A number o f H arry Crater's and girl basket ball teams Satur­
No. 9.)
friends gave him a good surprise day night a t the local gym . The
\ Last Friday school here was
last Saturday evening, it being Fern w ood boys were the victors
dismissed and all went up to
the evening o f his birthday, over the visiting team. Tbe
West Cbehalem * where a school
March 18. AU proceeded to score was 13 to 27. The Fern-
raDy was held by Snpt. S. S.
make merry and entered in to the w ood girls were not so fortu­
Duncan. The day was very
usual games. There being mote nate. They were defeated 7 to ?
pleasantly and profitably Spent,
girls than boys,v Jno Carter had in fa vor o f Hoodview.
five different rural schools being
to make ready and become a
represented by the scholars and
boy again by being “ partner” in
patrons. Snpt. Dune in talked
the games. All those enjoying
on the school work, industrial
this social affair besides the host
dubs, etc. Rev. McConnell, of
and fam ily were the Messrs, and
McMinnville, talked on “ The
Morning-^4* Bible Baptism .’*
their wives. Sheldon Stubbs and
Training o f the W ill” in the fore­
la Right Life Op-
¡ Geo. Shatz, also the Messrs. Geo.
noon. Then a sumptuous re­
; Hodges, EUjn • Smail, Forest
past came s t noon such as West
Sunday schbol at 9:45.
Staley, Carlos Johnson, Ted
Cbehalem people are noted for.
S. P. S. C. B:~at 6:30.
the" Misses Mable
In the afternoon program the
Wednesday; March 29 — An­
Jacobson, L ila Hodges, Violet
schools gave their yells and rally
and Clara Staley, Lucy And nual congregational meeting,
Rev. McConnell then
Flora Shatz, Florence I^lah, w ith annual reports and election.
gave his main address for the
Gladys Smail, Marguerite John­
day. “ The Elements o f a M anly
school, D. B, Pnt-
son and Mrs. M ary Johnson.
and Womanly Character,” which
nara, superintendent.
was very instructive to the old
11:00—“ The Seven B.’s o fth e
and young.
T N Proem From Raw ttttariil
ta E h U ta ■*—-* -*
Thé glreh teems ta Tutte a DetigW ta
Theatrtaal M esta. * ;Vv.
The blrA. above all our Autarken
■usa. delights In theatrical ejects
And if that seutdice is objected to on
the ground o f -pathetic fallacy,M we
will commit tbe whole sin at once and
add that It Is tbe most féminine of
^ .A sk U m if
, Air* Air ia tb*
¡afeitóte: asr*
H e ll say “ym§”— with
prick up tta sleeve- Some afternoon a
dark, nnm erer thunder bead wfll mesa
behind tbe crest o f a bin. and sudden­
ly an old birch op the summit will
leap into NtartUng prominence, so that
it focuses tflb entire attention, Mke a
t a l k splendid streak o f chalk white
Wann Air Furnace
Again. In midwinter, when tbe birch
by rights should be protectively color­
ed and tncouiipkuoaa. H is (be other
trees we do not notice, and tbe birch
tree rises by the edge o f the froeen
stream, perhaps- or against tbe dark
wall o f the pines and displays all its
snowy Umbo to beat advantage against
evergreen or sky. - W alter Prichard
Baton to Century Mags due.
F. H. G riffeth
* T m se llin g fire extin gu ish ers,'’
rem arked th e m an w ith th e fresh
a ir, red n ecktie and qu arter o f a
yard o f cig a r in his m onth.
“ O h, you .are?” cam e from th e
m erch an t “ W e ll, you look lik e hot
stu ff! T h e re ’s th e door. P u t you r­
s e lf ou t.” — Y on k ers Statesm an.
Semi-Weekly Journal and the
Graphic, one year, $2.00.
v M r. and Mrs. Sheldon Stubbs
entertained at their home Wed­
nesday evening, March 15« in
ot Miss Lucy Shatz. ^ it
her birthday a very pleas­
ant surprise was planned which
was completed in every w ay.
Very daintv refreshments were
ser ved during the evening.
and Mrs. Stpbbs proved to be a
very delightful host and hostess
as they kept some good game
going throughout tbe evening.
The guests were the Misses Lucy
and Flora Shatz, Lila Hodges,
Rfrth Meyer, Gladys Smail, Nelle
Crater, Florence Lelah, Hazel
Pick us. Marguerite Johnson; the
Messrs, were Norman 'Shatz,
Spring Time ¡sfeed Tune
6:30—C. E. prayer meeting.
• Young Mr. Nash was a visitor
6:L0 — Intermediate J u n io r
at “ Dave” Jones, Sunday after­
... -
Ruby M artin, of Newberg, vis­ Ethel Kisler
ited the W. A Parrishe’s during
the week-end.
The theme for the m orning sec-
Cenith Eames and Freda Par-
w ill be, “ The K in g’ s H igh ­
ri*h were not in school Monday
w ay;” evening, “ The Lite that is
because o f sickness.
to. Come.”
Ruby Fosner, o f Sherwood,
All cervices a t the appointed
visited relatives in Fern wood
time. Yon w ill be welcome.
Saturday and Sunday.
The “ Cackle Club” were royal-
ly entertained bv Eunice Sanders
last Thursday afternoon.
- ,
The Fem w ood schools, to­
gether w ith five other schools,
attended the rally at Spring-
This food tastes good, is eam ly digested,
letters from parents, after trial, testify
“ There’s a Reason
property h io o ih I k Is mixed Is we­
ts in proportions to produco tbs desired
texture end color, and from bere on
tbe work le not done mechanically but
by band, being mainly s question of
art and skill. After various portions
o f different kind* o f far bare Been as
tested tbe actual mixing Is done, by e
machine which blows them about In
various compartments and! the blend
tug Is perfectly even.
A certain amount o f fur la the*
weighed out according to tbe weight
o f tbe bat to be made, and blown
i upon a copper cone perforated with
many thousand tiny boles, so that it
looks like e sieve. Tbe cone Is about
three feet In height and as wide at tbe
base. An exhaust fan operates Inside
and below the cone so rhat tbe air end
fur are drawn from tbe outside. The
air passes through tbe openings, bat
tbe Bn# particles o f fur stick and cov
- er tbe whole surface.
Tbe com bolding tbe film o f fo r la
Inclosed In a snugly fitting Jacket and
lowered into a vat o f hotting water
This develops tbe felting properties of
tbe for. tbe particles o f which mat and
lock together, enabling tbe thin, dell
cate film o f wet fur to he lifted from
tbe cone Tbe resulting roue of fur Is
a very delicate embryo bat. except as
to else; in that respect It might he tbe
bat for a giant
A bundle o f about twelve of these
large forms Is rolled In a wet condl
don until tbe fiber* knit together
•Ugbtly. giving the b«ts hardness and
strength. Then they are put Into a
■«■sling kettlp. where they nr* shrank
in hot water, beaten and manipulated
until they are between ten and four
teen Inc be* In diameter. Bach bat Is
then stretched, pulled and blocked
with tbe aid o f hot water until It takes
1 the form o f a regular hat with crown
If tbe bat Is to Ça a soft one It bes
only to bo placed on a block and fin-
is bed with fine sandpaper, which gives
It a velvety appearance. The outside
bund and binding and the sweat band
a lé then added, after which tbe brim
J ; W e have on hand a number o f thousand in heavy grade 1 year 6 to8 feet.
< > A lso G rafted Walnuts, Cherries, Appier, Pears, Peaches, Apricots,
! Small Fruits, Etc.
Save 50 N r Cent By Buying Direct
< > A ll varieties o f stock now offered at wholesale prices. Call, w rits, or
! phone us—but do not delay. R U 8H —while w e have a good assortment
; : to choose from .
. ”
Brooks Nursery£Co. l^aFayette, Ore.
Do you know that tickets to B astara rleattaatlous
▼la C a n fora ta cost but a trills mors than on more
Northern RoutesT
Do you know that mmtf owe cfe
■ary i f you go vis California to
Ver, Kansas C ity or St. Louis?
Do you know that the transfer
ta agar i f you g o via California?
Do you know that there aré library observation, stand­
ard and tourist deeping cars on th re e d a lly tratas via
California on ShastajSmd Ogden Routes?
by w ritin g to