Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, January 27, 1916, Image 4

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Newberg Graphic
$1 JO Par Y oor in
JAMOAXT Tl. 1916
that nies stai
o f dry
i fading sway this ” 1111 -
” weather.
Our old friend A- D. Hoe o f
th e Hood River Glacier haa been
elected president o f Hie First
National Bank o f Hood River.
Glad to hear i t He ia a capable
bueinem man and deeervinfir-and
then, don’ t you know, we may
Graphic believes that in
the selection o f W. S. Shrock for
agricultural adviser, Y a m h i l l
wounty has been particularly for­
tunate. H ew a man o f experi-
aneeand practical goodaenae and
w e believe his services to the ag­
ricultural interests o f the county
will prove valuable.
else that Lem Jonas wtp about to and fearfew worker for both
marry Sue Smith. Then, who | industrial and labor right* and
tanked the wire?
I ia exempt from the actu ation s
No, the matter ia not one for ol disloyalty to American institu-
listen* tions that have been hurled at
legislation. A law against listen­
ing over the wire would provide others seeking this high posi-
no adequate remedy. Education tiou.—Sheridan San.
■ ./ •
tevin c failed to establish
eatabHah a code
M m t . t ~
¡ ,
ip oten
re­ •
o f morals, but one alternative re-
*n typographical error. F or in-
mains. Human ingenuity must
step in. In the city the problem m, rk;nxabout "Bnulsnd’ ltflo rt.
been largely
ban been
largely solved.
11» |
o f ook ilM la b or/> -M y n le
bell rings only in the particular Potat
is being summoned.
home that m
This, o f course, would not solve
Theodore Roosevelt mast want
the problem in the country where the Republican nomination pret-
“ wire tapping”
tapping" has become a ty bad. Ijle is making the great-
habit Persistent curiosity would est sacrifice possible to prom ote
take the worse offenders to the his chances—by. keeping his
line whether the bell rang or n ot month shut.—Coqnille Sentinel.
Some o f them we suspect would
be at the instrument every five
minutes sacking to intercept a
eesage. Yet the city system
suggests an idea.
^ v
I f the telephone can be made o r any other, accomplish any­
to caO only the party that is
“ And also let me urge upon
wanted, perhaps it can be made
o f you the'vital necessity ot
to repel those who are not wanted.
I f three rings call Jones an auto­ retaining harmony in the con­
matic attachment that would turn duct of the cannery. It is regref.
able, bat it is a fact, that all is
a strong electric - current into
Smith> receiver would break not harmony among the mem­
the Smiths o f the listening habit bers constituting that organiza­
very quickly. The current might tion, and it is np to os to use
be gauged just short o f the vol­ oar individual and united inter­
tage required for electrocution— est to keep this cannery doing
business without friction.
although not too far short I f
“ Thia community Has passed
our electrical geniuses cannot
is passing through a period
perfect this plan or one o f a
financial stringency and
similar nature, then we fear that
the woes o f rural party liners are we cannot permit any institu­
tion Which supplies a pay-roll
hopeless. .
and is ot great assistance t o the
farmer to go to the wall merely
on account o f personal griev­
^ ^ __ i '■■■■itfa
“ And so, with a membership
Hughes m ay n ot w ant the intact and ready to w ork for .the
Presidential nomination, but he good of this cpmmunity when
is playing, the game just right to conditions will permit, we tarn
get the nomination if he will ac­ the presidency o f this d a b over
cep t—Woodburn Independent. . to the man whom you may se
1 • ,
Locally, we know of no set lect.”
A bove everything e la e th e formula for popping the question
Graphic hopes to sea a board ia Leap Year. Just brace up
-elected that will work in har­ and pop, that’s aO.—lone Jour-
m ony, let it b e constituted as it
m ay. Two or three men work-
Oar Democratic brethren at*
’i'. 'l 'ji
inclined to settle the question o f 1 * 15 ;...
whether or not Judge Hughes, o f M sm bws movsd
New York, w ill be the Repub- Members deem «
lican standard bearer for 1916, Members wtthdn
for him. They do not want him Members in good
to make the race, which is the
very best hooch to the Repub­
The article published in the
licans that be is the best man
Graphic last week from the pen
available. W h i l e C n m m i n s ,
o f “ A Party Liner,” has at­
Roosevelt, LaPoIlette, R oot,
tracted a good deal o f attention it
Sherman and all the others have
seems, which indicates that it
their followers, it strikes ns that
hit the spot—several spots in
Judge Hughes is the one man
tact, and its fire is not yet spent
who will unite the party and
The Graphic was appealed to for
make a successful run. There­
relief by the writer in his des­
fore the Democrats want some
peration, but at the time the
one else to make the race. If the
grippe had too firm a hold on the
question was np to the people
editor to allow him to tackle such
o f Oregon we are sure Judge
a hard proposition, and since he
Hughes would win the nomina­ To secretary's salary...... 164.00
has not yet sufficiently recovered
tion hands dow n.—Wash. Co. T o First National Bank
to take a hand in the fray he
(on note sad interest).. 170.80
News Times.
welcomes assistance from Tues­
T o Newt o n Telephone
day’s Oregonian which says:
Candidates for office this year C o., phone rental.... . 17.60
Moral crusades have been will run oaf to a little joker Box rental...........» ........
Stam ps.........................
undertaken without effect against adopted by the last legislature
Postal cards......................
the Peeping Tom o f the rural which is intended to make
telephone. Sermons have been nominations at the primary elec­
preached without result The tion conclusive and Aims to pre­
habit persists in the face o f all vent a candidate defeated at the Billiard supplies....................... 70
efforts to put a stop to the nui­ primaries appearing at the elec­ To Ja n e Presnail, for
painting banners..........
sance. A disheartened party tion with a brand new party To Imperial Hotel, lunch­
liner writes ia despair to the designation. — The pro vision is e o n Ort. 8 and 22, *18 2.50
Newberg Graphic complaining an innocent Httle requirement For map and directory... 3.00
that he can have no secrets from which provides that candidates For daily papers ............. 12.60
his neighbors. The spy in Europe diust subscribe to the following T o Newberg Enterprise,
who steals the war secret is shot pledge when filing: “ If I am not
The common thief is sent to nominated I will not accept the
prison. But the purloiner o f nomination or endorsement o f To F. H. Griffeth, eigne 4.00
To J. S. Rankin, work
telephone conversations cannot
be taught that it is as wrong to
To A . P. Oliver, music
steal a conversation as a coin.
r o lls ....,....................
Thus the victim’s grief is told.
Out o f s bitterness that must
have been wrought o f sorry trial
Balene» on hand March
h e hints at such punishment as
W, 1916........................ 4 84.87
hoofing the offender in oiL But
Total receipts as itemised 708.86-
how is the culprit to be appre­
Cash expended, as “
hended? How can the evidence
9 balan ce.......................
% 22.42
be fastened upon the most per­
H. R. Morris, Secretary, |
sistent offender? Even if the
Audited by Geo. W . James.
ouspect goes about the communi­
ty telling the wire secrets o f his
neighbors the evidence would be
purely circumstantial. He might
plead that someone told him that
oomeous told someone else wbo
The case ot M orton Tompkins
had learned from someone who
wife against R. D. Tompkins,
had been informed by
K -iK
1, j. * —
. i .#-. -
\ H :
- -
;f l
■■ m m
(¡ottos Bfankets at 95c to
$1.50 Per Pair
We have a complete line o f cotton
blankets, full size, now reduced to
All ,our Ladles and children*! coats
reduced' from 25 to 60 per cant
Now ia the time to buy your coot and
save money white they are reduced
Just received a now shipment o f 86
inch Percale, new and neat patterns at
25 to 50 Per Cert t Off
10c and 12ic per yard
Our entire line o f sweaters are great­
ly reduced. Buy your sweeter now.
I f you want shoes that will wear buy
them o f Baird. You always get satis­
faction out o f our shoes. We have
them to fit the entire family.
A11 For Collars and Muffs are reduced
20 to 90 per cen t Thes are bargains.
20 to 30 Per Cent Off
We invite your trade in this line. It
is our constant aim to try and please
you, to give you nothing but the best
o f clean fresh groceries at the lowest
prices. Try buying your groceries o f
Baird and see if you are not satisfied.
w as on trial from January 21 to
January 24, involving the right
to reimbursement tor improve­
ments alleged to be placed by. cedence o f an a tt'a ch m e rit
M orton Tompkins and his broth­ over a certain deed executed by
er on the form of his uncle, certain parties to a form, also on
Roger Tompkins on Grand Is­ Grand Island came before the
land. M orton Sc Tompkins court. This case also was taken
claimed $4800for improvements. under advisement as the at­
His brother, Forbes Tompkins, torneys were not prepared to
maintained that they were ‘to folly argue certain law points
receive no recompense for snch that developed in the ¿rial. Mr.
improvements, but that they Hilton, of Portland, represented
were permitted simply to make Mr. Rogers, Prank Holmes and
what they could out o f the form, Mrs. M ontgomery; The amount
as long as another, node made involved was about $300.
bis home on the place, but he
In the case ot the state o f Ore­
abandoned it The case was gon vs. Ray W ool worth a hear­
featured by grave charges against ing was had on the 24th to ad­
various parties connected with judge W oolw orth in contempt of
the case. The court took the coart for refusing to pay alimony
matter under advisement and to his wife tor a period o f three
briefs are to be filed in order to years and aggregating about
determine certain knotty law $500. The proceedings were
points. R. D. Tompkins was brought on behalf ot the former
represented by B. A. Kliks, and wife, Minnie W oolworth. After
Grant Dimick, o f Oregon City. a hearing the court decided that
M orton Tompkins and wife were the defendant did not make an
represented by H. B. and R. W honest effort to pay the wife the
Nichols, o f Portland, and Ram trams due tor t;he support ot the
‘fir i n M
Mona Stewart, age legal, to
Oscar Nowak, age legal.
Lilly Mable Warnack, age
legal, to Guy BUiott Metcalf,
l w l .
The Graphic and Semi-Weekly
Journal one year $2.00.
Help feeling happy like all the rest o f the feilowB using the “ Hardie Spray
Pumps" if you get one of them.
“Hardie” Spray Pumps i
do everything you could expect o f a spray pump and they’re made o f the kind
o f stuff that don’ t wear out Ijuick and give you a lot o f trouble. Take a good
look at them at ’ T h e Big Haiti ware Store,” ask your neighbors who are using them, profit by
the experience o f others and get nothing but a ’ ’HARDIE” if you need a spray pump;
BEGINNING SA TU R D A Y, FEBRUARY 5 ,- W e will feature some article o f merchah.
dise at Special Prices. Watch our windows and our ads for our SATU R D AY SPECIALS
Larldn-Prince Hardware Co.
- 'i f
children, and ordered that he
pay $160 within thirty days
from date, or be committed to
jail for a period of ten d a ys Mc­
Cain, Vinton & Burdett repre­
sented Mrs. W ool worth and B.
A. Kliks, Mr. W ool worth.
Blva Buffon brought suit for
divorce against Clyde Bnffom.
The parties reside near Amity.
McCain, Vinton & Burdett for
plaintiff, Oscar Hayter, of Dallas,
for defendant, After the case
w as called to trial, it developed
that this was the third anniver­
sary o f their marriage, and there
being children, the matter was
taken np tor settlement. The
parties dd not appear to be .oyer
22 years ot age.
. ¿ft