« ............... yjfr.-y 1 »» iù -ft*-;* — i" ..............v , > " ■■■- , Hi • ' ,. ,■ iff '« h . ONE CENT Friday, Saturday, Monday, Nov. 26, 27, 29th You wonder bow w o can afford to do this. W E cannot. This ia not a cut prico tale. A s another m ethod o f advertising, the United Drug Company, with their chain o f 7,000 stores in United States and Canada, has authorised us to run their National One Cent Sale on their well-known Reacall Remedies and other products. This ia an op ­ portunity fo r you to obtain these goods at practically one-half their actual value. O n © C e n t S a l e S ta r ts F r id a y N o v e m b e r 2 6 th a t 9 a . m S h a r p JUST SEE HERE WHAT ONE CENT WILL BUY Regular 25c aize Rexall Aromatic Castor Oil............................ 2 Regular 25c size Rexall Cathartic P ills..............................................2 Regular 25c size Rexall Charcoal Tablets......................................... 2 Regular 25c size Rexall Cleaning F luid................... 2 Regular 25c size Rexall Corn Solvent......................................... 2 Regular 25c size Rexall Eye Wash ....................................................2 Regular 25c size Rexall Foot Powder....... ........................................ 2 Regular 25c size Rexall Headache Tablets........................ 2 Regular 50c size Rexall Kidney Pills................................... 2 Regular 25c size Rexall Rubbing Oil.................................................2 Regular 50c size Rexall liv e r Salta................................................... 2 Regular 25c sice Rexall Pearl Tooth Powder...... ............. 2 Regular 25c size Rexall Tooth Paste.................................................. 2 Regular 25c size Hadley's Cream.....................................................2 Regular 25c value Blue Bell Linen.................................................... 2 Regular 15c value Culture Tablet.................................................. ...2 Regular 50c value Correspondence Cards......................................... 2 Regular 25c value Cascade Pound Paper..........................................2 Regular 5c value Cascade Pencil.................................................... .2 Regular 25c size Harmony Complexion Powder...... ....................... 2 for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for for 26c 26c 26c 26c 26c 26c 26c 26c 51c 26c 51c 26c 26c 26c 26c 16c 51c 26c 6c 26c Regular 15c size Violet Talcum Tpw der.................................................... 2 for 1 6 c You thereby Get One Additional Package For Only Regular 25c size Rose de Mai Soap......................................................................... 2 for 2 6 c Regular 75c value Gents Hair Brush ^ Regular 50c value Lather Brush 1 Regular 16c value Criterion Tooth B ru sh ............................................................2 for 1 6 c Regular 25c size Rexall Shaving Cream....... 2 for 2 6 c Regular 50c value Hospital Cotton..........................................................................2 for 5 1 c Regular 5c value Stork N ipples....... .......................... 2 for 6c Regular $2 Am erican Beauty Hot W ater Bottle............................... 2 for $ 2 . 0 1 Regular 5c package L iggett’s Gum......................... ................................. 2 for 6c Regular 3 pkgs. 25c value Glen wood Linen E n v e lo p «..................... 6 for 2 6 c Regular 10c size Guth Assorted Fruit Candies in ja m --- V............ 2 for 1 l c Rexall Kidney Remedy Regular 50c size Kidney J*ills Decosta................................................................... 2 for 5 1 c LAME BACK sufferers, now’ s your chance. Rexall Kidney © f a » © t A1 Remedy; $1.00 a bottle.. * Regular 25c value Fountain Pens .......... Regular 50c value Mark Goss Safety Razors...................................................... 2 fo r 5 1 c 2 for 2 6 c Regular 36c value Durham Duplex Demonstrator Safety Razors 2 for 3 6 c Regular 15c size Rexall Homony Glycerine Soap......... ..................... ..2 for 1 6 c Tooth Brushes Hr l I B Vi i is a brush worn out, get two new ones for the price o f one, plus Regular 25c value Black Hard Rubber C om bs................................................... 2 for 2 6 c i ^ ^ Regular 10c size 1 pound package Epsom S a lts................................................ 2 for 1 1 c * V “ “ *- Regular 10c size 1 pound package Sublimed S u lp h u r....................................2 for 1 1 c MIND YOU, EVERYTHING ABOVE GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY, OR YOUR MONEY BACK LYNN B.FERGUSON, PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST 302 First Street KEEPING YOUNG. OM A s* 1« Not by Any Mean« Mwaly a M attar of Yaara. There ia no »oieutifle evidence to show that late youth and middle age are the periods o f commencing decrep­ itude and "old age.” Man grows old because ha is Injured; because his body cells are poisoned, and not becauae be has lived Just so many years. There is ao relentless law determining whan a man shall grow old. The tradition “three score years and ten” la condi­ tioned mainly on the manner o f living and not by arty natural law. But man baa It in hia power to m odify tbeae conditions either fo r better or worse. Probably a greater luxury o f Bring which la not balanced by proper phys­ ical exercises ia a primary condition to be reckoned with. But temperance all along the line— In eating, working, playing and even in has been suggested as a wiser prin­ ciple to hold to. This avoids the pos­ sibility of rusting oat on tbs one bead or o f wearing out on the other. Yet there la another way and a more worthy reason for retaining youth and deferring old age—cultivate health for the love and pleasure o f it. The monthly letter of the Life B itsniton Institute says o f this suggestion: “ It la not a fear o f Illness or o f death that wa should encourage, bat a love o f health, a sense o f responsibility for the care o f our bodies, a desire for bodily en­ durance and efficiency and fall achieve­ ment If the mind la fixed on these Meals and the already known means o f approaching them are utilized, heart disease, kidney trouble and tbe need leas miseries that embitter the lives o f ao many may be left to taka cam of themselves. It Is not ao much neces­ sary to flgbt disease as to cultivate health for tbe happiness, contentment and moral gain that It brings.” Mrs. Proude—That Mrs. Guggen- heimer makes me tired. Mr. Proude—Why so? Mrs. Proude — Why, this after­ noon when I asked her in the pres­ ence of a number of strangers how she liked my new bat she said, “Just exactly as well as any I saw last season.” Mr. Proude—But I don’t see any­ thing criminal in that. Mrs. Proude—Yon don’t 1 Well, I d o ! It is a last season’s bat Pooled Him. “ Why am I like a pin?” asked Mr. Jones triumphantly of hia wife. He expected ahe was going to say, “Became yon are so sharp, and he was simply paralyzed when ahe re­ plied: “ Because if you should get lost it wouldn’t be worth while to spend time looking for yon.” The REXALL Store THANKS FOR UBERAL DONATIONS' C. H. Jones and daughter Mary, __,______ j Mrs. N. Sanpolis, Mrs. John. Win- I want to thank the business ters, Mrs. Ed. West, Mrs. R. N. men of Newberg through y o u r' Morrison, Mrs. Prank Gustin valuable paper, for their liberalI and tw o daughters, Ona and Es> donations to the Yamhill Conn- ther, and Mrs. George Schrft&er. ty Poultry Show,- and to an- -------- ~ -----— nounce to the public that we will Arrival and Departure of Pas- have a free poultry show at New- s«»ger Trains. berg, December 21,22,23 and 24, 1915. Wont the kids smile. Everybody come and bring your best birds, and Judge Keeney will tell you their good and poor points. N. L. Wiley, President, Yamhill County Poultry Show. j A Mrs. August Schaad shopped in Portland Saturday. Miss Nellie Miller has been quite ill for tbe past week. Fmil Conway spent several days o f th'e week on his acreage at Rex. C. W. Ragsdale who is visiting the family of James Lane, spent Saturday in Portland. H /H . Peters accompanied his son Arthur to Portland Sunday, returning home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wright attended the funeral o f Henry Lane in Newberg Monday. Mrs. H.H. Peters has as guests Thanksgiving her father, Mr. August Wentz and sister, Mrs. L. A. Day and tw o sons, all o f Port­ land. Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Conway welcomed a fine nine pound son at their home Thursday, Nov. 18. He has been named Bngene Mor­ rison Conway. Complimenting her guest, Miss Clara Wahl, from tbe East, Mrs. H. H. Peters entertained at a select little party Saturday after­ noon. The spacious living room was beautifully decorated in Ore­ gon grape and ferns and a delic­ ious lunch served daring the af­ ternoon. The guests were: Mrs. M Dr. Lowe December F or bargain in young Jersey cow see J. H. Haworth. Phone 10a51. It For Sale—Young Jersey cow , fresh. E. S. Greer, Dundee. Phone 13al52. It The Woman’s Relief Corps will meet this week on Friday after­ noop instead of Thursday. F or Sale—20 head of heifers one and tw o years old, sppn of mares weighing about 1300. Edward Terry, about 7 miles northwest o f Newberg, P. O. Newberg Lodge No. 104 A . F. Carlton, phone Carlton 34121. A A . M. Regular meeting • Second and Fonrth Saturdays evenings o f each month. Visiting brothers always welcome. By order Frank A . Col lard, W . M ., R. H. C. Bennett, Secretary. SHILOH RELIEF CORPS NO. Mee tings held the 2nd and 4th Thurs­ day o f each month at 2:30 P. M. in the I. O. O. F. Hall. Minnie B. Byers, Pres. Emma Langworthy, Sec. Gasoline 14 cents in 50 gallon quantities at the Oregon Hard­ ware & Implement Co. Bring yonr empty barrel. 43 tf. Save money and your wife’s back by getting Cole’ High Oven Range. It makes work easy and coal bills light. Wanted T o Trade—L ot with small house, in Newberg, for good brood mare. Address, Jim M oad, Route 2, Box 127. 6-7 pd IMewberg, Oregon Marshall strawberrÿ plants at Carpet W eaving. $2.25 per thousand delivered in Rag carpet and rug weaving Newberg, by H. ¡Schutte, Route 3 by Joseph Stephens. On Dayton road, opposite David Martin place. • tf. Chicken supper with hot bis­ cuits and other good things in Jersey Bull For Service. basement of Christian church Was sired by Ladds $15,000 Friday night, Dec. 10, at 25 bull and out o f imported cow , cents. 7-8 pd * testing 7 per cent. Price $2 in The Raw. Irl R. Hicks 191 6 advance. G. W. Dayton, half mile east o f Spauldings Mill. Almanac. Phone Red 148. 1-12 pd. Tbe Eev. Irl R. Hjcks 1916 A’ manac is by far the finest, W ell W orth Your Notice. largest and best ever before Say you fellow! why pay rent printed. The Hicks storm and when you can buy a fine home weather forecasts for 1915 again have proven their truth and for less than the improvements value, and this splendid Almanac cost, or a store room for what for 1916 should find its way the brick and material are straight into every home and of­ worth. Address C. F. M oore, fice in America. The Rev. Irl R. Whittier, California. Hicks Magazine, Word and N ewberf-Portland Auto. Works, and his nnique Almanac I will leave Imperial hotel dai­ should always go together, both for only one dollar a year. The ly except Saturday and Sunday Almanac alone is 36c, prepaid at 6:30 a. m. Returning will Send to Word and Works Pub­ leave Corner Sixth and T aylor lishing Company, 3401 Franklin streets at 5:15 p. m. Fare 65 cents onCNvay $1.25 round trip. Ave., St. Louis, M o. . I. E. Holt, phone Red 181. tf. Good O ffer For November. J. H. GIBSON, Mgr. During the month o f Novem­ The only Abstract Books in ber the Graphic and the Weekly A^MQ80IWMC