A TE JUDGMENT. ■— _____ - . . . __ . . v_ ▼ 1 ¥ found your Impalpable We Want eery similar to that o f burned There w ill be much more aab n lng than in tbe case o f cotton. < Will be In tbe focm_pf s crinkly. In applying this teat to a fabric the whole sample should not be burned at once, for If tt to a eo called wool piece containing considerable cotton tt w fll be eery difficult to determine whether It is burning more like cotton or wool. Threads should be taken from tbe sam­ ple. several each from tbe warp and tbe woof, and burned separately. W ith a eery little practice one w ill be able te detect tbe cotton threads by tbe char» acterlstlc manner o f burning. Some­ times it to well to pick a thread apart with a pin and test tbe Individual fiber with tb e^em e to determine whether tbe tbread^js entirely wool or mixed with cotton.—Jean Donaldson Martin And Sewed It In the Jung Us' sf «he » Pmnmmm 2on#* in tbe early days o f canal construc- tton at Panama there arrived from tbe United SUtee for duty with the fire de­ partment a Danish Americafa who tMd numerous thrilling tatos o f bis bunting trips “ back borne.” Anxious to get a «banca at tbe Mg «nate o f tbe Panama jungles, be secured a day off for a hunting trip noon aftar bis arrival. He This o u may determine whether an “all ^ p o l” fabric ta really all wool or not. The old way o f tailing by feeling and looking la no longer reliable, for cotton can bo made both to feel and look Uke wooL The only core way la to take •ampleo/bf the goods borne with yon and make toots o f them there. I f a piece o f cotton cloth la Ignited it w ill be loafed to barn rather rapidly with a bright, steady flame. These la no disagreeable odor, and when the material Is completely consumed t h f t w ill be left only a small amount of light gray. Unify ash. I f a piece Of pore wool la lighted tt will be found to born much more slowly and with a leas steady flame, emitting s characteristic, Judgment to Indefinite We cannot lay oat instructions far advance to tail tbe manager bow to meet situations To boy good raw material be moat learn to know tbe raw materials, and many o f tbe teats be applies ere too One fo r words to reduce to Instruction» B e moat decide for Indefinite reasons that now la a good time to enlarge or retrench; that here to a good place to open up boslnees; that now to e good time to boy or to ran low on stock; that this man needs to be hired; that this man needs to be fired. The REXALL Store Carries a very'large assortment o f everythin* to be found in the highest class drugstores. A ll kinds o f Pure Fresh D rugs, Medicines and chemicals, Perfum es, School Books and Sup­ plies, Stationery, L iggett’g and L ow n ey's candies. O ur stock o f cigars is the best in town. You are alw ays welcome. QUAINT OLD INN NAMES. SHE WAS SYM PATHETIC. that stick out about with frightful effect. L Y N N B. FERGUSON History of the W orld Route Through the wonderful Valleys o f the W il­ lamette, the Sacramento, the Umpqua and the Rogue offer» exceptional enverskm. Wards In tbe Bible printed In Italic» Indicate that the words eo printed do not rightly form a part o f tbe original text, but were adopted by the transta- tora to Make tbe senes o f the original dear, remarks aa exchange. Aa used la the Bible, ttaUea have no relation to the eonunon practice o f using them dazes and footnotes, were printed in Bailee, tbe text itself beine tn Roman SOUTHERN PACIFIC led. “ Pepa, what do you do at the all d e y r T n . Voice of Cash. Apropos o f a young girl’s rich brtofly.-~OtK nothing!" marriage, a society man said: "O u r g irl» don’t marry disadvan­ tageous^ as often aa our boys do. n the whirl o f love the feqtale Hew De Yen Malte e CiretoT doesn’t seem to get as dizzy aa the to Intelligence o f people may be male. ged by aaklng them to muke a “ A pretty girl told me the other le ou pepar wttb a pandi and not­ te whleb dlractk» thè band to vd. The gooé stndent te e math- “ ‘ W ell, well,’ said 1, ‘and here we itirai dona drawa ctrcles frani toft all thought you’d marry the elo­ quent young preacher who took yon about eo much last summer.' "T h e girl smiled. “ ‘ Deeds »peak louder than words,’ she said.1*— Cleveland Leader. Rather SudcUn. T h e caution o f the New England­ er in givin g a direct answer to a di­ rect question is proverbial. Tw o natives o f a New Hampshire town met after the funeral, and the first asked, "W as not your father’ s death very sudden r Slowly drawing one hand from his pocket and pulling down hia beard, the other replied, thoughtfully, "W aal, rather sudden for him.**— Argonaut Agriculture ta tbe chief pursuit te Barbados, and without doubt tbe totani to I be a m t intensely cultivated spot In tbe West Indies. Sugar to tbe chief crop and has been from time Immemo­ rial; tobacco to grown »lightly, frail hardly at all. A Heavyweight. The Result, . “ HU w ife made him" "Rite did ntid when site tried Sta •n the community yhe found be waa * niM lt'*- R*!ilm.>re American. ’ Brew« Study. Tbe term “ brown study“ to a corrup. tion o f braW toady, brow being derived from tbe oM German “ braap.” roeanlne the brow. “ And then.” she said in telling o f the romantic episode, "she sprang to his arm s” “ She did r “ O f course. Do you doubt U P*1 “ Oh, no,” he replied, “ but after seeing her I can’ t help thinking that it must have jarred him quite a bit.” - - Chicago "Po*L THE SPIRIT HALLOWE’EN