n K í - N f» w m ' W M i b H . r ç j söt ■ R j * ' í i g g JjT’ .y X \¡ * ¡ A fú*' ¡S È n tB b ■■. fffff-Hr ¡j. i : , r r yjfw- __ •> * £ i ¡ r { i* * . » ‘ ijir - V if t S r / ~ S ' '•* ■* RE OF OOOO CLOTHES. from the fact that when it cornea to Sheet Metal W ork w e excell. Experience, the use o f the beat materials, equipment —all help to make our business improve so rapidly. SHEET MgTAL WORKS w m £ ° w * A iâ ÎR lF F E T H go/Ä ou d with sa lt They lie under «a lt for tw o rteeka and then paag to a vat that con­ iy mean that the fabric ta stronger tains a 22 per cent eolation o f brine. X in proportion to the ossa to which They remain In that eolation for eight­ Is pat, may wear longer, bat It also een days. Every day they a n shift, an« that each tiny thread by Itself to ed in the vat; the basis on the bottom aker and moro apt to Injury. Any- a n brought to the top, and vice versa. thing which may attack the threads A t the and o f the eighteen days the one by one, therefore, does moro barm bams a n packed, one upon another. With line goods than with coarse, In a cool, dry collar, w hen they re­ No matter bow careful ona may try main fo r four weeks. In ordsr to ripen to be, cloths« that one w ean gradually •«that la. to take on color and becosaa b t a trifle o f tha grease from the per- tender. -Then the salt is washed off aplration o f the body. In spite o f con­ with a stiff bruab'dipped in lukewarm stant watching clothes win become water, and the hams a n pot to soak dusty. This combination of dust and for tw elve hoars in fresh water. A fter (tody moisture forms a regular breeding that they a n ready for tha amoks-1 I ground for tiny little vegetable growths. . . v- £&*••' /. house. These are so small that to takes the The smokehouses are two or three I I moist powerful microscope even to see stories high, with boles bond In the flooring. The dins a n kindled on the In themaeivea these bacteria do bat ground Boor, and the meat Is bong on We harm, but many o f them set free the second and third floors. The Ann a acid which sets Into the fiber o f the a n made entirely o f beech wood, but letertal. If the individual fiber to the workmen constantly throw juniper o n e the deposit o f the add apon it berries and Juniper tw igs on the em­ > not enough to eat all the way bers. The Are bums brightly. It to, trough, bat if It to sheer or woven o f checked with beech wood sswdust oe threads one by one the threads are whenever It burns too briskly. i ten through and the texture weak- The smoking continues for about eight .days Under the ancient curing ■' Good clothing. Instead o f being kept methodb, however, the hams w e n o f­ ■but away In boxes and drawers, abould ten kept in the smoko noma for six he constantly aired and shaken. The weeks, and It ti by this latter method ■ w r the material the more often should that the best hams are still made by ft be looked after. A coarse piece q f tha country folk o f Westphalia. foods will wear out by using, a fine piece by being laid away.—New York American. WHAT A MAM READS. f MILITARY STRATEGY. When in Need of a Plomber -, Tomr CALL ■ • — '.rrztrtm . —- little systematic attempt to abut oat tbs unfit or to pat himself in line for the lit J i The result Is a defective grade o f bo-J Phone Black 23 man life that rarely elevates society 1 and often degrades It- I f a man would make the most o f himself, and that to aMnifestly -the supreme purpose tar which be was put Into the world, it to worth his while to do hto dally work where unclean things, mental and phys- leal, are not made common. It makes a good deal o f difference in the worth o f the man today aa to whether hto reading tost night was A great town cannot but contain. If n w ï ï f c i u i “ Hamlet” and “ Isaiah” or “The Other you have long occupied I t the material of your organisation. Too win proba­ e U M t a w . Man’s W ife.“ whether be went to the ra re t h e n 5 0 . 0 0 # 1 bly abandon- documents which tha t w o ■ p l r n . l l d art Institute or the burlesque show. i r a lly « e e i p e « d . enemy should not see. Ton win cer­ An ancient teacher o f well balanced Wt»M k ¡í»5 e mind gave this direction to hie disci tainly, in the pressure o f such a fligh t ples as to the topics to be selected for lose accumulated stores. 'Again, the transverse streets are aq many points deliberate thought: “ Finally, my brethren, whatsoever of “ leakage” Into which your congest­ things are true, whatsoever things are ed columns will bulge out and get con­ honorable, whatsoever things are Just, fused. Again, you will be almost nec­ whatsoever things are pure, whatso­ essarily dealing with the complications ever thlngrf are ktfely, whatsoever of a mass o f civilian conditions which inetnI taate. which Is incidental to fta things are o f good report, if there be should never be allowed to interrupt a A .UNIQUE CLUBHOUSE contact with the pot The whole se­ any virtue and if there be may praise, military operation. cret Ilea tu the water—It must be bub- In general, to light In front o f a Maintained at Portsmouth War Enlisted ’ ting, boiling because the oil will not think on these things.” To think on these things one must great town when the chances are Men of th« Navy. fuse with water until It to bubbling, sse and bear these things. To aee and against yon to aa great an error as to Portsmouth. N. H.. has what to tutting. ) ' ..... - - ' bear these things one must make an fight to front o f a marsh with few claimed to be the only clubhouse to v"H ere in where the cook most al- causeways. So far as mere topogra­ the country for tbe enlisted men of whv * fnl Is 000 times out o f 1,000. effort to do so.—Minneapolis Journal. phy to concerned, it to a greater error the navy. There are Y. M. C. A. build­ Wlieii the r«|»or 1» first observed com­ stilL—From “The Elements o f the •untight and Vegetation. ings In Newport. Brooklyn. Norfolk ing from the «pout of the pot the Great War.” by Hilaire Belloc. The early rays o f the snn exercise and Philadelphia, but tbe Portsmouth temperature o f the water to about clubhouse, known aa the Beading 130 degree» K.. while at the bubbling a more powerful effect to promoting Seville Nights. Room, la something quite different, point H should register 212. And al- rapid vegetation than the sun’s light In all the principal places and gar­ and fta unique Ideoa and the-extent of wnys rememlier that In making coffee during the later hours o f the day. The its success have made it famous wher­ It Is best always to let tbe spendthrift active JRtle chlorophyll grains wort dens o f 8»rlUe moving picture screens ever a ship o f tbe American navy to deal out tbe coffee, and In making tea faster and better In elaborating food are erected and small tables and chairs for the giant under the action o f the sat on t the exhibitors either making stationed. let tbe miner deal out the tea.” There ate no dues at this club and The expert wan asked why no many blue and yellow rays o f the early their profits from the drinks sold or by no red tape. The only requirement to people who write for a living drink morning than under tbe later violet rental o f chairs at 2 cents each. Thou­ that one must l>e on enlisted man of had coffee. He simply replied that the and blue rays. Practical gardeners sands o f people go nightly to the d if­ the navy. He then becomes a toll secret In tbe making was the bubbling should make use o f this fact by grow ferent plazas and gardens, and the en­ tog early produce as far as possible In tire life o f the city for about four fledged member of tbe clnb, with tbe In fhe water.—New York World. a position where the plants will get months centers around tbeee^ moving privilege oV bowling on tbe latest im­ tha full benefit o f tbe morning snn.— picture show«.—Commerce Reports. proved alleys for 1% cents a string or London Mail. - 25 cents an hour, or o f playing pool or Leakage In Steam Pipes. bUUacda at the same rata, or having To nuke a permanent cement for »11 the privileges o f an up to date gym­ «topping leakage to steam pipes where nasium. with shower baths, soap, faulting or plugging to impossible, mix towels, etc., for 50 centa a month; or black oxide o f manganese and raw o f “ sitting In” at a game o f cards, linseed oil. using enough oil with tbe checkers or c -I mms at soy o f the numer­ manganese to bring it to a thick paste. ous tables to the game and reeding Apply to the pipe or Joint at leak. If room for nothing; or o f rending, free, the pipe be kept sufficiently warm to tbe news from home In tbe thirty absorb tile oil from the manganese. papers from all sections of the country; or o f passing the time In perusing, MnL Garibeldi and Victor Emmanuel, the littoral and one-half o f tbs bland In twenty-four hours tbe cement will be aa hard aa the Iron pipe. without cost, wbat he llkea in thirty the four men who secured the liberty & Sakhalin. ' w magaalnes. scientific and popular; or and unity o f oiilhg and without the E. L. EVANS, 501 lat St, Newberg Iw n * Q um t Thing« of Which Fiction Character« Ar* Guilty. For many year« a favorite pastime at the literary dilettante baa been to ferret out mistakes made by celebrat­ ed authors. Writers o f the highest standing hare been guilty o f absurd “ bloomers,” such as Flaubert'« as«en> tlon that “ the taro adversaries were placed at an equal distance from each other.” Mistakes o f this sort bare been excused oo the ground that the authors w en working under pressure o f Inspiration and were therefore like­ ly at any time to make minor errors. Stories o f today do not, aa a rale, appear to be written under the etnas o f temperamental excitement Yet, in spite o f their seemingly cool sophistica­ tion. they are not lacking In curious mistakes. A short Oat o f theaa errors has been compiled by a writer in the Philadelphia Ledger: I screamed in silent rage. A girl tore her eyes from the stage, bat her can still lingered. “ I w ill never speak to yon agald as long aa I live.” hissed Dolly. (Just try to bias It ) H er feet w en swollen from standing in w e t salty water. Lika Adels. 1 » had dark brown hair, with enormous black eyebrows, a mus­ tache and a abort beard. < W hat therefore, was our surprise to And Hah sitting by the On in her bath robs and «Uppers with a cop o f tea In her lap and her feet in a tub o f watar. _______ bouse in a prominent positlo ateiy Uryeatn when a large aenied To ^Philadelphia in proclaim» the passing hours. To ftaac Norris, the speaker o f the colonial assembly. Is ascribed the hon­ or o f having originally suggested the prophetic words from Leviticus xxv, 10, “ Proclaim liberty throughout all the land onto all the Inhabitants the n od," which were cast on the bell. The rea­ son for the selection o f this text |t a time when there was not the slightest thought o f a break with the mother country has been a «abject o f much conjecture, but the true reason to ap­ parent when the fall text to read, “ And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year and proclaim liberty throughout the tend and to all the inhabitants thereof.” In selecting the text the Quakers bad hi mind the arrival o f W illiam Penn Novel Rabbit Catcher. Crab« a n pat to a carious use on and their forefathers In America.— certain parte at the Devonshire fore­ Christian H enjd shore. They a n used to catch rabbits. Having located a promising burrow, the snarer takes a crab and affixes a short length o f lighted candle to the back of its sbelL The behavior o f a closure to well known. It begins to run. It therefore starts aw i£ up the burrow at top rate and presently the rabbit t» horrified at the eight o f a Jog trotting flame coming to bis sanc­ tuary. Off be goes for the other exit, only to find himself, when he emerges. In a trap.—London Spectator. Hie Mantel Incapacity. The Court—So you ask divorce from this man on the ground o f mental in­ capacity. What proof have yon that he’s Insane? Tbs Woman—Who said be waa insane, your honor? The Court —Why. you «ay be to mentally incapa­ ble. The Woman—Tee; Incapable of understanding that I’m boas. An Ungracious Remark. “ Here’s a magasine offers prises to todies for telling bow they helped theft husbands make money.” “ I f they were telling bow they help­ ed spend money.” snorted her ongat- lant husband, “you’d take first prisa” —Louisville Courier-Journal. T 'S d iffe r e n t f r o a * others because more care to taken in tha makin and the materials used are higher grade. I A Shine in Every Drop T h e io t h a n n u a l m e e t in g o f t h e IT T « W ill beheld is and promises to be bigger and better then ever An Up-to-Date Amusement will be secured, but nothing q£ the slightest objectionable nature w ill be allowed Free Attractions will be a prominent feature by the company will furnish music every day and evening will be a prominent feature will arrange for a parade and athletic contest, on Wednesday P- M. Conducted by the Mother’s department o f the Civic Improvement Club, by Mrs. Bailey o f Portland. A ll babies between the ages o f O months and 5 years may be entered. For registration call Mrs, Dr. Toney or Mrs. James Burdett. A small registration fee o f 26 cents will be charged to defray expenses. Don’t forget the Datos, S ept 21-22-23-24