Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, July 22, 1915, Image 7

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« J S S B M H fe m
i > f Mme Irwin
of the;
to pro- '
m ori-:
of all i -
O f the Storm
There Came
«curta; Probase, Deeds,
legal pápeos. A b
V ■ "> -V
ffT- T----- r tm C *A . KMrWSm
Office over P in t National
Phone W hite 3-1
In Her
Views About'Love.
T he manager o f the
stock farm watched '
the window o f his bungalow,
was a typical western hurricane,
com ing after a dry spell, with pink
lightning and tempestuous winds
rad the continuous ro d -o f ti
T o the unaccustomed eye
tcrrifving, but Alexander gaxed un­
He was young and
But som ething very like fear
gripped him now aa he raw between
the swaying trees s wraithlike fig­
ure running toward the house.
He went to the door rad opened
He dragged her over the thresh­
old— a tittle, i
d e n t is t
“ I’ m ao a fra id ," waa all she could
say at first
' v
“ How does it happen that you
are o u t?"
He put her in a big
chair by the side o f the fireplace.
“ It’s so late and raeh an awful
n ig h t"
8he looked at him with startled
eyes as she tried to pin up the thiek
brown locks that had fallen about
her shoulders.
“ I— I was running away,* she
“ O h," Alexander said aa he sat
Office over.U. S. NatL Bank
oppoaite her. “ Y ou look a bit
Phone Black 171
old for tb a t I was nine when I
decided to take to cave dwelling
and a man Friday."
A dim ple showed in the corner o f
her mouth. “ But— but I wasn’t
running away to live in a cave; I
was running away to get m arried."
“ B ut," Alexander said presently,
“ you— you don’t look quite eld
enough for that," *
“ I am eighteen,” was tbs expia-
be is tw enty-one."
“ Where ia h e r
H er lip quivered. “ I think the
storm must hare kept him home.
Y ou wouldn’t think a storm would
Dr. John S. R ankin
matter to a man, would y o u r
“ N ot a man who was going to
you ," Alexander found him­
Uffice over U. S. National Bank
self aaying.
Office phone Blue 171
“ Oh” — the wartnth in his tone
ReaidencelPhone Black 115.
' «
brought a rosy flush to her face—
OOWOWOWOWOWOWOBOWOWOWOWOWO “ o f course som ething may have
kept him ."
“ Where was he to meet y o u r
Alexander asked.
L ittlefield & Rom ig
“ Over there by the church. We
are (topping at one o f the cottages
just beyond.”
“ And when you didn’t find him
cams a knock at the door.
. A lt* under opened it, and Bobbia Heturo Prerfwoed It end M e w H m
Never Equaled It.
«tumbled over the threshold.
The moat coin i »Heated manufucturtng
“ Why didn’t you wajtr" ha com ­
plained at once. “ Why didn't you plant that ever existed la the human
l>odjr ■■ controlled under the scientific
uiuimgemeut ot the brain and nervous
“ It was such an awful storm , and »yHiem. No factory aver, boasted a
you weren't there, B obbie."
more efficient producer plant for con­
“ You m ight have known I’d have verting fuel into energy. No plant aver
com e/* be rom ed. “ I don’t tee why bad ao well designed a pumping sye-
yon came here. I looked every­ tem nor one so perfect for the disposal
where fo r you, ga d then I saw this of wasta and sewage. Talk o f boating
light, and I came over and looked and ventilating up to data er interde-
partment telephone! The best that oar
through the w indow ."
modern science can pat Into our Shops
Alexander interposed. “ She could is crude Indeed U compared with that
not stay out in the night and storm.
Y ou were lata."
ir- The boy turned on him. ’ ’“ W ell,
what if 1 w as?" be demanded.
it any o f your business?"
“ Y es"— the older man’s tone was
quiet— “ it is always a m an’s buai-”
ness to see that a young and help­
less girl ia protected." '
“ But I " —
“ 1 think you should take her
home at o n ce," Alexander advised,
“ and wait until you and she are old
enough to know your own m inds."
D r. H .
Office in First Nat’l Bank Bldg.
Phone, Black SI
Physician and Surgeon
Office in Dixon Building
Office in City Hail
Office Phone-White 147
Reaideoce Phone—Blue 58
lnn » » » » » » » giMi»»»eH>e e # e » e » e
Dr.CX Brais, Mf.S.
"Starved,” she cried.
He brought -out crackers and
cheese and sardines and olives and
marmalade and all the dainties that
a bachelor manager w h o‘ electa to
eat at meals the coarse food that is
given his men keeps for private
“ I f— If T only knew where Bob­
bie was," she said, “ 1 should be al­
most happy."
“ So his name is B obbie?" Alex­
ander asked.
She ntidded. "W e went to school
together, and ba is at college now,
and he hasn’t anything to m a m
on, and that’s why m other objected,
end that's why we ran away."
love him?** Alexander
“ O f course," she said quickly,
“ only I’ m n ot so rare right now. It
seems as if he oouldn’t pa vf let me
com e out in the storm alone—i f he
bad loved m e."
“ He couldn’t ," said Alexander
And then, after a mom ent, he
a d d slowly, “ I wonder if you know
what love is really like— love fo r
which one suffers, fo r which one
dice, if need be r
She caught her breath. “ N o one
on its feet Some people feel that In
• order to bathe ft la necessary to call
In the services o f a physician. Others
bathe at the slightest provocation—on
railroad trains and when they are vis­
iting a family o f ten with only one
i t r be said.
bathroom. 8ncb people would call for
“T shall get her m other to the a bath anywhere—on a trolley car. on
an excursion steamboat or whan cross
Ing the desert o f Sahara.
she can open the door fo r on."
Between these two extremes, the
% The boy turned to the door. “ I ’ll bathers
and the nonbathers, there lies
leave yon to arrange it,” he said to a vast gulf. I f these people coaM only
A lexan der.,;“ ! don’t seem to be in
this." And he was gone.
“ I’ m afraid his feeling#are hurt,"'
Alexander said, “ bat it was best,
wasn’t i t r
He took M ollie’s hand and stood
looking down at her, and presently
d ie said: “ Yes, it was best. And
now will you call op mother,
over the g ire be took M ollie borne.
On the way they said little, but just
before they reached her porch she
whispered, “ I— I want to thank you
for what you said to me about—
love. -1 shall think o f it differently
— now. 1 shall never marry Bob­
“ Perhaps Bobbie will be differ­
en t," Alexander said.
“ N o; I couldn’t marry him—
now ." S h rb e ld out her hand. “ Will
ou com e and see us some tim e?
[other will want to thank you ."
“ W ill I com et?’ Great jo y ran
through his veins. “ W ill I com a?"
Then he bent down over her. “ Are
you sure there isn’t any chance for
Bobbie r
“ Y ea," very low.
“ Then I’ll com e," be m id, and he
knew in his heart that som e day he
would teach her the things that
Bobbie had not known how to teach
— things o f Jova and life and o f
happiness. ,
Men Week Bette» When the Band Plays
The U nited States navy regula­
tions contain this sentence, “ The
band shall play while coaling ship.”
N o discretion ia given to the com­
mander or any one else, so that the
band always plays throughout th a t
moat arduous, m onotonous job . E.
J. D elano, writing in the M anufac­
turers’ New«, says, “ U n d e Bam has
found b f careful experim ent that
in with m usic than w ithout." Sir.
Delano mentions . several great
‘ concerns that have
bands and fir their playing at cer-
tain hour« i provea both quality
and quantity
ever said such things to me of love
before," she asid. “ Bobbie and I
lust thought of fun—and—o f hav- more cowardly instantly retreats or
ingour own way."
is captured rad wound up by the
ing * <
Daily Journal one year
The Graphic one year
Total 84
We offer both for
A dd $1.00 if you want to include the Sunday
. u
The Graphic Clubbing Offer
a— .
‘j ' ’
A ll the same as city folks, the fam ily who lives on a
rural mail route may have a daily paper to read the same
day it com es from the press. Read our clubbing offer:
Daily and Sunday Oregonian and The
w m R m H Sm m m Sm .1'
w» i
Daily, without Sunday, and Graphic 1 year $6.00
W eeklyfOregonian and Graphic 1 year
§ Th e Newberg
T ra n s fe r C o
She was such s little innocent stronger. Spiders are unflinching
thing, but with such purity in her cannibals. They will breakfast off
eyes, such a foreshadowing in her their M other* and dine o ff their
faee ot the Roman that she might sisters without ra y com punction,
be, that Alexander »aid unpidsitaly, rad, as regards what they eat, they
"D ear little girl, wait until love—
ence either for flies, gnats, maths,
fgrwjra, daddy longlgra, beat, wasps
or other small fry, all being eaten
wffl w ait" with H m same eagerness.
to their equipment which
enables them to handle long
distance work with dispatch
Picnic Parties a Specialty
Office phone
Black 100,
Residence phone iRed 70
Residence phone {Red 189
MUELLER, the Tailor
uwne eany ano gei
S u fficie n tly H u m b led .
Mrs, Mejlen did not wish to offend
her new cook.
“John.” the said to the manservant,
“caa yon And out without asking the
cook whether the tinned salmon w o
all eaten last night? You sea. 1 don’t
wish to ask her because she may have
eaten It, and then ska would feel un­
comfortable,” added the good soul.
“ If you please, ma’am,” replied the
man. “the new cook h o eaten the
tinned salmon, and If you w o to say
anything to her you couldn’t make her
feel any more uncomfortable- than she
la.”—Christian Register.
A young officer rather new to his
work was drilling a squad of recruits
tba right leg.” One o f the sokliers by
mistake Hfted bis left leg, so tbat tt
jotned ckwely to «he right leg of bis
M .
•»CV. »:
If you want a daily paper by mail w e
to o ffe r tbat ought to eppeal to you.
has added a
D ixon
Do you think tbs manufacturer would
bid for ti>« Job? If b# were a timid
man be would probably agree with you
and tell you to come around next week,
meanwhile edging you toward the door
before your Insanity took a violent
form, or if he were not afraid o f luna­
tics be would say. "You poor bug, such
a pump as you speak of never exieted
nor ever will except in the brain o f a
perpetual motion freak sneb as I see
before me.” Which shows bow much
he knows sbout It, for both you and be
carry Just such a pump around, with
I you. and each o f you thinks too much
I of your possession to sell It for any
money.—John H. Van Deventer In Du
flneerlng Magazine.
(¿¿¡ra ff
S. Ed. Launer
A ll kinds o f gravel for con­
crete w ork, cem ent blocks,
or wood work furnished on
short notice.
Telephone W hite 86
J. H. GIBSON, Mgr.
Write you» Fire Insurance In the
Assets: *15,485.741.88
W. H. HITCHEN, Agent
Office 208 1-2 First S t
Portland D aily Journal and
Graphic, oae year, 93.
. «¿¡IL,