MsatHtoRunanteerctiw FACIAL PIASTER CASTS. The Newberq REO T R U C K to their equipment which enables them to handle long DKSTINV OP NATIONS DffPKNOfe UPON O O N T tN T ip H O M I«. Telephone White 86 Fancy and Staple Groceries DUNLAPS GROCERY J. H. GIBSON, Mgr. Yamhill County Yamhill County Abstract Co. O r m o !» win i re the Tailor invitee von to inspect his New shop, end also hit big Hue o f Summer Sam­ pled for ladies end gente Edward Cornell S. Ed. Launer o o o o o o e + o a o o o o o o o o o o o o o o -' | A U C T IO N B B R F. W . B R U S S O | 6 X A O erica all kinds o f sales in city and ' country, including stock and oth- er farm stuff. Successor to Col. W estfall. Reaidenoa 210 Sheri- dan street. C ollier’s Tha • N a tion a l • Waahly in C lu b a U n t i l this year C Jbr’i has bssn sold at $5.50. Now tbs price is $2.50 sad wehave seemed - the treasure which tbe Lourre bouses. In tbe ball o f sculpture stands tbe peerless Venus o f Matos, a thing mora ravishing than any otbar vision arar hewn from a atone. In this hall tbere Tbe ridge o f clay Is now removed, are many placas of antiquity and o f tbe edges of tbe plaster are oiled, and more modern ornee, tbe Iosa o f any the other half Is done In a similar «ray one o f which would be Irreparable. Tbe two halves art then tied together Tat tbe strange people o f this city. with cords, and tha plaster ponied in. Arad with enthusiasm for a commu­ In eompttcared figures, like tha Lnoc- nistic theory, once mined tbe Louvre, oon. tha statue la oiled and covered poured petroleum over it and prepared« with gelatin, which is cut o ff tn mo­ to detoroy «ritta gunpowdar what It tions by means o f a thin, sharp knife, bad taken the world mors than Z500 sack piece serving as a mold for Its rears to produce own part o f the now statue.—fit Louis Parte Is overrlcb In tbe possession Olobe-Democrat \ ‘ \ ‘ of tbs beautiful, tbe Impressive and the magnificent. Its famous buildings We pay highest cash price for strictly fresh eggs . AN ART CENTER. co City. Rio. Baanoa Altea and Santi­ ago togatbar. lt la tha world'a capi­ tai in manjr reapccta. Ita art treaa- araa aurpaas thoaa o f any otbar city; Ha faahlons dominata tha ctrUlaad «pochi and avan lnfluenca tha anclri- ttaod; Ita tangnage la tha court tongoa ot tha earth; Ita blatory la a panarama ot tha atery ot elvllisatloa tran tha daya ot tha Ooth and tha Vandal down to tha praaent la tha baart of tha city atanda onc o f tha world’a moat notad o f balUl lnga— tbe palaca o f tha Loavre. It la thè priorie**» art moaeam o f Franca, and thara ara cootalnad wtthln Ita «tate* departmenta sculptors. paint- Inga and ’Rptlqultlce-exanipias o f tha highest expression o f human genius. Tha collections o f tha Louvra, war* they, offered for «ale. would bring a total price ho stupendous as to bs un­ betterable For example. In the gal­ lery o f Apollo, among otbar treasure», rest the diamond hlitad «word Ot Bonaparte, valued at $400.000: tha fa­ mous Regent diamond, reload at ffcp 0004)00; tbe gems o f many a beaute­ ous queen o f Prance, and tbe swords and spurs o f Charlemagne. A life might be spent In study bare. A ll kinds o f gravel for con­ crete work, cement blocks, or wood work furnished on short notice. . AS Having Ona * f Th«m Mad« la a Mighty , pi«agra— bis Pra— «■ Perhaps nothing can ha Imagine«! ■ora disagreeable than tha propese of taking a plaster bapreaaton o f tha (aa CHASE Sc LINTO N G R A V E L C O M PANY M cM nanm xs. PARIS There are greater possibilities tor good government In bur family o f laughing children than -In tha cab­ inet of the president o f the United States. The destiny o f this nation lies la tbe home and not la the legislative halls The hearthstone and the fam­ ily Bible «rill ever remain the sourun o f our Inspiration and the Acta o f tha Apostles will ever shine brighter than the acts of Congress This country Is law-mad. Why add to a statute book, already grossing under Its own weight, the hysterical cry o f woman? If we never had a chance to vote again la a lifetim e and 4M not pass another law In twenty- five years, wa could survive the or- deal, but without horns civilisation would wither and dla. God save these United Statea from becoming a hen-pecked nation; help ns keep sissies oat of Congrsea and forbid that women become step- fathers to government, la tha prayer o f tha farmers o f this country. among the world’s theaters Is tbe Par­ R«ri Ha Should Have Halted a Mernes* is borne o f opera—without an architec­ tural delight; within, a fascinating In­ and Hated the Eaooptleao. It Is not bewildered foreigners alone spiration In snow white msrbin onyx. who fail Into tbe traps for tbe on «vary Jasper, malachite sad bronze. Its that our confusing grammar and or­ famed grand stairway la a fitting pre­ thography lay Many a despairing lude to the highest moods that can be American with no natural apt!tods for produced by tbe music on Its stage. And tbere la not wanting a strong spalling hesitates or files to the diction ary long after hflf student daya are element o f grewaome and terrifying re­ over because, although ha remembers miniscence In this glorious city. The the rule, he does net remember the gx- traveler stands amid the «ride sweep o f tha Place de la Concorde (Place o f ceptkma. ' “ And tn our rules o f spelling.” pro Peace». and he thinks {hat here before rested one unfortunate professor not of orthography-“It Isn’t even a cam o f blade o f tbe guillotine ram and fell un­ ‘majority rules.-" It’s merely plurality. tiring while heed after bead, mid Mtter Sometime*. I’m sore, tbe minority o f Jest and song. rolled from the gory ma except loos to a rule Isn’t beaten by the words that comply with tt by mere and the quivering trunks « m » cordad at Its side Age and youth and loveli­ than ouai’’ A correspondent o f the New York ness were sacrificed to brutish passion Sun recalls an Utnstrntlve Incident of on this now serene square In a «ray his school days His teacher was self that only Rome bad equaled Every contrast Is found In Paris and satisfied and young, thought he knew all rartetl-a o f excellence. Here Is the It a ll-b u t did not ■ < There was In the class a young lady world’s highest structure tbe Eiffel who rejoiced In the good Scots name tower. This huge shaft o f steel le one o f Qlilies. When the class was organ­ o t the most overpowering things wtth­ ising the “ professor“ read her name ae j ln the city Forty draftsmen worked Millies.” Tbe young lady protested two years on the 15.000 different de­ signs necessary for Its 15.000 sections. but la vain: “ ' t before *1* Is s o ft” W elt o f course an eighth ot a quart I Restaurants, shops and a theater are la a jilt but what o f a fish’s gill T And he«iaed upon Its steps and wtthln Its tbe “ know It all” teacher ahonld have corridors. Ten thousand people can been hanged on a g(Jilbbet but even gather hers at one time. he would not have asked the hardware Oresere as Fighting Men. ■nan for a Jim le t Not In his jlddiest In olden times In England the gro­ moment o f pedagogic authority would he have said. “Jllbert Jive' me a Jilt cers’ trade-played a useful part In na­ wheeled Jig.“ if be wanted the livery­ tional defense. The Grocers’ company man to anpply him a gig with glided arms commanded tn 1657 to furnish six­ spokes for his holiday diversions. Not ty men tor “ the resistance o f sneta In­ even be. snapshot arbiter o f linguistic iquitous attempts as may be made by niceties, would have asked at the U- I foreign enemies.” Farther demands of brmry for Jlbbon’a “ Decline and FalL” I the same kind were satisfied in suc­ And If he has s daughter «rill she be a j cessive yean, and tn 15H8 tbe company Jtri? Rut OH lies must be called jtlllee supplied 600 men to raafkt tbe Spanish because “ g” before *1” la s o ft—Youth’s armada. Authority «van granted to Companion. press men into this service, and ap­ prentice# and Journeymen were called Napaleon III. upon to leave tbe counter fo r tbe bat­ E logiale, tbe British historian, gave tlefield. Sir John Phtipot. an early a carions explanation o f tbe origin of matter o f tbe Grocers’ company, clear­ the title o f Napoleon III., assumed by ed tbe North sea o f a horde o f Scottish Louis Napoleon. He said that when pirates by means o f a fleet equipped Louis Napoleon's adherents were entirely at his own coot — London manufacturing public sentiment to re­ Chronic!*. ceive him a subservient minister, who was preparing a proclamation, wrote Men In Petticoats. these words: “ Tbs people’s cry will be It «rin probably be a matter o f sur­ ‘Vive Napoleon! I f ” Tbe printer mte prise to the general reader to leern that took the three exclamation marks for tbapetticoat-was first worn exclusively three Is . and tbe prodamattoo was by men. In tbe reign o f King Henry so issued. This «ras considered a good v il. the drena o f the English «ras ne story when It «ma related, bat It ha* fantastic gnd absurd that It was dlffl- lacked confirmation. cult to distinguish one sax from tbe other. In the Inventory o f Henry V. . ; space •week! S p e c ia l r in fio r i This offer w ill be in force from now until July 16, 1915 and may be taken advantage o f by new as well as old subscribers. Subscriptions are fo r one year cash in ad­ vance. Old subscribers to the Graphic in order to par­ ticipate in these rates must pay up all arrears due and the $3.75 in addition w ill pay for both papers one year in advance. Good Only Until July 15, 1915 I f you want a daily paper by mail w e have something to offer that ought to appeal to you. H ere it ¡as Daily Journal one year The Graphic one year - - 15.00 $1.50 Total $6.50 W e offer both for $ 5 .0 0 Add $1.00 if you want to include the Sunday Journal God Almighty gave fera to Adato with the pledge that aha would be hte helpmeet and with this order of ooto* panionshlp, civilisation has towered to Its greatest heights. la this tela, tionahlp, God has Mesas a womaa and thousand years of procreas, sha new proposes to provoke God to decay man by asking tor suffrage, thereby by amending ah agreement to whleh she was not a party- woman. remember that the ÌÉtUBté scorned a divina covenant, and as a result wandered forty years to thfi wilderness without Gad. Ukesrlsn man should remember that tt la % The Evening Telegram and the Graphic ft * a whole year for $3.7». Better take advantage The Chhngo “ What’s the baby’s MAlrern< “Whs fT I thought to asme him John.” “ Oh. that was when had something to say —Philadelphia Ledger. ffariy Submarines. One o f tbe earliest references to un- t e wfiter çtaft la In connectloo with piracy. Oíaos Magano, bishop o f Up- tela. writing la 1565, makes mention ot “skiffs sad vessata constructed of Mather.” two ot which be had seen. In which the piratee o f Greenland “ go you «rem going whatever they «rieh, either above or bolow water, and by their means pierce I still thought 1 and make great holm la pnatag mer­ In tha matter!“ chant ships.“ —Pall Mall Gaset to Unhappy E n d i n g ». “ Thu say fill thfi assvtas have unhappy endingsr “ Every one. o f them.” The Graphic Clubbing Offer day it cornea from the press, Read our dubbing offer: Dally and Sunday Oregonian and The Graphic, one yeaur................................. $5.00 Daily, wjtnout Sunday, and Graphic 1 year $6.00 W eaUyfOragooian and Graphic 1 year..... $Z25