per man in Oregon, and it i* w ith sincere regret that we leant of the downfall of the ton. And je t when it is remembered that after the father had become in­ capacitated for active work on account of his age, and the reap­ er death had taken from him his wile, this ungrateful son tnrned him vout, refusing to give him a home, our sympathy ior him is tempered to a degree. The young man who fails to show respect to his aged parents is so consti­ tuted that he hi liable tp go wrong in other ways at any Our stock of Cotton Voileai 42 inches wide, figured .< signa, very pretty, per Cotton Crepe* Plain colon and figured, si cial value, per yd 10c Rice Cloth Pretty figured designs, i s special price per yard. fiaxons, voiles, India linens, spedai val. per yd 10c to i One lot of 1,000 yards, 1 to 2 We invite you to come and study all the new ÜNÜ One lot of 8,000 yards, fine and dainty patterns, special per yd. Ladies black silk bom Stic pair, 3 pairs Some people are awfully hard to please in their domestic rela­ tions. A Portland man, a mem­ A complete line .of fresh vegetables, fruits, ber of the well known Smith fancy andjtaple groceries. We invite your pat- 86 in. extra heavy, regu­ family, first fell ont with his ronage. We guarantee to meet a '1 ll. prices con- larise, our price per yd spouse because she attended sistent with fair competition. We'll please you dances, and now since she went At every election many who to revival services and was con­ are interested in affairs and who verted to religion, he has applied would like to cast a ballot are Cash Paid for Cash Paid for for a divorce. prevented from doing so on ac­ of pressing business mat­ all Your Eggs all Your Eggs Those of us who have been count ters that call them away from away from Indiana many years home on election day. North : had supposed that the vote re­ Dakota' recently passed a peater at election time waa a law that has makes ior person of the past, but it seems the absent voter to it possible express his | th at at Terre Haute, a t least, he choice along with others. The ¿demonstrated a t the Utstelectitia law provides th at any voter th at he could "come back”—in who cannot conveniently bent land, visited Mrs. Thelma Rey- fact, so many of “him,” that jail home on election day, may write nolds Sunday, sympathizing room is scarcely ample to house to th^ cobnty auditor for an I would let them look at the » all who have been convicted la absent voter's ballot. With the United. States from the scene of with her in her Ulness. Mrs. Therman and Miss AJice Bolton the election fraud trials. ballot he will get an envelope, on war. I would give them n look were oat the preceding Sunday the outside of which is an affida­ a t real trq«bfc. I would ktthflip and all were pleased to find that vit that he is a qualified voter in see trains, ten a t n time, five the place be has mentioned^ and minutes apart, packed with the Unit he is going |p vote in maimed and the dying. l secret..*; uavm g i mancca me Then l would say to them, go ballot, he puts k into the en­ bach and' appreciate the United I velope, seals it, Signs the affida­ on the back of i£ and mails bill was tabled For m thorough vit Urn whole, hi a larger envelope, and scrutinizing investigation to the The auditor and in the meantime there wiH sends it auditor. to the -Voter's home doubtless con* n brighter outlook precinct, ana tncre me election j in financial circles so th at the fafll officers check the name and de­ can be paid without any great posit the ballot. North Dakota embarrassment to the city treas­ appears to ' have solved the urer. ; absent voter problem. Now whet can be done to stir up the indifferent voter who fails to take enough interest to go ft half >4 given at Duncan’s hall on Friday mile to rote? # and Saturday evenings of last week, but the suggestion has THE UNITED STATES A HAVEN OF PEACE. ; : been made by some who attend­ ed that had the com words and the cigarette smoking been cut When the European war broke out, the entertainment would out it was with fadings of horror have been more in keeping with that the people on this side of what the Parent-Teacher As- the Atlantic read from day to d*y of the awful loss of fife that wrAs taking place, and tberpapers were scanned, with the coming dlK or«iw of tts application will of every mail, in order to get the house piano. soda—Rocky Mountain Mows. latest news, bat after all has Mrs. W. M. Roberts left Satur- A I ARCTIC FftOST BITES. been gleaned from newspaper rei day for Portland where she win ports that is obtainable, it is join her husband and proceed to j difficult for our people to realise Centralia, their future home. ...J the awfulness of the conflict. * say other port dt yoor body I agios The friends of Mr. and Mrs. I j to to ssa you moot tbow It oat with Possibly, too, of the United Ray Howard, of Portland, will ■ now lo declam i to bo ■ superstition States do not fully realise how be pleased for a Sabbath. All went well by vnhjahnur Btafanaaon. Vow things to learn th at they !1 much we are favored in being far welcomed n brand new baby r he gave out the text, "See that could bo mors aboard, bo soys, and yet tbla la a «upanthlon that boa boon from the scene of car­ girl to their home, March 22nd, | ifnae not him that sfcMakath.1' carried many on arctic axplomr nb charge n made for this in­ removed ine the consternatioD the doo - through wMfe nage and in being aide to remain tuog Ur the north. formation. We do know that at zperienced when ha raid out Talea a rt told experience pence with all nations. of how oran the applica­ text in a lofty and commanding tion of aoow fallad to ratter# the the company has a track of Herbert N. Caseon, who has S. M. Mann, of Lynnton, wad mar. was unaware of the freeslng. and tbsaa aso taken aa in heavy rails laid in concrete for been living in Loodon saye in a in Rex looking up acreage re­ . ing he Ha created. The people did dicanoli* of the aarertty of ¿be e u x A distance of some fourteen recent article: cently. the opposite from the text. The Instead of proof th a t as a mattar al r' _ { j r j : 1 J .J Mrs. N Dean and daughter young man waa not called, " blocks cm Pixvt street in New- J j . “From fa c t tiia snow only assists the frassini Bnropean point of Dorothy attended Easter services berg that only needs the proper view, the the United proceso. Aoy high school pupil. Sto- States is n in Newberg. fanssoo says, could tall na offhand connections to make a splendid haven of peace and security ,/ what would happen I f liquid air ware and track and “Barkis is w iU in.''IO prosperity. It has no troubles Robert Oise, late of Omaha,“ applied to a man's cheek or . Of course the part would fraose Inatanti/ is visiting the family of R. N. it dares mention to Belgium Snow baa the name though 1«« rapid Recently a young man who that Morrison. or Austria, or France, or Ger­ grew up in Portland, the young­ The wbole aaerst of SaaUng wtth or Servia, or Great Brit­ Lewis Winters was in Canfield est son of one of the pioneer many, u froat bttro of tbe Caco la Sietle toral, last week baying sheep, and re* st tba or- ha saya, la to keap tha banda warm newspaper men of Oregon who tain, or Russia. ?. with n good sized bandit i to tere nod to can tbe warm baad orar tbe was respected in hie day, was Every tenth Briton has en­ turned y prrrioas face erary few minuta« to aaa tf sny convicted as a defaulter by a listed. Every tenth Frenchman Miss Mary Jones spent Easter |] from ttet part of tt la froaeo. Gaoally. siso, ona with her mother in Port-1, mtkm has cao kaep oneealf falriy wall Informad jury and sentenced by a Port­ is s t the front. Every tenth Sunday »das. At abodt tha eoaditlon of otea toca by land. *' Belgian is dead. What does the land judge to a term in the peni­ a aaM ta wrtnfcllng lt and "tnakteg tocas.” if United States know of trouble? Dr. A. M. Davis, of NewbergJj tentiary. At intervals in years mm at tha a spot of skis or chaafe tha ala# of a If I could afford it, I would was a Sunday visitor at the John H pa. n t s tweaty-fre cant placa bacomaa atiff ooa d a rte r t U M»urctM,i«' awl ‘Lueitaaia’ and convey a party i t bom