Hon. Milt Miller and prominent Democratic sf at Duncan's Hall Friday Paid adv. zao4es»sMogoioKKKfaaaoioCT« Black Silk 1 Stove Polish corder. (jet a Can TODAY $2 J O to $ 7.5 0 Paid adv. Sylvander Simms has -the practical experience and -has For Sale — A fresh cow and knowledge o f local land condi­ calf. J. T. Everest. lt f tions. Paid adv. Money to loan on good secur­ If you wish a m ortgage loan, ity by Clarence Butt. call and see me at the First.Na- tional Bank o f Newberg, Oregon 50 tf D. D. Coulson. For Sale—4 young Ferrets, If yon w ant a qualified man tor sheriff vote for A. F. Arthur. good for catching rats and gophers. C. L. Tatman, phone, Paid adv. Schools, line 13, No. 25. I t pd F or Sale—Sweet cream and A vote tor A. F. Arthur is just buttermilk.—Newberg Creamery. one vote for a new officia] as 19-tf sheriff. Paid adv. Wanted — Five live hustlers; must have horse and buggy. Ad­ dress T. H. Fearey, Jr., R. F. D Get an electric toaster and ten 3, Newberg, Oregon. 1*2 loaves o f bread free. For Sale or Trade—197-acre 1 It Yamhill Electric Co. stock farm, adjoining Lakeview, Lake County, Oregon. Inquire A. S. Emerson, Dundee, Or. 62tf Don’t forget to vote for Cap­ Lost—Small pock et book con­ tain H. S. Maloney for county taining about $6. D. D. Mon recorder. Paid ¿tiv. ette, route 3. L it pd For Sale—A No. 1 family cow, For Sale—Mare, buggy and fresh in a few days. Also stone harness, 111 N. Meridian street. O. I. C. pigs. A. E. M oore, one Phone Black 157. tf. mile west o f Newberg. lt f IM m Bolts, Men's heavy cotton Union Suite 9 5 c 4 Men's heavy Wool Union Saits at # 1 .8 6 , S X 2 S , Saturday Specials in I for 10 Oar Saturday price.. 100 pairs misses, mostly strong, heavy ail lsather Lace Sboes. A 4 AA values up to $2.25, now > 1 INI on sale at per pair™......... T * ,w w Shoes Grocery Specials a dandy grade A A SOc, 10 lb. cans at W t Drtpo, white as water, 5 lb. can 40 c, 10 lba. ■ O C pounds 54. 0 25c • pOTi 4 5 c fo r.................... ..... ....... 25c SATURDAY SPECIALS Quaker corn puffs, very makes a dandy breakfast Quaker. Our price to introduce regular 12 l-2e per package...... Flake roBed oats, 10c package, two for..................................... Puffed Wheat, regular 16e seller, for.....................,....... 1 A . lV l 1 (f 1 A . TIL L A M O O K C H E E S E 2 lbs. 35c; 3 lbs. 50c 50c Uncolored Japan 35c perm .......................... ••• Quo Powder Taa O ff* par lb................................. Large 25c Soap Chips | J. C. PORTER A COM PANY Why Destroy the Industrial a a /y /V \ •veniags of each month. Captain H. S. M aloney’s past Visiting brothers always welcome. By order W. M.. R. H. C. Bennett, official record commends ^our L A. Hanning, Secretary. attention as a voter. Paid adv. Good Poland China male Excelsior Fence is sag and hog to sell at reasonable prices, proof. tf. or write to A. I. Willard, 1 Cummins pays cash for poultry north o f Newberg. and eggs. 20-ti F or Rent—A good house, barn and ont buildings. 3V4 acres ot land. See A. I. Willard 1 pule - v*tf. H. S. M aloney for county re­ north of ewberg. i i T6î Lost—Gold-bowed double lens glasses. Finder please report to Nswbarg Lodge No. 104 A. F. 4 A. M. Regular meeting Sloan’s grocery, corner First and First sud Third’ Wednesday Main streets. The hi Idlest cadi price paid for I have tw o registered Jersey chickens at Hie Newberg Cream­ balls. As one is all I need, will ery, 14 Blaine street. give some one a bargain on the other. F. D. Hutchinson, Dun­ Captain H. S. M aloney has dee, Oregon. 1 -lt pd served the county well as county recorder. Vote for him. Paid adv F or Sale—3 registered male Berkshire pigs. Also 3 high Gophers trapped in Newberg grade Jersey cows, 2 tresh, other and vicinity at 25c each. Ad­ due to freshen in March. Dr. r,A . dress P. O. Box 133. 1-2 pd. N. Logan, Route 3,phone30a52. Money furnished prom ptly al­ A. F. Arthur’s slogan is law ways on real estate at 7 and 8 per enforcement, in sheriff’s capacity. ct.A tty. B.A.Kliks, McMinnville. Paid adv. ----------------------------------------------------------------- —— Delivery made in tf Prepare for winter. Get a ruberoid r o o f on that old build­ ing. Cheaper and better than shingle*—fire and water proof. Ask Larkin-Prince Hdwe. Co. about it. Captain H. S. Malone v’s knowl­ edge o f surveying has enabled him to save many individaals money by calling attention to defective descriptions b e fo r e official fifing has been made while he has been county recorder. Paid adv. K o Progress of Oregon? T in t’s w hit the s o ile d "Water Frost” bills, Numbers 328 and 330 os tin ballot, will do If passed i t the November election. m ? u rfc ¡S il Why make it impossible to build saw mills or aqkother in­ dustrial, labor-producing plants on the rivers and bays of Oregon? That’s what the passage of these bMs w il do. Why cripple the development of onr great timber resources; why cripple all future manufacturing in Oregon? That’ s what wiH take place if the people vote “ yes” on num­ bers 328 and 330. Why lock up the thousands of acres of over-flow lands bord- ering upon the navigable waters of the State and its miles of water front benefit generations:" why ores- ■ ■ w w w » for ■ Wwm the M IV W H V I I I of w a “ future IN M II w ^ V I I V I H M V I lw l ww■■ V i not l W I I let V i the Abmlw# gaa ww ent generation nave some ot me oenent trom me use ot meseianosr aaaaA anrgS j i m B a gg ag es g i ga a^ a ga m l JLBmga Im yO R M Almgm a a g | g | 4 4 g! i L who w v w n h m i m u w ii w im i a iia h u m I f l l n gkM m aagagagagoal S am * JJgm A la m a a a m a a la mUM M m a a m ^ ^ ia m a a OREGON COMMERCIAL PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION Get "M ade in Oregon Heaters” at Larkin-Prince Hdwe. Co., and you’ll get more for your money than you can get elsewhere in Newberg. Figures w on 't Ke and we’ll show yon if you’ll let ns figure with you. Wanted—T o exchange carpen­ ter or cement work for horses, cow s, chickens, pigs, hay, gram or anything having a market value. C. A. Crabtree, 12th and W ynooski Sts., Newberg, Oregon. Phone White 208. Itp d BIRDSEYE V IE W O F TH E LIQ U O R TRAFFIC Hon. Milton A. Miller will ad­ dress the people in Dnncan’s Hall White Bronze made from re­ Friday evening at eight o ’clock fined zinc, will never moss grow , on the issues of the day from the deface or lettering grow dim. Democratic standpoint. Paid J. C. Gregory, Agt., adv. Newberg, Ore, Captain H. S. Maloney—The tried and true—Vote for him— * Seed fo r Early Flowers County Recorder. Paid adv. Sweet pea seed now ready. If you want early flowers, plant now. Ask for list. Glen Gat- dens, Henry Clemmens, Prop. 52-54 "C oncord and Isabella grapes, 2c per pound on the vines, 8c de­ livered. E. S. Greer, Dundee. Weekly Oregonian and Graphic one year, $2.25. Found, in onr garden, mile and a half west of Dundee, tw o sheep. Owner can get same by paying expenses in connection therewith. Christopher & Young Dundee. L it | 10-15 io I M 2 The R E XA LL Store Carries a very large assortment o f everything to be found in the highest class drugstores. All kinds o f Pure Fresh Drugs, Medicines and chemicals, Perfumes, School Books and Sup­ plies, Stationery, Liggett’« and Lowney’s candies. Our stock o f cigars is the best m town. You are always welcome. LYNN ïy& W . |g a a a « lj % 0 w a aaaa aw aaa a a w driven , from a a wawaa Oregon waa wffNaaaaa aaaaaa *w nn w Industries of all BaNmwaawa kinds will be and ■■■ intend- in? i investors backs aajawaaa unon the State a if a these so-cail- i i w v v w v i a# will aw aaa turn « aa their aaaawffawia Maawff aawNa-MWff M i v % r v aaaa m m m aam m Igaaaaga T jt ln m en » ‘ddHttawSMaaB water EaMfeaaJLSr rront IfcSUaa oins L oecome laws, m at ■ is aa m wny every Mawaaa man, m n n i n i i d a a a jl a a la a ljd S ■ ’'Bam d o J h i N M b A l a l i a a A m l mJL l l a m a a woman ana cnna m uregon ww no adversely anecten it uiese m hs are passed ny tne tne people n Novemoer. ■ • N N N iii iw w Wanted—Highest market price A postal card addressed to T. paid for green and dried prunes A. Fearry, Newberg, will bring a at H. S. Giles’ Packing house. demonstrator of Excelsior Fence 31tf to your ranch. Don’t buy new A. F. Arthur has never held fence or repair your old fence Almost new, one-horse Oliver sheriff’s office six terms. He on­ until you have talked with me. cultivator, plow , good tent ly asks your support and a trial. _________________________ t£ 8x10, lawn mower, 16 rds. new Paid adv. Sylvander Simms, candidate poultry and hog fence, ladies’ for connty surveyor, has practical bicycle, good sewing machine, For Sale—Poland China and knowledge and ideas on modern iron bed and springs. Will trade O. I. C. hogs and Jersey heifers. road building. Vote for him. for hens, pigs, second band doors S. W. Atkinson, Phone 17a52. Paid adv. or windows, or will sell cheap F or Sale—Black mare, 4 years for cash. J. L. Northup, West Be satisfied with well enough— old, weight about 1400. Inquire Pifth St. 1 tf. return Captain Maloney to E. Yarns, Chehalem Center. county recorder’s office. Paid 1-4 pd. C B. NICHOLS adv. Sylvander Simms is a native Prohibition nominee for coun­ Wanted—Sober, reliable man Yamhill County boy—he should to cut w ood, split rails, build ty commissioner, respectfully be well supported for county fence, pile and burn brush, grub solicits your support. Farmer surveyor. Paid adv. 2 acres. Small house ou place and resident of Yamhill county for eight years. Paid Adv. Wanted—T o rent small place can be used if desired. Married for poultry, stock and garden. man preferred. J. L. Northup, tf. Ernest Kirkpatrick, Newberg. W. Fifth St. I t pd. A. F. Arthur’s official experi­ Marshall strawberry plants, ence in law enforcement com­ Persons contemplating a visit the canning variety, also prune mends him to all law abiding to H ot Lake Springs, Oregon, trees, tor sale by L. S. Otis, phone citizens, vote for him. Paid ad*. w ho require the service o f a Black 202. $250 equity on new house and wheel chair or other special con­ venience, are requested by the A. F. Arthur, the law enforce­ lot, nice little home close in, to management to give notice of ment candidate tor Sheriff. Paid trade. What have you? Real so that arrival bargain—a clear lot or personal adv. proper care and attention may property to $125 value will be 1-3 Lone Fir Dairy—For sweet and taken on this. J. L. Northup, be assured. (Paid advertisement.) tf. soar milk, buttermilk, skim milk West Fifth street. and cream. the evening. r* FERGUSON 1109 «Nil® i fSÍ, HTS 4 !