Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, September 17, 1914, Image 4

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-i • »Jv SV
Our Sanitary Grocery Department Leads A ll Competitors
to m e e t a il fa ir eom p etlth re
iVV ■ , -
8 cans Standard oorn, füll weight
1 lb. can Royal Baking Powder....
5 lbs. Best Rolled Oats...............
4 packages Arm A Hammer Soda.
• 'f ' „ ■ /
2 packages Cream of Wheat.... ..... 35c
1 lb. can of ground chocolate... ..... 30c
I lb. Mignoli* Steel Cut'Coffee .....35c
6 bars Royal White Soap....... ..... 25c
Have Been Busy Receiving the Biggest Une
o f New Fall Goods
¿ S T r 70“ - 68x76 95c per pair
youh.°tw$10 to $12.50 for ladies
OM'.$1.25 per pair
we Have Ever Had at $2.50 to $5.00 for children
We have a large line for you to select from. Ev­
ery coat is new—we have no old carried over
stock to show. We have a specially strong line
Another one, still bet- f i e n _________ 1 -
ter, 70x80 inches, a t ....... # 1
pC T p a ir
All wool blankets, full size, in
plaids or solid colors, at.........
----------- HOSIERY D E P A R T M E N T ------------
Ladies silk hose, heavy,
O C - _________ •
3 p a ir fo r $ 1 , or................. O O C p e r p a i T
Ladies mercerized hose,
« C _______ ____ •
special value........................
PCT pair
ADC pOT paiT
« di“ ^ kc*t<>nbo“ ...10c per pair
special.... foerib b e d b o o e 15c per pair
25c per pair
...10c per pair
M e n .g ™ y w « llio «
lS c p e r p a ii
Would be pleased to have you call and see them
W e have all Hie newest patterns and materials. W e extend to you a
ten. W e guarantee satisfaction
N ew P laid" A ll W o o l D reee G o o d e —64
inches wide and a good value at.......................
New Plaid D ress G oods—44 inches wide,
nice new goods priced a t .......... ...............
W o o l C h a llie s -a nice line o f patterns,
these are all wool, priced a t........ ....................1
F lannelettes fo r K im onos—Large assort­
ment o f pretty patterns a t......... ........ .........
2 ,0 0 0 Y ards Of O uting Flsm nel—Good
range o f patterns, extra heavy, f o r ...........
per yd
per yd
per yd
per yd
per yd
All wool sweaters for ladies or men........ $2.50
Cotton Sweaters for men.................... ,........ 75c
— — — SHOE D EPAR TM EN T---------------
We carry The Selby Shoe Company’ s Shoes for
ladies. These shoos have all the latest styles
and are guaranteed for strong wear. They sell
A t $3.00 and $3.50 Per Pair
We also carry the Peters Shoe Company’ s Shoes
for men and children. These shoes are especially
built for strong, hard wear. Let us supply your
shoe wants ana you will sure save some money.
Yom Gat tfca Beat Ymhom I
¡V— - *• --
Newberg Graphic
Editor ond Publisher
Published «Tory Thu redo y m oraine------
OOuo: Graphic Building, No «00 Pint Street
Phones : Ofloo. White SS; Residence. Bine r
st Newberg. Oregon,
$ 1 5 0 Per Year in Advance
G overnor West mixed his logic
ju s t a little bit in his speech
m ade here Wednesday. For in­
sta n ce, he poured a few broad-
aides at Dr. W ithycombe as be-
m g a man who, as state veteri.
narian, and later as a member o f
the laculty at O. A. C., had been
j l feeder at the public crib
m any years, while almqst in the
name breath he commended Sen­
a to r Chamberlain, whose grip
on the public teat has not been
loosened since Heck was a pap.
“Next week the grade schools,
the high school and Pacific C ol­
lege will open for the new year.
T h e*; schools inrnish opportuni­
ties for all the boys and girls,
th e young men and young wom ­
en of the community, to put in a
g ood year’s study in prepara­
tion for future life work. Par-
cogs should see to it that as far
a s at is at all possible, their chil-
d res start iu at the opening o f
sch ool, in order to get an even
s ta rt with others and thus avoid
discouragem ents and delays that
th ose who get io after the work
is been outlined and is running
a lo n g sm oothly. In these days,
ma never before, those who fail
The cry all these years has prohibition.”
to. get an education are hahdi- ; sary in order to get tö^the front
hibition assert that this is an
capped and must necessarily take in public life. Here in (Oregon we been for an assessment law that
“ G o ahead,”, said the fourth indirect indorsement by Senator
the places at the bottom of the have seen much of this sort o f would make the burden o f taxa­ man, a railroad offidal o f high Chamberlain o f the “ w et”
ladder that are left vacant by w ork in politics We have heard tion as nearly equal on all the standing. “ I am ready for it cause.”
those w ho have advanced to much talk of temperance and people as possible, bat now personally, and so are all the
The Portland newspaper sup­
take the more desirable posi­
porter o f Senator Chamberlain—
tions. Hence the importance of time a certain man who has a proposition to make an exemp­
A physician was the fifth: the Evening Journal— is highly
parents making sacrifices, if need habit o f getting beastly drank— tion of $1,500. Taxes are col­ “ Medidne can do w ithout it; incensed a t the Herald’s inter­
be, to give their children the best and it is no secret that be has lected for the purpose ol detray- sdence is. against it: the old idea pretation o f the brewery circular,
opportnnites possible for get­ this weakness—has been elevated ing'oecessary expenses of govern­ of alcohol as a food is exploded. and says that “ has no more to
ting an education. AncHor the to the highest positions o f public ment, and since all projperty I am all ready tor my vote for do with the wet and dry issue in
boys and girls let the old, old trust that the people o f Oregon owners receive a share o f the National prohibition.”
Oregon than a Missouri mule
It was a club man who spoke had to d o with the Declaration
story be impressed on them, that have in their power to bestow. benefits, why should any be
those who fail to take advantage The habit of imbibing to excess exempt from paying their share next: “ When I see drinking o f Independence.”
o f tbe privileges offered will re­ is said to be grow ing on this of the taxes? It would simply am ong the> cadtes at onr chib,
Are we to* understand this tS
gret it in after life— a story true, man until it is disgusting to his mean that the fellows w h o hap­ and onr caddy-master silly with be a repudiation o f the use by the
as it ever has been.
close friends. His name will ap­ pen to have property to the it, I am ready to give qp my brewery association o f the
pear on the ballot at the Novem­ amount of $1,550 would be com­ cocktail and vote against the Chamberlain indorsement o f the
Tbe wets are paying for space ber election and we notice that peled to double up and help pay whole business.’ >
wet champion?
in the advertising columns of one o f onr exchanges talks for for the benefits the smaller prop­
And, last o f all, was a whole­
Or is the same old Chamber-
eveiy newspaper in the state o f state-wide prohibition in one erty owner is to receive from the sale dealer in liquor who started lain game to be played of hunt­
Oregon that will accept it, in column and for this particular expenditure ofta x money. Where the talk and who finished with ing with the dry hounds and
the fight they are making in op­ candidate in another column. is the justice in such a proposi­ his significant statement: “ Yon running with the wet bares?
position to prohibition. The It seems to be the same old story tion?
are right: we are seeing the
best evidence that can be pro­ with this candidate- In the past
handwriting on the wall* I said
duced to show that they realize he has been able to line np all
at a meeting o f onr wholesale
that there has been a rapid tbe “ wet” votes, and he has also
liqnor dealers the other evening In tlk« County Court o f the State
o f Oregon forth # County
change in sentiment all over the been known to receive the votes
A group o f men casually came that we didn’t have five years o f
o f Yamhill.
country in relation to the saloon of men w ho stand at the top in together at a dinner party the life ahead o f us. Strange as it
Mo Sotato I
businss and that from this time the ranks o f the Prohibition other evening and one happened may seem to yon I would vote
m B. R u m ?,
forward it means a straggle for party in the state. What a to look over the table, which the for National prohibition. It’s I m To
Jooopfc W.
Anno L
existence. It also shows that happy condition for a candidate women had just left, and com ­ for the best all aronnd.”
J.NewlL............................ . . ____ __
they realize that tbe local news­ of a m inority party who it oat mented on the little alcohol that
Not a dissenting voice!—Ladies
* * " **U lrrfar
In Mo nomo of Mo 8toU of O r e g o n ,____
Journal, September.
paper famishes the best means o f for votes.
had been consumed. And here
I end required to
>w of Oro-
reaching the voters of the state.
is what these men said:
lb# Court
With the proposed universal
The first was a business man W ITH THE HOUNDS AND
10 2nd I ' -
Some men will assert that the eight-hour law in force the thrifty of large interests: “ I wouldn’t
private life o f a candidate for housewife may be able to com ply think o f voting for State prohibi­
A recent^ pamphlet issued by
office should not be discussed in with its provisions w ithout run­ tion, but let National prohibi­ the United States Brewers As­
named court, ond which «old rêa’fp roDertr là
a campaign; that in case be is a ning the chance of being thrown tion come up and it will have sociation has extracts from an dmortbed
M follow., to.wit:
Property U
W “ d 1
candidate tor re-election his ca­ in jail, by looking after the prep­ my vote in a minute. Drinking address by Mrs. Abigal Scott
reer as a public official, what h e' aration ot 1 breakfast herself, has become an economic issue, Duniway against state-wide pro­ Clota No. BA Me-------- --
will be able to d o in the future— calling the hired girl at 8 o ’clock, and I am willing to give up my hibition and it contains also a
these alone are the things that allow ing her an hour off at noon whisky and soda for tbe good o f fervent eulogy of Mrs. Dnniway
' delivered by Senator Chamber
should count for or against him. and having the evening meal the many.”
The second was a large em­ lain in the Senate, March 4,
Tbe Graphic believes that the over at 5 o ’clock, so that the
setting np of this sort o f a stand- “ help” can retire prom p tly from ployer o f men, some eighteen 1914, shys tbe Oregonian. The
íhí ’. í : , ^ î s t
ard has had a very bad effect on the kitchen the minute the cuckoo thousand: “ I am ready for Na­ pamphlet has been distributed tz.
the young men o f the country in clock on the wall marks time, tional prohibition; np to this throughout Oregon as part of
the past. They have seen men The dishes—oh well she ami fjie time it has seemed a far-away the “ wet” propaganda.
elevated to high positions whose children can wash them up and ideal to me: now I see it as a
The conspicuous use o f the
private lives would not bear the sweep the floors, provided the pure efficiency measure.”
Senator’s name by the brewery
The third was a clear-/eeing association, in his indorsement
scrutiny o f the clear sunlight tor law m ay be so construed as to
a minute, and seeing that m en' allow her to “ w ork” tbechil- Irishman: “ A lcoh ol. has been of the leading female champion f i t
V1M *• Pooroe, judge of
curse o _T
f my , people.
1 have o f the “ wet” canse, the other Witness .the I
o f this type are given the plaudits dren. It will all come easy w h e n the
__ ______
r _. ______
_____ « uSïoJlîî
o f the people, they naturally coo- j mother gets accustomed to it, I stopped taking it, after forty day led the Albany Herald to re­
*r' **■
dude that a life o f virtue an d. and of course the women will all j years o f occasional drinking, an d, mark:
Clerk of MO choV^To'iBed Coort.
clean living is not at all nccts- vote for the law.
* m y vote is ready for N ational1 “ The friends o f state-wide pro­
s ia t A “ aaswass
Sratfs? s.»
e & î