G R A P H IC ------------- ^------------------------------ W. O. Robertson and are up from Portland on a The W. E. Matthews moved to Portland the the week. -V ■■■ "— N E W B E R G , O R E G O N ...... ■111 1 ■■■» “The Old District School” will be given by special request at tonight. Miss Mary Williams has been Fernwood Rev. Homer Cox, of Portland, quite sick, but shows some im preached The European war is forcing up the price of merchandise in almost every line. We are at the Chehalem Cen­ provement. fighting to keep prices down. Our policy of SELLING IT FOR LESS-quality considered— 9:05 A. M. G. A. Graves was out from ter church on Wednesday night- fully demonstrates this. For Friday and Saturday this week ws make son s spsn*l 11:02 A. M. Portland Wednesday visiting his Harold Say rode up from his home at Wilsonville on his bike, 5:24 P. M. aged father. prices that will not be duplicated when quality and merchandise is considered. 7:00 P. M . Mrs. S. J. Madson went to Tuesday, and spent the night 2:05 P. M. Newport the first of the week with his high school chum, Mil­ ton Kienle. *1:06 P. M. with the Colcord family. •Sunday only* Harold Moore returned home President Pennington went to from Brooks Monday, where he McMinnville Tuesday e\ ¡S P E C IA L S : C. Marsh was out from Port­ spent a week visiting with where he delivered an a< land on business one day last friends. before the county W. C. T. U $1.25 Ladies muslin drawers Ladies waists in black and white lawns at.................................................... week. convention. Orlo Ballard left here last Sat­ Born to Mr. and Mrs. D. W. urday for Kendrick, Idaho, The Woman’s Auxiliary to Pa­ $1.75 Ladies muslin drawers Ladies white crepe, nainsook, voile and at.................................................... Stainbrook, on Monday, a son, where he has a job in a country cific College will meet with Mrs lawn waists—all new merchandise and the first-born. newspaper office. McDonald Saturday afternoon. $1.50 Percale and chambry House Dresses at..................................... Mrs. Mary E. Allen is here Thirteen boxes of apples were Bring fancy work and enjoy a from Eugene, visiting with Mrs started from here by parcel post social time. $1.25 Crepe Kimonos 9-4 Bleached Sheeting—quality unequal- B. H. Woodward. at................................................... on Tuesday for Fort Rock, Lake Mrs. Eva Sherwood and Elmer Hollingsworth and fam­ county, the rate being 54 cents 1 lot of ladies knit drawers, 25c down from McMinnvi values at....................................... ily are down from Black Rock lor a 50-pound box. 8-4 Unbleached Sheeting which is worth Tuesday visiting her parents, visiting with relatives. Percale and Gingham Bungalow L. M. Smith has sold his auto Mr. and Mrs. U. S. G. Miller and aprons........................................... S. E. Cummins came over from garage business to his nephew, attending the Nebraska-Kansas One assortment of pure linen towelings. Carlton Tuesday to attend the Orville Smith, and will «etire picnic. 1 lot of Ladies Uuion Suits 14 to 18 inches wide and worth up to at.................................................... from business, as his health wil Postal Inspector, F. E. Whit­ Nebraska-Kansas picnic. Clark’s Spool Cotton, Dr. E. P. Dixon spent one day not justify Any extra cares. ney, came out from Portland per spool at................................... O. B. Kyle, clerk in the Bar- hunting in tie Siuslaw section 36 inch bleached and unbleached muslins Tuesday and closed a ten-year Richardson’s Spool Silk (200 yds) ond got the limit—three deer. croft drug store, is off on a vaca­ lease with S. J. Madson for the per spool........................................ tion. After making a visit at Lewis and “Jent” Jones, for­ building now being used by the Corvallis "fie wijl go to the mer residents of Newberg, were U. S. government for postoffice out from Portland last Satur­ mountains on a fishing trip. purposes. Safety Pina, the 6c A 1 Darning Cotton, 3 spools Pin«, the 6 cent quality O P. E. Day, of the Spaulding Rev. W. L. Mellinger who has day. quality, per card.. b I C per paper.. ........... . for................................. AH former Indiana people are Logging Co.’s office, in company been doing missionary work in White Tapes, four for Hair Pina, the 5 cent o Hooka and Eyes, the A 1 quality, per package.. O C only............................... aJC invited to take part in the picnic with Mrs. Day and the little one, Mexico, gave a stereoptican lec­ 5c quality per card m 2 C to be held at the city park to­ is taking a vacation. They are ture, descriptive of that country visitin * with relatives near Port and the people, at the Christian morrow. Dr. John S. Rankin and family land. church Wednesday night and arrived home last week from an Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Morris are will speak again this evening. cretion, and the little imp that Notice T o Th e Public. WEST CHEHALEM auto trip to Newport, where basking in the sunshine and Admission free. plays ping-pong with human ocean breezes at Newport this Mrs. N. L. Wiley, of Rex, they spent a short vacation. hearts has no more capable ally I hereby give notice tb the Mr. and Mr. M. D. Elbert are week. J. B. Hunt is looking C. C. Sloan, who has been laid after the jewelry store in their visited with her daughter, Mrs happy possessors of a new auto­ than a woman who loves at public that I will not be respon­ second sight, for experience sible for any debts that my wife, up at his home for several weeks, absence. Astleford, at Scotts Mills last mobile. Annie Evangeline Feagins may iqakes rapid subtle and bold. was out in town for the first Saturday and Sunday and at- Miss Ila Hesgard has spent the H. D. Feagins. B. H. Langworthy and daugh­ tended“Salem quarterly meeting The women have tag days to contract. time Wednesday morning. week in Portland visiting with Newberg, Oregon. I t pd ter, Floy, have gone East to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gary, with visit for six or eight weeks. of Friends church which was an aunt. Miss Hannah Amoth. promote most every other public — August 20,1914. their son and his wife, were out They will visit friends and rela­ leld there. Her mother, M b Mrs. John Winters spend a few enterprise, and why not a tag from Portland last Sunday visit­ tives in North and South Da­ V lary Jane Jessup who had been days last week with Mrs. Joan­ day for bachelors? We have in Oregon approximately fifty thou­ ing with the Clarence Butt fttm kota, and the old home in Min­ there- visiting for some time, re­ na ftavis. sand bachelors and an equal turned home with her. tty. nesota. The Hesgard huller is now on number widows. Why not Mrs. C. B. Wilson and the new Prof. F. K. Jones and family, President Leonard W. Riley, the south side of the valley. The get them of together and solve two son are visiting at McMinnviUe who were detained here longer of McMinnville College, gave a clover there is turning out fairly vexatious problems with one with her sister, Mrs. C. J. Hos­ than they had expected to re­ most excellent address at Friends marriage license? kins, while C. J. is off on a vacs main, owing to the sickness of church on last Sunday evening, well. Dr. A. M. Davis was with the Eight Hours Was the D««i tion. his subject being “The Ideal Ed­ home their young son, left for their folk a few days last week. Floyd Bilyeau, chairman of home in Santa Paula, California, ucation.” It was a union ser­ the Fish and Game Commission, on Monday evening. vice held by the various churches, S. M. Calkins and family According to Col. Bob Lind­ D id you ever stop to came out from Portland to spend J. R. Pleasant, who formerly there was a good attendance, motored to Portland last Sun­ say, and the Colonel usually has think th at your child Sunday with Mrs. Bilyeu and lived here, was down from Willa- and Prof. Riley received many day. They report a very pleasant a good one, two Irishmen met in t the street, and stopped to discuss could have been at the baby. commendations for his effort in trip. mina Tuesday. He is arranging affairs in general. Mrs. William Carter and Mrs. Rev. George F, Round will to go to Chandler, Arizona, avor of a Christian education. preach at Friends church next where his brother, W. P. Pleas­ D. W. Emerson, who had been Will Brisbine were guests, a few “Tim,” said one of them, “did the head of the class Sunday at the morning servix ant, who also lived in Newberg sick tor some time, died at a days ago, with the former’s yez hear about Casey?” “I did not,” was the reply. had there been no eye and Mrs. Round will speak in at one tinfe, is located. Portland sanatarium Tuesday daughter, Mrs. N. P. Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Roberts, of “What about Casey?” the evening. morning. The body was brought J. C. Porter is building up tome tor burial, and the funeral Portland, are visiting with the “.Why, Casey was drowned.” strain ? Little Bernice Metcalf, of Eu­ quite Do you know that nine stu­ “Not big Tim Casey?” trade in Lake county by held from the Seventh Day Ad latter’s sister, Mrs. Boyd. gene, is visiting with her grand­ >arcel a post, “It was the same.” dents out of ten whose eyes are as he can send stuff ventist church, 6f which deceased Mrs. Boyd’s mother, Mrs. De- parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. rom here cheaper it can be was a member, on Wednesday. Witt, of Monmoth, is also visit­ “But Casey could swim like a not perfect are dull in school? Metcalf, out in the Springbrook sent as height by than dook.” School will soon be commenc­ railroad and he Emerson family came to ing with her. neighborhood. x ing. Are you going to let your “Yis, yis, and he did schwim. stage from Portland. This week Oregon from Mankato, Minne­ Last Saturday morning Mr. Rev. and Mrs. George F. Round he kept it up for eight hours. child be at the foot of the class have been in McMinnville during sent,several sacks of potatoes. so ta / several years ago, and and Mrs. L. H. Amoth and son He But Casey! He had to this year, because you neglected the week, the former visiting Jesse Edwards and George C. ocated at Newberg. Deceased Lewis and daughter, Mrs. Tilda quit! poor He belonged have his eyes corrected? with friends and the latter at­ Ritchey attended the big ban­ was a veteran of the civil war, Hesgard motored to Portland. —Seattle Argus. to the union.” to Now is the time to act. They spent the time visiting with tending the county convention quet given at the Portland and was 72 years of age. Hotel in the city Tuesday, in E. W. Hod son, proprietor of relatives and friends and re­ of the W. C. T. U. Monuments. of Dr. Howard H. Russell, :he Parlor Pharmaey, the store turned Sunday evening. Rev. and Mrs. C. L. Hamilton of lonor Ohio, founder of bearing the motto, “We never Mrs. Mary Seely and sons, White Bronze made from re­ came out from Portland Tues­ the Westerville, JEWELER-OPTICIAN National Anti-Saloon League. sleep,” surprised aU his friends Sherman and Clyde, Mrs. Marion fined zinc, will never thoss grow, day to attend the Nebraska- NEWBERG OREGON Kansas picnic. Mr. Hamilton Dr. T. W. Hester and family, by packing his grip and leaving Young and son, and Mrs. Fanny deface or lettering grow dim. J. C. Gregory, Agt., was pastor of the M. E. church Jay Gardner and family, of Dun­ the first of the week for Victoria, Young and little brother, all Oregonian and Graphic Newberg, O re one Weekly dee, and Mr. and, Mrs. H. W. from Wilsonville, were Sunday here a few years ago. 3. C., in company with Mrs. year, $2.25. Rev. Melvin and Mrs. Wire, of Griffin, uncle and aunt of Mrs. lodson, for a really and truly guests at the home of Mr. and Gresham, have been visiting at Jester, are home from a hunting vacation. Just what he took to Mrs. Archie Seely. the home of his parents, Mr. and and fishing trip to Siuslaw. work himself up to a point Mrs. M. C. Wire, north of New­ They got three deer and plenty where he concluded to break WHY NOT TAG of fish. i away, nobody knows, but he is berg, during the week. OREGON BACHELORS? L. Evans and children gone, and J. H. WiUett, a Port­ Prune drying and hop picking and Mrs. her E. mother, Mrs. Clemen- land druggist, is doing the pre­ A great many state legisla­ will begin early this season, with son, left here Wednesday morn­ scription work in his absence. tures have given consideration the crop of neither up to the ing for Lewiston, Idaho, where average. The extremely dry they will spend two weeks visit­ Seven people from Wichita, to bills taxing bachelors and weather has shortened the hop ing with Will Clemenson and Kansas, with an auto touring many convincing arguments truck and a touring auto well have been presented why men crop. Mrs. C. R. Coons, son and fitted out with tents and a full who escape matrimony should J. C. Colcord, cashier of the daughter, respectively, of Mrs. quota of other camping equip- pay a penalty, but why not tag United States National Bank, Clemenson. page, passed through Newberg them as a more painless and ef­ with Mrs. Colcord and daugh­ George H. Lutz, who recently on Wednesday. On being inter­ fective method of extermination? ter, Miss Evah, went to New­ returned from a short trip to rogated reference to the If the bachelors were tagged the port Tuesday for a vacation of :he Alberta country, says he condition with U R Early Crawfords are gone, people came to the of the roads, they said widows could easily find them orchard and got them, but the MUIRS, which are two weeks. ound business pretty badly par­ the worst that they found in all and rapid would do the rest. par excellence for canning purposes, will be ready after I. E. Holt, who took the sum­ alyzed on account of the war, the trip from Wichita, was the The bachelor is naturally timid, September 1. We quote on these the extremely low mer course in manual training jractically everything in the much talked about Rex-Tigard bujt under the encouraging influ- price of one dollar a bushel. Phone your order now. at the University of Washington, way of improvements being stretch in Washington county, ices of a merry widow he can will have charge of the manual made having closed down. The which is to be macadized this easily be led to the altar, tor training work in the Highland season has been very dry, but year if a few hundred dollars there is no more helpless craft Phone 17a6151 and Peninsular schools in Port­ grain is fairly good in the section more can be added to the sub­ afloat than a lovesick swain land the coming year. he visited. scription already raised. who has passed theageofdis- yM|^ l^ 0g090806C60608MîflC8SiC808tt8£80à^9C83MaMÛHCH0HaPBanBX^*fffflOOrfrK<<'|Oin^ MILLER MERCANTILE COMPANY W E S E L L IT F O R L E S S - OUR SATURDAY ONLY Our FRIM f-SITUOM Y 59c S&SS1&Z.T Only 26c 79c 89c S C E S fL i Only 69c 89c Special 27c yd 17c £ £ £ £ Special 22c yd 49c 24c 2*per y‘rd Special 9ic yd . 4c 8c only Special'8 fc yd C A. MORRIS PEACHES Wait if you can, for you will have MUIRS to can if you wait O M. C Wire & Son