tt 1 THK N E W B E R G G R A P H IC ^TTORNIY-AT-LAW CLARENCE BU TT W ill practice in all the courts of the tate. Special attention given to pro- • te work, the writing of deeds, mort- I, contracts and the drafting o f all papers. New berg, Oregon. O m c a —Second Floor " Bank o f N ew berg Building. C. R. CHAPIN Sights the Sultan's Suit Saw on National Government Se e s Dan­ ger in Proposed California Japanese Legislation O—....... Sacramento, Cal.— Tw o new bills dealing with the question of land dwa- ershlp by aliens In California, each Practice in all courts; Probate, Deeds, representing the view o f a considera­ Mortgagee and all legal papers. A b ­ ble faction In the legislature, w ill be stracts examined. offered to the senate and voted on. Through an agreement reached by leaden of the majority party, a dras­ tic law directed solely against the Jap­ anese and Chinese w ill be proposed ss a substitute for the Thompson-Birdaall measure and probably w llf be passed. It is planned to throw out entirely Office over First National the guarded language o f Thompaon- Bank Birdsall and put In Its place two sim­ ple problbltloas: Phone White 3-1 First— N o alien who -is Ineligible to ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ »»♦ e citizenship shall be permitted to ac­ quire and hold land In California, for a period o f more than one year after date of such acquisition. DR. A M. DAVIS Second— No corporation, the majori­ ty of the stock of which Is held by DENTIST aliens who are Ineligible to citizenship, V * - T' TT —■** *— — 'dtk shall be permitted to acquire and hold O fflM over Ferguson’ * Drue Btoro | lands except for one year. Governor Johnson gave out a state­ RHONE BLACK S r £ ment In which h t declared that Cali­ fornia was only doing what other states have done In restricting owner­ ship of land by Allens and said that Californians are unable to understand why as act admittedly within the Juris­ diction o f the California legislature, like the passage of an alien land bill, creates tumult, confusion and criti­ < > cism. LAW YER DR. C. A. ELDRIEDGE D E N T IS T li- J. C. P R IC E ! I! D E N T IS T < \ Office over U . S. Natl. Bank • Phone Black 171 LORD C H U R C H ILL R O B BED Board the Charleston. Events Occurring Throughout the State During the FUN IN FRAMING A TREATY. Past * Week. General Bates Hsd a Sort of Cirous on Text Book Commlooion to Roduco Coot His Hands While Negotiating n •— 1 Salem.— As the law creating the the Filipino Potentate For tho Trans­ state text book commission was enact­ fer of tho Island! te Unole Bam. ed for the purpose o f making school Few treaties ever were negotiated la courses uniform through the state and more Interesting and ludicrous dream- reducing the coat o f books to a mini­ stances than thode that attended the mum, the attorney general rendered one made In 18D9 between General an opinion that the state text book commission had no authority to adopt Bates and the sultan o f Moro. When, after much dillydallying, tbs two or three books to the sartie branch Filipino potentate was finally Induced of study, in order to give teachers a to-come on board the Charleston, tbs selection, or to designate hooka for general’s headquarters, every effort supplementary * reading. was made to put bins In good humor. He and hls suit partook freely o f C. & E. LIN E M U ST R E B U IL D drink, but refused all food as coming from the bands o f Christians. Yet they Commission Finds Track Is Foor and were In no danger o f starring, fo r Urges Immediate Improvement. they had been careful to bring with Salem.— A ll o f the line o f the Corval­ them enormous sacks o f rice. When the guests were conducted lis A Eastern railroad company, from over the man-of-war they marveled Corvallis to Yaqulna, a distance o f 71 at Its mechanical mysteries. A t the miles, must be relaid with new steel suggestion o f an officer the saltan rails, and properly ballasted, and all touched an electric button, and Instant­ of the company’s line, consisting of ly a Chinese servant appeared. Again. 140 miles, must be ballasted, tor the In response to s suggestion, be touched state railroad commission, which made the button twice, and s United States an inspection of the whole line, direct­ marine stood In the doorway. ed that the company make such lm From that time every ornament W hile these directions aboard the ship that to any way sug­ provements. gested an electric button waa pushed were not reduced to the formality of by tbe sultan or by some member o f an order, the commission Intimates hit suit An officer conducted him that unless they are obeyed a formal into a dark room and showed him bow order w ill be madA to torn tbe button that adjusted tbe The commission finds, to begin with, lighting apparatus. Tbe flood o f light that the entire track of the company’s that resulted left him with gaping line la unballasted. The track east month and dilated eyes. of Albany, It says, consists o f 56- Hls wonderment continued to grow throughout the afternoon, and when­ pound steel rails, laid in 1887, and the ever an opportunity afforded he re­ surface la kinked and out of align­ peated the performance o f poshing ment. By laying new ties and prop­ electric bnttons and turning electric erly ballasting, this condition can be lights on and off. H e even went so remedied, says the commission. From far. when be thought himself nnwateb- Albany to Corvallis the track needs ed. to try to appropriate one o f tbe ballasting, but otherwise it is found lighted bulbs. good. When Ice water was brought to tbs lamp o f Ice to tbe pitcher was Imme­ Placer Gold Strike on Canyon diately seized by hls royal highness John Day.—A feverish gold stam­ and as quickly dropped to the floor. As the lump gradually diminished to pede has just been started by a strike size the saltan’s party looked at it to on Canyon Mountain, made by an old- time prospector, Dan O'Shea. O’Shea suspicion. Mr. 8buck suggested to the sultan made hla strike more than a week ago, that he order one o f hls men aloft and but succeeded in keeping It a secret recall him when be reached the crow's several days. When the newa finally nest The first order was easy to exe­ leaked out there was an immediate cute. but when a return was ordered, rush. It la rumored O'Shea has taken bis voice having failed to carry, • out between $2500 and $3000. One pan megaphone was brought and into this tb e Jgnltan shotted for^the nun to re- It la said, yielded him $200. England’s First Admiralty Lord Loses Naval Oats. London.— Winston Churchill, first the admiralty, has been the victim o f s moet daring and sensation­ al robbery, in which a beautiful and mysterious young woman Is suspected as the possible agent o f some foreign power. By the theft the first lord o f the admiralty not only loses $2500 in money, but highly Important confiden­ tial naval data, such as might eagerly T be sought as of greatest value to any nation not too friendly with Great Britain. PHYSK3ANS mmi SURCEONS The first lord of the admiralty met with his misfortune Immediately alter Office over U. S. National Bank haring won money at M t i t bh *W l turn under penalty o f Instant death. O A c e phone Blue 171 Anvil May Y et Be Saved. Riviera recently. Immediately the thoroughly frightened fi Residence Phone Black 116 <$ Florence.— Mr. Genereaox, who has Moro dropped to the deck. Tbe ruler took the dimension* o f the strange charge o f the Anvil for the Insurance Pope is Much Better. toeoeoeoec^c^cwoeoeoeoeoeb Rome.— So much improvement waa mouthpiece and declared that be wdeld company, found after an examination that the vessel is in much better shape found in the condition of the Pope make one for himself. The moet amusing Incident occurred than wah feared and la confident of by Dr*. Marchiafava and Amici that they did not consider it necessary to when the saltan upon invitation fired a success in the attempt float her. 8he Colt automatic gun. The explosion of la gradually moving closer into deep Issue a bulletin. tbe first discharge appeared to root him to the spot Hla hands gripped water. the trigger, with tbe result that shells continued to pepper tbe surrounding AGENT S E NT TO U M ATILLA ; Office in First N a t ’l Bank Bldg. waters. < > Phone, Black 31 Again and again the royal gunner Secretary of Interior Has Received begged tbe officers to stop the action of Conflicting Stories of Project. tbe Infernal machine, not knowing that Washington.— There should be little New York.— “ I commit my soul into the means o f doing it lay to his own wonder that the secretary of the in­ the hands o f my Savior In full confi­ bands. 8o thoroughly frightened was terior, Franklin K. Lane, is unable to be that It was Impouible to make him DR. THOS. W . HESTER dence that, having redeemed it and loosen his bold, and an officer ordered decide Just what course to pursue with washed It In his most precious blood, the tape cat, thus stopping the snpply respect to the West Umatilla extension ; Physician and Surgeon he will present It faultless before the of ammunition. reclamation project. throne of my Heavenly Father; and I Reports have reached the secretary Office in Dixon Building The one pounder was next brought entreat children to maintain and de­ Into play, bnt the sultan refused to go that indicate a serious condition at N E W B E R G - - OREGON fend, at all hazard, and at any ctfst of near one o f tbe eight Inch guns, which the project and he would like to know personal sacrifice, the blessed doc­ he bad been Invited to fire what weight to give them. He has in­ Meantime tbe knives o f his attend­ timated pretty plainly that he will trine of the complete atonement for sin through the blood of Jesus Christ, ants bad been taken to the dynamo send an agent to look into the matter once offered, and through that alone.” room and charged with electricity, and give him an impartial report. This is the extraordinary and strik­ with the result that the suit were of The investigation if made w ill prob­ tbe opinion that the evil one himself ing utterance which begins the last ably be conducted expeditiously. The was aboard. They begged and Implored will and testament of John Pierpont to be taken ashore and. quite forgetful agent 1 b likely to be selected from the Morgan. of their bags of rice, scurried down western country itself, but he w ill not and Obstetrician The amount of trusts and bequests tbe gang ladder. be a man having any reason to show dviam . . j Residence Blue 59 named by speelfic Bums is under $20,- At night the searchlight waa brought bias either for or against the project Phones. BUck m 004,000, but the entire residue of the to bear upon the Moro town o f Bus he will be asked to investigate. Secre­ Hours by appointment estate, estimated at $1,000,000,000 Is Bus, and the instant desertion o f the tary Lane wilt probably try to get his town followed, even tbe dogs leaving left te J. P. Morgan, Jr. opinion as soon as is consistent with For many weeks thereafter no ' The largest individual settlements it. a proper report, and he will then act are made upon the son and three amount of persuasion could Induce tbe ; on it without unnecessary delay. inhabitants to return. daughters. General Bates made hla headquarters Each of the four children receives In the town o f Jolo, and thither the Bigamy and Theft Woman’s Charges ; Physician and Surgpon # in trust $2,000,000 to use the income saltan and hla staff came on several Portland.— Joseph E. Ellis, whose as he or she pleases. occasions to discuss the treaty. Sub­ aliases are, according to county o ffi­ Chronic dbeeK* • «pecialty. Call* Mrs. Morgan, the great financier’s sequently they made another visit to ! cers, Rev. E. L. Richards and C. H. answered promptly day or night. second wife, is made the beneficiary tbe Charleston. This time the mother j Duffy, was taken from the California OAce and Rendenee, 107 Main St. of a trust fund large enough to insure o f tbe anltan accompanied tbe party, Limited at Dunsmuir, Cal., by local Phone Red % and daring the visit a phonograph own- an income of $100,000 a year. officers, acting under Instructions sent own» » » » * * * * * * * * * * as ♦ s e a sea her The two sons-tn-law, Batteries and ed by one o f tbe officers rendered se- by Sheriff Word. Hls wife, two daugh­ Hamilton, are given $1,000,000 each. lections for the entertainment of tbe ters and a son were also taken from ALWAYS GO The assistants and servants in the guests. The aged dame sat entranced the train. Sheriff Word sent a de­ Morgan households and Institutions throughout tbe performance, and it puty to bring the family back to Port­ are provided for liberally. waa not until tbe time came for her : land, Where Ellis, or Duffy, may be son to affix bis signature to the treaty 3harged with bigamy and swindling for R E A L ES TATE Knox Bill Refused. that ahe awakened On one condition 1 a woman whom he recently married j and BEAVER STATE Saeramento, Cal.— Through the Pan- only would ahe permit the sultan to in Georgia, out of $2650. ama-Paelflo Exposition commission sign—the phonograph must become hers 706 First Street New berg, Oregon state has refused to participate la the at once Klamath Allotments Put on Block For a time that phonograph threat­ expenses of ex-Secretary of State Phil­ Klamath Falls.— Scores of inherited ander C. Knox, who visited California ened to be the means o f upsetting all allotments on the Klamath Indian res­ General Bates’ well laid plans for the May ostensibly to boost the ex- amicable taking over o f the Islands, ervation will soon be offered for sale posltlen, on the groand that that o ffi­ bnt fortunately the owner waa prevail­ The minimum price at which the lands Eyes examined and glasses made cial used the occasion to aid President ed upon to nart with tbe machine In can be sold is fixed by a board of ap­ to fit. Taft's political aspirations. the Interests of hls government and praisers. The lands are then adver­ 202 First SL the treaty was executed.—B. C. Roat to | tised and sold to the highest bidder, Phone Blue 38 Temmy Murphy Defeats WolgaaL Century Magazine. but no bid less than the apralsed val­ San Francisco.— For 16 rounds “ Har­ uation Is considered. The money de­ W . W . Hollingsworth & Son lem'' Tommy Murphy aad Ad Wolgast Reeuft of His fteeearehes. rived from the sale of the lands goes Funeral Directors êt Embalmers battled, with little to choose between Investigator-W hat. In .voor opinion, to the heirs of the deceased. Before them. Then a missed right swing by ta the secret of good roads? Calls Answered Day or Night the lands are sold the agent In charge Downstate Chauffeur—The secret of the ene-tlms champion was His undo­ of the reservation calls a m eetitg of Lady Assistants. N o extra charge way tor a fight-end good roads Is to find ’em. — Chicago all heirs. Tribune Office, White 25 Res. Black decision la favor of Murphy. Dr. John S. Rankin ? Everybody knows it is the Standard. What more can be said? Newberg Auto Co., Agt. I Littlefield & Romig | PHYSICIANS j and SURGEONS MORGAN’S WILL ASSERTS FAITH Dr. F. H. Wilson ü j; O S T E O P A T H I S T ; Help Fight the Great Red iPlague Citizens o f the state are urged to inform themselves regarding this plague which is causing great suffering among boys and young men, and especially among the innocent girls and women of the state. Parents are urged to protect their children, and provide clean, wholesome infor­ mation in place o f the unclean misinformation they cannot now help getting. Send for any of the following Free Circulars FOR Y O U N G M E N Circular No. 2— The Four Sex Lies. Circular No. 9—Sex Truths for Men. FO R O L D E R B O Y S (13 to 18 yrs. o f age) Circular No. 8— Virility and Physical Development. FO R Y O U N G E R BOYS (10 to 13 years o f age) Circular No. 7—The Secret o f Strength. FO R G IR LS Circular No. 4— A Plain Talk with Girls about their Health. FO R Y O U N G W OM EN Circular No. 10— Physical Development, Marriage and Motherhood. FO R P A R E N T S Circular No. I—The Need for Education in Sexual Hygiene. Circular No. 3—When and How to Tell the Children. Circular No. 5— A List o f Books for Use in the Family on Sex. DR. a. E. STUART | to W h ite & C o . A . E. W I L S O N O p tician Nawbarg. Ora. Send 2-cent stamp with your address. Department D The Oregon State Board of Health 703 Selling Building, Portland, Oragon If, during the transition from winter to spring, you experi- #ence a lack o f energy, seem tired, despondent, have back­ ache or headache, with broken unrefreshing sleep, your sys­ tem needs renovating. The in­ activity of winter life and con­ sequent closing o f the pores leaves an unwholesome accu­ mulation o f impurities in the system. Your blood needs pur­ ifying. Try Dr. Wm. Pfunder’s Oregon Blood Purifier. On ac­ count o f its peculiar resolvent and alterative properties it is the safest and best spring mediane for old or young. A short treat­ ment at home corrects a long list o f ills that beset us in the spring, such as biliousness, sour stomach, constipation, sallow­ ness, and aggravating eruptions o f the skin. At your druggists’ . D r .W m .P funders L OREGON BLOOD P U R IF IE R NOW DB. WM. PFUNDBB CO., FwtlaaA O r o «