Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, November 14, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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Cheap School Sup­
plie» C h e a p e s t in
the End,
Children don’ t use their
belongings like you do.
Unless their things are
well made they never
last long. O n l y t he
best in school supplies
is cheap. We special­
ize in that kind at this
store. All the children
like our goods. Bring
them in today and let
us show you-
is a p retty b ig claim t o make for
ou r produ ct but a trial w ill con ­
vince the m ost skeptical o f its
truth. H o w could it be other
wise, when w e em ploy the best
m aterials and the best baking
skill obtainable.
Order a loa f
to-d a y and it w ill have a perma­
nent place on y o u r table htfre-
N tw b irg, Oregon
The Newberg Manufacturing and
Construction Co.
For the Best Prices on the Best Windows, Doors, Inter­
ior and Exterior Finish, Mouldings, Building Stone,
Cabinet Work, Store Fixtures and General Mill Work
the lumber question here. When
we say we sell the highest qual­
ity, we mean just that and noth­
ing else. Deal here and you get
a square deal. You don’ t have
to be a lumber expert to buy
here to the best advantage. Ask
those who know.
M . H . P IN N E Y
3 0 « N. Mala St..
The Graphic Job Printing Department
is the best equipped in Newberg for turning out high-class printing
at lowest possible prices. I f you want estimates on anything in the
printing line from a visiting card to a large book or poster, call up
White 33. There’ s no job too large or too small for us to execute.
îl/e ¡Print to ¡Please at the ¡Prices that ¡Please
witn sympatmzmg spectators.
“ Take our water, boys?” shouts
Flare. Rivalry of F ir. Companiaa In
the foreman, as the rival engine
the Old Days.
In the old days before steam fire
engines came into use tbere used to
be fierce struggles between rival
fire companies to see whicb could
“ wash" the other engine. A fire
was then “ fought” by extending a
line of engines from the nearest
water to the burning building. The
engine at the cistern or hydrant
pumped water to the one in front,
this in turn supplied the third, and
•o on until the one at the fire end of
the line waa reached, and it played
upon the flames.
Tha foreman of the first engine
to reach the fire hailed the next
company that arrived with, “ Will
you take our water?” ▲ refusal
was not to be thought of. It would
be ahowing the “ white feather.”
An engine waa “ washed” when its
rival supplied it with more water
than It could pump out, so that its
box was overflowed. As the engines
were all of nearly the same size and
pattern, the victory would belong
to the company that applied the
moat mu«cle to its brakes.
The exciting contest begah with
the first stroke of the alarm bell,
for each company was ambitious to
he the first arrival at a fire. The
first member who reached the en­
gine bouse threw open the doors,
kicked away the chocks and rolled
out the engine. Then a dozen mem­
bers rush up, seize the drag rope
and away the “ machine” goes.
“ Start her livelv, boys!” shouts
the foreman, running ahead. “ Let
cut more rope!” is the cry, as fresh
members lay bold. “ Pull steady I”
cry the men, aa they bend to their
A rival machine ia heard rum­
bling a square or two behind. “ Now
jump her, men T* yelk the foreman
through his trumpet “ Jump her
liv e ly r
Down the street rush tha engines,
followed by crowds o f cheering boys.
8idewalka, windows, doors art filled
pulls up at the fire.
“ Yes.”
Round go the engines into line;
the hose is reeled off, and all being
in readiness the commands are giv­
en: “ Stand by your brakes, men I”
“ Put in the butt!” “ Play away!”
And twenty partly stripped men,
ten on a side, dash down the brakes
at the rate of sixty strokes to the
On the front o f the engine stands
the foreman, and with body sway­
ing to the motion o f the brakes, he
shouts' words of encouragement to
his men.
Then, as he sees the water “ boil­
ing” in the box of the rival, he
prows frantic in his endeavors to
increase the speed o f his men. As
it washes over the sides he will lead
the cheer o f victory, if he has voice
j enough left to raise a shout
\ Sometimes the second engine
, pumped out water faster than her
, antagonist could pump it into her.
Then the latter was disgraced, or,
in fireman’s slang, “ sacked on.”
All sorts of excuses would be of­
fered by the members when their
engine had been washed. “ She was
graveled,” “ She had a brick in her,”
or ‘There was a stick under the
valve.” Men have even been known
to bore holes in the boxes of their
engine in order to prevent her from
being washed. — Youth’s Compan­
An Ominous Situation.
“ What’s the matter, Jingle 7* ask­
ed Hawkesbee. “ You look worried.”
“ I am worried,” said Jingle. “ I ’m
afraid that boy of mine is getting
irregular in his habits.”
bed,” said Hawkes-
“ That's too
bee. “ What are the symptoms?”
home for
pried boi
“ He hasn’t telegraphed
money now for
r ten days,” seid Jin
“ He used to be as regular s»
f é eeday with hie appetii*— B er­
ner's Weekly.
Startling Presentation of Com-
- log Emets.
Church»» of All Danominatlana and tha
Civil Powers of Earth Ara About to
Unita In Common Cauaa —Powarful
Influanoa Preparing Far tha Bettis
of Armagaddon—A Raign of Anarohy
Will Ba tha Raault of tha Warfang
Until Tha Maaaiah Takes Control.
Brooklyn. N. Y„
S. - T h e
Brooklyn Academy
of M u s i c w a a
crowded to the lim­
it today to bear
P a a t o r Russell’s
discourse on the
“ Battle o f Arma­
geddon.” His text
waa: “ He gathered
them together unto
a place called In
the Hebrew tongue
(RevelaUc« ra t 18.1 The speaker said:
ArmageuSoa in the Hebrew signifies
the “ Hill of Megiddo.” or Mount of l>e
structlon It was famona as a battla
field In Old Testament times.
The Lord has seen fit to associate the
name Armageddon, with the great con
troversy between Truth and Error,
right and wrong. God and Mammon,
with which this age will cloee, perish,
and the New Age of Messiah’s glory
be oahered In. He has purposely need
highly symbolical figures o f speech in
the last book o f the Bible, evidently
with a view to biding certain Impor­
tant troths until the due time for their
reveal meat But even In the doe time,
the Bible assures us. “ None o f the
wicked shall understand" (Daniel x ii
9. IO i —none who are oat o f heart har­
mony with God—bat only the wise of
His people—the “ wise virgin" class of
the Master’s parable.
1 have long avoided presentation of
my understanding o f oar text and its
context. I take it up now by request
and because I believe It la due time to
be understood. I disclaim any special
inspiration. In some particulars my
views agree with those o f other Bible
students, and In other respects they
disagree. Each bearer must nee his
Own Judgment, do his own Bible study,
and reach his own conclusions.
Kindly remember that 1 am not re­
sponsible for the figures o f speech used
by the Lord. My Interpretation» do in­
deed constitute a terrible arraignment
of Institutions which we have all rever­
enced and which embrace good people,
of good words and good works God’s
saintly people in these various institu­
tions being comparatively few. are
Ignored when systems as a whole are
dealt with in prophecy.
The Dragon. Boast. False Prophot.
Our context tells us that three Im­
pure spirits (teachings» will go forth
from the mouths of the Dragon, the
Beast and the False Prophet, and these
three will be In accord, and symbolical­
ly the doctrines are represented by
•frogs“ These three doctrines are to
nave a mighty Influence throughout the
civilized earth
They are to gather
the kings and their armies to the great
Rattle of Armageddon.
The ecclesiastical kings and princes,
and their retinues of clergy and faith­
ful adherents, will be gathered In solid
phalanx—Protestant and Catholic. The
kings and captains of Industry, and as
many as can be Influenced by them,
will he gathered to the same side. The
political kings and princes, with all
their henchmen and retainers, will fol­
low in line on the same side. The
financial kings and merchant princes,
and all whom they can Influence by the
most gigantic power ever yet exercis­
ed In the world, will Join the same
side, according to this prophecy.
These vdoctrines of demons." repre­
sented by the “ frogs.” will lead many
noble people In this great army to se­
same an attitude quite contrary to
their preference
For a time the
wheels o f liberty and progress will be
turned backward and medieval re
stralnts will be considered necessary
for self-preservation—for the mainte­
nance of the present order of things.
In * giving this Interpretation. It to
necessary for ns to Indicate what to
symbolized by the Dragon, the Beast,
and the False Prophet Bible students
of nearly all denominations agree with
us that the “ Dragon” of Revelation
represents the purely Civil Power.
Protestant Interpreters generally agree
that the “ Beast like a leopard” (Reve
latlon xlil. 2) represents tfie Papacy.
But fewer still, we fear, will be ready
to support our view that Protestantism
to the “ Image of the Beast" (Revelation
illl. 18» In our context given another
name, “the False Prophet” We urge
no one to accept onr Interpretation
nor ehall we think bard o f any who
refuse It We will neither slander nor
otherwise Injure them now. nor threat
eo them with eternal torture. They
have the same right to tbelr views that
( have, and the tame right to make
them known to others. And L fot
one. will be very glad to consider any
think which opponents may set forth
as their Interpretations o f our text.
"Unelean Spirits U»ka Frog»."
The symbolisms of Scripture, right
ly understood, are always forceful
When the Holy Spirit used a “fro*'
to symliollcaily repress nt certain
doctrines or teachings, we may be
■are the true application will fit welL the placing o f monopolise and utllltlea
A frog has a sags look, a wise look. and the supplies o f nature In the hands
It swells Itself up In an apparent en­ of the people for the public good. The
crisis will be reached when the hither­
deavor to Impress the beholder. Its
great month well represents Its chief to upholders o f law shall become vio­
lators o f the law and reelstera o f the
power, need to croak.
will o f the majority as expressed by
Applying these symbols, we learn the ballot Fear for the future will
that an evil spirit Influence, teaching, lead the well-meaning tntssaa to desper­
will come from the Protestant churches ation; and anarchy will raault whan
federated, from the Church o f Rome, Socialism falls.
and from the Civil authorities, all In
The Cloud's Silver Lining.
full agreement The spirit o f an will
would be this outlook for
be boastful; an air o f superior wisdom
and knowledge will be proudly assum­ the future did we not have the Infalli­
ed—all will croak In harmony. Ail will ble Word o f God assuring us o f a
tel) o f dire results that would follow. glorious outcome! Divine Wisdom baa
Involving tha Interests o f both the withheld until our day the greet knowl­
present and the future Ufa, If tbelr edge and skill which la at the earns
counsel be not followed. However con­ time breeding millionaires and discon­
flicting the creeds, the differences will tents. Had God lifted the veil a thou­
be Ignored In the general proposition sand y ean sooner, the world would
that’ nothing ancient most be disturb­ have lined up tor Its Armageddon a
thousand y ea n sooner. But that
ed, or looked into, or repudiated.
The Divine authority o f the Church, would have been too soon for the Di­
and the Divine right o f kings, aajde vine purpose, because Messiah’s King­
from the Church, will not be allowed dom to to be the greet Thousand-
to conflict Any persons or teachings Year-Sabbath o f the world’s history.
In conflict with these boastful and un- God In kindness veiled our eyes until
scriptural claims will be branded as the time when the gathering to Ar­
mageddon would Immediately precede
everything vile, at'the mouths of these
Messiah’s taking to Himself Hto great
"frogs” speaking from pulpits and
power, and beginning Hto reign.—Reve­
platforms and through the religious
lation zL 17, 18.
and secular press. The nobler senti­
“ Send Them 8trong Delusions."
ments o f some will be strangled by the
S t Paul wrote prophetically o f our
philosophy o f the same evil spirit
which spoke through Cataphas, the time, that It would be one o f serious
high prieBt. respecting Jeans. Aa Cats- trial and testing to many professing to
phaa declared it expedient to commit be Christiana. The reason for this be
a crime in violation o f Justice, human states—they received not the Truth In
and Divine, to be rid o f Jeeua and Hto the love o f It (II Thessalonlans 11, 10.
teachings, so this “ frog" spirit will ap­ 11.) They preferred their own errone­
prove o f every violation o f principle ous theories, the Apostle explains, and
therefore God will glVe them over to a
necessary to their self-protection. ^
The croaking o f these “frog” spirits or “strong delusion.” and let them believe
loctrlnes will gather the kings and the lie which they preferred, and let
princes, financial, political, religious them suffer for missing the Truth
md Industrial Into one great army. which they did not lore. Thus they
The spirit o f fear, Inspired by the will be In the condemned host "fight­
: makings o f these “ frogs." will scourge ing against God,” because o f tbelr lack
the passions o f otherwise good and o f love for the Truth.
It to sad to say that we all as Chris­
reasonable men to fury, desperation.
In their bUnd following o f these evil tians have been laboring under e thor­
spirits, evil doctrines, they will be ough delusion respecting God’s Plan.
ready to sacrifice life and everything We have claimed that Christ set np
»n the altar o f what they mistakenly Hto Church in Kingdom power, and
suppose la Justice, truth and righteous, that the Church has been reigning on
the earth as Hto representative. On
ness, under a Divine arrangement
For a brief time, as we understand the strength o f thto delusion, Jews and
the Scriptures, these combined forces heretics have been persecuted to death
of Armageddon will triumph. Free as opponents to Christ’s Kingdom. All
speech, free malls, and other liberties the while we thoughtlessly repeated
which have come to be the very breath the Lord’s prayer: “Thy Kingdom
of the masses in our day. will be ruth­ come; Tl^y will be done on earth, as In
lessly shut off under the plea o f neces­ Heaven.” We knew that the Redeemer
sity, the glory of God. the commands said that He would come again to
of the Church, etc. All will seem to be make aa His Bride and Joint-heirs: but
serene, until the great social explosion we ignored the Scriptnres. We were
In our context described aa the “great drunk, as the Scripture« symbolically
An “ earthquake,” In say, “ all nations were drunk” with the
symbolic language, signifies social false doctrine. It to thto false doctrine
revolution, and the declaration o f the that will constitute the “ frog” spirit
context to that none like unto It ever which soon will begin to croak and to
before occurred. (Revelation xvL 18, prepare for Armageddon.
The Bible presentation to that the
19.) Jeeua described it as a time o f
trouble such as never waa since there world to a section o f the universe In
rebellion against Divine authority, un­
was a nation.—Matthew xxlv. 2L
der the captaincy o f Satan and hto as­
The Lord Will Gather Them.
sociated fallen angels. By Divine grace
The false, frog-llke teachings will
Jesus has already “ tasted death for
gather together Into one host the great,
every man.” and the merit o f that sac­
the rich, the wise, the learned and the rifice m ost eventually, grant Adam and
kings of the earth, to battla At this hto posterity a full, fair opportunity
Juncture Divine Power will step for­
for the attainment o f everlasting Ufa.
ward. and our text tells us that BE All who thus seek the Divine program
shall gather the marshaled hosts to and are walking In the light may know
Armageddon—to the Mountain o f De­ something at least respecting the "times
struction. The very thing which they and'seasons.”
These brethren “are
sought to avert by their union, federa­ not In darkness, that that day [and
tion. etc., will be the very thing they that battle o f Armageddon] should
will hasten. Other Scriptures tell us overtake” them “ as a thief” — un­
that God will be represented by the awares.
Great Messiah, and that He will be on
Armageddon Not Yet but Boon.
the side of the masses. Thus we read
forty years the Armageddon
In Daniel xll. 1: "At that time shall
Michael [the Godlike One—Messiah] forces have been mustering for both
stand up” —assume authority. He will sides of the conflict 8trikes. lockouts
take possession of Hto Kingdom In a and riots, great and small, have been
manner little looked for by many of merely Incidental skirmishes aa the
those who erroneously have been belligerent parties crossed each other’s
claiming that they were Hto Kingdom, | paths. Court and Army scandals in
and authorized by Him to reign In Uls ! Europe. Insurance. Trust and Court
scandals In America, have shaken pub-
name and In His stead.
Jesus declared. “ Hto servants ye are 1 lie confidence. Dynamite plots, charg-
onto whom ye render service.” Some | ed by turns on employees and on cm-
may be rendering service to Satan and j ployers, have farther shaken confl-
to error, who claim to be rendering | dence and tended to make each dis­
service to God and to righteousness; trustful of the other. Bitter and angry
and some o f these may be serving Ig­ feelings on both sides are more and
norantly, as did Saul of Tarsus, who more manifest The lines of battle are
“ verily thought that be did God a serv­ dally becoming more distinctly marked.
ice” in persecuting the Church. The Nevertheless Armageddon cannot yet
Other matters Intervene,
seme principle bolds true reversely. be fought
As an earthly king dose not bold him­ according to prophecy.
Gentile times have still two years to
self responsible for the moral character
o f each soldier who fights In hto bat­ run. The “ Image o f the Beast” o f onr
tles. so the Lord does not vouch for the context moat yet receive life—power.
moral character of all who will enlist The Image must be transformed from
and fight on Hto side of any question. a mere mechanism to a living force.
“ Hto servants they are to whom they Protestant Federation realizes that Its
render service.” whatever the motive organization will still be futile unless
It receive vitallaatlon—unless Its clergy
or object prompting them.
The same principles will apply In the directly or Indirectly shall be recog-
coming Battle of Armageddon. God’s ! nlaed as possessed o f apostolic ordina­
side of that battle will be the people’s tion and authority to teach. Thto the
aide, and the very nondescript boat prophecy Indicates will come from the
the people, will be pitted at tha begin­ two horned beast which, we believe,
ning of the battle. Anarchists, Social- symbolically represents the Church of
High-handed activities of
tots, and bot-headM radicals of every England.
and Catholicism, operat­
school o f reason and unreason, will be
In the forefront o f that battle. The ing In conjunction for the suppression
majority of the poor and the middle of human liberties, await thto vivifying
class prefer peace at almost any price. o f the Image. This may come soon,
A comparatively small number, God’s bat Armageddon cannot precede It but
consecrated people, will at heart be must follow—perhaps a year after It
longing for Messiah's Kingdom. These according to our view o f the Prophecy.
Still another thing Intervenes: Al­
will bide the Lord’s time and wait pa­
the Jews are gradually flowing
tiently for It; they will be of good
courage, knowing the outcome outlined Into Palestine, gradually obtaining con­
In the "more aura word of prophecy.” trol o f the land o f Canaan, and al­
to which they have done well to take though reports say that already nine­
Seed. "as unto a light shining in a teen millionaire« ere there, neverthe­
dark place until the Day dawn."—11 less prophecy requires an evidently
larger number o f wealthy Hebrews to
Peter i, 19
be there before the Armageddon crlsli
The masses will be restless o f tbelr
be reached
Indeed we nnderetand
restraints, but will be conscious o f
that "Jacob’s trouble" In the Holy
tbelr own weakness me compared to the
Lend will come at the very ck>e« of
kings end princes, financial, religious
Armageddon. Then Messiah's King­
and political, which will then hold
dom will begin to be manifested.
sway. , Besides, the masses have no
Thenceforth Israel In the lend o f prom­
sympathy with anarchy. They realize
ise will gradually rise from the ashes
truly that the worst form o f govern­
of the past to the grandeur o f proph­
ment to better than none. The masses
ecy. Through Its Divinely appointed
will seek relief through the ballot and
princes Me«alah’a Kingdom, all-power­
peaceful re-sdjustment o f earth’s af­
ful hut Invisible, will jwgln to roll
fairs tor the eHmteettoe o f evil, far
■way the curse end to lift up mankind.
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