Oregon H Ut. Society IfV H»M O. B, Vt GRAPHIC N ew berg VOL. X X IV NEWBEBÖ, YAM HILL COUNTY. OBEGON. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 26, 1912. ciRCurr Four of the Six Lyceum Course Numbers co u r t w e e k Harvest Time For The A ttor­ neys And Picking G ood. against Flower who lives at Newberg. E. E. Heckbert ap­ pears for the plaintiff and B. A. Kliks for the defense. On motion, the complaint was stricken out and the plaintiff allowed until Tuesday to file a new complaint. W. E. Matthews vs H. M. Abbott and C. L. Thornton was tried Tuesday, with B. A. Kliks for plaintiff and Dan R. Murphy and C. W. Corby for the defense. This was a suit to recover damages in the sum of $3,000 ajifainst the defendants for fraud in the sale o f stock of hardware in the Newberg Hard­ ware & Plumbing Company of Newberg. The jury brought in a verdict in faver o f Mr. Mat­ thews. N o. 50 ST. PAUL BOOSTERS M atters of Interest to Both ■ O f the River Discussed. Judge Kelley convened Depart­ A few of our Commercial Club members attended the booster ment No. 1 o f the Circuit Court meeting called by the Commer­ promptly at ten o ’clock, Monday. 1 cial Club o f St. Paul for the pur­ ÿ S.-» The following jurors failed to A A pose o f boosting that section, appear or were excused: R. M. and to arouse interest in the rail­ * VI Welch and N. A. Barrett, out of road companies to extend their i s* line through St. Paul. —J the county; Z. E Perkins and A. a They had succeeded in getting C. Darr excused. The following together quite a large crowd o f were chosen for the grand jury Carter’s Jubilee Company local people, as well as speakers f by lot: F. C.'Eddy o f Willamina, from Portland, Oregon C i t y , foreman; Harvey Berry, D. A. W ood burn and Salem. Honey, Chris Ecks, E. J. Con­ Hon. Dan R. Murphy spoke on verse, W. R. Force and J. W. the importance o f the farmers Martin. These gentlemen were cutting up their large holdings, instructed in their duties and in­ doing away with wheat and formed that their chief work SUFFRAGE LUNCHEON grain raising, and going more would be required and expected i n t o diversified farming a n d ext March. After a short ses- Mrs. Laura Morris, president stock raising. ion, they were excused. of the locfil Suffrage Club, gave State vs Sullivan charged a delightful luncheon at her home Judge Dimmick, of Oregon City, ith larceny from a dwelling on Hancock street last Wednes­ spoke very interestingly upon as callcf). It was finally agreed day afternoon, to the members hog raising, giving statistics to o plead guilty to simple larceny, o f the Club. The ladles of New­ show that Oregon was naturally 5 hich would not require a peni- berg have suddenly sprung into the best adapted state in the entiary sentence as would the notice as ardent advocates of union for raising hogs. Mr. Huckenstine spoke very in­ former. It was then shown that equal suffrage, and women are terestingly, and advised the St. ullivan took a pair o f eye- scarce indeed who adhere to the lasses and also a looking-glass, old-time regime which recognizes Paul people to rise beyond the otal value thereof, being less the husband and wife as one and noteriety of having a crack base­ ban $10, from an old Lafayette the husband the o n l y one. Our ball team, and join the other pro­ ouple where he had been room- present hope is founded, not only gressive cities of the valley in b * g, but it was done in a drunken upon the activity o f women but ing known as a commercial upor, and probably without the allegiance of public spirited point. N dl Litchfield Trío Mr. L. J. Chapin, o f the Agri­ nowledge of the defendant. On men. T o this end, the pastors bowing made that Sullivan had o f Newberg have been solicited cultural College, spoke of the im­ nee the act never taken another for a sermon on the “ Enfranchise portance o f the tanner being a J M V V W V V W W l / W W P . PyoyO eO iw i O d W J W W ^ i rop o f liquor and on his prom ment of Women.” We look better business man, saying that to the court that he would forward to victory in November, he should carry : to he had, the public need have Mr. Wm. H. Elliott, who er again touch intoxicating basing our hope upon the co­ counts on a ledger, just as of ; no fears about this number being brother o f Mrs. W alters. Parker' lines of business do. That at liquors he was paroled. operation o f men, as women can­ first-class and Orange Elliott, both o f this State vs Alvin Countryman, not enfranchise women when least tw o accounts should be Robert S. Glenn, Ex-Governor place. He spent a year in New­ charged with sale o f intoxicating they have no votes with which kept accurately, an income ac­ o f North Carolina, has a nation­ berg about fifteen years ago. count and an expense account liquors. It appeared that the Talent o f Six Num­ wide record as a plalform orator He is now in business in George­ charge could not be substan­ to d o so. that should be balanced to show The Club has accepted an invi­ | and always speaks to crowded town, Illinois. The wedding will bers W ill be O ffered . tiated, and the prosecution dis­ tation to meet with Mrs, Eva at the end of each year just how houses. take place in October. But to missed the case. Countryman is H. Hull, 815 North Meridian, the farmer's business turned out. Every number o f the course, return to the shower, and it was from Grand Ronde. He was rep Thursday evening, Sept. 26th. He stated that the labor per­ The lyceum season o f 1912-’ 13 will, in fact, be worth half the a shower indeed. Numbers of is at hand and calls are already price, at least, o f a season ticket, articles displaying hand embroid­ resented by McCain, Vinton & All ladies interested in the equal­ formed by the farmer, as well as that o f his wife and family, coming in tor season tickets from and a good sale o f advance seats ery were presented as well as Galloway. ity o f women are invited to at­ should be charged against the Palmer vs Sheridan Orchard former p a t r o n s , who h a v e for the season will no doubt be other gifts to o numerous to men­ tend. expense account, for if a farmer Development company, was set learned to expect a series o f ,thj result. tion. T o employ her hands could not receive compensation pleasing and profitable enter­ At the close o f last season’s during the early part of the even­ led, and the consequence was for his own labor and that of HOCK WEDDING that the jury had no work for tainment, when seats are secured course, nearly 150 persons signed ing, each guest made some lit­ his family and show a profit, it for a lyceum course in Newberg. pledge cards, agreeing to pur- tle a r t i c l e f o r us e in t he Monday, all three cases going Mrs. John W. Barcroft Jr. was was time he was adopting more In making a selection o f talent chase tickets for this Ma80n. To kitchen which, when completed, out, as did the following case of State vs Hall, charged with sale hostess at a jolly party for Miss progressive methods. offered, an effort has been made j tho!M. the tickets will be delivered was presented to the bride elect. The writer on behalf o f the of intoxicating liquors, owing to P e a r l Cummings on Monday to make up a course that will within a few days, and the sale One of those brain-racking guess­ the absence o f witnesses. please the varied tastes of the will be continued up to the date night. She was ably assisted in Commercial Club invited the St. ing contests followed, in which J. H. Lee vs M. W. Houk, all of people, and it is thought that the of the first number. If yqu are entertaining by her sister, Mrs. Paul people over to attend the all sorts o f questions were asked course as herewith announced | not called on by solicitors, call a b o u t an up-to-date wedding, Whiteson, was settled on pay­ A. B. Wilmot, o f Oregon City. lecture on the subject o f building up the dairy herd, to be delivered will meet this demand. ! at thè music store of Kienle & the answers to be found from ment o f $311 and costs, total A mock wedding was enacted about $350. Lee worked tor The opening number will be j Son, where tickets will be on sale the names o f flowers that grew with the parts of the bride-elect by Prof. C. L. Smith on Monday Houk on a wood saw which was and all contracting parties well afternoon, Sept. 30th. I am given by “ Bob” Seeds whose at $2.00, which includes a in grandmother’s old-fashioned unguarded and had both bones sustained. The writer has been quite sure a large number o f the lecture subjects are: “ Mistakes o f reserved seat,' Purchasers o f sea­ garden. in his right arm sawed almost bribed however not to give the St. Paul people will come over Life Exposed,” “ Influence of the son tickets may call at the same Mrs. A. B. Wilmot assisted through, and thereby crippling names o f the young ladies who and attend this lecture as well as Home,” “ Queerness of the Queer,” store on the morning o f Friday, Mrs. Seely with the refreshments him. A number o f defenses were assumed the role of groom and the other lectures that ha\e been “ How God Made the Soil Fer­ i November 1, at 8:30, and select which were daintily served in outlined by o u r Commercial interposed, rendering recovery clergy respectively. tile.” their seats for the season. tw o courses. Those p r e s e n t Just one press notice for Mr. doubtful. McCain, Vinton & With the addition o f Mrs. Nel­ Club, to be given during the com­ were: Seeds at this time from the Galloway appeared for plaintiff son Brouillette, Mrs. S. Brouill- ing winter months. Mesdames Capitola McKowen, BUT THE GREATEST OF Referring again to Mr. Mur­ Charleston, 111.» Courier: and B. B. Kliks for defendant ette, Mrs. Clyde Hale and Miss Claud B. Cummings, Tom Cum­ phy’s speech, he urged upon the SURPRISES IS THIS mings, Walter S. Parker, Chas. Houk. Lee asked for $5,750 as Pearl Cobb, the guests were the “ Seeds’ mission was to make people langh, and he succeeded damages. same as those attending the St. Paul people the necessity o f B. Wilson, William A. King, John On Friday evening Mrs. A. C. admirably- For an hour and a F. J. Coad vs Brooks Bros, of shower given by Mrs. Seely, building a thoroughfare i n t o W. Bancroft, Jr., Curtis W. Par­ Newberg, to make the road the Seely delightfully e n t e r t a i n e d half he kept bis audience in a Lafayette, was also settled on mentioned in this issue. ker, Herman Smith, Semon J. best they know how. roar o f laughter, and did more about twentyfive ladies at a payment o f $107.75. A sale of Madson, D. Dwight Coulson, This, he said, would throw in that time to cure blues and miscellaneous shower for Miss diseased trees was c h a r g e d . Harry E. Gordon, of Newberg; SETTLED OUT OF COURT Pearl Cummings. Now the reader their products for shipment into dyspepsia than volumes of ser­ Oscar Hayter, o f Dallas, McCain, Mrs. Stanhope Pier o f Portland, the Southern Pacific territory, mons and gallons o f medicine is doubtless wondering w h a t Vinton & Galloway appeared for Mrs. A. B. Wilmot of Oregon could have done. It is impossi­ could have prompted the thought plaintiff and B. A. Kliks for the The suit brought by Mrs. and thereby create a rivalry on City; Misses Pearl Cummings, o f a shower for this young lady. ble to give a report ofhis lecture. defendants. The defendants al­ Edith Patterson against th e the part o f a competing railroad Myrtle Gause, Merle Woods, Ida But “ there’s a reason,” as a It must be heard to have the de­ leged that the trees were of the editor of the Graphic for libel has to build into St. Paul to get the company o f young ladies found Woods, Jessie Britt, Nellie Paul­ very best grade, but that plain­ been settled out of court and the business. sired effect.” sen, Jessie Gardner and Sibyl The matter of a good wagon Other numbers will be: Wm. out, greatly to their surprise, tiff and his associates were spec­ case dismissed. W oodward of Newberg, and Miss Sterling Battis—Dramatic Cos­ one night last week, while en- ulators and lost the trees through The San Francisco news item road from Newberg to St. Paul Lula Trueblood o f Portland. tume Recital; Carter’s Jubilee1 joying Miss Cummings’ hospital­ their own carelessness. which was published in the Even­ is o f great interest to Newberg. ity, when she informally an­ Co.,—Old Time Negro Melodies; In the case o f Patterson vs ing Telegram and which the Newberg is the natural outlet STAR THEATRE FRIDAY-SATURDAY Neil Litchfield Trio—The Laugh nounced her intention o f being W oodward o f the Graphic, set­ Graphic quoted from, had refer­ and we should see that we get Makers; Ex-Governor Robert S. married, not to a Newberg man EXPOSED BY THE DICTOGRAPH tled out o f court. Weatherford ence to an Oregon woman the business from that section o f Glenn—“ Our Country, Its Dan­ nor even an Oregonian, but to a by the Selig Company, an excep­ & Weatherford and W. M. Ram­ named Peterson and not Patter­ the country. We would rejoice gers and Possibilities;” Aller I gentleman all the way from Illi- tionally dramatic story. This sey for plaintiff and Clarence son, though the publication was with St. Paul if she succeeds in Trio—Musical and Reading. nois. picture gives a very vivid o b je ct B u tt and Mart»« L. Pipes for de­ made on the part of the Graphic getting a railroad, but until that • There are sortie people to whom A good Jubilee Co. never fails in good faith, thinking it was time c o m e s Newberg should lesson on it and how it is used. tendant. to appeal to a Newberg audience, a surprise is so humiliating that BLINKS AND JINKS, a t t o r n e y s a t Nissen vs Flower is an a ctio n Mrs. Patterson that was before spare no effort to secure the busi­ and since Mr. Carter, who is the they will always assume the at- law for attorney fees claimed t o be the San Francisco court. A ness. I would suggest that our manager of thecompany selected I titude o f “ I knew all about it,” Comedy by the Edison Com- due one Heckbert, of Portland. number of Newberg people who Commercial Club take this up at for this course, has a reputation but with few exceptions this in- pany. It appears ' that Heckbert as­ read the news note in the Tele­ once and see that the matter o f all over the country for getting formation came as a complete signed his claim to Nissen and gram say they had the same im­ good roads on our part receive» T w o other films. attention. W. S. Wharton. together the best Negro talent surprise. The man in the case is brought the suit for N i s s e n pression. Admission, 5 and 10 cents. LYCEUM AN­ NOUNCEMENT