Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, April 11, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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t Locals and Personals [ j
^*^C<Cfl0K8CSMC8CK83<C8CIOgC(OlgC8PC^ OBCBCHSIOOCHfiOciLai^Oiçiararn^^ ^^'y ^'^^
Arrival and Departure of Pas­ ' Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Christen­
senger Train«.
son visited with Frank Duncan
family at Hillsboro over
Tfktwhi ortlud
6:35 A. M.
9.-05 A . M .
Miss Sibyl Woodward is spend­
8:46 A. M.
11:16 A . M.
a few days, visiting with
1:00 P. M.
5:35 P. M.
Mrs. P. E. Vestal on Chehalem
4:22 P. M.
7:20 P. M.
Remember the Apollo Concert
Company is coming nex^ Mon­
day night.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude DePue,
Harold and Hazel, Mr. and Mrs.
Warren H. Godbey and Mr. Wil­
liam E. Farrell, of Portland,
spent Easter Sunday at “ Che­
halem Richlands,” the temporary
home o f Miss Jennie D. Miller.
On last Monday evening » s e c ­
tion the Portland Riding Club,
composed o f seven ladies and
three men, arrived in tow n and
remained over at the Imperial
h o t e l u n t i l t h e following
morning, when they started on
the return journey, going byw ay
ot Scholls. They were out for a
good time and were having it.
W. F. Wilkin and Rev. John F.
Lyons have been attending the
meeting o f Willamette Presby­
tery at McMinnville, Tuesday
and Wednesday o f this week as
delegates from the Presbyterian
Delegates from ‘the
wom an’s missionary society ot
the church have been attending
the Presbyterian meeting at the
same place.
George W. Allumbaugh died at
the home o f his brother, B. F.
Allumbaugh, corner Washington
and Second streets, April 6, aged
44 years, 7 months and 27 days.
He was unmarried and made his
home with another brother, Ross
Allumbaugh, ot Chehalem Moun­
tain. Besides these he leaves a
sister, Mrs. Ola Martin, o f River
Street, and his aged mother, and
o t h e r relatives and friends.
Funeral services were conducted
from the Hollingsworth parlor^
at 10 a.m. Monday, by Geo. C.
Ritchey. Entferment 4V4 miles
northwest of Newberg.
In making a drive out tw o
miles nort of Newberg Tuesday
afternoon the writer witnessed
and interesting spectacle. It was
that of a large, well built man
with white beard following a
plow that was turning the dark
rich loam, while following on
either side and behind was a
flock o f more than 200 White
Leghorn chickens, intent on theiY
work o f picking up bugs and
earth worns. On inquiry it was
learned that the plowman o f
patriarchal bearing and appear­
ance was Andrew Sherwood,
formerly from Pennsylvania and
Florida. The White Leghorns
are “ responding to treatment,’ ’
it is evident, for Mr. Sherwood
says he harvests close to 150
eggs a day.
ot Lincoln, Tillamook, Washing­
ton and Yamhill. The time is
too short for me to see<nany of
you in person, so I am putting
my candidacy before you in this
I have been a resident o f Til­
lamook County for more than
ten years. I stand for State­
ment No. 1, Oregon's system of
government and a clean and ef­
ficient, but economical govern­
ment. If elected, I promise t o
faithfully guard the interests of
all the people, to the best ot my
Neither Yamhill nor Lincoln has
a candidate f o r this office.
Senator Barrett is now Joint
Senator. He is from Washing­
ton County. M y only opponent,
Mr. Hollis is also from Washing­
ton County. It has one senator
by itself and three representatives
in the legislature. Tillamook has
only joint representative with
your county and its turn, when
it gets it, for this joint senator-
ship. Yamhill held the joint
senatorship before Senator Bar­
rett was elected. Tillamook
County has not held the position
for many years.
Justice to the people o f Til­
lamook county requires that one
o f its citizens be chosen for this
position at this time, and I am
asking for no more than justice
to them in asking your support,
as I am its only candidate for
the position, becoming a candi­
date only at the repeated urging
o f many ot my fellow citizens. I
will appreciate your support and
know it will also be appreciated
by the people o f my county.
a *
Very Sincerely,
H. T. Botts.
The Hom e of
H art, Schaff-
ner & M arx
Y ou 're going to buy
a suit this spring. If
you're as wise as
you think you are it
will be a
Dr. A. L. Saylor, o f Sherwood,
Sarg Britt has been at home
died ot pneumonia at the Good
during the week.
Schaffner & M arx
Smaritan Hospital in Portland
A. Elliott, ot Salem, was in
last Tuesday.
su it You can't buy
Newberg Wednesday.
any better clothes,
A. P. Oliver is off on a trip to
California, expecting to be away voters for this section, went to
c o r r e c t styles, all
a couple of weeks.
w ool q u a l i t y , fine
make his returns to the county
Sheriff Watt Henderson was in
tailoring, late ideas
tow n Wednesday driving a few
in m o d e l s , n e w
A. B. Cornell, a former resident
nails in his fences.
weaves, new «d ors,
of Newberg, who now resides at
Miss Edna Crede went to Port
new ' patterns and
Grants Pass, was in town last
land the first o f the week to at
Friday giving his former friends
satisfaction guaran­
tend the funeral of a friend.
the glad hand.
teed. Prices up to
Mrs. Helen D. Harford went to
John Heaton was over from
Amity Wedne8da9 to attend the
Scholls last Saturday on busi­
W. C T. U. county institute.
ness. He said his son-in-law, H.
Calvin Blair was over from T. Hesse, had invested in a new
Hillsboro to spend Sunday with Buick machine.
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. T.
Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Gage, o f
Cleveland, Ohio, are here to make
t t /.V (
The mother and sister of Mrs. their annual visit with their son-
Robert McKern were down from in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Salem on a visit the first of the Mrs. C. E. Duer.
Mrs. C. Mat toon, sister o f Mrs.
. The Semi-Weekly Journal and
You will miss , it if you fail to Wm. Rees and daughter of John
Graphic for $2.00 per year.
hear Montaville Flowers give E. Smith, with her little one was
readings from “ Ben Hur” Friday up from Portland on a. visit the
60 YEAR»»
first of the week.
Dr. and Mrs.J. Ray Pember­ J. E. Todd and family, who
304 FIR ST S T ., N E W B E R G , OR.
ton and E. W. Newby and fam­ have been in Wyoming for a year
ily were down from Salem last or more, have returned and arp
visiting at the home o f Mrs.
Miss Ethel Waterhouse, of Todd’s mother, Mrs. S. A. Des­
Big Special Sale on Shoes, Ladies
Gearhart, is spending the week kins.
with her friends, Mr. and
The ladies o f Newberg who are
W aists and Muslin Underwear
Mrs. R. Richards on West First interested in the City Park, are
invited to be on the grounds at
THIS W EEK. D on't fail to com e in and look
Leonard Hopfield, th e Mc­ 2:30 P.M. Friday with rakes to
over the bargains to be had during this sale.
Minnville insurance man, candi­ assist in the final clean up.
date for Justice o f the Peace and Lunch will be served. Secretary
ardent LaFollette man, was in
Mrs. W. W. Nelson went to
Newberg Tuesday.
McMinnville Tuesday to attend
A call is made for the First the celebration o f the birthday
street property owners to meet anniversary o f her father, Rev.
on Tuesday evening o f next week Joseph Hoberg, who has attained
in the Club rooms to discuss the age o f 83 years. Mrs. H o­
street paving, when all will have berg has not been in good health
for some time.
a say.
Mrs. Ada Wallace Unruh, o f
Mr. and Mrs. Philander Gard,
who spent the Winter at Pacific Portland, will address the ladies
Grove, California, arrived home o f Newberg, on the equal suffrage
the first of the week. They will question at a public meeting at
locate in Newberg for the present the new library building, Satur­
day afternoon at 3 o ’clock.
at least.
Fern wood.
Arthur Austin, son o f Henry Mrs. Unruh is a good speaker
Austin, who has been sojourning and will give a logical address.
Mrs. Claude Riggs is home for
County,Assessor Martin Miller a few days’ visit ait Oregon
in the state o f Washington for
the past few years, is at home on who was in Newberg Wednes­ City.
account of the serious illness of day, expressed a willingness to
Mr. and Mrs. John Groff made
serve the people another term if a trip to McMinnville last Satur­
his father.
In the absence of the pastor o f they should so decide. So far no day.
the Free Methodist church, who one has shown up to contest the
The o ld Abernathy house
goes to Portland to attend the election with him. This is a burned down about ten o ’clock
district conference. Rev. D. L. pretty good indication that he a.m. last Monday. Nothing
Knoll will preach Sunday morn­ is giving satisfaction.
saved from up stairs nor from
Out of the goodness o f his dining room or kitchen.
ing and Rev. N. Welter in the
heart George Hardwick set a
Miss Lena Hobson came home
The 0 . M. Welch & Co. grocery wash tub out on the walk to be last Saturday from Portland,
on Main street has been sold to used as a seat by those who are accompanied by her cousin, Miss
parties front the East. The new afflicted with a tired feeling. Evans.
firm is the McPheron Grocery The next day the tub was car­
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ross have
Co. Mr. Welch will take a ried off and George is wonder-
moved into the Jones hou
needed rest before engaging in who the far sighted one might
be, since the tub was full o f holes. which was recently vacated by
business again.
John Sanders and family. .
T. Botts, o f Tillamook, who
Walter Pieree, the owner of the
Quite a number ofFernw ood
H ot Lake Sanitarium, who is a is a candidate for the Republican
people attended the Chehalem
candidate for the Democratic nomination for joint senator
Center play last week given at
nomination for United States representing Lincoln, Tillamook,
Newberg and reported it very
Senator, spent a few hours in Washington and Yamhill coun­
Newberg last Monday, getting ties, was m Newberg Wednesday.
Mrs. Win. Perkins and children
He is a man of good appearance
acquainted with the people.
from Chehalem mountain visited
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ramsey and gives one the impression that
at the home of her parents, Mr.
who are out from Portland vis­ he is of sufficient caliber to fill the
and Mrs. Powell Sunday.
iting their son-in-law and daugh­ office with credit to himself and
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hayward
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Gardner, the district he aspires to repre­
are visitors at the home of Mr.
who are located for the present sent.
and Mrs. Lee Jones.
at the W. G. Allen prune orchard
A few years ago J. F. Pettin-
Fred Ross is on the sick list.
above Dundee, attended Friends gill bought a 44 acre tract on
church in Newberg last Sunday. the hill south o f the roA^ at Rex
P H O N E R ED 196
Gale S. Hill, of Albany, and W. tor $1500. He sold it tw o years
G. Winslow, o f Salem, both o f ago to J. H. Rehfus for $3000 night.
M rs . D avid M a rtin
E . C . H a n so n
whom are candidates for tfie Re­ and the latter sold it a few days
publican nomination for district ago to S. Sandermon for $10,- CANDIDATE FOR JOINT SENATOR
attorney for the Third Judicial 550. Mr. Rehfus says he is go­
District, comprising Linn, Polk, ing to visit his old home in Ger­ T o the Republican Voters ol
L . A . K IN S M A N , O w ner, Clark H otel, Portland, O regon
Yamhill County:
Marion, Tillamook and Yamhiil many after having been away 19
I am a candidate for the nomi-
counties, have been in Newberg years. He likes Oregon and ex­
---------------------------------------- .. . —
pects to return here.
during the week.
■■■■=■■ ■ '
■ .
■ ■■■-
Mercantile Co.
M. J. Nash Co.
P atents
On S . P. 1Electric Line
1 r R
near in for less than price of a lot
Select Your Tract Now
Term s W ith» Reach
Of All
W e will be pleased to show you these
acres at your convenience