THE NEWBERQ GRAPHIC R «*l Estate Transfer», Mr. Earl Conrad has been vis­ iting at Corvallis for a few days with his mother and sister. Mrs. M. Ross spent last Thurs­ day with Mrs. C. L. Judd. Mr. John Groff took advan­ tage of the cool weather and butchered three nice hogs last week. . Mr. Claire Tussler has just re­ turned from a trip to Corvallis. It is rumored there may be a wedding soon. Mr. C. L. Judd received word last week that his youngest brother, Portie Judd, was seri­ ously ill with pneumonia. Mr. Robson, of Minnesota, who is on a trip to the Sacra­ mento valley, stopped off here tor a few days visit with his cousin, Mr. r arrel. tie seemeo very much impressed with Ore­ gon climate. A number o f Fernwood people seem to have the Canada fever. I wonder how many of the farmers o f this vicinity wrote to representatives in regard t o parcels post. Any one who neg­ lected to had better do it at once as parcels post is something that we all need. March 18 was set aside as Parcels Post day. United States National o f Newberg For over twenty-two yea n this bank has been success­ fully serving the banking public o f this vicinity. We appreciate the patronage and friendship of our old customers and will earnestly endeavor to merit a continu­ ance of their patronage and good will. T o the new com er and those who have not established banking relations with us, we extend a cordial invitation to make this their banking home. S. L. PARRETT, President J. L. HOSKINS, Vice President , J. a COLCORD, Cashier W. E. CR0ZER, Asst. Cashier Rex Poultry and Fruit Farm has high grade S. C. Black Minorcan, Barred P. R ocks and Mam- mouth Pekin Ducks. A t the Yamhill Co. Fair at McMinnvillp in September won 10 prizes and 2 specials, a t the State Show at Portland in Decem ber won 7 prizes and 2 specials; at the Yam ­ hill Co. Show at N ewberg in January won 16 prizes and 6 specials Stock and E ggs fo r Sale NATE L. WILEY, Rex, Oregon I t Anybody J * | berg and vicinity for Portland property see Donald M. Wall, 207 1st S t f | ♦oooooaoaoeoeoeoeoeoeoeKieasooooQOQooooooaoeooiaeoeoeo P L U M B IN G Heating and Gas Fitting We are building a reputation on quality o f work and material. Repair Work Promptly Attended To 808 E. First St. Phone W hite 198 P rescription D ruggist The store that pleases and gives you the right prices. W e carry the famous Rexall remedies, one for each human ill. L ow ney’a candies, cut glass, The Ideal W aterman fountain pen, Rexal dollar watches, school books, stationery and office supplies. A full and complete line o f all Drug Sundries. I make a specialty o f my Presciption Department. All receipts and prescriptions filled with accuracy and dispatch, quick service day or n ig h t You are al­ ways welcome. Give me a call. T H E REXALL S TO R E 302 Washington Street Phone Blaek 106 Res. W hite 41 Roses! Hardy Perennial Flowers! Greenhouse Plants! W"k A good selection—strong plants— t V O S e S at prices that are right. A fine lot o f Potted Ferns and other plants. You need one on your table. Now is the time to plant Asparagus. I have a fine lot o f strong plants. Phone Blue 202. John Gow er, E. Side Greenhouse Willard E Aldrich et al et vir to Harriet E Aldrich und Vi int in n Vi of ldt* 13, 14 and 15 blk 39 Edwards add Newberg $1. C D Armstrong & w f to P M Madden 10 ac in James T Hem­ bree d i e in tp 4 s r 4 w $2600. Henry F Baird & wt and S P Timber lake & wf to R W Swink lots 7 and 8 in blk 4 Deskin's 4th add Newberg $1700. John A Bottz St to H Farrow 20 ft right o f way over swVi of neVi or nw*i in sec 27 t 5 s r 6 w M L Burns et vir to Oregon & California R R Co lots 7 and 8 blk 9 Rowland’s add McMinn­ ville $1800. G L Drill & w f to Clara V Burg lot 5 and wV4 of lot 6 in blk 6 Fairview add Willamina Oregon $1000. ■Paul Fundman & w f to James L Perry eVà o f nwVi o f se Va and eV6 o f swl4 o f neVi (40 ac sec 6 t 6 s r 7 w $10. J D Gordon & w f to C C Fergu­ son lot 4 in b^c 8 Deskins add Newberg $5000. Minnie Hall et vir to Fred Werth 43 73 ac ex roadway in nVa o f nVk sec 22 tp 3 s r 3 w $3520. W L Harrington to L F Tharp part o f blk 5 Fairview add Wil PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH lamina $1475. Lydia J Hatch to Oregon & The text o f the sermon next Sunday morning will be: "Bear California R R Co lot 8 in blk 10 ye one another’s burdens” and R o w l a n d ’ s add McMinnville the evening sermon will have for its text the seemingly opposite , J J Hembree & w f to Jay & statement o f the same chapter, Bert Brooks 9.43 ac in Joel Per-, "Every man should bear his own kins d i e and 1 ac in FaFayette, burden.” S u b j e c t s : "Helping Oregon $3000. Isaac Hinshaw to Elizabeth Others with Their Faults” and “ Minding Our Own Business.” Hinsbaw sV6 o f lots 2 and 4 in A special welcome tor strangers. Church add to Newberg, Oregon $ 1. G N Tack & wf to John S Wil­ son to The Willamina Handle Where did the house fly? We want our eggs fresh, but Willamina $3500. not the cook. Reuel Maxson & wf to Joseph Light housekeeping is apt to N Cossalman sV6 o f swVi except make heavy bread. - tract sold leaving 70 ac in sec 14 The history o f the average t 5 s r 3 w $10. man is already foot notes. Reuel Maxson & w f to Amelia It is much easier to write a E Cossalman 10 ac in swVi of note than it is to sing one. sw% s e c l 4 t 5 s r 3 w $10. B C Miles & w f to Catherine The rent in the clothes will not Platts Lyons lot 9 in blk 8 City pay the rent o f the house. Park add Newberg $100. . , Whether a miss is as good as a S A Mulkev & w f to Peter & mile depends upon the miss. There is a big difference be­ Katie Hanson lot 1 containing tween a butterfly and a fly in the 13.25 ac and 2.56 ac adjoining O P Turner d l c s e c 3 6 t 5 s r 6 butter. $1150. Some folks forge ahead and Pacific Face Brick Co to Sheri­ some forge themselves into the dan & Willamina R R Co r o f w penitentiary. 40 ft wide over Clay Co sab as A farmer does not need a R R is now located sec 1 t 6 s r 7 medical dip! oma in order to be $ 1000 . able to cure pork E W Salt & w f to Lora B When the w olf is at the door Weeks »Ya o f lot 3 and nYi of lot we are not likely to have any 2 blk 28 Oak Park add McMinn­ other callers. ville $1950. John Schaller & w f to G E & Deafness can seldom be cured, Lisa M Lawrence lot 8 and 7 ft yet many a man is given his strip o f land adjoining same in hearing in the police court. It is a good thing that a man blk 3 Willamina $1300. G P Skelton & wt to D 0 & can change his mind without being obliged to change his Ema F Coulson lot 1 and e 5 ft of lot 2 in blk 16 Central add clothes. Newberg $3000. All careful poultrymen stamp their eggs, but that does not en­ Nettie Swift et vir to C T Long title them to the privileges of the 20.50% ac and roadway in wYt o f John G Baker d 1 c $5900. mails. Emily E Tomkins to J & Sarah Some folks spend so much time H Tompkins all int in ne% of in trying to preserve their dignity seVi sec 22 and Life Est in s.40 that they have little leisure for ac of eYa o f neVi sec 15 tp 5 s r 3 anything else. w$l. Hens are great thieves, they Alice VanBuskirk to Fred C & are constantly stealing their Ruby M Rube 1 ac in city of nests; but then the housewife Amity $350. steals their eggs and thereby sets F B Warfield & w f to Conrad a bad example. V and Magdalena Kissel 10.05 J. P. Morgan can raise $10,- ac in F Yocotn d 1 c in tp 6 s r 6 000,000 on his check any minute; w $10. but the man who is raising a Albert E Wilson & wt to S P large family on $9 a week is a & Sarah A VanDyke lot 3 blk 4 greater financier than Morgan. Hurley & Larges add Newberg From March Farm Journal. $450.’ B A Yates & w f to Minnie E Marriage Hall 4 ac in neY* sec 22 t 3 s r 3 May Ammadon, age 48 yrs. to August C. Detmering, age 50 METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH yrs. Pearl Gray, age 21 yrs. to Fred Arthur, age 24 yrs. Ida M. Hin-haw, age 33 yrs. to Albert A. Clayson, age 50yrs. Lena Agnes Walker, age 18 yrs. to Merle Verteeg, age22 yrs. After Judgment? Colonist Fares From the Middle and Eastern portions of the United States To OREGON AND THE NORTHWEST prevailing daily March 1 to April 15,1912 S hasta ] ^ ga y O CHICAGO - ST. LOUIS - OMAHA - | KANSAS CITY J ST. PAUL - - - - - - $33.00 32.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 J From other cities corresponding- y ly low + Colonist Fares are WEST-BOUND only, — * but they can be prepaid from any point ana of carry- j f you have friends or relativss in the ■ out East who desire to “ Oet back to tfeo deposit the value of the fare with your nearest local Low Fares West Daily March 1st to A pril 15th TO POINTS IN WESTERN OREGON FROM CHICAGO $ 33 .0 0 Cincinnait 3 7.90 Milwaukee 31.50 3 2.00 St. Louis New York 50.00 38.00 Detroit ST. PAUL $25.00 Kansak City 25.00 25.00 Omaha Des Moines 27.85 Indianapolis 35.65 25.00 Denver From other Eastern points in proportion Tell your friends in the East o f this opportunity o f moving W est at low rates. Direct train service via Burlington Route, Northern Pacific, Great Northern and “ North Bank” lines to Portland, thence via South­ ern Pacific or Oregon Electric Railway. — _____ . - . ■ -— —-- — furnished on on_ request, Details will be furnished _ . W. E. Q O M A N , S e t.'!. F re ig h t a n « P a sa , « g a n t S . S . « S . « y . , F o r t l a n « , O re g o n H r T h e T e st o f P lu m b in g is in the service it will give in the future, not what it will do at the 7 time of installation. It is our policy to give plumbing service that will stand the test of time—that can be relied upon to maintain /jf good sanitary conditions ^ during years of service, If you are a believer in the value of good plumbing, it will be to your profit to have us Jr— install a 'St« k W * mod- em bathroom. D E. L. EVANS Tinner and Plumber PUTTING IN THAT NEW BATH and toilet will not take long or cost much if we do the plumbing. You certainly ought to have them for no room in the house shows refinement or the lack of it like the bath room. Have us come and make an estimate o f the cost of remodeling yours into a hand­ some, sanitary room. It will not be much. Xewben Hardware t Finikin Co. OVERLAND 30 HORSE 5 passenger automobile fully equipped, only $1100, F. 0. B Newberg. 8- A. Mills will be glad to tell you all about it The Newberg Auto Company