? THE NEWBERO GRAPHIC ^Locals and Personals! Arrival «ml Departure o f Pas- Cards are out, announcing the Mncer Train». marriage o f George Archie Mar­ tin and Miss Flora Sara Batson, T fa ia . far PartUaS which was solemnized at Astoria 9:06 A. 6:86 A. M. last Monday evening, Rev. W. S. 11:15 A. 8:42 A. M. Gilbert officiating. They will 5:40 P. 1:00 P. M. be at home in Newberg, March 1. 7:20 P. 4:22 P. M. Mrs. Henry Thorne returned home Monday evening from E. S. Craven was up from Pendleton, where she visited tor Portland Wednesday. several weeks with her children. W. J. Stater, of McMinnville, She was accompanied home by •> was in Newberg Monday. her mother, Mrs. J. S. White who Wm. Hendershott, a- former will remain with her tor some Newberg man was up from Port­ time. land Tuesday. L. S. Otis is expecting a ship­ Levi M. Gilbert was down ment of peach trees which he from Salem last Sunday visiting ordered from Japan some time with his parents. ago to arrive soonc The trees Miss Edna Forsyth has been set on his farm tw o years ago at home from Portland on a by the Japanese, who have a lease on several acres, are doing visit for several days. J. E. Gratke was up from Port- well and a crop o f peaches is ex­ • land Tuesday looking after his pected the coming season. Mrs. M. P. Elliott, who has interests up the valley. Rev. H. H. Keim left on a trip had trouble with one of her feet out touth last week in the in­ for tw o years or more, was taken to a Salem hospital for a second terest o f tlie Brethren church. Mrs. Stuart, the mother of operation and on Wednesday the Mrs. John S. Rankin, was up foot was amputated at the ankle. from Portland on a visit last Word has come that she stood the operation well and her friends Sunday. hope it will prove successful. <•» ' - Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Shaver Rev. Charles W. Kindley, form­ went to Salem Wednesday where they think it is probable they erly from Hardin County, Iowa, but whose home is in Colorado, will locate. some fifty miles from Denver, Mrs. Gus Pool was up from where he isholdinjgdownaclaim, Portland the first of the week, attended Friends quarterly meet­ visiting with her sister, Mrs. ing here, and on Sunday night, M. McDonald. though seventy-eight years old, Harry Perkins was up from preached a vigorous sermon. Portland, visiting with his par­ He is visiting a grandson. in ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Perkins, Portland. > the first of the week. Attorney Charles W. Corby is Don’t fail to hear Evangelist arranging to locate in Portland Culver sing at the Baptist church about the first o f March, where Sunday morning and evening. he will engage in the real Mtate Also,every night next week. # business with H. M. Abbott and The Southern Pacific has filed another gentleman. He will with Recorder Nelson an accep­ take care o f the legal end o f the tance of the street franchises business. Mr. and Mrs. Corby granted by the city a short time have made many friends during their stay in Newberg who will ago. H.. M. Abbott and his daugh­ regret to see them go, ter, Mrs. Ed. Dunbar, were up Mrs. Lewis B. Dawlev was in from Portland last Sunday, visit­ Newberg last Sunday visiting ing with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Gil- her cousin, J ohn Barer oft. When she resided here she was known lett. Mrs. Bird Partridge was up as Miss Jessie B. Horton. Since from Portland the first o f the her marriage she has been living week, visiting at the home of her in San Diego, California, but has parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. been in Portland recently look- in / after some profitable real .Nelson. Tom Herd went to Portland estate investments she made last Sunday to see George there several years ago. „ On Monday S. P. Timberlake, Howie, who is in the hospital recovering from an operation for representing the Newberg Trans­ fer Co., was fined $5 in the Re­ appendicitis. corders’ court, the charge being President Levi T. Pennington a violation o f the Sunday closing fpent Monday in Portland and ordinance by hauling baggage 'Salem in the interest o f Pacific to the train last Sunday morn­ C o lle g e . He returned h o m e ing. As the Graphic goes to "Tuesday morning. press H. O. VanOsdel is having a Mrs. Grace Dowd and little jury trial on a* charge o f keeping •one were up from Portland to his confectionery open on Sun­ spend Sunday at the home o f her day. parents, Mr. and Mrs. L R. Welton, Kibbe& Cochran, gen­ »Craven west o f Newberg. eral contractors, o f Portland, Rev. John F Hanson, o f Port­ who were awarded the contract land, attended Friends quarterly for the pipe line for the additional meeting here last Saturday and water system for the city began Sunday. At the Sunday morn- work at the springs Wednesday. ting service he preached the ser­ They expect to work about fif­ teen men to start with and later mon. * Gus Morris, who was located will employ about forty. They at Dundee several years ago as announce that they will employ train dispatcher, but who is now Newberg people exclusively if Assistant Superintendent o f the they can get them, and those who Southern Pacific lines in Oregon, desire work may apply to the foreman at the springs. was in Newberg Wednesday. The library benefit given on Judge Vine Pearce and Com­ Friday and Saturday nights o f missioners, Cummins and Cal­ last week, when the opera Pina­ kins met the members o f the fore was presented by local tal­ Marion County court here at the ent, was well patronized and Imperial hotel on last Saturday after all bills were paid $50 re­ in conference over some joint mained in the treasury. The cast road matters. of characters and an outline qf Work on the Odd Fellows the opera have twice been pub­ building is progressing nicely lished in the Graphic and a repe­ and will soon be ready for the tition is not necessary. Many roof. The ground floor has been favorable comments on the en­ leased to L. M. Parker who tertainment have been heard and contemplates opening np a those who took part have reason , general merchandise store. to feel satisfied with the results. ' ** • - A» • * > A reception was given by Mrs. W. C. Reuter at the parsonage February 10, to the old and new officers of the M. E. Aid society. The time was spent with needle work in a social way. A dainty luncheon was served in the din­ ing room. All the officers were present and report a very pleas­ ant time. Those who were privileged to hear Mrs. Bessie Lathe Scovell at the Baptist church on Tues­ day evening, speak in the highest terms of the lecture, and say that Newberg has paid large sums to popular lecturers in the past who were not nearly as good speakers as Mrs. Scovell, while her lecture was free. In announcing th e officers elected for the Jackson Democrat­ ic Club last week, by a slip o f the pencil the name o f Samuel Parrett was written as treasur­ er in place o f Samuel Parrish. Had it been a Lincoln Republi­ can Club it would have been all right, but as it was, Mr. Parrett had a good many questions to answer, relative to his present political affiliations, on account of the mistake. Then on the other hand Mr. Parrish may have felt aggreiyed on account o f his being robbed o f the honor. The Graphic promises not to do it again. W. B. Fine arrived home the latter part o f last week after having spent six weeks on a vaca­ tion, during which he visited his, parents at the old home in Ten­ nessee. He went by way o f Los Angeles and in Arizona found the weather so warm he could not ride on the rear platform with comfort, but a little later ran in­ to twenty-below-zero weather in Kansas. Arriving in Chicago he found the weather so cold he could not get out with any de­ gree o f comfort and consequently cut his visit there short and left for the Southland, where be spent his time around the fire visiting with his parents and friends. The South don’t compare at all with the West in his estimation and he is glad to be at home in Oregon again. DUNDEE Roe Robison attended the clos­ ing week o f the Farmer’s Short Course at the Oregon Agricultur­ al College. Mrs. K. D. Hatch and Mrs. Roe Robison spent a few days in Newberg last week. Miss Bertjia A. Reed spent part o f her spring vacation at Green­ wood, her Otterbrook Orchard home. An interesting meeting o f the Dundee Fruit Growers’ Associa­ tion was held Saturday evening, the subject for discussion being “ Spraying.” Work is underway on the new home which Reinhart Groth is building near the Groth hard­ ware store. , Thomas Prince has sold the cemetery hill orchard and seven­ teen acres just below it and it is reported that the new owners will erect three houses on the property as soon as weather conditions permit. Word comes from Salem that Gr&ndpa Keyes, who is visiting his daughters, is a t t e n d in g dances. How is that for a youngster of eighty-one? Mrs. Elvin S. Greer entertained the ladies of the Red Hills on Tuesday. PACIFIC COLLEGE P rof Hawkins attended the C. E. convention at Salem over Saturday and Sunday. While away he refereed a basketball game between McMinnville and Chemawa. McMinnville w a s badly beaten. Mrs. O.J.Sherman, of Portland, and Mrs. Seth Mills, ofNewberg, visited college on Friday. Mr. Uriah Cook visited his grandson, Leo B. Ryes, last Sat­ urday. The home team played at Che­ mawa Friday night. They were defeated by a score o f 26 to 8. The team goes to Forest Grove next Friday. We are glad to welcome Miss Ruth Hinshaw as a new student. Miss May Jenkins, o f Rex, was a visitor at college on Monday. Mrs. Bessie Laythe Scovell spoke in chapel on Wednesday morning on temperance instruc­ tion in colleges. The Ladies Auxiliary is furnish­ ing a faculty rest room. They added a beautiful new rug this week. Pres. Pennington addressed the State C. E. convention at Salem last Friday. A meeting o f all students inter­ ested in debate 4vas called Tues­ day to begin study on the ques­ tion of arbitration of labor prob­ lems by a board. We will debate with McMinnville on this ques­ tion. It has not yet been decided which side we will have. Neither has the exact statement of the question been agreed u p o n . There are four colleges in the league this year, Willamette, Al­ bany, McMinnville and Pacific. Miller Mercantile Co. Spring Goods Arriving Elegant patterns in Ginghams and Aberdeen Tissues. New line o f Silk W aistings and Silk Suit Patterns. O u r January Sale has reduced our stock so that w e are required to replace it with a large assort­ m ent o f new goods in every departm ent. FROM FERNWOOD Mrs. Ethel Maclnirney and little one, o f Portland, are visit­ ing with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Walter. Mr. M. J. Conrad was given a complete surprise last Thursday eveningby about thirteen families of the neighborhood. The ladies furnished ten large cakes. The evening was spent in a social way. Cake and cocoa were served about eleven o ’clock, after which the people returned home with the feeling that Mr. Conrad had proved himself quite an en­ tertaining host. Mrs. C. H. Coates and little Charles are visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Jtadd. A number o f Fernwood young folks attended a birthday party in Newberg given in honor o f Miss Neva Ritchey Wednesday night. Mrs. Lillie Schick spent the day in Newberg Friday, visiting and shopping. Regardless of the heavy rain storm Saturday evening a large crowd attended the literary society. The principal feature of interest was the mock trial in which Mr. J. Guild was tried for stealing cabbages; after a short deliberation the jury acquitted him. Mr. and Mrs. Brouillette visited in Newberg Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Boyes. W e Have It! The Graphic has had a number o f inquiries for a daily paper in a subscription combination with the Graphic. Here ■■■ It ■¡■¿Ir Is! \ *" ■ The Daily Oregonian and the Graphic A A for one year fo r ....* ................................S & O .U U The Daily and Sunday Oregonian and tf£ Q A A The Graphic for one year for.................H 'O . V / l / The Oregonian ranks as one o f the best newspapers in the county. The Graphic gives all the local news. YOU NEED THEM BOTH. - ■ *"■ 4. tv a J M fe ’ b *>* ' r V . . ’ , , J '.j, This is Your Opportunity Phone White 113 YourPnescription Mr. John Groff is getting ready for planting time by clearing more land. Has Cost You M oney COUNTY SCHOOL NOTES That Is Not All Don’t forget the School Of­ ficers’ Meeting Saturday, Febru­ ary. 17, Governor West will speak. Teachers will meet in Sheridan Saturday, February 24. Even­ ing progrhm by Pacific Col­ lege. Go up on the morning train, February 24. Meeting opens at 11 a.m. Willaminahas organized a one hundred club. Only those who make 100 per cent in spelling every day, and the supervisor and county super­ intendent can belong. That is what Prof. Lowe says, and he is the promoter. No. 8 will organize the second club of thè kind. Who will be the next? Let us get into this contest in earnest. Next week we will pub­ lish all averages over 9 0 percent. Get your school into line for letter spelling. LaFayette, Nos. 2 Ì, 8, 84 and 14, are the latest to give a unanimous promise for the School Fair. 1200 in­ dividual exhibits are now in sight. Your life may depend upon i t That is wjiy you should be persistent in having it filled by a G R A D U A T E IN PHARMACY ¡—where the doctor’s orders are carried out accurately, and nothing but the purest o f drugs and chemicals are used. Each Drug, Chemical and Preparation is of STAN D AR D ■ Q U A L IT Y . . . --------- Ml.« . ■ Ask Your Doctor About Us Give us a trial. It’ ll be appreciated. All our Prescription work guaranteed to be absolutely as the doctor intended. Newberg Drug Co. Jno. W . Barapft, Jr., Proscription Specialist W e Never Substitute. Next door to P. O .