m e n e w b e r q q r a p h ic SpiwgiDijfefj Goods and Ginghams come in and inspect them . W e have ju st received our new Spring Dress Goods and Gingham s and want to extend to you a cordial invitation to A ll the newest fabrics, pretty designs at prices lower than you ever expected to get them BAIRD9 BAIRD l ; We quote prices on just a few of the new goods. Come in and see them. ■ J -r'* * ^ f . ‘f H eavy mixture 5 4 Jfr iT T inch A L L wool . Rajutta silks, all colors, at 35c at $ 1 .2 5 per yd Goods, all colors, special values at 5 0 c and up Silk thread Y oile at 25c Bourette Y oile at 15c Our Parisiana Corsets Madras Cloth at 2 0 c Silk Gingham s at 25c W h en you get your new spring French Gingham s at 25c Chambray gingham s at 15c Corset try Dress gingham s 1 0 and f 2 i c are undoubtedly the best corset you Bordered batiste at 10c can get for the Percales, all colors, 3 0 and 36 Jn . wide at 10 and 121c Hosiery Department Dress goods, very popular, See our complete line of W ool Dress Sumida silks, all colors, 2 5 c BAIRD’S a P A R IS IA N A . money. them to fit any figure. They W e have The prices range from $ 1 .0 0 up. In this department we take special pride, having as we believe the very best values to be had for the price. Space will not perm it o f us quoting prices. W h a t we want you to do is to come in and inspect them for yourselves. o f Steel Cut cents Groceries W e carry the m ost complete line of staple and fancy grocer­ ies and vegetables of an y store in Newberg. It will pay you to get the habit of buying your Groceries at Baird’s. WE WILL PAY CASH FOR | was spent in a social way while the hostess served very nice re­ freshments. W. R. Vaughn brought to this The morning service at Che- •office Thursday an egg that halem Center Church next Sun­ knocks the spots off any other day will be given to the subject •that was ever laid on any other •editor’s table on the Pacific o f temperance. The Woman’s Coast, or any other coast. This Christian Temperance Union is egg measured 10 3-4 inches arranging for this service in com- % «round the lofig way and 6 3-4 meration of Frances Willard’s inches around the short way, and work. Some special songs will inside o f this egg was another be used, and the pastor will give ■egg o f greater than the average a temperance sermon, including size, both being perfectly devel­ his oration on the subject: “ The oped eggs, shells and all. The Saloon in Society.” Sunday hen that laid this egg was a School at 10 and after service at thoroughbred dunghill, not vain 11 a.m. All are cordially in­ and proud of ancestry, but vited. Mrs. Perkins, o f Carlton, who promising and hopeful o f an was on her way home from Port­ honest and fruitful posterity. land, visited over Saturday and We have said it before, and we say it again, Ilwaco against the Sunday with her daughter, Miss worldl “ Woodie” has traded Perkins, o f Chehalem Center an interest in the fortune he ex­ School. Frank Johnson returned home pects to realize when he secures the release o f the uncle o f a hand­ from Corvallis last Wednesday, some maiden from a Spanish having taken the short term •dungeon for the curio, and will course at the 0 . A. C. preserve it in alcohol—the egg, * o t the girl.—Ilwaco Tribune. BOY SHOOTS OTTER SOME EGG CHEHALEM CENTER The North Plains Sentinel says: One day last week a 13-year- The Ladies o f the W. C. T. U. old lad, who refused to give his met with Mrs. Maude McGuire name for fear o f getting pinched Wednesday the 7th. There were for killing acquatic animals out quite a number o f the ladies pres­ ot season, shot an otter ip & ent uot withstanding the rainy stream near the Brogden ranch, day. After the devotional and just east of Hillsboro, which the business ot the meeting was measured five feet from tip to tip. satisfactorily arranged, there The boy was standing on a 1» g was an evangelistic program ps lying across the stream, when follows: Song by Miss Elsie Tan* , glancing down, he saw tw o gen, answer to roll call by a text! great, shining eyes staring at from the bible and Mrs. Helen! him from the water below, and D. Harford gave some very in­ to use hisoneexpression,he“ was teresting and helpful remarks op scart stiff,” and he could not “ Our E v a n g e l i s t i c W ork.” move a muscle or utter a sound. Mrs. Harford kindly invites Gradually this feeling wore off, the union to hold the next meet­ and taking aim with a gun he ing at her home on the 8th of was carrying, shot the otter in March. It will be an all day’s the head; killing it instantly. social gathering for old and The lad says he don’t know and young. Mrs. Alma Strait whether he shot game out ot became a member o f the W. C.- T. season or not, but he sold the U. also at this time. At the skin tor $15 and has the money close of the meeting some time to prove it. DAYS IN A YEAR. Th* Numktr Diptnd: U|mi What Kind of m Yoar la Conaidarad. Reduced to simple numbers, we say that all years contain 365 days. And unless one is a time specialist one would say that all years begin the first day o f January. It depends on what kind o f year is considered. The lunar year, for example, haa -354 days, 8 hours, 48 minutes and 36 seconds. In this year the moon makes a journey around the earth twelve times. As you will see, the lunar year is eleven days shorter than the solar year. The Jews make their calculations on this year. It is their period o f time. They under­ take to correct this defect by add­ ing a thirteenth month o f thirty days every third year, but this doca not bring their year up to the solar by three days. Those who compute by solar time say that it consists o f 365 days. The exact time is 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds. In this time the earth completes one journey around the sun. Then there is the sidereal year, which haa 365 days, 6 hours, 9 min­ utes and 9 1-3 seconds. In this year the earth goee round the sun and returns to the same position with respect to the sun and a given fixed star. Next there ia the anomalistio year, which has 365 days, 6 hours, 13 minutes and 48 seconds. This year is that in which the earlfli trav­ els from perihelion back to perihe­ lion again. Any boy or girl who has had scholastic advantages knows that leap year belongs to the solar year Bystem. Those more advanced know that civil and astronomic time are made equal by adding a day every fourth year and that this makes leap year. But everybody does not know that the year ia eleven min­ utes and twelve seconds short of 365 1-4 days. The result of this showed a long time ago that every four years civil time became faster than solar time by the amount stat­ ed. T o be exact, this was only a small fraction o f a year. The man who is a stickler for splitting hairs will tell you that this is .00778 o f a day. But thia little bit figured up considerably in the course o f centu­ ries. After l,t0 0 years o f this time had been consumed an Italian as­ tronomer, Aloysius Lilius, discov­ ered that the error amounted to ten daya. That is, civil time was ten davs before the aolar time. Thereupon Pope Gregory X III. J?creed that ten davs should be cut «a t. This made Oct. 5 show up on tiie calendar as Oct. 15. Then, to prevent future errors, it was or­ dered that every hundredth year should not be counted as a leap year unless the number o f the year waa divisible by 400 without remainder. That explains why 1600 was leap year and why 1700 and 1800 were n o t And so 1900 was not leap year, but 3000 will be.— New York T rib­ une. Napoleon on Washington. By Napoleon’s order Washing­ ton ’s death was thus announced to all the troops o f the republic: “ Washington is dead. This great . man fought to overthrow tyranny. He consolidated the liberty o f his country. Hia memory will ever be dear to the French people aa to ev- other freeman in both hemi- erea and especially to French sol- ! diers, who, like him and the other soldiers o f America, are fighting for liberty and equality. The firat con­ sul, therefore, orders that black crape shall be draped on all the flags and pennants of the republic for ten days.” 3 Flew In the Reasoning. Mr. and Mrs. Chuckster were en­ gaged in oae o f their frequent ar­ guments. “ Now, Amanda, see here” — “ Get that right, Oliver,” she in­ terrupted. “ The proper form, as you will see if you think a moment, ia ‘ look here.’ ” “ What’s the difference?” he de­ manded. “ You can’t look without seeing, can you?” “ Oh, yes, you can. Everybody says you and I look alike, but it’s a notorious fact that we don’t see alike.” — Chicago Tribune. Shoop Vsrsus Cloud*. A struggling voung artist of San Francisco was not long ago afford­ ed an opportunity to do a bit of work for a wealthy man o f that city. In a week or two hia wife had her frst glimpse of the painting in hand. The wife sighed delightedly. “ It’s just lovely, dear,” she said, “ lovely! But don’t you think those sheep look— well, just a hit like clouds— that is, o f rourae. darling, unless they are clouds!” — Lippincntt’s. Changing th* iubjoot. Elderly l^tdv (who has been re­ tailing at some length her domestic troubles)— And now, Mr. Jonee. I've worri<*d yon about my domestic af­ fairs: let’s turn to a more cheerful topic— when are vou going away?— 1 o f one raise tooth, 0 cents. They oae corrosive sublimate to deaden > WATER CLOCKS. the pain, then poll the tooth with Curious Littlo I not rum** to That Asa the fingers or a pair o f pliers. False Uaod In Sahara Daaart. teeth are attached by meant o f a A man’s wealth in the Sahara ia wire.— Exchange. calculated almost entirely by the Misunderstood. number o f camels or palm trees She was a plump widow, with two which he owns and by tne amount o f water to which he ia entitled. charming daughters. She bed been Water in the desert is so scarce that a relict jnst a year and was begin­ the ownership o f it is most jealously ning to wear her “ weeds” lightly. guarded. In “ A Search For the All the same, when the new curate Masked Tawareks” the author says called upon her she sighed: “ Ah, I feel the loss o f my poor, that in buying a palm grove it is al­ ways necessary to stipulate for so dear husband very much. I never many sa’aa per day or week. A sa’a, have any appetite fo r anything literally “ an hoar,” is the amount now.” The curate was all sympathy and, o f water which will flow in an hour through an opening the width o f a in the endeavor to cheer her by ointing out what a com fort to her man’s fiat in the side o f a segia. er daughters must be, replied: The main segias, or channels, as a “ I can quite understand that, but rale follow the roads o f the oasis, form ing a sort o f ditch at the side. you are solaced in” — “ S-i-r-r!” interrupted the indig­ A regular time table is kept, show­ ing the hours at which the owners nant lady. "A llow me to inform you o f the different plantations are en­ that I am not laced in at all.” — Ex­ change. . titled to draw water. The time is measured by a very Th* Rlvor Clydo. curious little water d eck , consisting The river Clyde has been brought o f a metal cup, made usually o f up to its present draft for ves­ brass or copper, with a small hole pierced in the bottom. At the com­ sels o f large capacity by a system mencement o f each hour this is o f dredging, and the diligent Scots­ placed in a basin o f water. The man ia justly proud of it. A party water gradually runs through the o f American sightseers were one hole until at the expiration o f the day on the lookout for wonders and hour the cup sinks to the bottom o f passed some caustic remarks on the basin. It ia then taken out, the river’s insignificance. “ Call this a river? Why, it’s only emptied and set again to measure a mere ditch compared with tha off the next sa’a, and so the process is continued throughout the twen­ Mississippi, the St. Lawrence,” etc. “ Aye, mon,” said a patriotic by­ ty-four hours. stander. “ ye can thank Providence This instrument is usually kept in for your rivers, but we made thia the village mosque. In order to pre­ vent all interference with it a ane ooreels.” — London Answers. watchman is set over it, who noti­ That Oil of 8orrow. fies the expiration o f each hour Small Ralph was fond o f helping from the minaret o f the mosque. with auch little repairs and adjust­ At the end of the sa’a the open­ ments about the house as he could. ing in the side o f the segia through One day hia mother suggested that which the water flows is closed with he should oil the squeaky rollers clay, and the water ia cut off and under the library chairs. allowed to flow down the main chan­ “ Please give me the kev to the nel to the next plantation. l edicine closet, mother,” he said. “ The medicine cloeet? What Dontiotry In China. Dentistry is not new in China. fo r ? ” Ages ago their dentists discovered , “ Why,” exclaimed Ralph in real that toothache is due to bugs. The surprise, “ isn't that where you keep dentists proved it by inserting in the castor oil ?*’— Lippincott's. E the month s spatula with a worm attached under thin paper. The pa­ per moistens, the worm drops ana is picked up bv the dentist and exhib­ ited to the patient, o f course. This enhances his reputation and in­ creases his fee. Rut there hasn't boon a dav for a thousand/veara when you couldn't buy a scl of false teeth in China for 50 cent*; price Utilising Hia Rolf R.apoet. “ 1 should think.” said the woman o f the house, "you would have too much self respect to make your liv­ ing bv begging.” “ latdv,’* protested Rnffon Wratx, straightening himself up. “ self re- i