I Mrs. B.—O, such nice bread! W anted — Butter and eggs at Where did you Ret your flour? Sprout & George grocery. Mrs. G.—I get the White Dia­ The Daily Telegram by mail mond at the Sprout & George from now until 1913, only $3.50 grocery. at Benson’s. Phone Blue 180. Try the Oregon Semi-Weekly Eggs and butter wanted at the W anted — Competent y o u n g Journal and Newberg Graphic Hitchen Merc. C o.’s. lady to canvass. Inquire Kienle one year for $2.00. & Sons. W anted —Bower leed cutter, H. G. Newlin, Springbrook. The Star Theatre was packed Taken up 5 head yearling heif­ to the doors Saturday night. An , M oney T o L oan - -See A tty. B A. Kliks, McMinnville, Oregon, interesting program o f pictures ers. Three black, one white, one red and white. Owner may take and good music was given. Pigs for sale—W. E. Perkins, same by paying all expenses. G- The ladies o f the Presbyterian N. Hesgard, 4 miles northwest of R. F. D. 3, phone 30a4. 52 tf. church will hold a Xmas bazaar Newberg. tf. early in December. A chicken bread at the Hitchen Merc. C o.’s, dinner and supper will be served Have some good places near Del Monte preserves! They’re Thirty-three bars o f soap tor good! At Hitchen Merc. C o.’s. $1 at Sprout & George grocery. the coast that we will exchange tor small farms in the valley Highest market price paid for Eight bars ot soap tor 25c at Get a ranch where grass grows dried prunes and berries at H. S. Sprout & George grocery. Phone all the year and you don’ t have Gile and C o.’s packing house, tt blue 82. to sow it. See White & Com­ pany, 705 E. First Street. For Sale—Saws, axes, mauls, wedges and woodchopper’s tools at Hart's Hardware store. Elder A. Hutchinson, o f Mc­ Best place to get your winter W anted — W h e a t , o a t s o i Pherson, Kansas, will conduct supply 'ot spuds, at Sprout & vetch. Will exchange fanning George grocery. Phone Blue 82. mills, feed cutters or hardware, meetings at the church o f the Brethem, beginning M o n d a y Marion George, the Magnetic evening at 7:30 p. m., November Healer, gives relief in agravating Order a "Wear-Ever” alumi­ 13. Everybody welcome. No cases of rheumatism and other num roaster now at Benson’s for collections. Come. - 5 diseases. Thanksgiving use. It will last vou a litetime. Furniture and Household Fur­ nishings—Saturday, Nov. 18, I will sell my furniture consisting o f fine oak and maple dresser, 1 oak buffet, Charter Oak range, heating stoves, chairs, carpets, dining table, iron beds and many other useful articles, one o ’clock A. H. Benton, Florist, Phone sharp at Baughman’s Garage, opposite Ferguson’s drug store, Blue 2, 700 North Meridian. 1st Street. H. M. Abbott. Col. Westfall, Auctioner. Aluminan samples shown by W anted —Young team, weight Mrs. Johnson at Benson’ s news 1100 to 1200 pounds. Buy or stand, afternoons from 3 to 5. tf will exchange for lighter team. H. E. Rehfuss, Rex. tf. F or S ale —T w o yearling Ham- eltonian colts, or will trade for F or S ale —Cabbage, terns, a good work horse or mare.—F. hyacinth and tulip bulbs, be­ D. Baron, R. F.- D. 3. 2-5 pd gonias, callas and carnations.— You can get good things to eat and a good place to sleep at the Model Restaurant and Lunch room, only tw o blocks from de- ----------------------:------------ ---------- o f Newberg, 16 acres. All im- Christmas is coming! A ba- proved but a half acre, 5 acres White Plymouth Rock and S. tar will be held by the Presby- prunes, 4 acres apples, one acre C. Brown Leghorn cockerds for rian ladies in the Baughman cherries, good family orchard, 5 sale. irage on First street Thursday,¡ room house,, wood house, old C. E. Newhouse, ec. 7th. Achichen dinner and. barn, small spring piped to house, Springbrook, supper will be served. I tf. M. G. Oakley. Lost—Belt pin at Kirk’s sale. Reward offered. Peter Durauce- an. Phone 6a l6. It pd Small Tracts For Sala. Phone Your Orders to W hite 113. They will be Delivered Promptly Acreage in tracts o f 3 to 5 acres adjoining Newberg on the east. Small cash payments with time on balance. J. T. Everest. Everything carried in a strictly up-to-date drugstore. • We also have the exclusive agency for the famous ■ ■ The business meeting ot the W. C. T. U. will be held at the home of Mrs. Bowerman jon Wednesday, November twenty- second. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH The subject next Sabbath morning will be: "Common Sense in Religion.” At night the topic will be: "H o w an Honest Soldier Found Salvation.” All are invited. WiBsmCs W yat’s fa m ily ¿Remedies which have stood the test for fifteen years, each rem­ edy guaranteed to give satisfaction or Sastman will be found at .the Wyat’ a Store. ‘ T f it isn’ t an Eastman it isn’ t a ’Kodak.” We are also the exclusive agents for the latest perfumes on the m arket TJhe ¿Slocki A natural flower in e very bottle. Once tried always used. Do not forget we take great pride in our Prescription -Department in which nothing but the purest o f drugs and chemicals are used. We do not substitute. Your call will be ap- preciated The Newberg Drug Co The Approaching W inter Suggests English Slip On’s Overcoats and English Slip On’s Hodson Brothers, The Clothiers and Furnishers