Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, November 16, 1911, Image 1

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    • -
N ewberg
G raphic
Oregon rtUt. Society
fMtv H«U
« w ° —
pot, four sets silver kr.ives, some
toilet pail, paring knives,
F n raidsh U A rray of Candi- They have superintended the fal
data» For a Largo Num ber
cleaning o f hall, painting floors
o f O ffices.
renovating pillows, canning fruit
No. 5
was thrown and it was caught.
on shore held their breath,
etc., as they have seen the need
a number o f papers by the boys
on topics in line with the theme,
there are to be four addresses
given by prominent men in the Disabled Craft Saved From
Rocks Near Mouth of
state who are not only interested
in the boy life o f Oregon, but
who are informed as to its con­
A stokia , Or., Nov. 13.— (Speci
ditions and needs. Such men as
passing 24 hours help­
Mr. Fred Lockky, manager of
wild and swirling
the Pacific Monthly, Mr. H. W
Stone, General Secretary o f the waters just o ff North Head, the
Portland Y. M . C. A. and Mr. I. steam schooner Washington was
B. Rhodes, the General State towed in on the hawsers o f the
Secretary for Oregon and Idaho sea tug Tatoosh, shortly after
Y. M. C. A. will be in the con­ dark tonight, with all hands
saved, after the vessel had been
The good people o f Corvallis given up for lost.
The Washington was like a
are throwing open their homes
that was gone to her de­
to the boys and entertainment
will be provided for all bona fide struction, and last night when
delegates. The Oregon Agricul­ her crew and passengers were
tural College Y. M. C. A. men landed a t Callender’s dock, they
are also planning to assist in were greeted and cheered like
entertaining the boys and will men who had come back from
give them a banquet in their the dead.
Her rescue was daringly ac­
building Saturday evening. The
by the tug Tatoosh,
college men will also serve as
“ Buck” Bailey in
guides taking the boys over the
campus and through the build­ command, while scores o f men
and women stood on the wind­
Mr. H. Dalzell will be very swept shore and cheered.
for the danger was great for the
craft. But soon the hawser was
laid and those on shore could see
the men at work cutting the
anchors on the Washington. In
a few minutes more she was
slowly following the tug out to
open water.
Inside o f three
hours later the Tatoosh landed
her aside the Callender wharf, in
this city, as neat and daring a
“jo b " as cne would want to see.
Do not forget the
etc. Reported having expended
When the voters of Oregon go $61.66 in this work.
the Home ot the Boys*
The buildings and grounds com­ Aid Society o f Oregon
t o the polls at the primary elec­
tion, April 19, they will have a mittee reported having fu r
land this Thanksgiving
formidable .array o f candidates nished the president’s office, pur
fo r a large number o f offices from chased blinds for first anc management of this
second floors o f new building appeals to all persons
whom to choose.
interested in the well
In addition to voting for the and had windows cleaned, at
candidate for President o f the total expenditure o f $246.20.
pendent children o f the
The social committee hat give liberally this Than!
United States and Vice-President
o f the United States under the charge of the annual social last
The work o f the institute
N ew berg M an Trades Farm for
new Oregon preferential prefer­ year, also assisted the college
lincoln County Dairy Ranch
ence primary plan, voters in each faculty in entertaining the An­ very much v ■ increased dui
o f the First, Second and Third nual Conference of Faculties o f past year. Many more
J. L. Whiteis traded his farm
Congressional Districts will be Denominational Colleges o f Wil­ are under its care so o f course
six miles northwest o f town the
called upon to Select their choice lamette Valley in April, also had expenses o f maintenance
first o f the week to Mr. L. G.
•ot candidates for Representatives charge o f the picnic held on the creased in proportion
Wesley for a dairy ranch in the
in Congress. Next year a United college campus in June. The average number o f children on
Coast range mountains. Mr.
States Senator also w ill be Ways and Means Committee re­ hand last year at the Receiving
Whiteis intends to ship cream to
«elected to succeed Jonathan ported having received $100.75 Home was sixty but now it will
Corvallis and raise vegetables
from Prof. Johnson from the exceed that number b y ft t feast
Bourne, Jr.
for market in Newport. Mr.
The office o f Secretary o f State sale o f aluminum ware, with an five each day. The little ones at
Wesley is the man who shows
is to be filled and one Justice of expense o f $2.25 for the printing the home have been sadly af­
the G alloway cattle on the fair
the Supreme Court is to be o f cards used introducing it flicted for the past three months
circuit and who carries off so
elected to succeed Chief Justice Also reported having expended with an epidemic o f scarlet fever,
many first and grand champion
Eakin. The term o f J. W. Bailey $4 for a cut o f the college build­ although the cases were li$ht, glad to answer any inquires as
Laden with lumber, the Wash­ prizes. He has showed at Salem,
as Dairy and Food Commission ing, which has been used in print yet, it was necessary that yhe to the reduced rates that may be ington went out over the bar Spokane, North Yakima, Walla
er will also expire. Ten delegates ing invitations, post cards, etc. children be isolated for tw o obtained for the credited dele­ shortly after noon . Sunday, in Walla, Colfax, Clarkstpn and
to the National convention for These post cards are on safe at months. The first o f these cases gates and as to the arrangements the teeth o f the bitter gale from Lewiston and holds one hundred
the nomination ot President and John Smith’s store and Benson’s were cared for at the Contagious for entertainment. He w ill have the southwest that swept the and eighty-one ribbons and $1>
Vice-President o f the United news stand. They are planning Sanitorium, but the last t o the programs ready for distribution seas all day, with 26 passengers 700 in cash prizes.
States are to be elected and five now the publishing o f a cook number o f fourteen were taken by the middle o f the month. Ad­ and a crew o f 22.
In the trade Mr. Wesley gets
electors for President and Vice book o f tested recipes, which we care ot in this institution. This dress Y. M. C. A., Portland, Ore­
Just what happened to the an alfalfa ranch in eastern Ore­
President at the general election. hope, may prove a financial help. certainly was a great trouble gon.
Washington has not been clear­ gon to which be w ill remove his
A Railroad Commissioner from
The Worthy Students’ Aid and expense to those in charge,
ly told, but it seems that she stock.
the First and Second Congres­ Committee reported h a v in g however, a t this w riting the
was just well on the bar, or fair­
sional Districts is to be nominated found work for some students, home is entirely free from disease
ly well across it, when something
and elected.
who had time to earn a little and properly fumigated and the
A large crowd gathered at the happened. One story is that
In the Second, Sixth and Eighth money outside school hours. good work is again going on.
Conclusive evidence o f grow ­
Friends church last Thursday several great seas struck her and
Judicial Districts Judges are to be Also having found places for
ing prosperity is noted in Yam-
During the past year
evening to welcome the new carried aw ay a portion of her
elected and in the Fourth Judicial some to w ork for board. We tion sheds have been
County in the new .houses
j t c r . Charles O. W hiteley J deck load o f lumber and that in
District, or Multnomah County, would be glad if any one, having premises fo r the use of
family. The
The church
c h u r c h was
the loosened
that are taking the place o f ram-
an nt
the loosened
and family.
judges for Department No. 1
shackle structures that have
Students to do, would dren in the home, one for the
beautifully decorated w ith ivy, that had bound the deck lumber
No. 2 are to be elected.
duty as homes for formers’
report same to Mrs. L. M. Park­ girls and one for the boys play­
chrysanthemums and roses. The down had been swept into the families for fifty years or more,
District Attorneys are to be er, chairman of committee.
ground. These sheds are thirty
people were introduced to Rev. propeller and rudder chains. A t and substantial barns with com­
elected in all but the 13th Judi­
We hope, in the near future to >y sixty feet with open sides and
all events its seemed to those on
cial District, where the election assist in placing cement walks contain rings, trapeze, horizontal and Mrs* Whiteley after which her bat an instant before she lay modious sheds for the livestock,
was held last year for that office. on the college campus, which are bars, and tie ten , also sand short addresses o f welcome were helpless and at the mercy o f the and ample space for storing the
given on behalf of the church and
Representatives from all o f the sorely needed.
Winter’s forage. Dear to mem­
courts for the little ones. An­
the ministerial association. A pounding waves.
districts will be elected from the
are some o f the old houses
Mrs. W. E. Crozer, Sec,
other addition for the benefit of
very much appreciated feature
low er house o f the Legislature
are being thus supplanted,
the children is the fitting up of
and 16 Senators are to be elected.
tered her, shaking her from end and sacred to the sound o f old-
manual training room where
the music furnished by the New­
County judges w ill be elected the
to end. Before the wind and time flails and the merry voices
the boys can be taught carpen­
berg Orchestra.
Refreshments waves she slowly drifted to the o f children are many ancient,
coming year in 13 counties, these
try. This addition was made by
Man Attends Gipsy
were served by twelve young
■counties being Columbia, Curry,
north, luckily missing the rocks weather-beaten barns that are
Clackamas county.
Smith Meeting and Urges G t-
ladies of the church.
Jackson, Linn, Malheur, Marion,
and surf o ff Cape Disappoint­ leaning to their fall or have been
ixens to go Friday Night.
M orrow , Multnomah, P o l k ,
ment, and finally drifting toward demolished to make room for the
ment to care tor cases o f abuse
Sherman, Wallowa, Wasco and
“ Dead Men’s Hole," that lies just new barns with their broad
As one who has had the privi- and neglect o f children through­
from and between McKenzie’s wings and bright coat o f paint.
ege on tw o occasions, once sev­
and North Head. There The day o f these old structures
eral years ago in Chicago and ot Multnomah county and the
the Washington dropped anchors was a long, busy and useful one,
again last Monday, o f attending records w ill show that four-
land Friday Evening.
fore and aft, and, luckily, they but, having served their purpose,
Gipsy Smith’s meetings, I want ifths o f the children coming
held her from the rocks, though it is well that they exist thence­
to testify to the tact that it is a through the institution are from
The annual meeting o f the rare privilege, an opportunity of outside counties, hence, this
Feeling assured that a large she kept drifting slowly all the forth only in m em ory and finally
fade into the dim shadows of the
Pacific College Woman’s Auxi­ greatest value to be in his audi­ society is an aid to every county number o f Newberg people will while.
liary was held, October 28th, at ence. Newberg received so m e in the state and it is earnestly want to hear the great evange­ The seas passed over her, a past.
the new college building. In­ line advertising l a s t Monday loped that donations for i’. s list, Gipsy Smith, during his stay thousand times covering prob­
teresting reports o f work done, when it was announced in the benefit will be liberal this Thanks­ o f tw o weeks in Portland, the ably two-thirds of the vessel.
were read, from nearly all the papers o f the city that she was giving.
Women’s Auxiliary to Pacific
The Yamhill County Poultry
It was about 2 o ’clock this
standing committees. While we coming in 500 strong to the
The railroad and steamboat College conceived the idea o f get­
met Monday evening
afternoon that Captain George
were able to see some places in Gipsy Smith meetings. Nearly companies are carrying all such ting up an excursion to the city
Winkel, o f the Washington, gave to make arrangements for the
which we had tailed, some mis­ everyone I met in Portland was donations free of charge if they by railroad, the profits, if any,
out the word that the Tatoosh Annual County Poultry show
takes made, etc., still we felt remarking about it. T h e r e are plainly marked Boys’ & to go to their organization.
had come to take the last desper­ which is to be held the first week
great satisfaction in knowing ought to be five hundred or more Girls’ Aid Society o f Oregon,
The details were easily ar­ ate chance.
in January in Newberg.
that we had really made our­ take advantage o f the fine op­ Portland, Oregon.
ranged with the railroad officials
Plans were made tor soliciting
In case o f failure his orders
selves useful to the college, in a portunity afforded by the Auxili­
and tickets are being sold for the were to cut the anchors and try premiums and Ralph Butt was
measure, and had accomplished ary. Your own spiritual life will
trip at $1 each. The train will to make a run for the narrow appointed to solicit members to
to a certain extent, at least, the be quickened' and your faith in
leave Newberg at 5 o ’clock Fri­ cove that lies between Mc­ the organization. The officers
purpose for which we were the power of the simple gospel
day evening and a stop w'ill be Kenzie’s Point and North Head, urge everyone interested in good
organized a year ago.
message will be immeasurably
On December 1, the Friday fol- made at Springbrook to take on from which his ship lay less than poultry to give their names when
The reports showed that the strengthened. John F. Lyons.
ow ing Thanksgiving Day there passengers. Returning the train a mile distant. Elsewhere the asked and help make the associa­
membership for the year had
will assemble at Corvallis be­ will leave Portland at 10:45. shore rises precipitately to a tion a success.
been 337, consisting ot 231
tween a hundred and fifty and Arrangements have been made height ot 50 to perhaps 150 feet
Those who attended the show
active members, and 106 honor­
tw o hundred o f the picked boys with the street car management an d this little cove alone last year were more than pleased
a ry members.
We feel that,
In accordance with the pro­ o f Oregon for a three days’ con­ in Portland to have cars in w ait­
promised a ray o f hope. It was and with a little aid from the
with the large number o f friends clamation o f the President o f the ference. This will be the Sixth ing on First street to convey the
almost certain death, in all public just now, a better display
which we know Pacific College United States and the Governor Annual State Boys’ Conference excursionests to the tabernacle
human probability, to attempt ought to be made this year.
t o have, our membership should ot the State o f Oregon, 1, N. C. teld under the auspices o f the immediately on arrival o f the
to enter that cove, but that fact What is good for the poultry
be much larger than this.
Con­ Christenson, mayor o f the city of Oregon-Idaho Y o u n g M e n ’ s train. Seating capacity has also
could not be known to the men men o f the county is good for
sequently, we look forward con­ Newberg, respectfully recommend Christian Association and is been arranged for during .that
on the ship. It was a t * this Newberg. L et’s boost it.
fidently, to more efficient work :hat the 30th day o f November open to any boy over fourteen service in the auditorium so that
dramatic moment that help
along this line for the coming be observed as Thanksgiving representing any Boys’ Bible all who go, may feel assured of
came, when they had almost
year, though we feel this to be )a y and that the citizens of New­ Study Club or Sunday School getting a seat.
given up hope o f aid.
pretty good for the first year.
berg set aside their secular work Class in the state.
The ladies are preparing to
The matter o f Sunday closing
The House Committee reported and attend the house o f worship
Out of the mists that lay over in Newberg which is to come be­
The theme of this conference serve light lunch on the train so
having purchased and made for in recognition and praise to Al­ will be “ Responsibility" and the that none need go hungry. ’
the sea, the Totooshcame feeling fore Judge Galloway at McMinn­
the dormitory, table clothes, mighty God for the bounteous motto “ Dare to Do It ." The
This will afford an opportunity her w ay in and slowly, carefully ville has not yet had a hearing.
sheets, pillow slips and towels, crops and innumerable blessings >apers will be prepared and read to hear the noted evangelist at edged in towards the stricken Other cases have crowded this
also having purchased one alu­ o f the year.
>y the boys alter which open dis­ small cost and a large crowd is ship.
one out and the Judge has not
minum kettle, coffee pot, tea
N. C. Christenson, M ayor. cussion will take place. Besides expected.
A t last she made it. A line indicated when it will come up.