Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, June 01, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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Locals and Personals
C. J. Hoskins was down from
McMinnville Tuesday.
W. B. Purdy made a business
trip to McMinnville Monday.
0. J. Sherman was up from
Portland on business Wednes­
Mrs. M .J. Nash went to her
former home at Hopewell last
George L. K elty was visited by
his father from McCoy Wednes­
day night.
Miss Belle Newhouse was up
from Portland visiting with her
parents Sunday.
Roy Wassom and family, of
Salem, spent Memorial Day with
relatives in Newberg.
0. K. Edwards and family
were up from Portland Tuesday
Visiting with relatives.
Louis Hadley and family were
down from Dayton last Sunday
visiting with relatives.
J. T. McNay returned home a
few days ago from a trip to
Aberdeen, Washington.
Mrs. Peter Bashaw o f Port­
land spent the early part of the
week with her children here.
Mrs. J. H. Moore of Laurel
visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Douglas the first o f the week.
The Spaulding machine brought
the family down from Salem
Tuesday to spend the holiday.
E. R. Horton and wife were
up from Portland Tuesday to
attend the exercises of the G. A. R.
Mrs. L. M. Carey has the
thanks of the office for sample
strawberries from their fine crop.
Mrs. R. L. Booth o f Willamina
spent a lew days the first o f the
week with her sister, Mrs. M ana
Mrs. Yin Vincent has gone to
Gates to join her husband who
has been working at the mines
for some time.
Harry Perkins was up from
Portland the first of the week
visiting at the home o f his par­
ents near Newberg.
« Mr. and Mrs. E. A. K ing and
Mrs. George McPherson were up
from Portland Thursday, visit­
ing at W. A. K in g’s.
Rev. E. R. Clevenger, ofHamil-
ton, Montana, will preach at the
Baptist church next Sunday,
morning and evening.
Miss Esther Winslow who has
a position with Olds, Wortman
and King visited her aunt, Mrs.
L. M. Parker, Tuesday.
Judge Martin Ramsey who
was in Newberg the first o f the
week said he had decided to open
an office in McMinnville.
Miss Helena Ferguson returned
home the last o f the week from
Ranier, the school in which she
was employed having closed.
W. F. Edwards and family
from Vancouver and Milton York
and family from Portland visited
with relatives in Newberg last
Floyd Parker took his depar­
ture for the M orrow county
wheat ranch Wednesday, saying
he would relieve L. M. who
would return home.
Oregon Yearly Meeting o f
Friends church will open im­
mediately following College com­
mencement which occurs on
Wednesday, June 15.
Lee Stanley and wife came out
from Portland Tuesday to deco­
rate the graves o f relatives buried
here. They were the guests of
Mrs. Elizabeth White.
W. H. Copeland o f the livery
firm o f Copeland and Critcs has
gone to Texas to serve as w it­
ness in a Railroad suit. He will
return in about a week.
Miss Magnolia T a t e came
came down from Willamina Sat­
urday evening and has been vis­
iting her grandmother, Mrs.
Irene Heater, east o f town.
The fire loss in the Duncan
Hall building has been adjusted
and repairs are under w ay to
put the hall and the lofter floor
in condition for occupancy.
Mrs. Florence Conklin a n d
children are up from Selwood,
spending a few days at the home
o f the former’s parents, Rev. and
Mrs. Joseph Hall, east o f town.
M r » E. E. Goff was here from
Hood River the first o f the week
assisting Mr. Goff in planning
for the mew residence they are
arranging to build on East Han­
cock street.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bilyeu, of
Portland, spent tw o or three
days the first o f the week visit­
ing at the home o f Mrs. Bilyeu’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Per­
kins, near Newberg.
Will Graham and family came
out from Portland the first o f
the week for a visit with Mrs.
Graham’s father, C. H. Christen­
son, and on Tuesday they all
went to Am ity by auto for a
Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Hollister
were up from Portland last week
visiting a t I. E. Holts. Since
going to Portland Mr. Hollister
is reported to have made a good
deal o f money buying and selling
real estate.
Sidney Root, aged 83 years,
went to McMinnville Tuesday
to visit his brother Lorenzo
Root, aged 85, who is sick and
hardly expected to , s u r v i v e .
Both were pioneer farmers in
Chehalem valley.
H. D. Crumly returned from a
trip to Idaho a few days ago.
He will spend the greater part o f
this season at home and in the
Fall will take the civil service
examination tor government sur­
vey work under the new require­
A game of ball will be played
on the High School grounds Fri­
day afternoon, beginning at 3:30
o ’clock, between the Newberg
and McMinnville H. S. teams.
In a game previously played by
the teams Newberg won and a
hard fought game is expected.
In answer to a letter written
by Prof. A. C. Stanbrough to
Carnegie giving the information
that Newberg bad decided on a
location for the library building,
the library committee is asked
to submit plans for a building
for approval. The committee
anticipates that as soon as sat­
isfactory plans for the building
can be arranged the work will
proceed without delay.
The First National Bank is
now at home in the new quarters
w herew ith tiled floors, marble
counters and mahogany furni­
ture, the appointments r a n k
with the best in banks outside at
Portland. When in Newberg
call at the bank and the officials
w ill take pleasure in showingyou
through the building and letting
you see the excellent facilities
they have for carrying on a bank­
ing business.
'ÜL m
United States you will find some store
handling die Hart, Schaffner ft M arx
There is a reason for this—
there are hundreds of clothing
manufacturers in this country all hungry
fo r business.
Their clothing is made
to fit— is made of all wool fabrics and
every garment is guaranteed by diem
to give satisfaction or your money back.
Per Suit
Other Good Clothes from
Miller Mercantile Co
The Pacific Monthly for June
is one o f the best issues fora long
Its cover carries out
beautifully the Portland Rose
Festival idea with its garlands
o f roses and. rose-decked girls.
Oregon has long been famous tor
its beautiful roses, and the lead",
ing article in the June number is
devoted to Portland, the Rose
City, the Summer Capital o f
Star Theatre
■ ■
In every town o f any importance in die
Miss Pearl Cummings went to
Portland Thursday to attend
the wedding o f Miss Mabel Van-
tress to Mr. Ray Stout of that
city. The ceremony was an­
nounced for 4 o ’clock p. m. with
a reception following at 8 o ’clock.
The young people have built and
furnished a new home to which
they will g o a t once. Miss
Mabel will be remembered as the
youngest daughter o f Mr. and
Mrs. Ira K . Vantress formerly
o f this place. The Graphic joins
her many Newberg friends in
good wishes.
Bert Heath who founded the
newspaper, “ The Telephone,” a t
McMinnville when the county
seat was removed from LaFay-
Homer D. Bowers, D. O. who
ette to that city, passed through spent the past ten months at
Newberg on the w ay to McMinn­ Los Angeles and Loma Linda,
ville last Monday. Mr. Heath California, has returned to New­
was a member of the Second Ore­ berg and expects to again open
gon Regiment and while sta­ an office here as soon-as he can
tioned in the Philippines he be­ find a satisfactory location. He
came so impressed with the pos­ came up on the Steamer Bear
sibilities for engaging in profit­ and a lthough he had soma
able business industries in that sickness he says he had a very
country that he remained after pleasant trip. Mrs. Bowers and
the close o f the war. His busi­ little son will come a little later.
es ventures are said to have They have a decided preference
been highly successful and he is for O regon over California.
reported to have made afortqhe:
He is still in business there and [J
expects to return.
The weather conditions on
Memorial day were all that
could be wished and the program
as outlined in the Graphic last
week was carried out. In the
morning the procession headed
by the band and with F. C.
Mills as color bearer for the old
veterans—and what would a Q.
A. R. procession in Newberg be
without F. C. Mills as color
bearer?—marched to the cemetery
where the usual G. A. R. cere­
mony was held and the graves
o f the departed Were strewn with
flowers. In the afternoon the
balance o f the program was car­
ried out at the skating rink
where a large crowd was gath­
Mrs. Charles Henry and baby
are up from Portland spending
The residence of N. A. Smith in
the week with Mrs. Henry’s
father, C. F. Butler, and other the Chehalem Center neighbor­
hood tw o miles north o f New­
Friday and Saturday and
Charley Rittenhousc has re­ berg was totally destroyed by
Saturday Matinee-
signed his position as Mate on
the steamer, Eugene, and has ac­
cepted a like position with the insurance. Mrs. Smith was just
finishing dressing the little one Dramatised from the famous Dickens
O .R & N . Co.
when a neighbor who was pass­ novel and produced in three motion pic­
James Iverson has bought the ing and saw the fire, gave the ture reels by die Vitagraph Company
property on the corner o f College alarm. Mr. Smith was aw ay at o f America. The taro principal parts
are taken by Mias Florence Turner and
and Vermillion streets o f George a neighbor’s and he with others
M. Maurice Costella. two famous players
tftlty and has moved down from came in time to save a part o f
his mountain farm.
Big song hit by Tracy McSherry
the furniture, though the kitchen
Mrs. R. Bggers and daughter, furniture and the bedding was PORTLAND W A N T S AS IN
Miss Anna Rogers, who have lost. An oil painting of Mrs.
been aw ay from Newberg for
Music by Hunt. Effects by Haskins.
several months visiting with rel­ she says she had been offered
Open 7 JO. Admission 5 and 10c
atives in Mississippi and recently $500 was also lost. Mr. and
Return engagement
at Watkins, Minnesota, will re­ Mrs. Smith say the neighbors
Monday and Tuesday, June 5 and 6
turn to Oregon this week and have been exceedingly kind to
of the IN S L E E BR O T H E R S
will stop in^ Portland for the them since the misfortune, for Those Juvenile Comedians in near songs
which they feel truly thankful.
and Jokes.
Marx Clothes
The morning train for Dallas - George Waggoner w e n t to
failed to reached its destination Portland Wednesday to bring
on Monday owing to the ditch­ out writers and staff artists for
ing o f a freight train near Dallas. the Oregonian and Journal who
The train crew had a few things are to take a look a t the garden
to say relative to the condition spot o f Oregon for the purpose
o f the track on the Yamhill o f showing it np to the readers
branch that would not have o f these tw o metropolitan pa-
pleasing to the ear o f thelpers. They w ill come out by
road master, but all they said auto and doubtless Mr. W aggon­
and more could easily be verified er will call their attention to the
by divers passengers who have condition o f the much talked o f
occassion to travel over the road road between Rex and Tigard-
day after day.
Bank o f N ew b erg
T he First
is now enjoying the conveniences o f its new banking qaurters—in its new building
—up to date in every respect—designed for 5 0 years o f service
You are cordially invited to call and inspect.
Every convenience and facility provided.
W e is s u e
W e is s u e
W e is s u e
Certificates o f Deposit, interest bearing and demand.
Letters o f Credit for the convenience of travelers.
Drafts—good in America, the Hawaiian Islands and Alaska, and
make Telegraphic Transfers o f Money tp all parts—6 Code Sys­
tems used.
Checking accounts o f reliable persons solicited.
any institution—not allowed.
Overdrafts—a discredit to
Our Savings Department will explain to you its system,
to Wage Earners—every dollar works.
Our a im :
O f special interest
To Please.
To be Courteous.
To Give Good Service.
D. D. C O U L S O N , Cashier
W . A . K IN O , President
L. G. K N E E S H A W , let Vice President
A . C. S E E L Y , Assistant Cashier
A M O S N E L S O N . 2nd Vice President