Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, September 29, 1910, Page 8, Image 8

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TH E N EW BER G GRAPHIC. September 19 , 1910
Lik« His Mother Used To Make.
“ 1 waa born in Indiany," says a stranger,
lank and slim.
A s us fellers in the restaurant was
kindo’ guying him.
And Uncle Jake was slidin’ him another
punkin pie
And an extra cup o’ coffee, with a
twinkle in his eye.
“ I waa bora in Indiany—more’n forty
year ago—
An' I nain’t been back in twenty—and
I ’m workin’ back’arda slow;
But I ’ve et in ever’ restaurant twixt
here and Santy Fee
And I want to state this coffee tastes
like gittin' home to me!
“ Pour us out another,daddy,” says the
feller, warmin’ up,
A-epeakin’ Croat a saucerful, as uncle
tuk his cup.
“ When I seed yer sign out yander,” he
went on to Uncle Jake—
“ Come in and git some coffee like yer
mother used to make’—
1 thought o f my ok) mother and the
Posey County farm.
And me a little kid ag'in a-hangin’ on
her arm.
A s she set the pot a-bi-lin’f broke the
eggs and poured ’em in. ”
And the feller kindo’ halted, with a
trimble in his chin.
; cm r schools
Mrs. Mamie Fulkerson,
Miss Mnbelle Ross,
1 B.
1 A.
N e w b e rg ’a N ew $40,000 High. School Building, nearing completion
Auction Sale at Rock Robinson
’ & Sons every Saturday, 2 P.M .,—
Household furniture o f all kinds
both new and second hand.
F or S a l e — T wo good Jersey
cows, one fresh, the other will
be soon.
C. C. E l l io t t ,
Dundee, Ore.
E. U. Will, the well known
piano tuner of Portland, will be
in Newberg soon and will call on
his regular customers. Newones
can drop a postal addressed to
Newberg. -
N ursery S t o c k —Farmers and
fruit growers can save money in
buying fruit trees by seeing me.
H A R V E Y A. W R IG H T , German and History— High School.
Sheep dip sold at 80 cent a gal­
lon. One and a half miles north
and cloak rooms o f the public orderly ever held in. the Eleventh, of Newberg.
J. J. J ordon .
school building, and in the base­ for only one man was killed, he
You and your children are safe
ment o f the Presbyterian and being one John Holmes, who was
wear Dr. L o w e ’s correctly
Baptist churches. The new high shot to death by Squire Colwell
schobl building will be occupied at Grapevine, which is near fitted glasses. Eye sate and price
safe. Consult him till 4 o ’clock
about November first.
Imperial h>tel Saturday, Oct.
T o say Powers was guilty o f
Young women wishing t o the Goebel murder caused many
work for their board and room o f bis followers t o admire him
The ladies o f the Christian Bi-*'
and attend high school should the more.
When told that ble school will hold a window
phone to or communicate with Powers got rich m ja il and that
sale o f home cooking on Satur­
Supt. Wiley.
Many excellent he charged $500 for a Republican
day at Leavitt & Hardwick’s
homes a r e available.
Small speech in Johnson county last
office, corner o f First and Main
wages w ill also be paid in some fall, his followers either refused
and also at Baird’s grocery on
to believe the charge or gloried East First street..
in his achievements, if true.
From the beginning bis follow ­
II your eyes are giving you
ers have been loyal and unchange­ trouble it is evident that^here is
able. The orators called Mr. something wrong. ^Better see
Powers “ M aytr o f the Moun­ the Mansell & Ma$tin Optical
H e and Attorney
tains,” and Powers w as nomin­ Co. at the drug store next door
Classmates in College.
ated on this sentiment.
to the postoffice. No charge for
an examination. Office open Sat­
Everybody has heard of Caleb
Powers who was convicted o f b y the ex-prisoner, who, fo r urdays.
the murder o f Goebel in Kentucky, nearly a decade, fought for his
L adies —W e have an unusually
and newspaper readers are more Kit against ignoble death whale
chance for a bright,
or less familiar w ith his tong being shipped from ja il to jail,
well and favor­
w h o three times w as close to
fight for liberty.
The fact that be has receirtfy the gallows and who was par­
For details address, enclosing
received the nomination fo r con­ doned by the Governor white
self addressed envelope
gress again places him in the w aiting for his fifth trial.”
to Manager, Lock Box 750, St.
The fact that A t­
Louis, Mo.
torney Clarence Butt, o f New
berg, and Powers were college
Why be bothered with tw o
mates at Valpariso, Indiana,
pair o f glasses? Call at
adds interest to the following
Imperial hotel Saturday, Oct. 8,
newspaper note from London,
10 to 4 o ’clock and have Dr. Low e
Kentucky: "Kentucky has had
show you the new glasses with
One 4 H. P. gasoline engine for
m a n y p i c t u r e s q u e political
which you can see all distances.
V incent .& W ilson .
battles; it probably will have
One solid piece of glass, no un­
many more, but in picturesque­
F or S axe —Vetch seed at $3.90 sightly lines to catch dirt and
ness and intensity the Republican
strain the eyes. Free demon­
per hundred.
J. J. J ordon .
campaign in the Eleventh Ken­
tucky District, where Caleb
F or R e nt —H ouse with barn
Have Dr. Low e relieve your
Powers is a candidate for con­ by J. T. E verest .
head and eye ache with a pair o f
gress, exceeds all that have gone
Parties wanting drain tile can his superior glasses. They cost
same of Enos Ellis.
uo more thau inferior grades and
Figuratively speaking, Powders
you have the benefit o f his skill
has swung himself from the gal
M oney T o L oan — See A tty. B.
and more than 20 years exper­
low s’ noose, in the shadow of
A. Kliks, McMinnville, Oregon.
Consult him at Imperial
which he languished for eight
long years, to within close range
W a n t e d —A girl to do house­ hotel Saturday, Oct. 8, until 4
o ’clock. Dozens of Newberg re­
o f a seat in, the Congress o f the work and attend school.
United States.
M rsi C has > L a p p .
Within a few months time, he
Cash paid' for hogs and poultry
A Snap.
has emerged from a dingy Ken­
tucky prison after -he heard the
4 fine lots: Small amount
verdict o f tw o juries sentencing 3, Phone l'5>-25i
balance easy monthly
him to confinement in the State
F o r S a l e — Jersey cow, fresh in payments. Inquire C.
A. Mor-
Penitentiary during, his natural
J. E. Smith, Route ris, opposite postoffice
life, and still another verdict
3> Phone 15-25,
pronouncing him guilty o f will-
full murder and saying that he
A well selected stock of hand Subscriptions to College Build­
must be hung by the neck until painted China just opened at
ing Fund Due.
he was dead, and come back to Morris’ jewelry store.
his mountain home and friends
On the first of October the
The B ig Jumbo pencil tablet subscriptions to the building fund
and received a vindication in the
primaries this month by defeat­ for 5i cents by Lynn B. Ferguson, for Pacific College will be due
ing one o f the best Representa­ Prescription Druggist.
and payable to W. E. Crozer,
tives the district ever had, Don.
Miss Mabel Miller Teacher ofi treasurer o f the board, at the
C. Edwards, and carrying six­
Piano. Phone Black 117, Cor U. S. National Bank. The new
teen out o f the nineteen counties
building is now well under w ay
Sherman and Edwards streets.
o f the district.
and obligations with the con­
They call this the “ Bloody
Buy your school books and tractors must be met. Conse­
Eleventh” District because of its school supplies of Lynn B. Fer­ quently all who have made sub-
vendettas, its feuds and the kill­ guson, Prescription Druggist.
scriptions are earnestly requested
ings that have grown ou t of
j to be prompt in payment, in
trivial quarrels.
The primary j
order to relieve the building
that resulted in the nomination
committee of possible embarrass-
of Powers is considered the m o itj Mftku KMiwars u4 Bli4J«r Riskt< 'menti
Superintendent of City Schools
Principal High School
Notice is hereby given, that
the Board of Equalization of
Yamhill county, Oregon, will
meet at the Court House in Mc­
Minnville, on Monday, October
17th, 1910, at 10 o ’clock a.m.
for the purpose o f examining and
correcting the assessment rolls
in any errors that may occur
thereon in valuation or descrip­
tion of property, and for trans­
acting any other business that
may lawfully come before the
Board, and continue in session
from day to day exclusive o f
Sundays, and legal holidays,
until the examination, correc­
tion and equalization o f the as­
sessment rolls shall be completed.
The following information]
new grade teachers .
Petitions or applications for regarding the teaching force in
Miss Constance Ewing, of
the reduction o f any particular the public school and High School Portland, a graduate o f Port­
assessment shall be made in has been furnished by Superin­ land Academy; Miss Lola Kauf­
writing, verified by the oath of tendent Wiley.
man, former Principal o f the
the applicant or his attorney,
Springbrook School; Miss Myrtle
and filed with the Board daring
Mr. A. C. Stanbrough, Prin­ Gause, a graduate o f Pacific Col­
the first week it is by law cipal, Latin, Chemistry, Physics. lege; Miss Ethel Weed, o f Ver-
required to be in session, and any
Miss Dorothy Hull, History nonia, Oregon; Miss Eula Hod-
petition or application not so and Economics.
son, a graduate of Pacific Col­
made, verified and filed will not
Mr. Robert Goetz, Mathematics lege; Mrs. Mamie Fulkerson and
be considered or acted upon by and Athletics.
Miss Mabelle Ross, both grad­
the Board.
Mr. A. N. Fulkerson, English. uates from the Oregon State
Dated this 26th day o f Sept.
Mr. H. A. Wright, German and Normal School.
Enrollment, opening day, Sep­
M artin M il l e r ,
Mr. S. E. Launer, Science and tember 26th, 1910, 665.
County Assessor o f Yamhill
Enrollment, opening day, Sep­
tember 27th, 1909, 601.
Mr. W. A. Petteys, Principal, 8 B.
Miss Grace Duncan,
Miss Constance Ewing,
7 B.
Nearly every old man thinks he
Miss Anna Dudley,
7 A.
looks young for his age.
Miss Grace Wilson,
6 B.
Saturday morning is a poor!
Miss Lola Kaufman,
6 A.
time for a barber to send word Miss Doris Duncan,
5 B.
that he is sick.
Miss Mary Barber,
5 A.
What has become o f the old Miss Myrtle Gause,
4 B.
fashioned woman who knew Miss Ethel Weed,
4 A.
how to make a mustard plaster? j Mrs. Josephine Bradley,
3 B.
“ I knew a man,” writes Henry Miss Mabel Rush,
3 A.
Garland, “ Who shaved his legs Miss Eula Hodson,
2 B.
the day before he got married.” 1 Miss Lena Spangle,
2 A.
Globe Whirls.
W an ted — Prunes and Dried
Black Caps at H. S. Gile & Co.,
Packing House, Newberg, Ore­
gon. Both phones.
F or S a l e —One Mason and
Hamlin organ, one extension
table, one iron bedstead with
springs and mattress, at a bar­
gain. Asa Kelsey, Cor. Second
and Center streets.
A Southern Woman Coming.
Board o f Equalization.
satin lining—on North Chehalem
road. Finder please return to
Graphic office.
50 pd;
Mr. Robert Goetz, teacher ol
mathematics and athletics, a
The Ringing o f the Bells Brings graduate from Philomath Col
Out the History Makers
lege and the University of Ore-
of the Future-
gon, and former principal o f the
Oregon City High School.
Newberg is herself again, for
Mr. A. N. Fulkerson, teacher
the schools have opened and our j ° f English, a graduate o f the
best crop, the children, areevery- Oregon State Normal School and
where in evidence. Our children, former Superintendent o f the
bless them, there are none other Corvallis Schools,
like them, and our schools are
Mr. H. A- Wright, teacher o f
the pride o f the community. German and history, a graduate
Then opening day is fr gladsome o f Pacific College,
day and there is general rejoicing
Mr. S. E. Launer, teacher o f
to" see the streets lined o f morn- Science and English, a graduate
inga and evenings with the o f Lafayette Seminary and teach-
future makers o f history in Ore- er o f several years’ experience in
the public schools of this state.
And U n d e Jake he fetched the feller’s
coffee back, and stood
A s solemn, fer a minute, as a undertaker
Then he sort o’ turned and tiptoed to’rds
the kitchen door— and next,
Here comes his old w ife out with him
a-rubbin’ o f her specs—
' ,X
And she rushes for the stranger, and
she hollers out, “ I t ’s him!
Thank God w e ’ve met him cornin’ ! Don’t
you know yer mother, Jim?”
And thè feller as he grabbed her, says,
‘You bet I hain’t forgot—
But,” wipin’ of his eyes, says he, “yer
coffee’s mighty hot!”
On the twentieth o f October
Newberg is promised a great
treat when Mrs. Mary Harris
Armor, o f w ay down in Georgia,
w ill address the people on behalf
o f statewide' prohibition for Ore­
gon. She is said to be second
only to Miss Willard as a force­
ful temperance speaker.
The Philadelphia Public Lead­
er says of her:
“ Fresh from a rousing meeting
held at the Florence Iron Works,
where several hundred men sang
and cheered themselves hoarse,
Mrs. M ary Harris Armor, the
whirlwind orator from Georgia,
invaded Mount H olly this eyen-
ing and swept everything before
her. In ten minutes this wonder­
ful little woman, who seems to
be able to talk night and day at
express-train speed and keep it
up for weeks, had her audience
completely in sympathy with her
arguments and ready to do al­
most anything she suggested.”
L ost — A gray, suit coat, gray %
Gain in first day enrollment
over last year, 64.
Total enrollment for last year,
Estimated enrollment for this
y ear, 1050.
On account o f the misunder­
standing about the opening date
for the high school grades, the
first day enrollment was but 110.
This represents about one-half of
the expected enrollment.
The high school classes are be­
ing held in the assembly room!