Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, September 29, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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    T h E ,flE W B E R Q QRAPHIC, September 3 9 , 1910
The Pomona, California, Times
says: Mr. ank Mrs. Henry Shel­
don entertained on Tuesday
evening in honor ot Mrs. Bond,
who is their guest, and at that
time the announcement was
made o f the engagement of their
eldest daughter, Martha May,,
U. S. G. Miller was in Dallas
J. D. Gordon had good success to Raymond Forrest Stqrges, of
on business Tuesday.
in nailing premiums in the horse Newberg, Oregon, formerly of
Miss Ella Macy will be at the show at the Walla Walla fair Excelsior, Minn.
e are
a big
stock o f Men's
---- 11 .-i*
- .T" .............. 11 ------------
head of the Rex school this year. and he was also used as judge
Mrs. N. L. Wiley received the
Roy Gardner is here from
news ot the death of her sister,
Please don’t mention it, but a
Lebanon visiting with relatives.
terns from medium to extra qualities.
Mrs. Lily Hiatt, a few days ago.
L. J. Butterfield, of Granger,
The ^ome of the deceased was in
Washington, was in town last was in town Wednesday was Whittier but she died in a Pasa­
heard to remark that there was
dena hospital after a lingering
Men’* Suite............ 10.00 to 825.00
“ more going on” in Newberg
illness. The mother o f Mrs.
O. R. Maris was up from Port­
than in McMinnville.
Young Men’» Suite 7.00 to 20.00
Wiley who is well known in New­
land last Sunday visiting with
berg, Mrs. M aryjane Jessup, also
Mound Ridge, Kansas, were here fell recently and sustained a frac­
Bo7s ^ f ke,bocl“r 3.00 to
Rev. W. C. Reuter remains as
last week visiting with Mr. and ture ot high bone.
pastor o f the M. E. church an­
Mrs. Nelson Brouilette. Mrs.
no Shir Dr“ *
4.00 to !. 5.00
other year.
C. F. Moore writes a very in­
Lagree and Mr. Brouilette are
teresting letter, telling ot the
Nellie Craw is going to Portland cousins.
Chi? K ^ * i S 5 rcuu 3.50 to
this week to attend school dur­ Rtv. Tufts who spoke on “ Sab­ pleasant trip they had by water
from Portland to San Pedro,
ing the winter.
bath Observance” at a union ser­
L. M. Parker has gone to his vice held at Frienbs church on California, and ot the hospitality
M orrow County ranch to remain last Sunday night is so well shown them in their new home
at Whittier. * They are now
a couple of weeks.
pleased with Newberg that he
pleasantly located in their new
T. H. Thorne went to Portland contemplates locating here.
home, with Paul in the High
Tuesday to get a new outfiit for
A special invitation is extended School and Miss Pearl attending
his express business.
to the public to attend the open­ college, while C. F. is again be­
Miss Downs, sister ot Martin ing musical in the college chapel,
hind the counter o f his own book
In a variety o f cloth and styles
Downs, left for her home in the this, Thursday e v e n in g .
A store meeting the wants o f the
east the first of the week.
A special feature will be a Scotch school children.
Charley Hubbard and his sister, duet given by Mr. Hull and
A few of her friends, gave a
14.00 to $30.00
Miss Sadie, enrolled as students Mr. Beuhler.
at 0 . A. C. the first ot the week.
D. B. Smith has traded his
Emma Dorrance * Wednesday
9.00 to 25.00
Park property to J.
From the present time up to
evening at the home o f Mrs. W.
October 20 voters may register. R. Finley, for a ten acre tract
9hildrcn’, Coa^ . 3.50 to
S. Parker. Covers were lai<J for
Better do it now lest you forget near Newberg on the northwest
eleven, and the place cards were
Mrs. E. Spaulding will g o to and will return here to five. Mr. suggestive o f the future inten­
U* d » 2StE*..... 2.50 to
Copy H e b t
Salem to live in a few days, much
tions of the guest o f honor. The
to the regret o f her many New- on Third street.
party consisted o f Mrs. W. S.
Miss ETzabeth Pearson, who
berg friends.
Parker, Mrs. W. A. King, Mrs. A.
Miss Jean and Master Jack had been visiting her aunt, Mrs. C. Seely, and the Misses Emma
Donovan arrived here from Vic­ Ruth Heston for several months Dorrance, Pearl Cummings, lone
toria, B. C. qp Tuesday and have left for her home at Redlands, Hill, Jessie Britt, Lenora Parker,
California, the first ot the week.
entered college.
Mabelle Gardner, Jessie Gardner,
Mrs. Heston went with her as
and Sibyl W ood w a rd .____
The Pleasant View Sunday
far as Portland.
School was closed last Sunday
Will Thomas, who traded his On last Monday Victor Rees
for the want o f teachers, much
received a box of fruit trom his
to the regret o f Enos Ellis, the Carlton farm to Charley Jensen brother Ralph, who is on the Ex
is a resident o f Newberg again
and is living on Franklin street. perimeut station staff o f O. A. C.,
Mary Haworth who will be years filled f he important office
In the history o f prune grow ­
F. S. Black has sold his photo
Will is one o f the pioneers > if New­ and has * been engaged during ing in Oregon there has prob­ ninety-five years old at her next o f secretary o f the Oregon Con­
gallery to Chas. Bradley from
berg and we are glad to see him the summer and fall about Med­ ably never been a better season birthday anniversary, arrived ference, will occupy the pulpit.
Oregon City and contemplates
ford and Ashland in investigation
back for roll call again.
going to San Diego.
work among their best orchards. for taking care o f the crop than here from Long Beach, Cali­ The public is cordially invited to
Matthew Terrell arrived home
Mrs. C. H. Nichols, Mrs. W. E.
The box contained Yellow New­ the present one. The fruit ri­ fornia, last Saturday evening attend these services.
from his visit with his son-in-law,
White and Joseph Hall attended
town, Delicious, Bennett Seed­ pened earlier than usual, ena­ and will make her home with her
A number o f Atchison women
the M. E. conference at Hillsboro
ling, Jonathan and Milo apples bling the evaporators to start in son, Enoch Haworth who lives
hair on their head is
County Wednesday morning.
tw o days last week.
and Cornice, Bose, Howell, good season and the weather on a farm out southeast of New­
growing there, are so proud of
He brought back a favorable re­
Doyenne and Nellis pears, all very has been perfect. W. G. Allen berg. She was accompanied by
Mrs. George R a m s e y an d
there is talk o f organizing All
port o f the country and says the
fine specimens. While the Rees who is managing the big Dundee her daughter-in-law, Mrs. George
daughter, who had been down Newberg colony is prospering.
Own club.
family were not specially hungry orchard, said the first o f the Haworth, and made the long
from Willamina on a visit, re­
When a girl comes into the
Earl Paulsen says he has been for fruit the box was highly ap­ week that he had 250 tons o f journey without mishap or
turned home Tuesday.
with a white dust on her
measured to fit the vocation o f
the dried product already in the
Master Belden Clemmens cap­ farmer and consequently he went preciated.
bins, and with good weather good health and sleeps well, and clothes, the young man may
tured the prize of $25 for the best to Corvallis the first of the week
Will Pool was up from Port­ continuing through the week he aside from a slight defect in hear­ believe she has been near the
collection of home grown stuff at
to enter O. A. C. for the purpose land last Saturday and Sunday thought the total output would ing and some loss o f memory she flour barrel, but every woman
the School Fair last week.
knows lietter.
of learning up-to-date methods. visiting with his aunt, Lizzie g o beyond 300 tons. Think o f is quite well preserved.
Mrs. E. J. Hoots has rented her Earl belongs to the steady class White. He remarked that he 300 tons ot evaporated prunes
Miss Lenora Parker and Miss!
property in Newberg and has o f young men and he will make w’as a little late in getting out in one pile. Some one good in Sibyl Woodward entertained thej
the morning he started, and con­ figures might make an estimate
gone to Oregon City to spend the good.
junior' choir o f the Friends
sequently it required about as o f the number o f dishes ot sauce
winter with one of her daughters.
church at the Parker home
Mrs. James Heater brought to
Services at St. Peters Catholic this office on Monday a sprig much haste to make the train it will make.
Tuesday evening.- A merrv time
church, Sunday, Oct. 2nd. Early from a black cap raspberry briar as he used back at Mooresvillc,
A jolly company of young at games and refreshments fol­
Mass, 8:00 a. m., Instruction tor that was full o f berries in all Indiana, when a kid, in arrang­ ladies took by storm the home lowed the evening’s practice.
children, 10:00, High Mass, stages trom the first setting to ing his wardrobe on being in­ ot Mrs. Ruth Heston Friday Those present were the Misses
formed that he might attend
well matured and well rip en ed
evening for the purpose ot Hazel Comer, Eula Colcord, Al­
Barnum’s show. Said he washed
L. M. Kirck who left Newberg berries. Pretty good showing
surprising her niece, Miss Eliza­ berta Anderson, Myrtle Range,
his face, neck and ears and dressed
with his family a few weeks ago, for vines that have not been
beth Pearson, who left the first Hazel Elliott, Florence Kaufman,
from head to foot in exactly five
writes the Graphic that they irrigated, considering the ex­
o f the week for her home in Red­ Lorene Otis, Reta McDonald,
have located at Hutchinson, tremely dry season.
lands, California, after a six Gertrude and Esther Hollings­
Will in those days and we know
Anna B. Alsop and Eugene D. also that all the boys regarded months’ stay in Newberg. The worth. The fellows were Henry
C ty r ig h t b Chstriu S trlb s rrt Sm s
ladies were detained at dinner Keeney, Ralph Otis, Lester t
Tyra Hutchens and family re­ Smith were married Sunday at
Barnum’s show as being worth
turned to their home in Port­ 2:30 p.m. at the home o f the the price, and more, but most of with Mrs. Keeney until the Moore, Omer Gause, Clarence |
land the first ot the week after officiating minister, G eo. C. us had more time tor dressing— guests had arrived, and on their Kienle, Russell Parker, Leo Kyes,
having spent a couple o f weeks Ritchey. Mr. Smith is a mill­ we slept with one eye open, lest return found a full house. Games and Clair Williams.
progressed in the house and on
here visiting.
wright o f Forest Grove and Mrs. we might forget.
Meth. Episcopal Church.
the lawn until a late hour when
S. A. Mills has rented the Smith recently moved into the
Mrs. J. E. Eldriedge brought an old fashioned taffy pull fol­
Forsythe property on College property at the corner of3rd and
Rev. W. C. Reuter has been ap­
street. The daughters are al­ River streets. Mr. and Mrs. to this office on Monday a limb lowed. With the joy o f the even­ pointed as pastor o f the New­
from a peach tree o f the Salway ing a sadness was felt over the
w i n in M PI rorm o y
ready here and we hearS. A. and Smith will reside in Newberg.
berg M. E. church for a second
•f M i
Mrs. Mills will come later.
Miss E d n a Trueblood, of peaches, which she took from the won many friends during her year. The subject o f his first
R. W. Swink, of Dundee, who Indianapolis, who spent several
sermon next Sabbath morning
orchard of W. H. Eagan on Mis­ visit here and many expressed
had been elected as principal of weeks with friends in Seattle,
will be: “ Rainbows” based on
sion Bottom above Wheatland. the hope that she would soon re­
the Springbr'jok school has re­ stopped off in Newberg for a
the text, “ And there was a rain-
Mr. Eagan has the reputation turn to make Newberg her home.
signed and Russel Lewis has been visit o f a few days with her aunt,
lxnv round about the throne, in
City, Town and Village
tor being one of the most pro­ Those preseut were the Misses
to handle
elected to fill the place. Miss Mrs. A. J. Weaver. She left for
sight like unto an emerald:” ;
Colonel Roosevelt'*
gressive, diversified farmers in the Eula Hodson, I^ena Spangle,
Markell will be the assistant home by way of California
Rev. IY-3. At night Rev. M. T.
Greet Book
Willamette va’ ley and takes great Lola Kaufman, Mary Barrett,
Wire, who is a graduate o f North­
Wednesday morning, Mrs.v Weav­ interest in his chosen vacation.
Lenora Parker, Maud Switzer,
Mrs. Clough, wife ot Dr. H. B. er and Master Harold going
western University Evanston
In his home place on the rivtr Ruth Wilev, Lorena Keeney,
153 FHth Avenu* * New York
Clough, formerly of Newberg, with her as far as Portland.
Illinois, and who for several
he -has 500 acres on which he Leota Howard, Laura Blair,
who was down from their Wash­
H. E. Keim, secretary and successfully produces everything Dorris Gregory, Myrtle Gause,
ington home on business in Port­
manager of the Apple Growers in the way o f .farm products, Erma Heacock, Nettie Morse,
land came out and spent Sunday
Association asks the Graphic to from grain, hops and potatoes Mary Morse, Sibyl Woodward,
visiting at the home of her uncle,
say that he has a call for a car­ to fruits and berries o f all vari­ Jessie Gardner and the Mesdarnes
J. H. Rees.
load o f apples and he would like eties. He has made good all Austin Keeney, Vin Vincent, E.
to hear from thooe who have along the line, and M rs. Eldriciige A. Newby and W. A. King.
Wanted to Purchase.
80 acres o f hill land. 40 in cultivation, 25 easily cleared.
Lyman Boldon, of Ontnrio,
One or tw o young, fresh, cows 1 first class fruit. He says he finds says it is a pleasure to look over
Lays well, no gravel and the choicest o f fruit land.
Spring water, beautiful view o f the valley f>*r miles.
with calves. Grade Jerseys pre­ it difficult to get fruitgrowers to the farm and see what well Wisconsin, an uncle of Miss Lora
Will sell in small tracts. Inquire at tlrsphi • iffiee.
ferred. Address E. A. Sessions, ' respond with the necessary directed, intelligent effort in the Young, is out looking at Oregon
200 Abington Building, Port­ promptness when he gets A call growing o f farm products will and is much pleased with New­
result in.
from buyers.
land, Oregon.
Tfew berg
Ladies aod Misses
Suits and Cloaks
Miller Merc. Co
The Most Popolar Book
By The Most Popolar Man
m saw j
For S a le b y O w n e r