TH E NEW BERCI GRAPH IC, September a9, 1910 SEWER ELECTION. NEWBERQ QRAPHIC. Enter 4 aa aaeood-elaaa matter at the poatuSce at New berg. Oregon ISSUED E V E R Y T H U R S D A Y M O R N IN G E. H. WOODWARD, Editor and Publisher $1.50 Per Year in Advance. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29. 1910. W ith the aid o f Chamberlain, it m ust be adm itted th at Jona­ than Bourne Jr. makes a very clever w ire puller. T o close ou t at this office, a fine assortm ent o f cards sent ou t b y num erous well know n gentle­ men w h o are n ow in the also ran class. A m ong Portland politicans the harm ony w a g o n w ill need the tires reset before the N o­ vem ber election in order t o insure safe delivery o f the g ood s. Lest the voters o f New berg forget, w e announce the election t o be held on Tuesday o f next week. This is a special election held for the purpose o f getting the sentiment o f the people o f Newberg on the sewer question— “ T o authorize and em pow er the council o f the C ity o f Newberg, Yamhill C ou nty, O regon, t o con ­ struct, lay and repair sewers and drains” and t o repeal certain sec­ tion s o f the city charter th at w ould conflict w ith such an act. The notice o f the call for the election, w ith the proposed measure, Was recently printed and mailed t o every v oter in New­ berg and those w h o have studied it, are doubtless fam iliar w ith the p rop osition and ready t o v ote their con viction s on elec-' tion d a y. As w e understand it, it is a bon d in g p rop osition for sewer­ ing the w h ole city , the estim ated cost being $ 8 0 ,00 0. The in­ terest on the bon d s w ould be m et b y general ta x a tion each year and w ou ld n o t be raised b y ta x in g real estate alone, bu t all ^ rt w ith in the city Out of a to ta l v o te o f 2 7 5 6 cast for g o v e rn o r in M a rion cou n ty, the hom e candidate, E. H ofer, . recened 638, w hich g o e s t o s h o w th a t. H ofer is better k n ow n a t lim its w ou ld com e in for its hom e th an anyw here else in the share o f the levy. The bonds o f state. course w ou ld run for a lon g term o f years and doubtless Since the prim ary election is a w ou ld be renewed indiffinitely as th in g o f the p ast and the state th a t has been the custom in election is a m on th off, the S ou th ­ other cities. ern Pacific officials m ight give a N o city can continue t o g r o w little tim e to w a rd planning t o and a ttr a c t a class o f people have the trains on the Yam hill w h o dem and m odern im prove­ branch run in to the union sta­ ments w ith ou t installing a sewer tion . It is sim ply m entioned a t system soon er o r later, and the this tim e, fearing th a t the d a ta question for the voters t o deter­ has been pigeon holed and for­ mine on next T uesday is whether gotten during the excitm ent o f o r n o t t h e , tim e has com e for the recent cam paign. W e m ove N ew berg t o take this step. It is the p revious question. a question o f much im portance and should claim the attention Som e people seem t o have the o f every citizen o f Newberg. im pression th a t in case th e v o te While w e regret t o see the fo r state w ide proh ibition does c it y take on s o large a bonded n o t prevail, the local op tion la w indebtedness, it is the on ly al­ w e n o w have w ill n o t remain in ternative if w e are t o have a force, b u t this is a m istake. sewer system , and as it w ill only E very la w th a t is passed stands be a very short tim e a t m ost until it is either repealed o r de­ until it w ill force itself on us clared u nconstitution al and w e from sheer necessity, w e believe w ill still have ou r local o p tion it w ill be the wise course t o v ote la w although the m a jority v o te for the measure a t this time. m ay be against state w ide p ro ­ hibition. OUR FRIEND TOZIER. a . 1 ____ a . ^ « 4 - It is gratifyin g t o note that very few o f the new spapers of O regon are lending their support t o the efforts o f the so-called “ O regon H om e Rule A ssocia­ tio n .” This p rop osition is gen­ erally regarded as a bitter pill d one up in a package, sugar coated w ith a very nice sound­ ing name tacked on for the pur­ pose of catching u n w ary voters. In oth er cam paigns in Oregon again st the rum dem on, the w holesale liquor dealers have m ade a m ore o r less open fight, w ith a lavish expenditure o f m oney, t o defeat the temperance forces, but in the present cam ­ paign it is evident th a t they are keeping well under cover, while they are sneaking forth, w ith a c a t ’s p a w tread, and pu ttin g m oney in to the hands o f such organ ization s as m ay have some sh ow of respectability and tru st­ ing th a t better results m ay obtain . The “ H om e Rule As­ socia tion ” and the “ H otel M en’s A ssocia tion ” are the t w o a g ­ gregation s th at are expected t o handle the cam paign for the w holesale booze dispensers, tru st­ ing th a t the average v oter will be caught in the trap. The “ H om e Rule” proposition is t o all intents and purposes the same as the Reddy bill th a t w ent d o w n t o ignom inious defeat t w o years a g o , and voters will d o well t o keep in mind th at it is the one p rop osition th at is t o be voted on th a t must lie defeated, for the w hole intent is t o change the law in order t o make it possible t o put a number o f small cities and to w n s back in to the w et colum n th at have lieen voted d ry. Just keep in mind the fact th at in this instance “ H om e Rule” means rum rule, get y ou r hammer ou t and give it a w hack in sea­ son and out of season. r r ^ out All)ert Tozier? n ot much. He should have an increase o f salary and be given a pension when not longer able t o act as m a yor o f the cam p w hich w e all hope will be m any years in the future. •It occurs t o the Graphic th at for a strictly “ independent” new spaper the Telephone— Regis­ ter is burning a lo t o f m idnight oil in penning fatherly advise t o the republican party. Cheh&lem Center School begins M on d ay. Chas. Hansen, Principal, Miss Ethel Barber, Prim ary. M rs. Rana Atkinson and M abel and H om er attended the fair in M cM innville last week. Also C arlos Johnson, M orrisand R obt. W alton and V ic to r Hend­ rickson. M rs. J. C. Wills and M iss M aude Wills are spending some time in P o rtla n d ’ visiting with M iss M ildred Wills. On W ednesday evening o f last week a surprise party w as held in h on or o f Claud and Oscar Cal­ kins a t the hom e o f M r. and M rs. C arrol Kirk. The evening w as spent very pleasantly w ith music and games. Those present were: the Misses Nelta Calkins, M abel, Elma, Hazel and Gladys Paulsen, Laura, Florence and Bess H ockett, -Nancy Atkinson and M yrtle W alton; the Messers S. W. Atkinson, Earle Paulsen, Claude and Oscar Calkins, M o r ­ ris W alton and Frank Johnson and M r. and M rs. Orville West- fall. disappear. For the protection of navigators the government has an­ chored buoys in this lake to mark the dangerous path. There is supposed to be an un­ derground outflow from all these lakes. Careful observers say that in that locality are frequently found cornstalks, reeds and other debris which do not grow in the vicinity, but are found in great abundance among the lakes of the interior.— Harper’s Weekly. The Plowman. To turn a single acre of ground with a twelve inch plow requires eight and one-fourth miles of heavy furrow travel. In plowing one square mile of land the solitary plowman and his horses must walk 5,280 miles. It would bo easier (and the distance is less) to walk around the earth at the equator (if there were no ocean) than to follow a plow turning a prairie o f five square miles. To equal our national tale of plowing— the work of myr­ iads of teams, each using force suf­ ficient to move seven tons over a good stone road— it would take an army of 4,550 plowmen to travel as far as from the earth to the moon and back again. For -the world’s yearly labor of this kind it would send about 80,000 men on that same half million mile journey.-r-World’s Work. A Special Price was made by the manufacturers on a line of Heaters made up under our name and trade mark. We bought liberally. We are giving this saving to our customers in the special price we are making on the “ All-Rey" Heater. This heater is a full nickel trimmed, cast top and bottom, full cast lined stove that usually sells for $11.00 and $12.50. However, our stove is far superior to many selling at this figure and we are offering The 18 inch size “ All-Rey" Heaters at a special price o f ......................................... The 20 inch size “ All-Rey" Heaters at a special price o f.......................................... See the large assortment of all kinds of stoves on the floor. It is a pleasure to show them. Our Saturday Special This week we place on sale a good purchase of Salt and Pepper Shakers. Made of aluminum with loaded bot­ toms, self righting, screw tops, good I O p D q I p size, well worth 20c; sell Saturday at... ||Ju l u l l Strategy. They sat in the shadows of the old porch. Suddenly from the dis­ tance came a series of mysterious squeaks. “ What on earth is that,” gasped the mystified young man— “ some one tuning a fiddle ?” The beautiful girl smiled., “ No,” she responded softly; “ that noise is made by pa’s shoes as he walks around the hallway.” “Do you mean to 6ay his shoes make all that noise?” “ Certainly. I sprinkled rosin on Last Sunday some relatives o f the soles so they would squeak and Mr. H. C . Paulsen’s came from we would know how far he was P ortland in an a u to and made away. Don’ t you think I’m a little them a visit. genius ?” — Omaha World-Herald. Allen-Reynolds HARDWARE COMPANY Suits and Coats and Capes Naplee and Its Lottary. “ I have as rapeh am bition as - All the hopes and dreams, almost an y b od y, but I haven’t as much the life itself, of the masses in Na­ backing for it as, well, say N apo­ ples center in the national lottery leon.— Parson Tw ine. system, with its weekly drawing of rizes. In Naples every one plays The w orld progresses: form erly 16 “ lotto,” and each week sees the w e found only the Police Gazette upbuilding of the hopes and dreams on the barber shop tables. N ow sf thousands only to culminate at we find the best magazines. the Saturday drawing in a vast, widespread disappointment. But The reporters are so gallant with the return of Monday the Nea­ th a t if a fat old w om a n clad in a politan has taken heart again, his visions of fortune again take form, M oth er H ubbard should d row n to be realized— surely this time— at herself, the printed report w ould the next Saturday drawing.— Har­ tell o f a g o o d looking, middle- per’s. aged w om an, fashionably dress­ The Rural Spirit p ays tribute ed. t o ou r friend, Albert Tozier in a w rite up o f the State F air in the A certain Atchison w om an is follow in g: g o o d t o her husband, and never b The cam ping feature, th at grum bles at him except when he unique and permanent support lays o ff unecessarily. The liest o f the O regon state fair, w a s ap­ o f w om en have a right t o com ­ parently up to the standard w ith plain a b ou t that; t o o much o f it IT IS NOW hardly room t o crow d in another is done. tent o f any size. We hope the next legislature w ill make an ap­ PERU’S QUEER LAKES. propriation for the purchase o f Large Bodies of Pure Cold Water a d d itiop al ground for this pur­ The popular C o lo n is t R a to s Without Inlet or Outlet. will again be in effect between pose as present quarters are al­ From Crucero Alto, the highest September 15th and October ready ou tg row n . This depart­ town in the world, the Southern oeoeaeoooeaeoeoeaeaeoeoeo* Yamhill County Abstract 16th, during which period tickets ment is ruled over b y the incom ­ railroad of Peru drops down into to Newberg will be on sale daily parable and only m ayor, Albert the Legunillas, or the lake region of from J. H. GIBSON, Mgr. the Cordilleras, where, 14,250 feet Tozier. . . $33.00 The only Abstract Books Generally speaking no one is above the sea, is a group of large CHICAGO at lakes of very cold pure water with­ indispensable in any position. 32.00 Yamhill County out inlet or outlet. They receive ST. LOUIS . . . N o m atter h o w efficient and the drainage of the surrounding OMAHA . . . 25.00 M c M innville , ori Watches, Clocks, faithful an officer or em ploye hills and conceal it somewhere, but 25.00 m ay be, if rem oved there is usual­ there is no visible means of its es­ KANSAS CITY . Silverware and Jewelry ^TTORNETATLAW cape. A fringe of ice forms around ly some one else ready t o take 25.00 ST. PAUL . . Cleaning and the place and fill it as well or the edges of the lakes every night . CLARENCE BUTT. and from other cities corres­ Will practice In all the courts o Repairing better than his predecessor but the year round. state. Special attention given t pondingly low. These are West A curious phenomenon about the here is seemingly an exception. bate work, the writing o f deeds bound, one-way fares only, but lakes is that they keep at the same K K % contracts and the drafting If there is anyone on earth avail­ level at all times. No amount of anyone here can P R E P A Y for relatives or friends in the East, able and com petent t o preside rain makes any difference apparent­ Newberg, Or if desired. Consult your local m c E —Second Floor over the fair ground tented city ly in their depth, which, however, ank o f Newberg Building. . railroad agent. as M r. Tozier d oes n o one k n ow s has not been plumbed in every caBe. where he is. It is a la b or o f love This adds to the awe with which E. A. ELLIS w ith M r. Tozier w h o has served these lakes are regarded by the In­ y v W T W V W v W V W V W V W V W V V v V v v v W V dians. There are no beau upon the the jieople in th a t cap acity so G e n e ra l C o n tra c lakes except a few small rowboats, GO TO THE lon g th a t they seem t o think which have to be kept close into the Septic tanks built after t they o w n him b o d y and soul. shore for fear of being drawn into latest approved methods. He k n ow s everylxxly th a t ever whirlpools that are said to exist in Sewer and Tile Work. Well D com es t o the fair and greets them the center. There is some founda­ to let the world know o f our w ith the glad hand ami a smile tion for this fear, for only two or vast resources and splendid op­ W. W. Hollingsworth & portunities for H o m s B uild* and a w ord o f eheer and w el­ three years ago a boat containing For All Kinds of five men disappeared on one of Funeral Directors A Embal in g . Write to everyone you com e. It is never t o o late for these mysterious lakes and was nev­ know in the East. Send them Call« Answered Day or Nigh him t o get ou t and locate an ar­ er found. Of course it may have HARDWARE good instructive printed matter Both Phones rival and he is never t o o tired to been capsized, but the bodies of the and tell them that the coat o f N. C. C or. Flrat onO C o llo « # Sta N a w b a rg , Ora. assist in erecting a tent or p rov id ­ occupants were never discovered, getting here is but little more than half the usual coat, and to ing its inmates w ith some needed nor did the boat ever float to the call on a representative o f the shore. The belief is (hat the whole akl or inform ation. All petty party was lured into the maelstrom SOUTHERN P A C I F I C differences between cam p neigh­ The Old Made 2 C O . f ° r *11 desired informa­ and swallowed up by the waters of bors are adjudicated by him w ith tion, or address death. In the center of Lake Popo Carráee Painting and Wheel, Ti the au th ority o f a chief justice there is known to be a whirlpool, bank buildin, of Fini and Meridian. ami the d iplom acy o f an attorn ey and in it many lives have been lost. WM. McMURRAY Carpenter and Contractor Imt no fee is ever exacted from Boats that are drawn into this cur­ g e n e r a l passen ger agent HANK GOL < The best of references his client. Hold the fair w ith ­ rent are whirled swiftly around and PORTLAND, OREGON furnished. “ ■ V in the latest styles at the lowest possible prices S Our line of Sweater Coats P E O P L E OF Oregon UP TO YOU especially strong for fall trade Nash & Finley JE W E L E R S. W . Potter N O W IS A A > * < A A A A A l* < A t* < A > * < A A A A A A A A A A A A A T H E T IM E ! Pioneer Hardware Store J. B. MOUNT W . P. PLEASANT