TtlE NEW BERG QRAPhlC, August 4 , <910 Ft UIT M EN P U N DR. GRIPPEN AND COMPANION IN TOILS Absolutely Free to tb o K m der* of th U P a p e r Pori folio of 12 Pictures BY W IL L KNOWN ARTISTS M ounted on P ic tu re Meta to M atch. S ite lOx 13, tb u a A c q u irin g no Prem ee w ho U k e te d re n ta g e of th is Spacaul Offer n o n m ode in c o n n ec tio n w ith th e J u st P u b lish e d M A STER P IEC ES Arrested as Steamer Lands for Alleged Murder of His Wife. OF THE No Confession Obtained. World’s Best Literature K tght V olum es, K M Pages a n d Hook-Muc* to M ateh. A rtiatically b ound tu B uckram e io th . Oeor aoo World'» Geratrt Autkor$ fu l­ ly re p re se n te d In o re r 700 M aster s e le c tio n s T h in N e ss Library Propnld S A •saag’Bsfss:?.«? W. od O rd er NOW trrom th is a d r . o r san d to r De­ sc rip tiv e M atter ot th is a n d jo th e r kook Bets Bend O rders to Fpunk E. Greun M a n u fac tu rers’ a n d P u b lish e rs' B roker BO E ast tilth S treet POKTLAS D, ORE.. G roceries No Emperor—either of a People or of Finance—can buy better food than we sell you, at prices you usu­ ally pay for good things. J.~ L. Van Bianconi Plumbing! Give u ■ chance at that new home. We would like to put in those Bath Fix­ tures, Etc., and do your plumbing. FATHER POINT. Quebec.—Doctor ; Hawley Harvey Crtppen and Ethel ! Claire Lenovo, hta atonographer, who i fled from London alter the dlaappear- aaoe of Belle Elmore, the doctor’s 1 wlfn, were arrested here Sunday 1 aboard the Canadian Pacific liner Montroee, a t the command of Inspec­ tor Dew, of Scotland Yard. The idenUfloation of the long-sought fugitives by the detectives on the English steamer which had raced across the AtlanUe ahead of the Mont­ rose, marked the culmination of one of the moat sensational flights in re- eeot criminal annals. Girl Sobs Hysterically. Aocompanied by Canadian officers, Dew boarded the vessel, and 16 min­ utes later both man and girl were locked In their staterooms, Crlppen, broken In spirit but mentally relieved by the relaxed tension; the girl, garb- ad la boy’s clothes, sobbing hysteric­ ally. They were no longer ‘‘Rev. John Robinson and son,” as booked from Antwerp on July 8 0 . ______ After brief delay, the Montrose con­ tinued her 160-mtle Journey up the river towards Quebec, where the Jail awaited the pair. Crtppen is charged with the murder of an unknown wom­ an, believed to have been his actress wtte. Belle Elmore. The girl is held as an accessory. Dr. Crlppen and bis wife, known by the stage name of Bell Elmore, had, tor the last two years, oocupied a house In North London, England. He was a s American dentist, born at Cold water, Mioh. Belle Elmore was a well-known vaudeville actress, about 36 years old. formerly of Brooklyn! " ' i>” EXCHANGE SEATTLE.—Fruitgrowers of Idaho, Oregon and Washington at a m eeting here organised the Northwestern Fruit exchange, a co-operative agency, to handle the business of the fruit­ growers of the three states. The head­ quarters of the exchange will be es­ tablished Immediately at Portland. Ore., and branch agencies will be placed In all the Important market centers of the country. Its purpose la the co-ordination of the fruitgrowing Interests of Wash­ ington. Oregon, Idaho and Montana and the centralising of the handling and marketing of fruit grown In all ths bast districts in these states through one channel. Many Negroes Killed. PALA8TINE, Texas.—Twenty-three negroes and four white men were killed In a race riot between Elkhart and Slocum. 16 miles south of here, according to advices received from the scene of the battle. The riot began when James Alford, a white man, had an altercation with a negro regarding a protested note. This led to a general fight between the whites and negroes in which knives and pistols were used. CHARLTON MAY NOT BE TAKEN TO ITALY WASHINGTON—Porter Charlton, confessed murderer of his wife, whose body was taken from Lake Como, Italy, may go forth, a free man, from Jersey City Jail. The Italian govern­ ment has made no formal demand for the extradition of Charlton, and in the opinion of authorities on internation­ al law, unless such a demand is made by the authorities, the Federal officers must orjler Charlton’s release. It has been generally concluded that Italy hesitates to demand Charlton’s extradition, owing to her policy of re­ fusing to extradite criminals to the United States, when they have takas refuge In Italy. QUEBEC:— Probably not before August IS will Dr. Hawley H. Crip- Wendllng Captured After Long Chase SAN . FRANCISCO —Joseph Wend- pen and Ethel Clare Leneve be taken ling, former Janitor of S t John’s aboard a transatlantic liner bound for church of Cbuisvllle, Ky., and the man E. L . E V A N S England. The criminal law of the who Is charged with the murder of British possessions established this little 8-year-old Alma Kellner, niece when the haggard dentist, whose of one of the 'rlcheat men of Louis­ flight ended so dramatically aboard ville, is under arrest herp. Wendllng the steamer Montrose was arraigned before a magistrate and remanded un­ | was arrested after having been hunt­ For Watches, Clocks, Jewelry til August 8. The girl was too ill ed through half a dozen states of the to appear, but if her condition Im­ union, through Mexico and part of proves she may be brought into court. f Ceatiral America. Wendllng admitted Crtppen will not fight extradition. his identity but protests his inno­ Of the girl's attitude less is known. cence of the crime. T ) Sbe Is still broken in body and spirit, alternately shaken with sobs or si­ CRACKER CO M BIN E FORMED lently morose. Her relatives in Lon­ Coalition Means Monopoly of the don are beseeching her by cable to | Business. tell all, and the Quebec police are , SAN FRANCISCO.—With the Incor­ treating her with a gentleness rarely poration of the Federal Biscuit Com­ accorded a prisoner, even though a pany at Wilmington, Del., Monday, woman. there comes into existence a 330,04)0,- 000 merger of from 75 to 100 of tha largest bakeries hitherto independent, of the National Biscuit Company, the cracker “trust.” The coalition means the monopoliz­ ing of the cracker industry of the CHASE & UNTON whole country, for the new company WASHINGTON, D. C —Nearly 300,- is. on the friendliest terms with the GRAVEL COMPANY 090,000 acres of public land, the National Biscuit Company. The prob­ cream of the West, Is now withdrawn ability Is strong that, were It not for from entry.' Some of it Is permanent­ All kinds of gravel for con­ the Sherman anti-trust act, the two ly withdrawn, as, for instance, the crete work, cement blocks, would be openly one. In the new forest reserves, National parks, etc., trust are companies from all over the or wood work furnished on and other portions may In time be New England, Middle and Western short notice. Leave orders again placed within the reach of the States, California, Oregon, Utah and at the office of R. B. Linn- people of the West. the Dakotas. There remains of the public domain ville. oaly about 700,000,000 acres that is THE MARKET8. unappropriated and unreserved, and a Portland. very small percentage of this residue ♦************************* Wheat—Track prices: Club, 86c; is attractive or will ever be attrac­ tive to settlers. Included in this acre­ bluestem, 86; red Russian, 86c. Barley—Feed and brewing, $24. age are tba bad lands of the West, Oats—No. 1 white, |28 per ton. the Irreclaimable deserts, barren Hay—Timothy, Willamette Valley, mountain summits and worthless mountain country. Only a small por­ 118019 per ton; Eastern Oregon, W e d a l m O ld sad Young Fu. Dry tion la arable, and very little la of 120022; alfalfa. 913014. SUb W ood sad Butter—Extra, 33c; fancy, 32c; a character that will permit of agri­ ranch, 23c. cultural development. Egg* —Ranch, caroled, 27c. Hops—1909 crop, 10013c; elds, la getliag your tael remember we will MOTHER DROW NS CHILDREN nominal. have a car ol Olympic Coal here about Rendered Insane by Monotony ef Wool—Eastern Oregon, 14017c per September la . Olympic Coal make» Ranch Llfs. pound. ~ N o S o o t, N o C lin k o e s and Mohair—82 0 33c. MARTINEZ, Cal.—Mrs. Joseph la Fraa Fro m D u st “ »hording. Mello, formerly Isabel McNfcoll of Price Reaaoaable. Seattle. •an Francisco, wtfe of one of the Wheat—Bluestem, 94c; club, 88c; wealthiest ranchers In Contra Costa county, drowned four of her six chil­ red Russian, 87c. Phoae: Readeaee 5-15-1 Oats—132 per ton. dren In a small bath tub at her home Barley—934 per ton. at Marsh Mello Is believed to he in- Hay—Timothy, 932 per ten; alfalfa, esne Behind the tragic death of the Inno­ 914 per ton. L A U R E L . C O T T A G E cent babee Is the story of a woman Butter—Washington Creamery, 13c; who, used to the luxury end the pas- ranch, 22c. Will be opened to the public Eggs—Selected local, 31c. tlases of a gay city, was suddenly July I. Newly furnished. Good home cooking. -_______ placed on a lonely ranch where her days beoame monotonous. I9H> AUGUST |i»K> N . R . SC H A U B E L LET US FIGURE WITH YOU. t A. E. Wilson MUCH VALUABLE LAND WITHDRAWN IN WEST Olympic Coal | M. P. ELLIOTT c « r . Second * E dw ard* S U N e w b e rf Or*. W . P. PLEASANT C arp en ter and C o n tracto r . The best of reference* furnished. Escaped Convict Taken. NAMPA. Id a—Peter Hoops, who id from the Oregon state peni­ tentiary on July 16, wns arrested here Monday by Chief of Police Maloney, and Is now In the city Jail await'* ths arrival of the Oregon officers .- taka him hack to Salem. f a . r u t. T re. W «i. Tha. Fri. Sot. 3 4 2 • • i 8 9 1 0 11 7 1 4 15 16 17 18 21 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 8 2 9 3 0 31 • * • • • • • • • • • • 5 6 12 13 19 20 26 27 e # e e • • • e ALFONSO OF SPAIN FACES REVOLUTION Conflicting Forces M ay Cause Boy Monarch to Lose His Throne. MADRID.—Alfonso of Spain, la taught between conflicting forces, each of whloh seems bent on removing him from his throne. Between the three, It Is evident to students of Spanish affairs that the hoy monarch wlU probably have to fight hts way out through the moet critical strife of his eventful career. The diplomatic battle with the Vati­ can has assumed the greatest Import­ ance, but the threats of the Carllsts, headed by Don Jaime, the pretender, and the armed uprising of the thou­ sands of Spanish exiles along the French border, aided by the general strike being preached all over Spain, have won thousands of adherents who todsy Join forces in a contest with Alfonso, with the throne of Spain as the stake. Excitement in the capital and throughout Spain Is Intense over the |u i are is demand by thore ot ert»bc trete». A «More * you U n iq u e F u rn itu re T h a t Is D eco rativ e! But Not Oreriy Dew. Merit à whre win* there dey», sad it» only merit thel give» M» oer hbeml petroeege M e rit in F u rn itu re a n d in P ric e ft/, 7Û. jfcollingswort/i dc Son T H E S T O R E O F Q U A LITY Summer Clearance Sale I On all Lawns and Dimities, and in fact all Summer goods - goes in this sale at Bargain Prices. Shirtwaists at from ___$L00 to 81.75— bargains. * ¡S i " '* ... . All Men's and Ladies Ox­ fords at 20 per cent discount. KINO ALFONSO. conflict with the Vatlcaa^which cams to a climax -when the dlcision of Pre­ mier Canalejas to recall the Spanish ambassador to ths Vatican was an­ nounced. \ . The clerical element, which has of­ ten before won similar battles In Spain, shows no hesitation in entering npon the conflict and seems to have set Ha aim. not upon minor conces­ sions and a compromise acceptable to the Holy See, but upon the downfall of Canalejas and his cabinet and the cancellation of the éntlre programme of reform. The withdrawal of the Imperial decree permitting non-Cath- ollc organizations to display the In­ signia of house worship, which fur­ nishes the ostensible cause of diplo­ matic relations, assumes secondary importance. . lOBNER IN WHEAT I ESCAPES A SQUEEZE i CHICAGO.—The great wheat battle of July, 1910, closed with Thomas H. Waterman, the new king of the pit, In the saddle. The “corner” closed without any squeezing of the shorts, which Is a most unprecedented way for a* well-regulated corner to act, es­ pecially when a new monarch is as­ suming control. The main reason for the falling of the corner and the eseape of maay aborte from the promised squeezing is that the Chicago board of trade permitted Waterman and his asso­ ciates to learn that no squeeslng of the shorts would be tolerated and that the creation of an artificially high price on the closing day of the option weuld result In some one being sus­ pended from membership. Lee Statue Will Stay. BEVERLY, Masa.—President Taft has approved, without comment, an opinion by Attorney-General Wicker- sham to ths effect that there Is no provision of lmw by which the stntue of General R. E. Lee In Confederate uniform can be removed from Stat­ uary hall. In (he capttol at Washing­ ton. Mississippi to Choess J. Dsvls. WASHINGTON—There Is a possi­ bility that a status of Jefferson Da­ vis, presldsnt of the Confederacy, may be selected by the State of Mis­ sissippi as Its contribution to Statu­ ary Hall In tha United States Capitol hare. Don’t forget to order your groceries here. Good fresh clean groceries at right prices. Goods promptly delivered. BOTH PHONES Be C . B A I R D Parlor Pharm acy E. W . HUDSON Registered P h a rm a c ist Old Time Remedies a n d P riv a te R eceipts We put up the Old Time remedies with the same skill and care that we use in filling the doctor's prescription. * Try us on this work; we know how and can give you the best results. Our drugs are pure, our prices as low as can be, high quality considered. YOUR CROP MUST BE HARVESTED W h y n o t u se th e b e st m ach in e ry o b tain ab le? The Deering and W alter A. Wood sure tw o lea d in g m ak e s. W e a r e th e a g e n ts Tewrt Devoured by Fire. ALBANY, Ore.—The entire town of Hoover, eestern terminus of the Cor­ vallis A Eastern Railway on the North Santlam River, 57 miles esst of Al­ bany. was wiped out by fire Monday night VINCENT, WILSON & CO