J THE NEWBERO ORAPHIC, Au( uit 4, 1910 Dundee. A Few Real Bargains in Real Estate T No. 249. 42 acres o f choice fruit land, 21-2 miles from Newberg. Good fam ily orchard, choice fam ily berries. 5 acres timber. Good 6-room house, splendid new barn. W ater piped to house and barn. W ell fenced. This is one o f the most sightly places in the county. I f sold immediately can be had at a cut o f $8,000.00 on form er price. $6,600.00 takes it. N o. 167. 16 acres 1 mile from New berg; 12 acres in cultivation; 2 acres a f fine hottom land in garden. Chehalem creek touches place; 6 acres prunes and apples, 1 acre black caps, yellow cape, purple caps, mammoth blackberries, log an berries and strawberries. 6- room house, good well, good large bam and outbuildings. A choice little ranch, for only $4,000. No. 163. New modemly built 8-room house, 4 closets, electric lights, city water, bath; hot and cold water. In choice part o f town. Owner non-resident and anxious to sell. Price $2,300. W H IT E A N IC H O L S >*ii A COLD FA C T! Tires Set With Brooks’ Cold ' Tire Setters are better and will run longer without loosening than is possible when set in the old hot way. No charred surfaces to wear away and loosen the tire. No overdishing wheels or splitting fellows. The damage to your wheels by run­ ning them with loose tires for one day moy amount to muchmore than the cost o f resetting them. W E S E T T IR E S Q U IC K L Y W H IL E Y O U W A IT . M. M eDONALD - Newberg if news p a r a g r a p h s f r o m OTHER CITIES IN OREOON John Crosby went to Portland on business Friday. E. S. Greer went to Portland on business Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Ryan have returned from the coast. Mrs. John Crawford has been visiting relatives in Portland. William Huckleberry, o f Port­ land, spent Sunday with his mother. Miss Francis Wall, o f Sher­ wood, is visiting her cousin, Ber­ nice Keyes. The Young Folks’ Thimble So­ ciety met with Medora Greer on Wednesday. Mrs. Ida Boyle, o f Portland, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Phoebe Dustin. Mrs. Fred Watson, o f Portland, spent a few days last week with her mother, Mrs. S, M. Crosby. The Dundee Thimble Club held its monthly meeting last Thurs­ day under “ the maple tree” at Otterbrook. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Allan and family spent Wednesday with Mrs. Allan’ s sister, Mrs. Lizzie Brooks, of Carlton. Mrs. M. A. Hatch and daugh­ ter, Miss Helen who have been visiting at Otterbrook, returned to Portland Sunday. Mrs. Warren Robertson and daughters and Miss Ila Spauld­ ing, o f Newberg, spent Thurs­ day with Mrs. George H. Greer. Mrs. Wm. Allan’s mother, Mrs. Bryan, and her sister, Mrs. John Jones, Mr. Jones and the Misses Jones and Bryan were Sunday visitors at the Allan home. “ Grandpa - Keyes made a bus­ iness trip to Newberg on Satur­ day. “ Grandpa,” who is in his eightieth year, is to be c o n g r a t­ ulated upon being able to make the trip “ afoot and alone.” Concerning Registration of Vot- To the E ditor : For the information o f voters I wish to say through yonr paper, That the registration law re­ quires that every voter shall reg­ ister before each general election. The registration will close this year, on the 14th day o f Septem­ ber. By registering early the voter will get his name on the mailing list at the secretary o f state’s office and will receive much printed matter for the informa­ tion o f voters. Naturalized voters should bring their papers. Respectfully, R. B. L in v il l e . your is to m erit yc patronage and to that end we have spared no pains to supply our customers with the best the market affords. Nowhere will you And a more complete line o f Drugs, Chemicals, Toilet Articles, Sundries, E tc._____ -... ............. -- ... - A 1 *■ * O u r on e A m b ition Our Prescription Department represents the best in quality and skill, a. registered pharmacist always in charge. Our prices will get your business and our methods will hold your trade. Try a cool, refreshing drink at our 20th Century soda fountain. L ynn B. F e r g u s o n Prescription Druggist Iv e M n o rle r. H. C a ld w e ll 4 Fiast National Bank Building Co. N ewberg, Oregon The FI rat Nut ton*! Beak of N ew berf—The Firat National Rank of N ew b e rg -T h e Flret National Bank of N ew berf—The First National Bank of ¡Z « « % 3 a The Man W ho Starts I 3» a © 3 £ In Business To-day Ï 0 must have money or credit—to be successful he should have both. The time at which one * * If he begins right he opens a bank account, and gradually builds! up both his account and his credit. Î ¿i (ft a The real starting point o f any business is: begins a systematic saving. If YOU begin NOW it will bring YOUR day for starting just that much the nearer. l BRING in your pay checks, milk and butter checks, egg checks, or checks received from whatever business you are in, and open an account E. We will cash checks at par, no matter where^or on what bank they were issued. Pay your help by check, pay your store bills by check—it is system­ atic to pay by check. X I C a i M s l X o ■s | x x t I 5 w a a 3 I Your bank book will show your income, and what it costs you to run your business. Your checks will be your receipts for accounts paid, and probably the means of saving you, at some time, a costly lawsuit on account o f some dispute. This bank does a general commercial banking business—we'co-operate with and assist our customers in the upbuilding of|their business. Your account, whether large or small, will be appreciated. We invite you to come in and inquire about our SAVINGS DEPART- MENT for old and young. $1.00 or more will start an account. Our CUSTOMERS have the privilege o f keeping their DEEDS, IN- i • SURANCE POLICIES, VALUABLE PAPERS, and LOCK-BOXES in our spacious, fire-proof VAULT—without cost to them. - 1 . . ' • . ■ ■■ , I - UoSaJQ *J*I*BN jo iu » u |»U 0 U»N ! aq.i.-uoJajQ » j 8 om . iv io vu »U »aou»w iu ij » m— j o qnvg t*noti*K lU | i »qj,—»J»| m ».V By * de»; R ut completed the owner­ ship o f the Flret National Bank of Lebanon haa chanced bande. * The police are seeking the Identity of the persons or persons who are passing a quantity of confederate money in Portland. Enterprise is to here n new state bank and a charter has already been kppUed tor. William C. H In ter man, of Salt Lake City, is the promoter. If present plans are carried out, one of the features of the County Orange fair to be held at Forest Orore this fall will be 9 milch oow contest. J. C. Cooper, secreta*? of the Com­ mercial club of MoMlnnrille, accepted an Invitation from the University of Oregon to deliver a lecture on walnut culture at Eugene Monday evening. As a result o f a shooting affair at the EUletz Indian reservation "nine miles north of Toledo, three Indians are dead—two murdered and one a suicide. The ofllclals of the Portland Fair and Livestock association have ap­ pointed a committee to obtain a cash fund for premiums for the livestock exhiblUon which Is to be the feature at the coming fair, September 6-11. In a communication received from We Us-Fargo attorneys by the state railroad commission, the commission Is asked to withhold service of .ts re­ cent order cutting rates until Septem­ ber 1. The law aUows >0 days for consideration of such an order. Eighty years old. tired o f life and fearing she would become a burden to relatives, Mrs. Regula Seether of Portland donned a bathing suit at Seaside, waded Into the surf and al­ lowed herself to drown. R. R. BuUer, circuit Judge of the 11th Judicial distriot, haa announced that he will not be a candidate to suc­ ceed himself. This distriot embraces Gilliam, Sherman and Wheeler coun­ ties. Armed with requisition papers, pe- puty Sheriff Mortensen left Roseburg for San Francisco to bring back F. M. McDonald, wanted at Glendale, Doug­ las county, on a charge of embezzle­ ment. Albert Abraham, state senator, of Roseburg, haa filed his petition to b e come candidate for governor, declar­ ing that be is In favor o f the primary plan. * State Fish Warden Clanton says the prospect* are excellent for a large take of salmon eggs this season at the various stations in the Columbia river -district. After a Journey aerose the contin­ ent for the purpose of effecting a re­ conciliation with her husband, who, she says, deserted her ten years ago, Mrs. Edward Mathews, of Cincinnati, arrived In Portland, only to learn that her helpmate had given her the slip and is now in the Deschutes country. An automobile rate war has broken out at 8ha.nlko between the inde­ pendent automobiles and the Cornett Stage ft Stable company and the Cen­ tral Oregon Automobile company, the latter two being the principal com­ panies handling Interior passenger traffic from that point. Oregon’s apple show, to be held in Portland November 30 to December 2, Inclusive, Is going to be the largest and best ever conducted under the auspices of the Oregon Horticultural society. Thè premium list will con­ tain many attractive prizes This list will be completed soon, and win be distributed throughout the state. County surveyors are at work es­ tablishing grade stakes for the pro­ posed Portland to Hood River road along the Columbia. The right-of-way has been surveyed and grades are be­ ing established as rapidly as possible and it Is thought that everything will be in readiness to begin actual con­ struction work 1 rohtnonamshrshrdh atruction work in a month or two. Surveys have been completed by the state engineer on the Rogue river project and the "next move Is to adju­ dicate the water rights. Superinten­ dent H. L. Holgate, of Klamath Falls, has not set a date for hearing, but it is probable the hearing will be held some time during September. This Is a large project and there are fully 6000 claimants who are Interested. After causing thè loss o f three lives and destroying S.000,000 feet of tim­ ber and machinery valued at $5000, tbe Santiam forest fire is under con­ trol. It was checked by the digging of five miles of trenches which pre­ vented further spread of the flames among the humus covering of the soil. The fire started on July 19, near Hoo­ ver. on the Corvallis ft Eastern rail­ road, and Is said to have been the re­ sult of carelessness on the part of em­ ployes of the Hoover Lumber com­ pany, which Is the greatest loser. As the aftermath of the Indictment of J. Thornburn Ross. John E. Altchl- son and Frank B. Holbrook for con­ spiracy to defraud the United States of arid lands under the desert land act, civil suits have been started In the federal courts for the recovery of H40 ac^ea, the only lands to which pat- c ’ 1 said to have been secured as a result of the alleged conspiracy. BRIEF NEWS OF THE WEEK The American consul at Managua, DR. G E O . L A R K IN haa advised the state department that the revolutionary movement la gain­ Dentist. ing strength in western Nicaragua. New York City faces a sugar fam­ Office over First Nat’l Bank ine aa a result of the strike at the Both Phones Williamsburg plant of the American Sugar Refining company. For nearly rX X M 'Æ X J E X l • week the company has been unable I d make Ke usual deliveries to re­ tailers. Final steps in the transaction by tvtdch a large number o f gas, electric and water power plants in Oregon, Washington and Idaho are merged un­ der the name of the Pacific Power ft Light company, a $7,500,000 operat­ ing corporation, have been taken. Mayor Gaynor haa announced hla determination to put a stop to the distribution of free beer to policemen and firemen by several big New Tork LITTLEFIELD & ROMIG | breweries. The bill modifying the declaration PHYSICIANS ft SURGEONS of religion required by the English King upon accession passed the house of commons on third reading by a Office in First N at’ l Bank Building | vote of 254 to 42. Both Phones While satisfied that neither a pro­ tectorate over nor the annexation of Liberia Is contemplated In the pro­ posed plan of the United States to raise a loan of $1,500,000 to consoli­ date Liberia's debt on a sound busi­ O S TE O P A TH S ness basis, some disquietude is mani­ fested in French government circles 'Graduates o f A . S. O. at Kirksville, Mo over exactly what Secretary Knox Office on Main Street, contemplate» In the premises. 1 blk. S. o f depot There are to be some unique fea­ tures in a monster suffrage parade Both Phones: ) b S ^ ” !..‘.’.’ V. .N o ! 361 whloh la to take place in New York City In October as the opening gun of D R . J . H . W IL K E N S the suffragists fan campaign. Ac­ O S T E O P A T H IC P H Y S IC IA N cording to tbe announcements Just is­ MeMlnnTlUe, Ore. .. - Branch office, Newberg sued, one float Is to be filled with Office «une floor as Commercial Clnb Tuesday«, Tburaday« and Saturday«. "suffrage babies" to show that suffra­ Bonn, # a. m. to 5 p. m. gists do not negleot rearing families. Consultation and Examination free. H o m e P h o a e W h ite 1aS Old age pensions In foreign coun­ tries have been the subject of Investi­ gation by Congressman Frederick Lundin, Republican, Illinois. He finds that they have proved successful and he Is hopeful that some such provis­ ion for the care o f the aged my be made in the United States. NEWS OF NOTED PERSONS John Lind, nominated for governor by the démocrates, has said definitely and flatly that, if elected, he will not serve as governor of Minnesota. Kennlt Roosevelt’s return to Paris has revived the rumor that the young hunter of big game has lost his heart to the charming Miss Margaret Ruth­ erford, daughter of Mrs. W. K. Van­ derbilt, who resides in Paris a large part o f eaeh y e « . ...... - !: î - DR- N. M O R R IS O N D E N T IS T I | J .Office in Union Block DR. B. W. SPANG CHIROPRACTOR DiseasesjCured! Acute or Chronic! Relief Permanent! No Drugs! No Knife! Investigate! . It W ill Pay! Courteous Treatment to all Lady Attendant J. G. C A R L IS L E . Ex-Secretary of the Treasury under Grover Cleveland, who died at his home In New York Sunday. W. J. Bryan has Just given Instruc­ tion that the work of improving his farm of 160 acres near Mission, Texas, he pushed forward as rapidly as pos­ sible, as he desires to move Into his aew home with his family this fall. He gives intimation that he Intends to make Texas his permanent home. Laura Jean Libby, the author of sensational novels, made her debut on the stage Monday In a New York roof garden. Miss Libby is Mrs. Van Ma­ ter Stillwell In private life. CRIMES AND MISHAPS The coroner’s Jury empaneled to inquire Into the death of Ira G. Rawn, late president of the Monon railroad, returned an open verdict, but found that he died from a shot received from hla own weapon by his Own hand. One thousand acres of tobacco, nearly as much wheat, and more than 100 acres of corn were destroyed by a cleud burst in Lincoln, Boyle and { Mercer counties, Kentucky. Imcal rovernment officials, acting upon orders received from Washing­ ton, coMlscated 50,000 Ice cream cones coneigned to a Kansas City drug com pany. The government alleges the oones are Impure. Erwin Wider, the cashier of the Ruseo-Chlnese bank agency, was ar­ rested in New York and held in $25,* 000 ball, after confessing to defalca­ tions aggregating more than $500,000.' 1st and Edwards Streets Phones: White 82, Main 56 A TTORNKY-AT-LAP CLARENCE BUTT. W ill practice in all the courts o f the state. Special attention given to pro­ bate work, the writing o f deeds, m ort­ gages, contracts and tne drafting o f all I «gal papers. N ewberg, Oregon. KFICE— Second Floor ank o f Newberg Building. Dr. E. P. Dixon Dr. H. C. Dixon D IX O N B R O S . DENTISTS Phone: Mutual White 22 NEWBERG, EZR A OREGON H AYES Interior Dent. Lawyer and Notary Public Office North Side Fint «treet Busines* in Pen»»o