Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, August 04, 1910, Image 1

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Oregon Hist. Society
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NO. 42
sage. A list o f the calls o f over of night, to receive which there is
tw o hundred stations are before no need of special mechanical
Paul, by which he thus readily “ tuning.”
But “ woe is me,”
recognizes the sources o f the quoth he for it is more blessed
Up to a few cb^ys to give than to receive. And
ago he had received messages we had all thought Paul a bash­
from one hundred and three dif­ ful, reticent young man!
ferent stations.
I f Springbrook gets an electric
But this ambitious young wire­ lighting system this winter as is
less experimenter has already talked, the sending problem will
outgrown his present equipment be partially solved.
This will
and is planning a wholesale furnish electricity which will give
enlargement and improvement. him a sending power enabling
He is giving attention first to his him to communicate to a distance
aerial. The forty foot pole is to of one hundred miles. He can
Constructs His O w n System—Receives M essages from 103 L
be replaced by a seventy foot one then visit to his content with the
and O cean Stations—Received the B ig Johnson-Jeffries
now lying at the foot o f the tree young Portland operators and—
Fight in H is Room, Round by Round.
into which it w ill be raiaed and and with “ many other articles
held securely in position by four too numerous to mention.”
I t ’s a far cry from the boyish | vey” and it’s only a matter of guy wires. This will give an in­ Some Interesting Things Pulled
diversion o f playing telephone! time and application with him. crease in elevation o f thirty feet
D ow n O ut o f the Sky.
from house to house with an old The latest recruit is Melvin El­ here. In addition to this a
I had been gradually and cau­
piece o f clothes line wire with a liott. who is putting in a com­ second and higher mast is to be tiously leading up to “ the object
tin can at each end for receivers, plete system at his home above raised from a second fir tree, of my appointment.” F o r the
t o sitting, businesslike, in one’s Dundee and will doubtless soon many rods from the first. Re­ truth of the matter was, I had order wafted on the wings o f canal!"
room and gathering in the be “ w ig w agging” his colleagues. ceiving wires will be strung from broached the interview with the night, very appropriately, to the
Shortly before my arrival Paul
Paul Lewis, the premier opera­ these elevations o f one hundred idea o f getting on to something Salem Brewery by a Newport had picked up an aerogram sent
world *8 news from a radius o f a
thousand miles. Nevertheless it tor o f the local enthusiasts, began and tw enty and One hundred which would make exciting read­ dealer in w et goods for ten kegs from an Oregon station to a
has been cried. .To w it: The studying wireless a year and a and thirty feet, respectively. ing. I sprung my lead with what I o f beer. As a probable sequel, Washington benedict w h i c h
other evening the writer visited half ago. He owes much o f his Paul says this will give him a considered a very guileless sound­ the public has been reading o f read—“ Congratulations. B e s t
Paul Lewis at the sightly new proficiency to a severe and ex- better aerial than any of the ing suggestion: “ I suppose you how drunken Siwashes and wishes for happiness and pros­
Lew is home in the Springbrook tended illness oflast winter. And Portland stations have and that get some very interesting things worthless whites have been car­ perity. Sis.” An operator at a
H aving heard vice versa who knows but what he can then receive aerograms through your wireless instru­ ousing and running amuck in third station, with one well
rumors o f w hat this young man he owes his life to his wireless from twice the distance he now ment” —with visions o f a long our popular seaside town, thus known propensity o f the goat,
was doing in the realm o f the in- outfit, which turned his dark- does—from H aw aii and all over string o f sensational disclosures furnishing ammunition for the asked the fair sender how many
visible, I went to be shown.
ness into day, attention from Alaska.
which would give spice to my “ Oregon dry in 1910” campaign. fellows she was sister to, to
And besides this he is continual­ narrative. “ A lot o f things I do
Here is an interesting message whom she replied that her sister­
' The first dope handed out to himself, kept his interest aroused
. me was a poser and enough to and made long and otherwise ly at work experimenting upon not dare tell,” was the prompt sent from the United Wireless ly capacity was unlimited. And*
test -the credulity o f the most monotonous and painful hours and perfecting his interior ap­ and. distressing reply which station at Seattle, M ay 5th:
there was poor, helpless Paul,
credulous. It read: “ Portland 3 endurable. During the three paratus, making new instru­ dashed me with the thought,
taking all o f this in, unable, for
“ T o all operators.
’ -
San Francisco 2.” Portland had months he was bedfast he learned ments and improving his “ plant” “ Now I ’ve lost my story!”
~ Please keep lookout for Halley’s the mere lack o f a little electric
been hitting the toboggan slide the wireless telegraphic code generally. Some o f these times
M y disappointment must have comet until after M ay 18th and juice, to speak up and ask her it
a t the rate o f six games dropped thoroughly and with hisap^ara- some new theory or invention in been visible for he half relented, report promptly to Wireless she wouldn’t be sisterly to one
in succession. I looked at Paul tus at his bedside, kept in touch wireless telegraphy w ill be her­ and hauling out a stack o f mes- News, Seattle, whenever it is more who might stick even closer
to Paul H.
reproachfully and skeptically. It with the outside world. Steady alded and credited
„ .
. sages received he handed them visible to naked eye; also alti­ than a brother.
the Y a n > h | H L „ u m K h u b > - say, “ I f
was a shame to play with vain practice at the instrument has
tude in degrees.” Paul caught a G ot tbe Big Fight W h ile H e
hopes, it the report were a fake; given him a speed o f one hun-
T e e ®r a P^’ ]be a good bov and promise not reply to this which came from
W aited, r
there was danger o f the sudden dred **and twenty letters per
to tell anybody, I ’ll let you look the steamer Assuncion which at
On the late glorious Fourth all
shock to over-strung nerves, i f m i n u t e — a h i g h l y creditable TTis M ore Blessed to G ive T h a n ' through these.”
Considering Latitude 42 north and longitude the local sports o f this vicinity
true. M y faith in wireless hung showing for an amateur,
to Receive.
whât I wanted them .for this was 124 west, reported an observa­ were over at the celebration
in the balance. But as sometimes Lew is Station and Equipm ent A l-
Sending messages is distinctly like offering the lost a glimpse o f tion o f the comet on M ay 12th. grounds pretending to watch a
happens, that which was too
most Entirely H om e-M ade,
Sometimes it is the signal of ball game but really giving their
another proposition from receiv- paradise—but I took the glimpse,
good to be true, proved true
It ¡g something. o f a feat to ing them. It is the difference be­ And before I left I was half in- distress and tragedy that arrests time to vain inquiries and
It was easy after t h a t - I believed haye mastered the princi les tween the active and the passive side. For with a promise to the attention o f the amateur
speculation as to the outcome o f
anything and everything.
Be- underlying wireless telegraph y- voice. The given message is de­ suppress proper names I suc­ operator, who is able to keep in the Reno battle. I f it had been
fore I left we were receiving mes- it is decidedly one to have built pendent upon the strength o f the ceeded in coming off with a few continual touch with the circum­ known that at a little distance
sages from Seattle to San Fran- and equipped a station practi- electrical current behind it, vary­ fairly characteristic samples. A stances and situation and is not northwest o f town the story
cisco and from 1/ ncle Sam 8 battle cajjy jn
entirety and even mak- ing with the strength ofthe latter few others I plead for, but with ‘ dependent, like the rest o f us up- was coming in round by roua^,
ships out on the Pacific. Had a jng some original improvements
punch by punch, it would have
message been put before me pur- in the intricate electrical ap-
been a case o f “ We love baseball
porting to be wafted in by one paratus. And this is what
1910 B
but Oh, you fight—we must be
Dr. Cook from an apparatus young U w ia hag to his credit.
on our w a y.”
i i l U l l 1 MU
Newberg, Headquarters for “Yamhill Amateur Wireless
Telegraph Company/’ Which Monopolizes Local
Field—Stations in Constant Communication
with Outside World.
hung up on the North Pole, I But first, a brief general descrip-
wouldn’t have blunked a blink. tion ofthe station
Yam hill A m ateur W ireless T ele-
The mast consists o f one pole
graph Co.
forty feet in length, lashed to the
It is under the auspices o f the top o f a fir tree, giving an aerial
organization weighted dqwn o f ninety feet. From the top o f
with this imposing title, that the pole are stretched six aerial
messages are being continually wires which receive the incoming
gathered in from over our wit- waves. The latter are caught
less heads. There is just about by the receiving set, consisting in
one boy to each word in the com- part of tuning coils and the
pany name. The head and condenser. By means o f the tun-
shoulders o f the doncem is Paul er, the operator can adjust his
Lewis, as president. His right instrument to the vibrations of
hand man is Paul Moore, who any particular s t a t i o n from
has a station at his home in which the message is coming. I f
town. The boys have worked in several are coming at the same
co-operation with each other time he can tune to the one
and their calls and conversation desired, eliminating the others
back and forth have aided largely. The condenser trans-
materially in their progress in forms the vibration caused by the
the mastery o f wireless tele- incoming wave into an electric
graphy. Paul Moore, in moving current that can be heard
with his folks to Whittier, Cali- through telephone receivers, like
fomia, goes to an excellent field the clicking o f an ordinary tele-
for continuing his studies in graph instrument.
There are
wireless, for amateur stations other instruments connected with
are as thick in Southern Cali- the equipment as will be observed
fomia as nickels in a contribu- in the accompanying illustration,
tion box. It is even said that but the writer will not venture
the possibilities nre great down on further elucidation which
there for effective wireless com- might fail to elucidate,
munication without any special. With this system, Paul is able
equipment whatever, but we will t6 catch stations at a distance o f
leave Paul to work out this in- one thousand miles, that of
teresting little problem through Point Lomu, near San Diego, be-
his own investigations.
I inu^he most distant land sta-
The third member of the com- j tioiUrte has heard. He can not
pany is located up West Chehalem judge so readily o f distances
way, in the person of' Dean Cal- which messages come over the
kins. He has a good receiving Pacific except when the ships
outfit rigged up but has not been sending give latitude and longi­
at the work long enough yet to tude. Each station on land or
acquire ease and proficiency in sea has its own call, or number
manipulation. He has the “ sav * which it give» on starting a mes-
Cenerai Oftce
Newberg. Ore.
Dz I
16 Pd
7:35 P. M.
Portland, Ore.,
RECEIVED at the Y. A. W. T . Co'» sutmi at SPRINGBROOK, ORE.
Gets M orning N ew s Before G o ­
ing to Bed.
To Mr. Harry L. Smith,
On board Steamer City of Pueblo.
Bless you, enjoy your trip.
Come back.
Love mother, be good.
Love you.
Gladys Smith.
Reproduction, with the exception ol the propar name., of a Juicy message between a couple of newly weds caught by Operator Lewis.
in the distance to which it will
carry. For this part ofthe work
the young Sringbrook operator
is dependent upon a light stor­
age battery. As a result his
vibrations don’t carry beyond
this immediate neighborhood.
This is a vexation and trial of
spirit to him. There are some
adept boy amateurs in Portland
who are conversing with one an­
other continuallv.
Paul has
listened to them until he feels
well acquainted but it’s wholly
a one sided acquaintance as he
can’t even make his existence
known in return.
And then
again many tender feminine mes­
sages come floating in from afar
to Paul under the kindly shades
Every evening Paul gets the
day’s ball scores from all over
the country, not only o f the
Pacific Coast League but o f the
American land National leagues.
I f Charlie Wilson and Dr. Geo.
Larkin get on to this, they w ill
be seen shinning up the first tall
fir they reach in their mad rush
to get the latest dope as to
whether “ Honus” Wagner has
really “ come back” with the
an “ It hurts me worse than it
does you” expression, “ like moth­
er used to make," he denied me,
gently but firmly.
The first to attract the atten­
tion o f an impressionable bache-
lor was that which appears life
size on this page.— But the nee-
cessity o f suppressing the real
names is heart breaking, for
since the message was sent one of
the parties concerned has been
very mnch in the public eye in
Oregon, and Portland society
especially would be fairly agog
were this to appear with the real
names attached, in the city
We are rudely jolted from the
on an occasional “ extra.”
will be remembered that the ship
Santa Barbara went down off
the Northern California coast
several weeks ago.
Lewis heard Ureka and the
Santa Barbara in communiea-
tion np to within a half hour of
the time when the doomed ship
went down.
Many personal messages arc
received, o f no interest except to
the immediate parties concerned,
but some times diverting. Be­
fore me is one sent from the
steamer President en route to
§an Francisco, to a Seattle man
and signed “ Wee Wifee,” assur­
ing hubby in effect that “ all is
From 9:30 until 10 each even­
ing the United Wireless gives
delivery o f its news service to its
floating stations all over the
Pacific, from which many ships
get out on board a daily paper.
Much news o f importance that
is to be found in the morning
night before into the scratch
tablet in the Lewis wireless den.
Talk of getting the w orld’s news
over the breakfast cups! Th at’s
obsolete nineteenth century lin­
“A n d It Shall Com e to Pass in
Those D ays.”
In answer to a lending ques­
tion, Paul eontessed to an ambi­
tion to operate a regular wire­
less station. He is really capable
o f doing so now. But while add­
ing a few more years to the
eighteen now credited to him
by the family bible, he will re­
enter Pacific College this fall and
continue his general education.
Herein does he show himself