■ A * .. NO CLOTHES ON # THE EQUAL OF THESE V FOR YOUNG FELLOWS. If you are a young fellow and like the clothes with Snap, easy grace and flow­ ing freedom none will please you so well as s s s s MODERN CLOTHES Dashing! Distinctive! D ifferent! “ The Best for the Money” **MODERX C LOTHES' $16.00 TO $25.00 Hodson Bros. Clothiers sind Furnishers. Npwberg, Ore. . Mrs. Albert L,»vengood who has been ill, is abk to be out again. Mrs. Floyd Barbour is suffer­ ing from an attack ot sciatica. Mrs. J. S. Robison, Mrs. Helen Watters and uncle George Robi­ son were guests at Roe Robison’s last week. Mrs. Frank Miller has been called to Laurel, Oregon, where her father is very ill. Mrs. Fred Watson visited her mother, Mrs. S. M. Crosby last week. Mrs. Grant Hefty and little daughter are v i s i t i n g Mrs. Hefty’s parents, Hon. and Mrs. Fred A. Crawford. Mr. Albert Baker has sold his Dundee property and with his family and parents expects to move soon to Alberta, Canada. Mrs. Gilmour, o f Portland, is visiting ner daughter, Mrs. A. D. McEwan. Mr. Albert Fowler has rented the property next to Mr. Alford’s and expects to make a garden o f the whole piece. Homer Fisher is building a six-room bungalow. Rev. Alford had a disabled ankle last week the result o f a •runa way accident. ~ = —= Mr. Parker, o f Sellwood, has purchased the Bert Byers place. Carl Lehmann met with an accident while gopher hunting last week. His gun was accident­ ly discharged the bullet passing through his left foot. The wound is healing nicely. *&•■■■ United States National Bank Capital and Surplus $62,000 Founded in 1889 as the Bank o f Newberg, the year just closed—the best in our history—completes twenty years o f growth and prosperity. We offer as recommenda­ tions: Experienced and competent officers, accurate service, ample resources, government supervision, and an established policy o f safe and conservative banking. I f you are looking for a safe bank and have business to transact, bring it to us. It will be to our mutual ad­ vantage. -4--------:— ______ «a. Officers: J. L. HOSKINS, President ~ J. C. COLCORD, Cashier ~ S. L. PARRETT, Vice Pres. W . E. CROZER, Asst. Cashier Directors: J . L. Hoskins Clarence Butt S. L. Parrett S. J. Madson J. F. Taylor J. L Hadley T. H. Hunt Colonist Rates Oregon and the Great Northwest The management o f the Southern Pacific Co. (Lines in Oregon) takes great pleasure in announcing that the low rates from East­ ern cities, which have done so much in past seasons to stimulate travel to and settle­ ment in Oregon will prevail again this Spring DAILY from March 1 to April 15, inclusive. At the recent city election Jos Pool was elected Mayor, R. W. Swink, Recorder, Bernard Groth, Treasurer, F. Broad well, Mar­ shall and Homer Fisher, A. Liven­ good, and Cal. Conlee, Council- men. SUNDAY SCHOOL-LESSON S u g g estiv « Q u o ta tio n s an th e S u n day S cttoel L esson by S ee. L ln sco tt fo r th e In tern a tion a l N o m y a fo r ■ Ib i« Study C lub. Jesus went about all in their synagogues, Fates Can Be Prepaid at home if desired. Any agent o f the road named is authorized to receive the required deposit and telegraph ticket to any point in the East Remember the Rates_From Chicago. $33. from S t Louis, $32. from Omaha and Kansas City $25. This reduction is propor­ tionate from all other cities. W M . M cM U R R A Y G eneral Passenger A gent * Portland, O regon It is said that about 700 B. C. there was some organization for the carrying o f letters in Israel. In order to ensure secrecy, which was a somewhat difficult matter, one method resorted tb was to shave the head o f a trusty mes- senger and then to impress the secret intelligence upon the skull When the hair had grown suffi ciently long for concealment the messenger proceeded to his destination, where, according to the barbarous arrangement, his head was again shaved and the object o f the secret mission thus revealed. Ovid told o f messages being inscribed upon a person’s back. Cyrus was the first to organise a regular riding post. According to Zenophon, he tried how far a horse could goin a d a y without baiting, and at that dis- Like the West. ye therefore perfect as your father in heaven ia perfect. Matt. 5:48. Verses 17-20.—How many persons can you recall from the scriptures or other­ wise, who did the perfect will o f God on earth? Feb. 6.—Almsgiving and Prayer. M att. 6:1-15. Golden Text. Take heed that ye do not your righteousness be­ fore men, to be seen o f them. Mstt. 6:1 n, or as a review of maintained'a regular service be- tween Athens and Sparta, a dis- tance o f 150 miles, which a certain runner named Phidip- pedes covered in tw o days. It was to the Emperor Augustus that the Romans owed the intro­ duction o f public couriers. The foundation o f the postal system in England was laid by James I. London enjoyed the advantage o f a penny post in the seventeenth century, and there were between 400'and 500 receiving houses to t;ike in letters, where the mes­ sengers called in every hour, collected the posted letters and took them to the General Post ()ffice in Lombard Street. People of Oregon The railroads have done their part; now it’s up to you. The colonist rate is the great­ est o f all home-builders. Do »11 you can to let Eastern people know about it, and en­ courage them to come here, where land is cheap and home-building easy and attract­ ive. “ treasure?” Sss vsrss 83. Feb. SO.—The Golden Rule—Tempor­ a l* » Leeao o .—M att 7: 1 -1 2 . Golden T ex t Therefore ell things whatsoever ye would that men should do to ycu, do ye even ao to them, far this ia the lew and the prophets. M att 7:12. Veraoo I, 2 . —When men condemn others on mere suspicion, what ia generally the reel ground o f their condemnation? Feb. 27.'—False and True Diedple- ahip. M att 7: 18-2». Golden T e x t Not every one that aaith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom o f heaven, but ho that death the will o f my Father which ia in hear«u. M att 7: 21. Verses 18, 14.—In what sense is the gate to eternal life narrow, and the way to distinction broad? March 6*—Jesus, the H eeler. M att 8:2.17. Goldej\Text. H im self took our infirmities and bore our sickness. M att 8:17. Verses 6, So fa r aa the records show, Jesus while in the flesh, heeled all the sick ones that were brought to him, is that sufficient to prove that he will do the same to-day? March 13 —Two M ighty Works. M att 8: 23-84. Golden T ext. What manner o f man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him! M att. 8: 27. , Verse 27.—W hich would be o f the greater benefit to mankind fo r God to run the universe, and the affairs o f man, on fixed laws, or by miracles? March 20.—A Paralytic Forgiven and Healed. M att. 9:1-13. Golden Text. The Son o f Man hath power on earth to forgive sins. M att 9: 6. Verse 2—O f how much avail ia the faith o f one man on behalf o f another? Lesson fo r Sunday, April 3rd, 1910. - TireTSw erofFm ith. lffa tt PTT8-34: its a Deere a* R l w MOLINE. UL. > Us made righ t by a force o f •killed plow experts whose equal cannot be found in any other plow fao- tory in the world. There are many different makes o f ptoyra. each claiming to be the beet yet the fact remains that three John Deere plows are in nee to s a s o f any other kind. The John Deem Fac­ tory, the largest in the world, turns ont every year mom plows thaa any fir s other factories combined. Standard of flie World For Over 60 Yews The Pioneer Plow Maker, John Deere, mads his first steel plow b y hand from the blade o f a saw in 1837. The Ant slab o f steel rolled In the United States was roiled for the John Deere plows by William Woods, o f Pittsburg, in 1846. And ever since those early days Deere Plows have shown the way and maintained the lead in this great national industry. Is it any wonder that the fannere o f the world express their verdict in the Deere--It’s Right.** Vincent & Wilson A t this store w e do not m erely carry a line of things “ just as good” as other things w hich you kn ow to be good. W e carry the things them selves. J. H. WILSON & CO. C. B. CUMMINGS T H E H O U SE FURNISHER W e have in stock a complete line of Furniture, Paint, W all Paper, Picture Moulding, Glass, Heaters and Ranges. W e are always pleased to show our goods. C. B. Cumm ings, Newberg, Or.