Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, March 03, 1910, Image 4

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    efcnÉtag. Those attending
s: s ï™ î i
« n a ß .
Mr, ♦ad M i* H. M
and the Gra
if it is t o be
V the fitte*
Evidently ft is w holly from ft
The groundhog ought to come
o u t at his h olt and shake with selfish standpoint the gentleman
speaks, when he voices the deSire
to see Paafifc College g o out o f
• are not likely to conclude to bow
1 dow n to him in his contention.
The Graphic believes there is
* room for both Schools in the
v The w ood dealer is the one valley. Statistics show that
| m an w ho «taadbib w ith weath­ there are a larger per cent o f
er forecaster. The long drawn p f young people attending col­
ou t winter has no terrors for leges in Oregon than in any dither
state in the union, and doubtless
this m ay largely by accounted
fo r by pointing to the number o f
colleges located so that they
easily reached by the yt
people. There are enou gby
men and young women gro’
so should
bnlalWi Miv w 4 Mr*. 6 . L
building fund to date is $19,383.
avoid a quarantine, shows very
little consideration for his neigh-
l»r s . It is agreat inconvenience,
t o . be surd,' t o be shut in for
several weeks, but it is a case
where the
prevail. It is the only w ay ‘ to
stam p ou t contagions .djaeuaes
and all should heartily co-operate
be getting a col
t o furnish a large
r JPacific A l ette,
b ' doubt true 01
will make a donation fo thy col­
lege building fund o f five cents for
every sack o f their Queen Patent
flour sold in the stores o f Ntw>
berg, Dundee, Sprm gbrook And
)|kx £romj&arc||l to September
l * o f u t f ^ s r “This offer should
meet with hearty response on the
■part o f the people.— In the flin t
Office over Pirat Nat'l
'■li dfíltK
,<»V9( *
Slyter, Mr. and M e*.
Roger», and Mesdames H*.VW.
W flfcuns* Ethel W flsoo. ¿ ' f i .
Grame,; B. W F endali m *
Potter, C. Fairbanks, Angal
Jone* N. F. Bytra, Emma B
and Miss M ary Johnson
ì C h # J ip
A ***»
lime is com ing by and by.
The lon gp rayed for depot is
eing supplied at Rex, and Con-
dering the diminutive size o f
le structure it certainly might
b « * buih several yea«.
; m
B dgw Bftime, U t. and M iC V .
Vincent, ,M r, and
Apple Growers Effect '
D R . JO H N S.
A t a meeting held m Crater’s
hall on last Saturday the organ*
ization o f the Newberg Apple
Growers Association was effected
by the election of a board o f
nine directors. Those elected'for
one V«**' were I. N. Campbell,
N. E. Britt, Ztmri Mills, h i S.
Otis and W. T. West. F or tw o
years, N. Q. Christenson, J„ D.
Gordon, W. S. Allan, j . H. Rets.
At the meeting oi the board J. D.
Gordon was elected presidenpaad
the First National Bank treasur­
er. A man for secretary and
manager is being sought tor but
no selection has been made. -
O Aesorsr Bank of Newberg
i- 1 "O'' Both Phon«, -
A 6 -q t G ran ite M ilk P an .
'* * -
These sell for about double this
in the regular wav. They will h e 01
hen bought
Allen-Reynolds '^Hardware Co
board a very interesting discus­
sion w as engaged in by Granville
Everest, W. S. Allan, F. L. Strait,
% N. Campbell, D. P. Strait and
others. Mr. Everest produced a
canvass chart illustrating the
best methods o f apple grow ing,
packing and marketing, as com ­
pand t o the old slipshod w ay o f
doing things, Which awakened
much interest and brought out
on animated discussion that was
profitable to thbqe w ho heard it.
MP. B kkkst to o k "the; ground
that it w a f better to grub out
All kinds df gravel for c
crate work, cement bloc
or wood work furnish«
short notice. Leave or
at the office o f K. B. L
D R . A . M . D A V IS
( b ; V ic fpt¿ {fritti
" l
full fins of new models. Come in
kfouwon’ t be obliged to buy. W e’ ll
but judgement.
.-- u
to cut
while i&]
riva spammics of the R A fiN E L j
in every
— _;— ----------------
»cond Growth.... 4181 per coil
Any one w ho is in
terested ip fruit g ro'
it w orth while to j
meetings and heart!
not willing to do ongiit to impel housekeepers in
m^de tn frei the th rftgftgT Y W M d .tff lffT flOffr
«nan *'ôt Yioodburn, on last
Saturday he said to the writer
"that orchards were being planted
« t w a i M Ahally a case o f ’throw ­
in g good
land was too flat and wet for
Jxees, but he said, fiirther that
ynuch o f the land in the vicinity
J>f Newberg wiWWell adapted to
Wnccessful apple growing. Re-
«garding the probability o f over
od action g f . apples he said
ere was no danger o f this,
ongh he retp^rked that doubt-
dess prices wcnftd be low er in the
«future. He expressed confidence
* l the applB grow er w ho pro-
nces a goo^qj>ple alw ays get­
ting a fair return for the money
On Friday eVening’bflabt'W efekl
tberWednesday Club gavk a re-jj ”
it will b e a n e r y ception in Duncans H alloo Which I *•
y materially *to a large number o f Nc'wbefg peO- j
pie w et* mViteti. The hall Was
tastily decorated for tli^ occa­
the habit o f calling for the
sion, the floors being itoWred
Patent and take no other.
with rags and the witklbws
shaded w ith lace enftains, and
withal i t 1 Was1 transformed Tnto
a very cosy reception parlor.
Many ladies arid gentlemen.'5'®
were present and following, the
introductions a pleasant half f|
hour was spent ip a social Way*t ■
after which Ji^rs. C ,J, Edwards, [ g
dow n
the president o f the Club, intro-U |
“ níHVfftu
in at ®foGrapM c;offiee to si
hand& suiaV aOS
B. Newh
went tdpU flqA ffcm ville to.
latest approved methods.
Sewer and Tile Work. Í &
who delivered a yery; s d ip k ir ly «
, h' , ‘ "t^UnniuB Icv.uroffl
Its attractive seaside reeorts, fi
medics! springs, magnificent t
• / * > « “ * " * * »
county assessor on behalf of
toral w ork for the Con
al church at Sneridan i
is a verjr impressive
During the course ò f h
vreehs ago w hew the earn- dation., and drome, ont, to She Miss Kàthenne Ronfi
was opened for .raising spacious residence o f J. Carl flfel- *he á j « c « V é fijfa
»money for a , nr% *hpgdiu| f«U
JPacific Collage, ana When nearly
all Newberg people were wearing
msbed (» t ik e Mis
college tnsnsriw bridges,« isr^mr iasHj itflsn nf theJtqtt the affair GartlnéV, Jessie B p t
• student o f the college w ho now was planned without the kn^w- Gregory
Mr. G c
— . -----ti
*susidsnisssunSlstririSy>uusi «arks klfflft. f f .
B efore, the departure, o f the;
tjcuti vlsttSnjf ifl towr, t houg h eompfc u ly unspsisuA>ahe guests light refreshments .wefe
♦IfoaMdff fh e 't m h r 'fo r hrirte,
served. If was an evening very
■f wearing one o f the badges.
pleasantly spent, for the ladies o f
the Clnb proved to iie good ejn-!
J ]r
f the other denominational col- and ga
[leges ofbsbs WiMoiik 1 I r ^ r ih y ifl^ w i
[w h o in q n fie * * ta the firient o f nmbad
Can locate you on 160 acres of
[the badge, when the Imilding Accom
good goverment tariff, ’ within
Stannard pre
^campaign was explained to him. speech
five miles o f R. R. com e, a t oncew
a beautiful
|His response w a s -j'k y is h fbqr fba-Jic
only «
“ io c a tio tt
it o f the
would quit.”
d i i i
^ ^ 5-* 1
h i.
n-uyy, r Sf ^..PATTgHSON, r, 1
an explanation, when tne college many rernrns or tne any Tne
EddyviUe, Ore.
president ventured the assertion guests departed each declaring Lincoln Co. •
. 2 2
kiViTovV '
o f outdoor
groves and along ocean bench b
vards, make this fsMrod itrfon
World's Greatest Winter R e so
m m m
Shasta Route
• 1.00
privileges and first
- • am
■ - 1 lumu ocrwui . (H
ikL a a gi
■jy^ m aSlMit sd1s<B
Vie css «er« moMjr an ¿recede
Dry G ood..
W e carry t f o d clean •
p e «.«
m I»! hn*
„ by - writing
- to W — lf. -iCMURRAY,
Gen. Tsss. Agent, Portland, 0 ragen