SUNDAY SCHOOL o f Newborg business o f all cla w a , with the aaeurance that your affair* will be wall M ired by this bank. i Chehalem Valley Mills NEWBERG or was it God’s plan that Jewish Chris- tians should still keep the law? October 1 0 -P .u l a Plot. A ts xx 11-JO to xxii:S5. Golden T ext: I will say o f the Lord He is my refuge end my fortress, my God; in Him will I trust* Psalm 91:2. Verse 11.—There i f no way to take OREGON view o f that fact, why did not God res- cu6Ptoly in this instance, as He did from the prison at Philippi? October 17-P aql a P rison er-B efore Felix. A cU xxiv. G o ld «T e x t: H e * - U. S. National Bank (S u c c m m t to B u k o í Newberg) . rm rrfT -r- , 3 . f off.™ * l o . J d God, and toward men. A ct* xxiv:16, Veraea 26-27—What was the beset- ting sin o f Felix, and how do you esti- mate the character o f a man who want* to be bribed to do right? Oct. 24—Paul a P rison er-B efore Festus and Agrippa. A cts xxv£-12, chapter 28. Golden Text. I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day. II. Tim. i:12. Verses 24-32— Why did not Festua and Agrippa both turn to God. seeing that they were clearly convinced o f the tn «h of Ghrutuntty and their nood o f Capital and Surplus $60,000 Twenty years o f growth and experience have given us unexcelled facilities to serve the public. Government supervis­ ion, able directorate and efficient officers. Grow with a growing institution by b e­ ginning an account today :: :: J. L. HOSKINS,- President SAM’L. L. PARRETT Vice Pres. J. C. COLCORD, Cashier W. E. CROZER, A sst Cashier. W pledged tw o dollars tow ard helping keep up the state W. C T . U. head quarter^ in Portland. HARDW ARE J, B. MOUNT CH ASE & LINTON gravel Newberg Wood j • Yard x I ♦ x x com pany All kinds o f gravel for con- Crete work, cement blocks, or wood work furnished on short notice. Leave orders at the office o f R. B. Linn- Z o o o o o T < 1 » ^ ♦ « ♦ a O 0 O O O O O O O D » a o a » O O O » Q ! ! \ \ * ; < > CALIFORNIA M . P. e l L ig t t . Its attractive seaside resorts, famous medical springs, magnificent tourist hotels, picturesque scenery, delightful climate, and opportunity fo r all kinds o f outdoor pastimes, such as hundreds o f miles o f auto drives through orange groves and along ocean bench boule­ vards, make this favored region The W orld’ s Greatest W inter . R e s o r t , reached via the Shasta Route SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY ^Olympic Floor a l-1 way* makra gonfi | tbisga-good bread and l.iaenit*, good C i»try and eakra. ado from choice»! North w« s f o r a wheat.pura, whole aome,i-leauasd r»u-| Low round trip rate* are in effect from all points in the Northwest, with long limit, stop-over privileges and first class accommodations. November 21—Paul’s Story o f His Life. IL Cor. ii:21 to xii:10. Golden Text: He said unto me, My grace is sufficient fo r thee, fo r my strength to made perfect in weakness. II. Cor. xiiS . Chapter x ii:l-8 — What is the only real proof o f God, o f immortality and o f the wisdom o f the spiritual life? November 28— Paul on Self-Denial. Romans x iv: 10-21 Golden T ext: It is good neither to eat flesh nor to drink wine, nor anything whereby thy brother stombleth. Romans xiv 21. Verses 16-18—I f you enjoy and drink your glass o f wine, when you know that wine drinking is doing vastly mors harm than good, what sort o f s person are you? December 5—Paul on the Grace o f Giving, II. Cor. viH:l-16. Golden T ex t Remember the words o f the Lord Jesus, how He said. It to more blessed to give than to receive. A ets xxu36. Verse 15.—What reason is there to believe that if we give systematically to God’ s cause that we ourselves shall never lack? December 12.—Paul's Last Words. II. Tim. iv :l-l& Golden T ext: For me to Hve to Christ, and to die to gain. Phil. 121. Verses 8-4—Why to it that burglars, gamblers, counterfeiters, Mars, drink- era, and other bad men and women, often persuade themselves that they are right? Lesson for Sunday, December 26th, 1908.-T h e Birth o f Christ. M att H: Our Policy.- to our patrone the fullest accommodation* that their id responsibility permit, and in all particulars to ooo- tiffe d At carry a this store w e do not m erely line of things “ just as good” a t other things w hich y ou kn ow to be good. W e carry the things themselves. J. H. WILSON & GO J » » « > M r .. M . J . J o h n - * ° n- Mr»* Helen D. Harford gave address under th e auspices of ¿£7 w ~ ~ TT . .. . . C ‘ T * U* a t ch u rch Sunday m o r n in g . S h e g a v e a Very good ta lk , te llin g o f th e w o r k o f th e W h ite R ib b o n e r s , ca lle d a t t e n t io n t o th e fig h t n o w A_ a __ i , „ a * J? m k ° K d r v ,n 1 9 1 0 ’ m a k in g th e s ta te m e n t t h a t it th e V oters in a ll th e ch u rch e s w ill v o t e n o lice n ce next* November, th e y a lo n e c o u ld c a r r y th e d a y there are o t h e r , o a t n d e the Much beer never brought goo< cheer. The liar is always ashamed o f the naked truth. “ Wheather” may justly be termed a bad spell ot weather. A am“ is in no condition to settle down until he has settle« up. For AH Kinds of heut tim « ^ to «ta rt awing \ O L Y M P IC FLOU R is n o w — t o d a y boP Pic k m g , o p e n e d b y Mrs. N ew h o m e « T h e h o ste s s se rv e d a d a in ty lu n ch c o n s is tin g o t sa n d - w ich e s, c a k e , te a a n d c a n d y . M e e tin g a d jo u m l t o m eet in T o J S ^ V reason is there E ' D i' d ^ Ck" ' to believe from this narrative that when b e rg , became an active member we fail to use, and it to too late to and W. R. Everest, and K. L. adopt God’ s best' plan, be will still Tangen honorary members to graciously provide a good on« which w « the Chehalem Center, W. C . T. U . Pioneer Hardware Store W e are now in oar] office st the yard on First Street (beyond M ain). When wanting w o o d leave your order at the office, or call ua by Mutual phone. W e do only a cash business. T h ere w a s a s h o r t a n d in te re st- October 31—Paul a P rison er-T h e ch n rch t o ° w b o J ° ,n th e Voyage. A ctaxxvii:l-28. Golden T ext: ra n k s. A lib e r a l c o lle c tio n w a s Commit thy way unto the Lord, trust ta k e n fo r s t a t e w o r k . A c a ll also in Him, and He shall bring it to m a d c fo r n e w m e m b ers. GO TO THE aud facilities ars o f thabeet. fr o m th e lo c a l lib r a r y . S even - ty -se v e n b o u q u e ts w e re g iv e n t o th e sick and others. Xhe . . . . . • , „ . . r N:rt * ¡1 Our Raaource* Mrs. W. R. Everest, it being tbe time for the Monthly meeting ot theW . C .T . U. I " t was a very stormy day, and not many were present but most o f the reports there sent in as it was time for the quarterly reports. Among some ot the reports the literature report gave in over 2000 pages ot religious literature distributed on the subject8 ot temperance, peace, purity, missions, sabbath What the corn beard with its ears and the potato saw with its eyes, none will ever know. It may be pleasant to sit in the lap o f luxury, but consider how it hurts to be tumbled out. Many a man who is “ down on his luck” might easily reach prosperity by prefacing his luck with a “ p.” J. J . Hill, the railroad magnate, must be a first-class driver since he can handle several lines at once. It we were aa silent with re­ spect t o our achievements as we are to our mistakes, what a silent world this would be. Perhaps Fletcher g ot his idea o f the healthfulness o f thorough chewing from the cow .. She stand* a t the bead in that line. Whet»'the preacher said, “ Be­ hold the perfect man!“ every male nwmber of the congregation became cross-eyed with looking at himself. P rom December Farm Journal. The Opera Confectionery car­ ries a fine line o f the best candies, nuts and other good thing* in town. Come in and be con vinced.“ f * ft. B; J a c k », 1 - 12 . Special sale o f high grade pipes The potato bug i» bad enofigh’ and smoker» articles. but the ever-present humbug ie o r by Writing to WM. MCMURRAY, B. B, J a c k s . 'G en. Pass. Agent, Portland, Oregon worse. C. B. CUMMINGS THE HOUSE' FURNISHER W e have in stock a com plete line o f Furniture, Paha, W all Paper, Picture M oulding, G lass, Heaters and Ranges. W e are alw ays pleased to show our goods. C. B. Cummings, Newberg, Or T iie Newberg Manufacturing and Construction Co. For the Best Prices on the Best W indow s. Doors, Interior end Exterior Finish, M ouldings, Building Stone, Cabinet W ork, Store Fixtures and General M ill W ork A fíne line o f Xuuút goods at Potter's Jewelry Store. You will find in Silverware: Tea Seta, Water Sets, Cake Baskets, Bread Trays, Crumb Sets, Knives and Forks, Spoons, Butter Spreaders, Salad Forks, Orange Spoons, Soup Ladles, Fruit Baskets, Candelabra«, in fact all kinds o f silverware. Fine line o f Cut Glass a t Bottom Prices. Aleo Watches, Clocks, Jewelry o f all kinds, such as Veil Pins, Brooches, Dutch Collar Pina, Shirtwaist Seta, Chains, and a big assortment o f rings. Come and ex­ amine goods and get price. 0SteoOÖ8ÖÖÖK8380t88ÖC8QCAC858QÖC8CI Plumbing! .Scool Book», Stationary and Kodak Supplirà Pure Drugs and Chemicals Prescriptions Accurately Compounded