b N EW BERQ Q RAPH IC. MntHNOonJ «IMS U t W M I k t r M M U. S. National Bank (Successor to Bank of Newberg) Capital and Surplus $60,000 Twenty years o f growth and experience have given us unexcelled facilities to serve the public. Government supervis­ ion, able directorate and efficient officers. Grow with a growing institution by b e ­ ginning an account today :: :: J. L. HOSKINS, President SAM’ L. L. PARKETT Vice Pres. J. C. COLCORD, Cashier W. E. CROZER, A sst Cashier. f “ I used to com- plain about the stove— but not since I began using O L Y M P IC F L O U R ” badland íLuuní^ 3MLCs> You always bake successfully when you use Olympic. It is pure and wholesome — nutritious and clean—just what is required to make \ good things to eat ' 1 Every sack of Olyfnpic is made from most carefully selected Northwestern- wheat and manufactured under ideal Rem­ it ary conditions—only tlieplunipent, hard­ est grains are used, the choicest of the ^ entice Northwestern crop. Insist ^S ^ upon ( Uympio— "U mt * laa*t A A T TOUR GROCER’S Pacts Worth Noting T lfilie r Tfyercantiie -------—— -------- ________________ :----------------------- Ladies’ Coats Friday, Saturday 3 3 1 -3 % less NEWBERG’S BIGGEST, BEST AND BUSIEST STORE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON l i p i i l t n O a a ta t ltM a . tha t u » 4 « y tch e e l U aaaa by R n . U a a a a tt M r tha U ta r a a tla a a l N ew a p a p a f Blbla Study Club. H e a d q u a r te r s for Watches, C lock;«, and Jewelry - DECEMBER 6th. 190«. Paul or the Grace o f Giving. II Cor. viii:l-15. |jy to the improvement ot the »State Headquarters in Portland. This, o f course, is in addition to bur share in the current expenses o lth e state organization. Fifty-two half-gallon fruit jars were forwarded in the early au­ tumn tromthcChildren’sHomein Portland, to ns, and were re­ turned filled at the Thanksgiving Donald Stretch, a former stu­ dent, was a visitor here Mon- season. The discussion at this meeting npon the boys in our town who are using cigarettes John Hamilton, o f Portland, visited school Wednesday and indicates the organization is not indifferent to its department of Friday. 1 GlennPaxson, a member of the anti-narcotics. The ’ committee appointed fo^ class o f ’09, now a student at the month ot November to visit G. A. C., was a visitor Wednes­ the sick and shutrins report good day and Friday. work done. The visitors Friday were the Resolutions were directed to be Misses Roth Agnew and Sue written for onr departed mem­ Hills, Portland; Alice and A vice ber, Mrs. Estlc, and are as fol­ Cross, Dundee; Rosa. Dunlap, lows: Whereas one o f the mem­ Nellie Stanton and Violet Slater, bers o f onr union in Newberg, Newberg; Messrs James Ryder, Mrs. Loretta Estle, has passed Corvallis; Bert Miller and Benj. Co the beyond. Craven, Newberg. Resolved that we give public The classes have organized expression to our appreciation of basketball teams and competed her services in onr union. Also for the championship o f the to our appreciation o f the in­ school Monday, Tuesday and fluence which must emanate from Wednesday nights. The results a Christian character such as will be given next week as. the hers was. Resolved that we ex­ last game was played too late to tend our sincere sympathy. First give an entire report this week. The Thanksgiving football game was played withColnmbia University on the college campus. Neither team succeeded in scor­ ing. The game was both'fast er. Third to the family relatives and hard. The local team ex­ id the East bereft of a loved one celled in team work. ThejC. U. when they were unable to give team Used the forw ani pKsses to any last ministrations in her a great extent. JUiisgameended need. the football M rs . H opson , M rs . K o p p , Press Sup’ts. ifdSWftagefBs’fhose o f the trim » played! we would have made a better showing. 'The Priores program to be given Friday is as follows: Anec­ dote, Inez Bailey; Allegory, Myrtle Walton; Current Events, Bessie Williams, Gertie Kunkel; Prepared Talk Edna Damon; A Seal Solo, Fred Butterfield; Re. citation, Florence Kaufman; Es­ sai, Floyd Parker; Paper,.Gladys Trcw, Sylvia Baker; Story, Lau­ ren« Otis; Recitation, Basil Good- rich; Optional, Lilian Reuter; Es­ say. Neal Heacock; Autobiog­ raphy, Martin Lichthinthaler; Recitation, Hazel Elliott; Pre- Ladies’ Skirts Friday,Saturday lev. H. Wyse Jones will be in «berg next Sunday to begin a its of meetings at the Baptist mb. Brother Jones is a deep- Ipitual man, an earnest in- iSgxreacher, and his meth- areftec from sensationalism i m ■tionable features. All ’istHm are cordially invited initelsrith us in this work, 1 noneftrofessors are especially ed tq give heed to the claims he Apsspcl. Meetings every mo< *1 through the week at 3 ock Mrid every evening at ) . l JF. C. StANNARD, Pastor. Golden Text—Remember the words o f the Lord Jem s, b ow . he raid, it is more blessed to give than to receive. A cts xx;85. Are these words in the Golden Text qpoted from Jesus, hyperbolical, that is, a rhetorical over statemen t, or is it literally true, that it is mors blessed to give than to receive, and i f so, why? Verses 1-6—Is it according to animal nature, or to average human nature, or to average human nature, or to average human nature, to give to others outside o f kith and kin? Is giving liberally, intelligently and systematically, to religion and charity, always a "grace, ” that is, an inclina­ tion Divinely imparted? What is the relation between giving and loving? I f we are in need or "affliction” our­ selves, will the grace o f giving still operate in us, if our hearts are right? May "deep poverty,” g n a t " jo y ” and rich "liberality” be hi tha same life, and is such a combination natural o r supernatural? There was great poverty and suffer­ ing among the Christians at Jerusalem, and the liberalty q f the poor churches Eye« tested end G lass«« F it t e d C .F .M O O R E PHARMACIST Drugs, Chemicals, Family M edicines, Perfumes, Toilet W aters, Powders Prescription work a specialty. School books, tab* Ifets and supplies. A large line o f poems and books o f fiction. Com e and see us in our new loca­ tion in the C. J. Edwards brick ... I OREGON Children’s Coats Friday, Saturday —, ____ ____ NEWBERG. or Friday and Saturday at 3 3 1 -3 less ... . Chehalem Valley Mills A new piano has been pur-j chased for the college and the o)d I one taken to the dormitory. ¿1 The first number ot the lyceumj course was well patronised by the students and members of th* faculty. * Maude Gregory showed an un-J usual amount o f grit at the tim f ot the explosion in the laboratory last Tuesday. Both her hand« are still bandaged. On Monday morning President Kelsey gave a talk on the signif­ icance ot President Taft’s visit with President Diaz, o f Mexico on the International bridge over the Rio Grande river. Rea Smith spent Thanksgiving with his mother and sister, Jesse Hammer with his sister Laura and the Misses Mamie Coulson and Eva Frazier with D. D. Coulson, the brother ot the form­ er, all in Portland. Studies were resumed at 8:10 o ’clock Monday morning after a pleasant Thanksgiving vaca­ tion. Having had a rest it is time to get in and d igas ex­ animation time will soon he here. Mrs. Douglas is continuing her series o f talks on foods, the last one being on air foods. i— A ll kinds o f grain and seed cleaned. «re a n plain colored Broadcloth«, Serge« and other good quaHtr w ool malar* £ a . well m the moat d u r a b le pattern, in fa n e , e ffe c U -ju « t o n . d o n In M «>• • «tjli»h m odel—long c o . t « « l papn br p l~ U d rfdrt Kodaks, Cameras and all supplies. E v e r y t h in g MILLINERY Call and * _________________ Clean Vetch, Vetch and Oats, Cheat Seed, Clover Seed, and W inter Oats and W hite W in­ ter Oats. Decem ber Sale o f Ladies Tailored Suits Browning Photo Studio , Fluori Photos In the city. Crayon and W at«» Colora a Specialty. All work Arnt-chw, MRS. F. H, BROWNING - Seed Gradì For Sale M N*wb*rt, O H (N