L osie Carr to Bdna S Green Newbarg Wood Yard. lots 1-2-3 blk 64 LaFa rette $500. Now open. First class dry Jennie Cate & hub to McMinn­ w ood delivered in any quantity. ville Camp 128 W O W parts O . P. L a b a d i e . lots 5 6.7-8 blk 3 McMinnville $1800. First and Grant streets. For well boring see Joaquin Mary B Cummins ft hub to Bilia. L L Fortune ft w f small tract in M okby T o L oan —See A tty. B David Ramsey d l c t 3 s r 2 R» A. Khks, McMinnville, Oregon $ 1 . M ary B Cummins & hub to L F or R* mt —The Nathan White L Fortune & w f 21.54 ac in David house and garden. . See Everett Ramsey d l c t S s r 2 w $1500. Annie L Dudley to Hans F White._______________________ Nelson ft w f 5.50 « c John Hess W ants » —Dried prunes at H. S. Gile ft C o’s, packing bouse, Newberg. 45 tf Wanted and For Sale. C. B. C U M M IN G S & C O Oregon Newberg Money and time invested in a training at this school, insures the possession o f substantial dividends throughout life. We take a personal interest in the welfare o f each student. Living expenses low. Send for catalogue. W . L ST A L E Y . Principal - - SA LEM . OREGON T o light the Business Houses. Residences and Public Buddings o f Newberg. In order to do this properly wo can furnish a number o f § different types of lamps and lighting units. Call and see us and let us explain the advantages o f the Tungsten Lamp. Ladies’ Tailor M ade Suits Dickerson & wf 53.44 acin Mard Sawyer d l c t S s r S w $3200. Hannah S Inins et al to Norris W Qnatermas 1.25 ac sec 35 t 3 s r 3 w $1. W H Kingery & w f to A R Ford 20 ac in J W Rogers d i e t L ost —Between town and Mc­ 4 s r 4 w $7000. B A Kliks & w f to J L Hoskin- Guire’s place, a puree with ladies gold watch and two rings. Findsr son swV4 oi a s e c l 0 t 4 s r 5 w $10. leave with Dr. Cornell and get R W Lance field & w f to Simon reward. 1 pd. J Miller ft w f 20 ac in Noah F or plans and specifications Powell d l c t 5 s r 4 w $900. R W Lancefield ft w f to D E and all kinds o f interior and Miller: & w f 30 acin Noah Powell exterior finish, windows, doors, d l c t S s r 4 w $1350. and building stone. Call on the R W Lancefield ft w f to Jacob Newberg Mtg. & Con. Co. Miller & w f 50.03 äc in Noah F or S ale V ery C heap —Good Powell d l c t 5 s r 4 w $2250. F M Miles & w f to J D Welch team tarm horses and double tarm harness. Also open buggy x V a o f nwV4 & sw% ot ne Vi sec 13 5-8 $1. and single harness. C D Ottinger et al to John Fay­ T hbo . S t P ierre at Bike Store. as 6 2 .3 0 a c i n i e c l t S s r 6 w FOR S ale . —A portable saw­ $500. Sophia M Papoun & hub to mill, Russell make, capacity 10,- 000 feet per day. Mill practical­ Geo G Christenson 87 ac in Joel Chrisman d 1 c t. 4 s r 2 w $8200. ly new, only been run two years B L Peek (by Adms) to Pearl wad in good order. Also a 12 Scbdlig Scbellig lo t 4 blk C Corines 3rd horse power stationary boiler and add McMinnville $986. engine. Will sell cheap. En­ E E Perkins to E B Flett 70x quire o f Chase & Linton, New­ 119 it blk 7 Yamhill $1000. Frank Rice & wf to Security berg. Savings & Trust C o 638.08 acin W ant to Buy or Sell. sec 17-18-19-201 3 s r 3 w $10. -------------------- Sheridali State Bank to Henry. Farm; hog, dairy or chicken Schroder 2 ac off e side lot 6 East ranch; orchard or timber. One Sheridan subdivisions $290. acre or thousands. It w ill pay Hattie F Stanlev to W T H Tucker lot 8 blk Y Lippincotts yon to consult Hartman & 2nd add Dayton $450. Thompson, Chamber o f Com­ H e a d q u a rte rs for Watches, C lo c k s , and Jewelry v Glasses F it t e d B AZAAR ; Bicycle Shop fltl>VM13& pn b 1 pyaf n | iG £ A D U A X K S C A N B E F O U N D EVERYW HERE P O IN T IN G TO llT H IS SCHOOL A S THE REASON FOR THEIR REMARKABLE SUCCESS, Facts Worth Noting « ¡qjBP.FOtt STUDENTS .WHES^ *CONPETDfT4WITHOUT CHAME» 1 The Presbyterian church wishes to thank the people o f Newberg who so kindly assisted in the entertainment o f the members o f Synod. The expression o f many o f those present was: ’ T h e best Synod I have ever attended” or at least “ We have never had a better.” In every case, the hospitable entertainment received in the homes, was an element in this satisfaction. This and that one was heard to remark that he was in the best home in the city. That the strangers appreciated the fact that we have a good clean town, may be seen from a statement made by Robert J. Diven, o f Astoria, in the popular meeting Friday evening, and heartily applauded by the mem­ bers o f Synod. Mr. Diven said “ I have been frequently on the streets o f Newberg during the two days o f Synod, and have not heard an oath or an obscene re­ mark o f any sort- I have also observed that Newberg is a dry- city ." Some o f the lay delegates said we might expect to see them back before long. It is hoped. ' I have opened a bicycle repair ! shop opposite Duncan's Opers [ House and am ready to repair > your wheels on short notice. 1 A New Type Edison Phonograph The Fireside C. F. W IL L IA M S PAINTER, PAPERH AN GER and D ECO R ATO R Agent for Oregon Sienna*Paint Co’s, paints and var­ nishes. We have a full line o f stains o f all shades. Linseed Oil, Turpentine and Kalaomine. Give us a trial and be convinced that this is the best place in Newberg to buy paints . All work and material guaranteed satisfactory. GREGORY BLDG. Opera C o n fe ctio n e ry Soda, Ice Cream, Caadies, Cigars and Tobacco. Stationery— A ll the Latest ing in our midst will be a better appreciation over the state of the advantages to be found in and around Newberg. J ohn F. L yons . B ea l E state P lays both AiA berol and Stan­ dard R ecords. A perfect ma­ chine in every respect. Let us show it td you« A. J. Lot 2, Block «, Addition to tt The Sooth as feet of Lots, Block ft. Deakln* Addition to the Town of NewbeïJ, in Y*m .hill County, Oregon, and being the South •V12 Of M id Lot. & KIEN LE SONS Newberg, Oregon Lot 1, Block ». Decitine I. H. : Addition to the Town Inner of Newberg, in Yam­ hill County, Oregon. Lot 2 . Block 3 , Deskin* H- H. Addition to the Town Finney ot Newberg, in Tatu­ iti 11) County, Oregon. D ouble-D isc Records, 65c 1 1-3 Of Lot Hurler u * D. K. Lurge* Addition to Jackaon the Town of Newberg, In Yumhill County, ' • _ Boothe»* t «orner o I . Lot i.S o e k 7. Harley usd Large* Addition to the Town oi New­ berg. la Y a m h i l l County. Oregon. I . B. thence weat to the Jarkmti South weat corner of l o t A I tO M lM Inet 4 , « thence North 22 feet; thence Kaet to the b u t line lot M id Lot 4, thence south 22 feet to be- glnnlng. a w iif M id And haying duly levied upon each of M id Iota, or part* or tract* of land, now therefore on Bathiday, November Mth. won. at the hour of teftotloek . A.M. o f *ald