r w V * '¡¿jjfâ’ l'ffv ; \--f;/^ ' v , * ■' ’ V*.»;VV' 1 ' ' * m ' ■j k WVr* •V'v 'Kl t,he Chest V la ltta g D ay, Mrs. A. was mors shocked that •mused when, 1« reply to her question. “ Who was st Sunday school this morn­ ing; ** her 4-year-old daughter said, "E verybody but Jesus." " W i r , h»y dear." said Mrs. a .. "w h eraver did you get such an Id ea ;-* 1 "H e was out visitin g this m orning," th e little lady confidently said. "D aughter," said M l*. A., "w h o told you euch a story?" "N obody didn’t toil mo. mothor, but they Just kept sin gin g It over end over again: Jesus Is calling. He's calling f MM ___ _ . .... fie will ggy, “ Bronchitis.” Aik him if it 1« ever serious. Lastly, ask him If he pre­ scribe* Ayer’s Cherry Pec­ toral for this disease. Keep is close touch with your family physician. * * When yon tell your doctor about the bad iskfast, and frequent headache«, and an he sees your coated tongue, he w ill r. “ Tou are bilious.” A y e r’ a Pilla rk w ell in such cases. - S s M W t M L a i p f O a , IiSwall. Mess. ... Old Favorites _ H ad * U a sa d W illie S ea r. D l a c URINARY DISCHARGES ire.! AT ORUGGISTS.OR TRIAL BOX B Y N A IL S O c FROM FLAUTIN.03 HWYBT.BROOKLYlUCf Restorative Treatm ent for Nervous Men “W e tty K atie,” W illie said— A n d there came a dash o f red Through the brownness o f his cheek— “ Boys are strong and girls are weak. And n i carry, so I win. K a tie’s basket up the hUl.” K atie answered, with a laugh, “ Tou ahaU carry only half.“ And than, tossing beck her curls, “ Boys are weak as w ell as girls.” Do you think that K a tie guesses H a lf the wisdom shs expressed? S tiff n eek ! Doean ’ t amount to much, but m igh ty disagree a ble. Y o u 'v e no idea how quickly a lit t le Ham lins W te- ard OU w ill lubricate the coeds and Vastly different from the one Th at she swung in years a gone; m ake you com fortable again. This Is long, and deep, and wide, And has— rockers s t the side! H eld m en la D a n ger. A lady In Clayton. N. J.. was caring fo r her hair when the tonic exploded, badly burning her and furnishing more excitement In the neighborhood than t croupy baby. Th e pure food people should look Into this, for as long as ex­ plosive hair tonic Is sold the bald man Is slu in g on s confined volcano.— M in­ neapolis JourasL C. Gee Wo QUICKEST W ITH SAFETY BAND INSTRUMENT LESSONS IN TER N ATIO N AL CO N SER VATO R Y O f MUSIC MASONIC TEMPLE. PORTLAND, OREGON. WEAR They wear best where the wear Ivi% |§ P J F is hardest. M ade of selected M Sm leather specially tanned to resist J H B W exactly the kind of wear a healthy MMgjSm f boy or girl will give them. Two layers of leather are tewed in st the tipi ñatead of one. to prevent ths toe» kicking out. The soles ars 4 «stitm t toochatM. A LE A D ER W A T E R S Y S TE M IN Y O U R H O M E EMI LEWIS & STAYER CO. Portland, MILWAUKEE & SHOE CO, WISCONSIN C osts YO U Less NO TRUST PRICES V O Ä A Good L l s l r a r r . Th e Mistress— K alis, you should not talk so much. Tho Maid— No. ma'am. "N o ; you should a ad erstand that it la your place to listen.’* tAi/yap u / a || “ LUI ITvIl "N o, ma'am; you aovar when I was listen lug becas sa ths other side o f tho ma’am.— Yonkers Statesman. O a e e n «h e O IA m e a . “ Grandpa, how many letters In the alphabet have more than one syllable?“ “ L e t me see. Tom m y; a, b. c. A a Horstlus was holding the brtdga "T h e born o f tho ward." ,ha gasped, “ told mo this was an easy Job. and 1 wouldn't have anything to d o !” The dlsrevery o f the fs^t. however, that he had been tricked Into believing the position fo be merely x saloon­ keeper's perquisite bad only the effect o f m aking him fight alt the harder to bold It.— Chicago Tribune. * * Ore. C f p l t v A H lfA fl* W l. tJ a iir, yy a m a ila Bobe. Idaho. and they keep you dry while you are wearing them L a tee« A ch ievem en t ml Sel ease. Th e young man bent forward. “ W a lt a moment. Herbert.” said Amelia, producing an Implement a fe w Inches long, shaped like a tennis rack­ et. mads o f sliver and specially pre­ pared silk gauze, and bolding It up be­ fore her lips. "N ow . Herbert.” Then they took their first disinfected Use.— Chicago Tribu na eut to learning." “ O, yes. there la dad. A ll you have to do nowadays Is to read flve feet o f books.” I C o m f o r t in g T h e o r y In N e g n r g to D o s in g In C h n re h . The French scientists are the most consoling people In the world. Th ey u s alw ays w orking out soma explana­ tion that affords consolation. Here comae one w ith a theory about »leap­ ing h i Churches that w ill be a re lie f to both pastor annd sleeper. According to this French psycholo­ gist's theory, persons are Inclined to “ dom ” la church because o f the de­ vout attention they pay to the services. “ In endeavoring to fix every w ord la their m inds they put themselves into a sort o f trance. It la about the same as what is called self-hypnotism, and tho mora closely one follow s ths m inister the «s o r e lik ely ho la to find him self unable to roaw ln awake. F or a good many y e a n the pert par- agraphers have had a great deal to say about church sleepers, and usually the preacher has gotten the worst o f tho argument. A ll manner o f devices have been suggested by the humorists as aids to lengthy sermons, even to the placing o f eloctrlc noedlos In the cush­ ions to awaken the sleepers a t the pres­ sure o f a button by the minister. But now th a t the Inclination to slumber in church has been accounted for upon purely scientific grounds, the remedy for the e v il w ill probably bo abated in a practical w ay— perhaps by encourag­ ing the employment o f pastors who are Incapable o f holding one’s attention at all.— Dayton News. "Good-mornlog, madam,” said ths slender, solemn-faced man with the pe­ culiarly unnatural looking hair. “ I am introducing m y new butter, which 1 ! -ell at a much low er price than that charged by other refiner— I mean creameries.” " I t has a strange smell,’* says the housewife, sniffing at tha package. “ It b i t ells as 11 It had been close to coal oil.” “ Petroleum , madam, la ono o f our greatest health-giving agents,” explain­ ed the stranger. "Besides, when the butter gets old you can melt It and burn It In your lamp. Tw o pounds? Thank you, madam. W e should all re­ joice In detag good. Here are f 10,000,- 0 0 0 fo r your husband to build a college with.** And the new milkman stepped hllthaly out o f tho yard.— U f a New M erely Poatgoied. Mia. Hawllgus (h aving freed her m ind)— W hy don’t you. answer me. If you eon? u lfr . Hewligus (helping himself to more m eat)— It's unwholesome to quar­ rel while eating dinner, madam. H I have good and plenty to say to you after a while. A theatrical star Isn’t bright enough to Illum inate the stags. a ltra this pnpn. ALCOHOL » PER CENT. stmUat'aNp Prrpararton *rAs‘ I n f a n t s .'T hildrk * ness and ^.Contains n Opium. Morphine norM N o t N a r c o t ic . ■ a a la n d . "flay,’’ said ths country resident to the city clerk In the furniture store, ” 1 want to look at one o f them there Information bureaus I understand they're t t e lateet things o u t ” — Detroit Free Press. Iw s For Infants and Children. W h a t « * • W a n te d . If you wfll sea« ua the aaawafa taster w ( m desea F. M A Y E R BO O T A la am handle Special Merit School Shoes, we will tend vou.fraa, poe ^ paid, s HxnSaeH platera, «f»a Urn, of Oairga waahlagtoa. /A / V W e aleo task« Honorbilt Shoes for man, c Leading Lady 8hoes, Martha Waahlagtoa NO F A I L U R E S Mr. Bauld— W hat do you want to bo whan you grow dp, Johnny? Johnnie—I want to be a musiclan. Mr. Bauld— A musician! W hy? Johnnie— Yes, slr-ee; I wan tar be a pled piper. Just think o f all the pie he must g e t!— Boston Herald. M a y e r Spocinl M e r it School S h o e , a n amis to fit a child's foot la a comfortable, natural \ that« will prevent foot traobla la later years, yet they „ A stylish aad good looking. Only tbs gsaolas have Mayer Trade Mark atamped 0 « the Sole. I J Alw ays works rltfht They had cheeks like cherries red; H e was ta ller—’most a head; ■he, with arms like wreaths o f snow. Swung s basket to and fro; A s shs loitered, half In play. Chattering to W illie Gray. P ettit's Eye Halve fo r O v e r 100 Y e a rs has’ been used fo r congested and in­ Men are only boys grown tall. flamed eyes, rem oves film o r scum Hearts don’t change much, a fter all; o v e r the eyea. A il druggists o r H ow ­ Add when, long years from that day. ard Bros., Buffalo, N . Y . K a tie L ee and W illie Gray Stood again beside the brook. H is I s s s r r Geese, Banding like a shepherd’s crook, ' A summer sam e my fancy suite— U Is ths game o f picking routes. Ia It strange that W U lle said; Ah. often has ambition soared W h ile again a dash o f red T o routes that I could ne’er afford. Crossed ths Brownness o f his cheek, A n o th e r ■ w a n e T en th s S la g le . I study folders, asd tbs trains. “I am strong and you are weak; And Sad rare pleasure fo r my pates; (Contributed by a depraved outsider.) L ife la but a slippery steep. And yet. 'tie strange. I never.use A lion then sprang is to view. Hung with shadows cold and deep. And roared. “There's no use flyte’ i Th e routes that thus I pick and chooea. — Cleveland News. I'm going to make s meal o f y o u !" “ W ill you trust a t , K atie dear? But ho caught the lion lyin'. W alk beside me without fear. L e ft a N am e N c h la d Hint. May I carry, i f I wUl. D a a M — Hello. Jim ! W ho ha yaw A ll your burdens up the hill?” j F t r l a «h e O intm ent. “ Aa to this polar discovery.” said Urn a-dtggtag that ‘olo for? And she answered with s laugh, distinguished naturalist. “ 1 have only . Jim — Old L aw yer Skinner— ’a died W o . but you may carry h a lt“ yesterday. Daniel— Oh. what complaint? Jim — N o t a word o* com plain t Fam ­ ily rather pleased than otherwise.— A lly e lo p e r's CAPSULES Makes the Baking Sweeter» lighter They were standing where a brook. Bonding like » shepherd's crook. Flashed Its stiver, and thick ranks O f green w illow fringed the banks; H a lf in thought and half In play, K a tie L ee and W illie Gray. Parsoa Bagaier w hile the eongregatloa was assembling In Ebeneaer chapel " I nn'eratood yo’ to nom em ate dat yo would bring our urrln' Brudder Boras Smith to da revival yuh to-night.” " I dona did muh best to ‘complisb muh prognostication, psbson," replied B rothef Tump, holding forth an ob Jeet which m arkedly resembled a dark eomplexloned oyster, "but dat 'ar gam blin* man. our urrln* Brudder Boras Smith, was sawtnh reluctant an' handy wld hlo rassah. I dess n a r b lj couldn’ t bring do gpn lemsn pussonly but dls yua am sae uv his e a rs !"— Puck. K' COM PLIES W ITH ALL PU K E P O O D L A W S brown heads with tossing curls, d lips shutting over pearls, test white and w et with dew, to eyea black and tw o eyes blue; hie boy and girl w ere they, ►tie Lee and W Ulle Gray. to W a s te ml V s t s r l s L la process o f tim e It was observed that ths multimillionaire philanthropist had eeaseg givin g costly library build-* Ings to towns and cities. “ W hy Is this, Mr. Cans g g y ?“ the re­ porters asked him. i N o t h in g M lr a e e le a s . ‘Young men.” he said, "w hat Is tho • "You bed rheumatism In your right tgg for years and wars cured o f It la use o f building great houses for li­ braries whan all a man needs for aa an Instant? »Jew?" “ B y bslrtg accidentally mixed up In education Is live feet o f books?” W hereat I hoy marveled, but they s train wrack. M y right leg Is a cork could not answer hiss.— Chicago T r ib ­ leg now.” une. Th e other morning ws saw a i f* a r s old going Into a doctor's (t seaths to us that if w e were would have enough.— Lacón (IH.) BAKING POWDER Ji 0,‘" Signature