Washington,' Oct 8. — Additional facts shrtiding light OO tlM diplomatic •ituation which led op to tbe negotia­ tion of the treaty between China and DOCTORS TURN ON LIGHT, Capote Blundering Service o f Army Transportation-Soldiers 8offer. Washington, O ct » .—A t the meet* ing of the Association of JMHitarv Sur- geons today, medical men of tbs army •rged that the medical corps contrai IU own transportation ig time mi war. Col. Vtley Harvard,. U. g. A., said that during the Spaniah-American war, the modica! servies of the army in Wire Structure o f Forestry Service Boon to 8heepmen. Washington, O ct A — A socesafnl barrier against the inroads of the coy­ ote in the sheep flocks of the Want has bean found, it i* believed, in tbs coyote-proof fence, experiments with plisa wore kept miles out at ara and later were dumped promiscuously •long the shore. Such • thing would oot hsv# happened, ho said, had the madiaai corps had charge of ite own transportation. Another instance of delay in trans­ portation waa the shipment of Con­ densed milk to the Philippine islands. The milk/he asid, waa allowed to stand for days at the factory because o f the failare o f another department to provide transportation Sir Alfred Keeugh, director-general o f the British army medical servios, maintained that, while it was the rince o f the military surgeon to act S humanitarian capacity, his firat object should be to increase the effi­ ciency o f the army. Ha said that sur­ geons should send bock bom# the sol­ diers who were unfitted for action. DR. KING’S the Antsng fhla information only tends to eonflru the Impression that tbs United States may be celled upon to protest against a vio­ lation of the "open doer" agreement in Chios and discrediU the report that Charles B. Crane, of Chisago, the now minister to China, has seen recalled from Baa Francisco by Philander C. Knox, secretary o f state, primarily for the purpose of receiving a reprimand for alleged indiscreet remarks in re­ spect to the relations between China and the United States. Sueh talk at present merely beclouds what, in tbs opinion of those who know. Is a serious situation. As previously Indicated, the crisis in the diplomatic situation ia China is not tbs outcome o f any ana act or cir­ cumstance. It is learned that negotia­ tions between China and Japan had ™ COUGHS — ( AND ALL THROAT USDS r Minister to China la RecaNad. San Francisco, Oct. 6.—Charla« B. Crone, newly appointed minister to Paytio-Aldrich Act Haa First Innings. China, was recalled to Washington to- Ä . b Mr. and Mrs. Crane were to tomorrow for the Orient. Mr. Crane was Mated at a banquet given in hie honor by the Chinese Chamber of Commerce when his atten­ tion was ealtod to the report tonight Ho stated that the telegram merely re­ quested hie return to the capitai, **as there were oertain phases of the Beet­ een Situation with which the secretary of etate did not think I waa fully ac­ quainted.” " I did not m o Mr. Knox before ibbean see, or Newfoundland, and a leaving Washington,” ho Mid. “ He duty of 6 «ante per tan, not to exceed WM not in the city. I euppooe that AO cents per too per annum art imposed something baa arisen or boon callento at every entry on all veeaela from any other foreign port, not, however, to in­ clude vessels to distreM or not engaged in trade. « The new t-CMt rate nmounte virtu­ Great Northern Gets Contract* ally to a decrease of 1 cent from the Seattle will haves four-day mail ser­ rates heretofore in effeeL Naturally, the decreased rate will have a tendency vice from Now York and the Genet to lower the receipts from the tokmage Northern railway will carry i t Tha taxes, and it ia estimated by the' de- contract, calling for a 47}* bour ser­ pertinent of commerce and labor that vios from 8L Paul, hM bean leg at the annual income will amount to |1,- Washington, according to advices re­ 060,000, per year, or more than $600,- ceived here. * The fia t service w ill B00 has than was collected annually under the old law. . 'J liF • '• tween China and Japan would not bo definitely concluded for at least two years. I t la known that the Chinees foreign offiee thought it would take three yean. Acting on this belief, Mr. Boekhfll sailed for the United States on June 20, and Thomas J. O’ Brien, United States ambmeadm- to Japan, sailed from Yokohama on leave of absence on June 2«. To the surprise of the state cae medical men have not teen good «landing among their own AN Japan*** Must Register. Washington, October 6.—Tbe regu­ lations issued by this Japanese govern­ ment last spring requiring all Japanese residents within tbe United States and Canada to register at tbe nearest Jap­ anese consulate, are to be put into op­ eration beginning today. The purpose o f the regulation ia to obviate m far as »WMible tha chance of friction between -the nations over the influx of undesir­ able Japanese into America. Each newcomer is to be required to register within aeven days of nis arrival and on tearing tha district be muaht report his departure. Tbe penalty for viola­ tion of the regulations is forfeiture of oonsolar protection. t i J * . . T’ ‘ .-4 ... ¿ 1 Cotton Crop Takm a Prop. Washington, OeL A —The report of the census bureau today showed that up to Septoasher 86 there had been ginned from the cotton growth o f 1909, 2,662,688 bate*. counting round aa half bales, compared with 2,690,68 for 1908. Tbp round bates included this year were 48,176, compared with 57,- 107 for 1908. The am island cotton re­ port for 1909 w m 18,826, compared with 11,466 for 1908. The corrected statistics of the quantity o f cotton ginned to September 1, w m announced M 888,842 bales. The report today will bo altered slightly by reports transmitted by mail by individual gin- Summoned By Knox Direct. Washington, OeL 6.—State depart­ ment officiate who could be reached here tonight were in the dark regarding tbe recall of Minister Crana to Wash­ ington. Tha information M conveyed to them through their, interviewers w m the firat they had received to show that Mr. Osaae wamracalted trom San Fran­ cisco. Secretary Knox is not In Washing­ ton, hut ia expected this week. Jt ia believed be sent instructions to Mr, Oran* personally. Austrian Hop Crop Fails. Washington, Oct. 7.—The European Imp crop this year has been a failure. A report from Consul Joseph I. Brit­ tain at Prague, Austria, has Just brought tbe following Information:. The normal bop crop in Bohemia ia Balllngar to Look at Project. about 28,669,800 pounds. H m crop of Sacramento, Cal.* OeL 6.— It waa 1908 w m an unueOaHy largo one end announced today by tbe Sacramento amounted in Bohemia alene to 68,069,- Valley Development association that 000 pounds, and la Austria as a whole Secretary of tbs Interior Ballinger will to 89,682,800 pounds. This yoar’a crop te 76 par cent leas. WBI Put It OfT.' Washington; Oct 8.—Although tbe monetary oommtoslon hM decided to recommend the establishment o f a cen­ tral bank. It is praetleally certain that mo attempt w ill bo mads to seeure leg­ islation at the coming session of con- Army Burgeons to M » Washington, October 8.—ft atlvM of 11 governments wil the 18th annual m totihgof th ation of Military Surgeons United States, to b p M d in °f ^ li Auer- ' ceedtogs during the sitting. At present thè- tor- : the letter is written by Herbert dad- » ve been stona thorltiM are becoming somewhat con­ Of tha AOOyOOO miles of railway 1m cerned about the growth of tha bet­ for ad- the world, only about 10 per cent ere ting which takes place among tha I » the tea Pound to strictly tropical territory, and h senso- no more than 10 per cent within what Lmlarion. would be termed tropical and sabtrop- owad to teal areas. Traras abound to the tam- ’ The regulations prohibit importers from delaying for a week or 10 days the filing of claims for ritowenom for destruction or injury of fruit imported but not taken from the docks, making it impomibte for the authorities to de­ termine what to allow for the deterior­ ation of the imports. « P a t t o n bring arranged fr i 1815 ***> 282 The entire population of the world could be placed on the Isle of W ight There are silver ingots in the Bank o f England which have tain then for toon th an aoo years. Jewl| socletlea to tendon m #gl- tatlng the problem o f restoring the pure Hebrew of antiquity to use as the Jew- ^ Mtfotl|ll ianrM« . „ „ hh - v ana * * * * * quantities o f m aAlnery are * * * OT^ n * * J* * * n trm a Britain. Among the latest orders U an see dent lata have done more Every night while the British Parlla- slr fellows to the medical line nient la in session a letter is dispatched twinga considered. Chinese d en -, from the House of Commons to King -Uit. aa ____ a --------- VItxra rrl pro­ Must Flla Claims Promptly. Washington, O ct 9. — Flagrant abuuM in fruit importation entailing ttmaaanda of dollars o f I om to the gov­ ernment occurring «specialty on the docks at New York, are aimed at In vegulatlooa proclaimed today by Acting Secretary of tha Treasury Reynold* and X A which are attracting the atom- foreigners In China.- said Dr. Vrklns of «hanghaL Dr. Per- i been in China over ten years In this country on a visit to and relatives * e three professions are law, » and dentistry. The Chinese ave had all three for ages, but actlce haa been different from ather lands and It will be some ore Chinees competition In any will be felt except through for- lining and aa a rea u lto f the >f foreigners. Greatly Enjoy Stage Ride o f 34 Mites Through Nature’s Glories. Wawona, ¡CaL, OeL 8.—An allrday Stage ride over 84 miles of moan tain roads brought President Taft tonight to tikis lovely little 8ierra retreat. Mr. T aft and hla party reached the Wa- wona hotel in their stages at 6 p. m., one hour after the scheduled tima, croak forest near Chinquapin. Tbe day ride from El Portal, which began at 7 a. a ., included glimpse* o f Yoeemite valley, from Inspiration ard Artist’ s Point, a pursuit of tbe tumb­ ling waters of the Merced river into the valley floor and a winding, narrow climb to the crest of mountains 7,000 feet high, which shut in the wonders of the Yoeemite. The day waa bright, the air like crystal and everywhere w m the exhillrating scent of the pines. News that the mountain Ilona were infesting tha park held out hope o f ad­ venture for a time, but not even the tracks o f one were seen on the road. Mongrel Cur Is Hero. Seattle, OeL 8.—“ Ted.” a little black dog belonging to J ernes Bias, at 7811 Eli avenue, te the dog hero In the vicinity of Whittier school, in the north part of Ballard. “ Ted” saved the life of little Edith Stewart, who waa attacked and almost chewed to pieces by a vicious bulldog- Tha little black dog rushed across to tbe rsscse. Grabbing the bulldog by tbe tail, be bit, barked and snarled until the bull dog released his iron bold on the child and turned on his annoying stiver •ary. Groat Price «¡fo r Hops- Uttaa, N. Y ., O ct A —Hopgrowers in Central New York are obtaining un­ heard of price« for this year’ s crop. White te * hop« a year ago at tete time wore bringing from 9 to 11 cento a pc and, tha growers are receiving this week from 82 to 88# cents, and some chotee Iota have brought 88 cents. Dealers say that never in their exper- ienoe were the bops bought up so dose at thia time of tee Mason M they are but so badly bitten are many of them with the cram for betting at race meetings that they wtil frequently wager what little pioperty they pa» seas m a bona, and If they lorn they simply replace their lose by stealing a neighbor's goods The consequence la that when the racing season comm around the police a n kept very busy dealing with cases of petit larceny and other crimes involving lorn of prop­ erty. T h e re is but a limited Arid for the law to China at best and most o f ft Is already occupied by mm who are well established, whose business la protected by the intense conserve tism o f tha dom­ inant British. It can safely be said th «t th en la little to encourage a young man entering upon the practice o f law in a Chinese port. Uhlees be la able to hoy his way Into sa old-established firm ,bU struggle for business ia tolly as keen as It would have been at home, nad he haa neither the field to work Ip nor the restriction# to guide him and protect him from mistakes aa he hat at ^ome. N CklMrm • ( “C rook,." tie o f Labor, Boston. : exposed to wind and sleet than would (M 'a c o a sa a io M h it. | be the cam with Iron wire of the m u m There to no other happiness In this conductivity. This wire la especially world than that obtained by companion- useful over long spans, as pole Intervals *kl with God.— Rev. Dr. Duval, P ré » may be much greater when it te used, byterlan. Winnipeg. —Engineer. a ie n t « • < v r*e «e . The Inhabitants o f G rod en, in the One Is all right when he possesses Tyrol, recently celebrated the advaace- rtcbea, position, etc., but when they poa- ment at their town to the grads o f m m hi mhe 1s all wrong.—Rev. CL W. “market place.“ The streets were elab- Webb, Baptist, Aurora. 111. orately decorated, and in plaça o f stat- ckriat'a P ie ««* * . nary, says a correspondent In the W elt Christ has pledged to all who came, Spiegel, greet Images were made of forgiveness of sin ; loving guidance ; snow, o f which there was a great quan- taoder care; and at last, a gladsome tity. A gigantic statue e f S t Ulrich welcome into the Father's house.— Rev. and bunts o f heroic rise* on artistic Henry Hepburn, Presbyterian, Chicago* pedestals, of former burgermelstars sad Savy, of the Emperor Francis were produced. Envy te incipient murder ; no tender ' «nd the unique riraet decoration* show- feeiins can dwell in the m u m broeat ®d that the little place contained much artistic talent Lot tea virtue of claimed In all te « family Inculcate ta spiritual It la a curious tact—one all at vari­ ance with the doctrines of heredity, but borne out by police records—that the children of crooks, o f all oliscas, rarely turn out to be crooks them­ selves. Everybody’ s says. Deraer study of the subject might reveal that they are possessed of the criminal In­ stincts, but that the tragically close example of the punishment and wretchedness that attend a criminal career has bean a terrifying deterrent. The fact, at any rate, remains. The “ rogues’ galleries“ of Scotland Yard. New York and Chicago may be studied to vain for the photographs of a fa­ ther and a son. Criminals are ever alert to keep their children from adopting similar Uvea The rage of old, ugly “Mother* Mandelbaum. the famous receiver of stolen goods, was frightful when she found that her daughter, whom she had been at unstinted expense to edu­ cate, had secretly married “ Sammy, tha Jew"—Koehler, a thief with whom the old criminal had long traded. She disinherited the girl and a dock of relations were the beneficiaries of bar Ill-gotten money. In her Chatham square headquarters “ Mother“ Mandel­ baum maintained a room where thieves could smoke and drink, but she failed with a bronce lamp a pickpocket who attempted one night to invade the pri­ vate parlor where she was overees lag her daughter’s French studies. Another hot spring was recently added to the nineteen which Castebed had for years enjoyed. Workmen who were engaged In clearing out the chan­ “ Hello, there! It te hot enough for nels of the “ Muhlbrunn“ suddenly you r broke Into a new spring of hot mineral water twenty-two feat below the sur­ la Saxony there te an lndMtrp face of tbe ground. The water gushed which manufactures artificial eflk for op and. overflowing tbe promenade* ran silk stockings which aro turned oat Into the river TepL The appMranc* of the new spring was not altogether wel­ come to the cl tisane, 'bees use they (Oar that Its flow may diminish that o f te* Sprodet fountain, which te Carlsbad’s most valuable asset as a health resort