NEWBERG GRAPHIC cap N A B ea m s FARM C E N SU S E C O N O M Y. bo yc o tt . Insulting Aggression o f Japan Is Given as Besson. O irector Durand Hopes to Save S ev­ eral Hundred Thousand D ollars. Tokio. Oct. 12.— Copies o f circulars Washington, O c t 11.— U. 8. Census issued ia North China by a body o f D irecotr Dana E. Durand hopas to save Chinese calling itself the Popular As­ several hundred thousand dollars in C O -O PE R A TIV E IR R IG A TIO N . T R A IN R O U TE FIXEO . taking th* census o f agriculture and sociation o f the Throe Eastern Prov­ also to increase th* accuracy o f th* inces have been received in Japan after Don’t Need Dem onstration 8p eclel to Stop having been spread broadcast among Baker County Th * director stated today th at at th* 8ovtn Eastern O regon Tow ns. Chinoee o f the lower rise* «« The cir­ O f 1900 the agricultural data culars contain inflammatory statements Baker C ity— Baker county bag moré handled by means o f punched co-operative irrigation projects y . « fit. J ra w • s «.ts For each farm a large number tk o train o f the 0 . R . A N . m ill leave ■ ■ P I * l k « t C hina" and the "insulting o f card* bad to be punched, as the 26 are no largo ditch eysterna, the farm­ o f Japan." number o f facto recorded regarding a A fte r T w * Flights Alona W right T a k e* n has Assertions ase made that Japan ha ers being banded together in email rannosa crated# in Sherman, farm was fa r greater than the number end Moro counties. The intinerery o f and co-operating in building of ' Signal O fficer# 160 Fast Tn A ir devastated the arable lauds of No?t •sting Happenings from o f foots required regarding an individ­ ditches and in the division tha educational trato w finally decided has en davei laborers aleng China ai Outside tlu «ta t* . : at G reat the Antuag-Mukden railroad, o f the w ater therefrom . V ery much upoo pro videa a four-days’ trip in ual in the population oensua. the like D irector Dorand said th* statistics that Japanese officials kave beaten th« the same conditions As to the ease with which « a v a stop* w ill b* mede. e. lone, men, insulted thh¿women and terrorhied which w ater is utilised fo r irrigation Heppner, Olem, Condon, Grass V olley, o f population and o f agriculture :* r * collect« d‘ by a d ifferen t force from that the people. C ollege Park, Md., O c t 9 . For the prevail to Eagle and. Pin * valleys Moro and Wasco w ill ha i visited by to * employed in gathering the statistics first tim e in tbs history o f A m erles, an The circulars point out that the weak *“ w han a superabundance at w ater flows demone tration train and et ness o f China in a military sense o f manuafeturea. Th* population and * The Santa Fe has obtained track makes it impossible for her to reafint from the mountain gorgae which has sto lecturee w ill be delivered by mem- agricultural data are secured by enum­ aeroplane owned by the United States governm ent soared in the a ir today. privileges in San Francisco. this treatment, exeept by n boycott, and in it power enough to run the machin­ b e rs o f thè facu lty o f thè Oragoa A g ­ erator« o f whom there w ill ha’ about Guided by W ilbur W right, it flow flva ery o f a sm all em pire. The Lower ricultural collage a t C orvelli#, Profes­ call upon the people of China generally A huge boycott against Japan has 66,000 . . a t the grato nt « census, they in tim es in tha dedication o f tha govern­ sors o f that Institution, with a faw Powder haa several system* which to refuse all dealings with the Japanese keen unofficially st started in China. tuns being appointed by the supervis- m ent's tract o f land bom as an aviation All students and persons who value have been expansive, built by private railroad officiala to be thè only ore, o f whom there are about 880. The ground. Crash to see aviation tests in Paris freedom are called upon to propagate farm ers, and corporations, and which gora o f thè de mona tration special. difficulty o f securing competent m P end caused a dot and wreck on railroad. W ith almost idea] conditions fo r the doctrines and join ia adopting the Irrigate tracts o f a lfa lfa land. lana, in The com plete schedule tot thè In faith fu l enum erator« is very great. programme o f the association.' Failing spectators and a breeze blow ing number of onstration t r a i» ia as follow s: William Jennings Bryan was greeted Burnt R iver va lley -a re a m by an immense crowd on his arrival in in this, they are threatened with vio­ [atinfc bot­ vate ditch companies irriga ti Tueeday, October 26— Iona, 9 a. m. The length o f service is Very short, 16 scarcely at the rate o f a m il* on hour, lence and even death. Portland. ch , produce to 12 neon ; Heppner, 2 p. m. to 5 p. days la th s cities and 30 days in footh lil land, w h ich Mr. W right began the flights to toads The document concludes with the Re­ good results but which arc compara­ districts. The pay is officers o f the signal corps how to m. and 8 » . m. to 9 :30 d . m. I t is reported that Miss quest that Chinese vehicles, vessels And averaging perhaps three dollars per handle th* machine. O ff the startin g tively inexpensive. Kerens, o f St. Louis, w ill pad Wedneaday, October 27— Clem, $ railroads refuse to carry Japanese day in the country districts and a trill* ra il s t 8 KM), ha cirsled tha field fo r Qchoenberg, o f Saxony. The largest irrigation system in m. to 12 noon; Condon, 2 p. m. to 6 p. goods. An endless chain is sought Wn mor* in th * cities, practically tha p a j three minutes. A gain a t 4:09 M r. The Bock Island railroad has been the request that patriotic eitizens into Baker county la that which cova n the m., and 8 p. m. to 9 :80 p m. o f ordniary mechanics. N ot only, W righ t was o ff fo r aaotber fligh t. bench lands on the oast aide o f Baker Thureday, October 28— Gram V alley, mulcted o f about $300,000 by over* whose hands the circulars may fall shall therefore, are most o f those who This tim e he was in tha a ir five min­ have them reprinted and scattered valley, baginning about eigh t toil** 8 a. nu to 12 noon; Moro, 2. p. m. to li confidence in one o f its big shippers. to be »earnerstors able to command in a p. m. and 8 p. m. to 9:80 p. m. utes. A t 4:61 o’ clock hs soared aw ay broadcast, until Japan is completely above Baker C ity and extend Enormously rieh deposits o f silver only moderate pay in their shut out from all commercial communi­ northerly direction and term: at to return a fte r about five minutes. Friday, October 29— Wasco, 9 a. m. cobalt have been found in Canada, tiona, hut many at them are men who Each tim e h* had kept to ,tha reserva­ cation with Chinn. present about five m iles northeast o f to 12 noaa. having boon overlooked fo r 30 can not command regular employment tion grounds. These circulars have erected some­ the city w ith the probability o f it yean . and who are looking fa r odd jobs. thing o f a sensation in Japan. Effort being extended later and cowering the Colony Com ing. Then Li*toenail t Lahm took h i* The real reason fo r the recall o f is being made to prevent the spreading whole east aids o f the valley. This Klam ath F alla— Unions some unfor- - The director hopes that a consider­ place in tbe extra aeaL A t 6:15 p. m. Charles B. Crane, minister to China, is o f their congests among Japanese o f the able number o f tbs colleegs and univer­ the taro ram probably 160 fe e t They *n obstacle arises there w ill said to be indiscreet utterances while ignorant class because the danger' o f canal has bean built a t a largo expense, sities o f tbs coontryjnay see fit to g ive »m at a m ils and a h alf toward Wash­ having bean cut o f solid rock fo r a con­ catod in the southern portion o f toe in Chicago. arousing feeling at this time is recog­ siderable distance along the mountain Klam ath basin one o f the largest Bo­ leave o f abssnos to their atuddnts fo r ington in hardly mom than aa many the short tim e required to do this I t has been revealed that two Chicago nised. minutes. In about five minutes a fte r Meanwhile there is reason to believe side. In a distance o f 28 rnilea o f hemian colonies over established in any aldermen a n heads o f ome Of the most o f enumeration. The college student is they had le ft they landed w ithin 20 are haa bean used only about S ix ty representatives o f too that Japan has called, or will immedi­ stie gra ft and corruption systems ately call the attention o f the Chinese 400 fea t o f flume, and the work is o f a colony have spent several days goin g a vary useful enumerator in fa s t o f th* starting rail. In another known. - authorities to the boycott propaganda, m odi mors substantial nature than is th * 8,090 acres at land on which cases, hot it is exceedingly desirable short flight, M r. W righ t took Lieuten­ . Wn Ting Fang visited n spiritualist demanding that the circulars be out ordinarily w ad in private irrigation options have been secured. The colony that enumerators should actually live ant Humphreys w ith him. in th* diatritec where they work, and meeting in Washington and appeared Inwed as illegal documents, and that the F ligh ts probably w ill ha -toads to­ is in to * form o f a d o b aad eonsista o f intim ated L that he Popular Association of the Three Eaat- mach interested, and ü pproxim ately 600 fam ilies. O fficials tnere are multitudes o f districts w h en morrow and on days follow in g until th * might attend agmin. ern Provinces be brought under disci­ FA IR T O BE B E TTE R . tbs dub visited this section several no oolleg* students reside or where such officers am fam iliar w ith tbe now art. plina students are in institution» hundreds or H earst baa accepted the Domination i ago and w ou n d options on The exact method by which Chinn is lies from thair homes. fo r mayor o f N ow York. Lakssid* tra c t CHINA PREPARES FOR WAR. M akes Im provem ents In able to control her-people in this * » y Another class who can render good ser­ T h * 60 members who have bean Buildings fd r O sm tng Display. A t n in wreck in Kanaae killed 17 is not known, bat it is believed here fo r several days ara a final comm ittee vice as enumerators are school H that the government o f Chinn can sup­ laboseie and wounded 10 others, Gresham— Multnomah county’ s fa ir to paw on the land. I f they recommend era, but, w ith tbs enumeration taking Preparing H er Youths to Resist G reed press promptly any boycott movement. o f Foreign Pow ers. \ F reigh t in the A ll merchants o f standing in China promises to be the equal this year o f tha acceptance o f too land th* settlin g place in A p ril and May instead o f June aa form erly, few school teachers can be the tw o preceding ones. About $2,000 B erkeley, O c t 9.— That China is and e eerioa have official rank and can bo diaci- up o f this largo w ill be begun at from their duties to take the m aking thorough o f the treasury stock has been preparations fo r pHned. __________________ fore w inter. sold since the last fa ir, which baa cre- armed resistance in tbe encroachment» o f the privy B O T T O ! W IT H an ample fund fo r m aking im­ Postal Receipts Gain. o f foreign powers at th* present tim e w ill DRY FARMING CONGREA8. provements. The sum o f $600 is avail­ waa th* statement made at th* stu­ C orvallis— The postal race sipts o f tb i Terrible able out o f toe state appropriation for New C hief o f Police dent’s m eeting at the U niversity off city fo r th* quarter ending Sep ptember Condition in Chicago. premiumh on exhibits this year, which 80 shews a gain o f 16.2 per cent over G reat interest Is 8hown From AM C alifornia today by Professor John P rof eaeor Fryer, o f C alifornia, Parts o f the Country. w ill b* increased by toe ga te re­ the receipts fo r toe correeponding quar- China ia preparing to make arar oo en- Fryer, head o f the department o f Ori­ Chicago, I1L, Oct» 12.— Appalling con­ ditions brought to light during the trial ceipts and the money from sal* o f eon- ter o f 1908. Th * gain fo r the quarter B illin gs, Montana, Oct 11..— An in­ ental languages, who has ja st returned ending Septem ber 80, 1908 over that teresting example o f the widespread from a year’s travel ia the Far East. W righ t made bis first flig h t in a gov­ of Inspector McGann o f viee conditions on the West Side, the •immediate fo r­ 4 large fo re * o f men are at work on o f tha year previous w w 28 per cent. interest in the dry firm in g movement "T h e large body o f Chines* youth* ernment aeroplane and began tbs in­ mation* o f Jewish crusaders to drive th * new stock buildings and out-of- The fa llin g o ff in tbs percentage o f and men,’ ’ m id Professor Fryer, "h e w g iv e iU » the morning mail received struction o f signal officers. their people ont o f the pandering busi­ doors pavilion. I t ia intended to use gain this year ia attributed to the fa ct to be found in th* universities and by the secretary th * outer day whan Congressman Landis says the navy ness, the organisation o f reformers, the main exh ib it building fo r no Other that 0 . A . C. began its work a little fourteen states and Canada were rep­ low er schools o f the United States ia is top-heavy and needs a strong mer- state, national and international, to later this fa ll. The receipts fo e resented in the memberships recorded. an indication o f th* advanced educa­ check, i f possible, the infamous "w h ite m arine to bade it up in tim e at quarter ju st saded wave $8.612.82. These ranged from the Pacific coast on tion which tha em pire has com* to s la v e " traffic, all expose the shameful the W est to Pennsylvania oo tbs East consider necessary. There is hot o n » fact that two men who have grown booses. The new building w ill Odd Fellows to Spend 9 6 ,0 0 0 and from -Canada to N ew M exico. reason fo r It— to prepare the young reports that several thou- enormously rich in criminal business Condon— The Odd Fellow s have be­ Thera w ere several memberships from Chinese to take part in a struggle th a t w er*drow ned on the ia- still hold important municipal positions be used w an auditorium and gun excavating fo r their new two-story The states from which the is surely coming. toy thé recant G ulf here and continue to have a prominent hall and other public functions. land o f The new stock pens w ill be voice in making the eity laws. "Educated in our colleges, th ee» brick building on Spring street. The applications came were C alifornia. Col­ The drastic order issued last night by and eetntnodioua and permanent, those building W ill be 30x100 fe et, and w ill orado, Idaho, Montana, Minnesota, young man are m nt back to China and Captain do Geriaeh, who commanded Chief o f Police Steward to all mem­ at Iw t year having bean torn down. A cost $6,000. Tbs order expects to be Missouri, Nsbraksa, N ew Mexico, form tbe nucleus fo r the corps o f tead- an Antarctic expedition in 1907, h bers o f the department to stamp out n iw . fence w ill be built around the able to eocupy its new quarters about that w ill one tim e direct the Chi­ North Dakota,' Oregon, Pennsylvania, no doobt that both Cook and Peary vice, exposes frightfnl conditions in the grounds and suitable w ill be January L nese army. Everywhere in th* em pire South Dakota, Washington and W is- first ward, the very heart o f the eity, erected fa r small the Pole. are to be found evidences that th* Cbw where two politicians who hold. office PORTLAND MARKETS. M ix, the Am erican balloonist who in the eity council are collecting an­ Membsrahips are being received st nere are planning fo r war. Their sol­ Phones to Sound Fire Alarm . m otional balloon race in nually more than $117,000, every penny such rata that tbs edition o f the Hand­ diers are constantly drilled, and drilled W heat— Track prices: B luest« th, book o f Inform ation, which contains in the most modern way. Th* Chines* Switzerland, is about to lose the prise o f which is spotted with blood and M eM innville— This city is installing peasants dragged him to crime. These two men and their army the latest standard fire alarm system. 96c; club, 88c; rad Russian, 86)4e; th * report o f the third session o f the have reached th* point where they o f "sp ecia lists" have the great red The apparatus, porch wart from a New valley, 90e; F ife , 88a; Turkey rad, congress, haa bean exhausted and the w ill no longer endure tbe encroach­ the ground fo r a moment. light district on the South Side abso­ York firm, is being placed in position 88c; 40-fold, 90s. tary has been compelled to an- ments o f foreign powers, and some Director o f Ceneos Dana Dorand be­ lutely under control. B arley— Feed, $26; brewing, $27. nuonce to new members that there are tim e, before very long, they w ill take snd the city council w ill be asked to lieves that college students w ill make From the dives, the shady hotels, the district the eity into 's ig h t firs wards, Oats— N o. 1, w hite, $27.60028. no more o f these valuable books avail­ to the field at battle to settle th eir excellent census enumerators, and be saloons and the gamblers o f the South Corn— W hole, $86; cracked, $86. or districts, to conform to the require­ able. A ll persons join in g the congress difficu lties.’ *__________ purposes to suggest that educational Side territory, extending to and em- H ay— Tim othy, W illam ette valley, from this tim e on w ill receive the ments o f to* new system. An electric institutions gives leaves at absence in bracing the Twenty-second street " r e d $16@16 per ton; Eastern Oregon, $18 ond annual Handbook which w ill C U R T IS S T H R IL L S T H O U S A N D S . lig h t " levee, two powerful business bell strikin g machine w ill be connected @ 19; a lfa lfa , $14; clover, $14; cheat, tain the proceedings o f th* Fourth D ry with the automatic transm itter, whjph men o f the district are pocketing a i to join the army o f 66,000 enum- w ill be installed in the office o f toe $18014.60; g r»in bay, $16016. Farm ing congress which w ill m eet at Flies in a 16-Mil* Wind S o as N ot to golden stream o f graft. Butter— C ity cream ery, extras 86; B illin g*, Montana, October 26 28, and For years the gigantic system of M cM innville Loeal A Long Distance Disappoint C row d. T a ft immensely enjoyed the beauties corruption has obtained. I t puts the Telephone company, and thus, fo r to* fancy outside cream ery, 8S@86c per a resume o f the contents o f the first SL Louis, O ct 9.— Under adverse West Side ring of tribute collectors present, each public or private tele­ pound; »tore, 22)4@24c. Butter fiat edition. a t the Yooem ite valley. conditions. Glenn H. Curtiss, by a that was routed by State’s Attorney phone belonging to that company in the pries* average l)4 c par pound under The officers o f the congress sat out Spanish revolutionists predict flig h t in his biplan* lata today in For­ Wayman. through the conviction of eity w ill serve to transm it an alarm o f regular hotter prices. a fter the dose o f the Cheyenne m eet­ o lt against K in g Alfonso. Police Inspector MeOsnn, to shame. An firs instead o f the regular automatic E ggs— Oregon ranch, 32)4 @ 83c per in g w ith the ambition o f m ikin g the est Park, received tbe applause army o f lieutenants has been mar­ cheers o f many thousands o f dozen. B ritish and German admirals fire alarm boxes. membership o f the congress total 10, shaled together to see to it that no Poultry— Hens, 1 4 0 1 4 )4 «; springs, 000 before the B illin gs m asting and who had waited fo r hours fo r the wind hands across the banquet table. blood-stained penny even escapes the 14@ 14)4c; roosters, 9® 10c; ducks, th* indications are that they w ill come to slacken. Building Santiam Bridge. Glenn H . Curtiss mads three coffers of the master-soldiers o f the Curtiss, facin g s 16-mile wind, rose 16c; geese. 9 @ l0 e ; turkeys, 18@19e; very osar that goal. In one day eesful fligh ts in his airship at St. night. They are constantly on guard. Lebanon — Preparatins for the con­ in bis machine 30 fe e t from tbs ground squabs, $1.76@2 per dot. cently tbs secretary received 180 No breaks o f faith ever sever the Louis. struction o f toe bridge over the San­ and flow tbe length o f the aero field. Pork— Fancy, 9 0 9 )4 « per pound. memberships coming from a ll parts o f masters from the victims. There are N ear-beer dealers o f Tennessee w ill never any knife-in-the-baek taetics tiam river at this place are being made V eal— E xtra, 10@10)4c per podhd. this country and from 'several foreign H e covered a quarter o f a m ile and waa w rapidly w possible, for the new line a loft 46 seconds. ~ have to pay a tax o f $1,160 each that result in scandals. Fresh Fru its— Apples, new, $1.25@ lands. E very m ail brings mare. between Lebanon and Crabtree o f the Early today he remained in tbe a ir a 1.76 per box; peart, $1(01.75; peaches, Oregon A C alifornia railroad company. minute and a half and sailed three- 76c@ $l. 25 per cra te; cantaloupes, 60c Cholera Threatens Seoul. W ins Riches In Old Age. Dewey says tbs U. S. navy is by ho A gang o f nearly 100 men are now at quarters o f a m il* against a 5 m il» @$1.26 per crate; plums, 25@60c per Seoul, Oct., 12.— Cholera threatens to work on the new structure. Los Angeles, Oct. 11.— By a decision wind. means* a blu ff. H e advocates more The box; watermelons, le per pound; warships and a ship subsidy. become a serious epidemic here. The bridge is going to be one o f the longest o f tbe United States circuit court of ap­ grapes, 86c@$1.26 per crate, 20@26e ra m ire pt C ars Is N ear. Accumulated sewer gas and waste authorities are taking every precaution, bridges in the country, being nearly per basket; casabas, $1.60; quinces, peals today, Timothy Carroll, a pioneer rn California, wine bis fight but Seoul is not a sanitary eity, and the 400 fe e t crossing th* river, w ith s tres­ Chicago, Oct. 9.-rTh# railroads o f from neighboring garages caused $1@1.26 per box; cranberries, $9@10 disease has spread rapidly. 'T h e palace to compel the Los Alimitos Sugar Com­ th* country are already face to tremendous explosion in a N ew York o f the ex-emperor has been Invaded and tle o f some 2,000 fe e t on th* west ap­ per barrel. pany to pay kirn royalty on his patent proach to the bridge. Th * bridge w ill Potatoes— Baying prices: Oregon, seat dump. The decision crowns with face with a freigh t car shortage. Th* the home of the resident-general has cost in the neighborhood o f $100,000. 60@66c per sack; sw eet potatoes, 2c victory the struggle of Carroll, who is inform ation disclosed is that the sur­ Nebraska Baptists are much wrought not been immune. The schools are old, against poverty and hard plus o f freigh t cars o f the en tiro per pound. . > up because a Mormon convict has been closed regularly for fumigation. For a Paper Railroad Is Form ed. Ihi, I t will make him independently country has practically been wiped Onions— N ew , $1.26 per seek. appointed chaplain o f the stats peni- year the sanitary authorities appointed Salem — A rticles o f incorporation before the expiration of his pat­ ouL Where little more than a year by the Japanese resident-general have Vegetables— Beans, 4@ 6e; cabbage been cleaning up the eity, but only ware filed today fo r the Albany, Lets ) j @ l c ; par pound; cauliflower, 60c@ ents six years henee. I t will put an end ago there were nearly 40,0000 idle Generai Wood denies that the Boston those who have gone into the alleys anon A Band railw ay company. The to litigation that commenced 19 years freigh t ra n standing on sidetracks, arm y and navy maneuvers caused and byways o f 8eoul can know of the incorporato r» are J. C. Mayer, Ed. $1 per dossn; celery, 60076c per when the sugar company refused there is now s small shortage in s w - dozen; corn, 15@20c per dozen; eg g ­ sickness and says much valuable knowl­ uncleanliness here. Kalianberger and George B. Whitcomb, plant, 76c@ $1 per box; garlic, 7@8e to Secognize Carroll’s rights. erml lines o f traffic. The prediction i* edge was gained. fre ely made that belore winter and the capital > tock $10,000. It $s par,pound; horseradish, 9@10c per Im prove Immigrant Station. Bold Thug Gets Thousand*. A ll the officials o f Marshalltown, country w ill be facin g the severest proposed to build a road from A lb s » pound; onions, 12)4@15c per dozen; Iow a, have boon indicted by tbs federal 8eattle, Wash., Oct. 12.— Binding and to Bend by way o f Lebanon. A rtic lw parsely, 86c par dossn; peas, 7c par 12 Portal, Cal., O ct 11.— One direet shortage in tbe history o f railroads. grand jury fo r imprisoning governm ent gagging both the chief night elerk and were filed today by tbs Oregon-Wash­ pound; peppers, 4@6c par pound; remit o f President T a ft ’s trip to the secret servies agents. Cuban Finances Improve. •any, pumpkins, 101 H e; radishes, 16c per West has been the immediate improve­ his assistant and carrying* them to ah ington R ailw ay and Tim ber com pan During the absence o f the American obscure part o f the building, a lone capital stock, $1,000,000. Incorpo oral» dosea; squash, l ) 4 @ l)£ c ; tomatoes, ment of immigration conditions at Ban Havana, O c t 9.— Marcellhmo D ias representatives. Japan has forced «d y . 60076*. Francisco. By the president’• direc­ do Ville-G ae, secretary o f finance to ­ man «early today robbed the ore are T. H . Ward, Ralph E. Mood; China into a treaty whereby tbs open C attle— Steers, top quality, $4.25@ tion Secretary Nagel ordered that the day gave out the conditoin o f th * office o f the Great Northern Express Incom * Tax Is Fought. dor \ d Manchuria ia eloced to all but 4.40; fa ir to good, I, $4; common, $3.60 neW immigrant station on Angel island. Cuban treasury concerning which un­ the Japanese, and serious disagree­ company, at the K ing street station, in Salem— Arguments w ar* heard bo- @ 8.76; cows, top, $3.26@8.85; fa ir to San Francisco harbor, be opened at favorable rumors have been current tfie heart o f the eity, and carried off fore Judge Burnett in C ircu it court IB good, $@ 8.10; common to medium, m ent may follow . The opening o f this station had The secretary says Its condition has t , * _,!(£ been held up for a long time for want improved considerably since the d o ** sacks of gold, silver snd a large amount the case o f th* State vs. the W ells- 2.6002.76; cairas, top, $606.26; Japan has farced Chius Into o f paper money, which, X it ? i* - believed, Fargo Express company. Th * express heavy, $8.60@4; bulls, $2(02.25; o f an appropriation for furniture and o f the period o f American interven­ which elusca the amount to thousands o f dollars. ■applies. mpany is resisting th *' payment* o f stags, $2.6008.60. tion. Then th* treasury had a balance to all but Ji V * ---------------- to * Incom* tax, and the defendant’s de­ o f $2,686,228, against $8,40,966 obli­ Hogs— Bast, $8; fa ir to good, $7.75 Riches F all F ifty Thousand Disciples Attend. Old murrer w ill be taken under advisement @ 7.86; s to c k *», $ 6 0 7 ; China fats, gations. Th* balance on Septemb Conçu! Hanna, a t Mon­ Saa Antoniq, Tex., Oct. 1L—James 80, showed $1,086,802. 111 $7.6008. Pittsburg, Oct. 12.—'What Is ssserted by too ta ra y, M exico, again appeals ter help to bo the largest religious celebration fo r the Sheep—Top wethers, $404.26; fa ir Fagan, an aged switchman here, re­ today that a Car and convention over held in this coun­ ceived official w< W inter Finds Colorado. Hunting llllakos Revenue. to good, $8.6008.75; owes. H e lass N ov. I the Burlington try will begin here tomorrow, when the negie pension o f $46(000 Was awaiting on all gradas; yearling*, b est $ 4 0 Albany— Lian county ha* con tri b- Denver, Oct. 9.— A drop in tha tem­ Fagan hi* disposal. w ill worked on the its running tim e between international centennial celebration and railwny when Mr. Car­ perature accompanied by snow flurries convention o f the Disciples of Christ utod $1,86$ to the state gam e food al­ 4.26¡Y a h to good, $8.6003.75; spring RshnaylVanln railway Chicago ) and the tl coast to 72 $606.60. 's was his division superintendent, In soma sections was reported from (Christian denomination) convenes. It ready this year, 997 boa tere’ licenses f f righ t \ Th eW w ill make no is estimated that fnlly 60,000 delegates sad 866 sa g te n ’ Heenes* having beste 1909, W illam ette valley, 2 0 0 the 640,000 is accumulation o f a C olendo piente to d *,. fn D sn vsT a ___ a. as. i t » - Æ I •XnlDltftOf) D but w ill on put aside some yearj ago igh t n o w fe ll. N o serious dam ns and visitors from all parts o f the world to * * B duo* ta th* fru it ê a a tk m T T p ill be in “ * hair. 1909, 28(024« pat Wright Teaches Officers to EVENTS OF THE DAY Ä Ä SLm T 1 Hllttary Ampíanos. Ji H U ES ALMOST H I E á IDIOTE