Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, October 14, 1909, Image 1

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ry THUB8DAY, OCTOBER 14.1909.
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/u ll o f the interest o f novel-
er, John Crosby, W alter
i ( ..
tor, that it
Archie fiedy; Harry Coffin; the
enthusiasm. It Is
Misses Jessie B r it t , M a b e l
to the last degree,
Gardner, long, Ida, Merle W oods,
bra ted at Taylor street
surprises that
Lenora Parker, Pearl Cobb,
i»t church, Portland, W<
in bewilder-
•evening, October 6, at 8 o ’clock, lone Hill, Ruth and Katherine
procession, charming the eye
■when Mias Dorothy Parker and Romig, Pearl Cummings, Olive
ear, provoking outburts o f
; S. Coffin were married. Stratton, B a m s D o r rn n c e ,
melting to tears, enlist-
Florence McDonald.
The ceremony wns read by
booking the course to make ateet
the sympathies completely,
Benjamin Young, pastor o f the
o f the pulse o f the people wijh a
held under s spell o f
church. The decorations were
few numbers, each o f which was
by the weird ballads,
pahnsand cat flowers. P. W.
high priced.
Newberg gave
love songs, the canoe choruses,
Goodrich presided at the orgian.
In the presence o f s h q
rar chants end incantations,
After the ceremony the bridal number of friends and relatives hearty
tickets were plaeed On sale and it
quaint descriptions o f the
highly pleasing to
customs and the numerous
beau at the bride’
M iss Olive
management to know that the
pictures o f the marvel-
a t the Friends church course gave most excellent satis­
served by Mrs.
October 12, at faction.
ALtwruW Hull has kind-
Knapp and f i n . Job, assisted by 8:30. The bridal party entered
In making up the coarse for
to add to the s t­
Miss T ressler and Miss Comp* to the strains o f Lohengrin’s
this season a further test is to be
f the course by giv
ton. The bride is the only wedding march, b e a u t ifu lly
made by putting on five numbers
musical concert, and the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David rendered by Mrs. Bva Hammer
and making a slight increase in people o f Newberg who ap­
McKeen o f 164 Bast Twelfth HuD, violin, and Mrs. Chas. B.
the price o f season tickets. preciate good music will be
Street. She looked very pretty Wilson at the organ. The bride
Whan the people are made to ap­
to know that home talent
in a gow n o f white silk. She accompanied by her sister, Mrs.
preciate the high darn entertain­
represented. Mr. Hull,
w ore a veil and carried Bride’s Chas. A. Hodson, as matron o f
ment offered, there is every
Mrs. Hull and Mias
roses. Miss Emma Job, of C ot­ honor, marched dow n the center
reason to believe that a large sale
axlelightful enter-
tage Grove, was the maid o f isle while* the groom attended by
o f season tickets will be made
honor, and she wore a yellow his brother, Mr. Sherman Seely,
and the financial success o f the
__ a platform orator Howard
satin gow n and carried chrysan­ entered, by w ay of the north
venture-will be assured.
ranks with Russell HL
themums. The bridesmaids. Mis* aisle, meeting the bride at the
The opening number will be] Con well, who received such
ses Edith K nox and Florence Mc­ alter where Rev. A. J. Weaver,
“ The Central Grand Concert j ovation in Newberg last winter.
Donald, were in pink and carried pastor of the church, very
w ith Maximilian I He is.« favorite all over the East
•carnations. W. A. Carpenter pressively pronounced them man
was best man and Donald Kydd and «rife. The bride w as hand­ Dick, violinist; Miss Edith Adams, ami South and any Lyceum la
and Harry Brombangh officiated somely gowned in white chiffon violincellist; Mme Aubi Pearle considered fortunate that is able
as ushers. M r. Coffin, w ho is a broad-cloth and w ore a veil Meyer, soprano; Adolph Knauem | to secure him- As
makes good it may be stated
grandson o f the late General caught with orange blossoms
fa r Y .H -C . A ’a h eh a sa p -
Stephen Coffin, prominent in the She carried white chrysanthe­
not often assembled in one compa­
~ at different places as fol-
early history o f Portland, is a mums.
ny. Maximilian Dick, on whom |
Philadelphia Central 13
young business man o f this city.
The decorations were typical high honors have been
Chicago Central 8, Brook- o f religion, was delivered by Follow ing is a list of the donors
After a short wedding trip Mr. o f the season, bring gorgeous
by the musical centers o f Europe,
9, S t Louis 6, Newark, Father Cantwell under the can­ referred to :
and Mrs. Coffin will be at home autumn leaves heavily banked,
Dr. Littlefield $25, B. A. Rom ig
9, Trenton 5, Boston $, vas jo st before t ip mass in church.
t o their friends at the West­ almost covering the rostrum.
violinists. Mias Edith Adams has
J. C. Porter $25, J.J.C olcord
The music for tike occasion
York City 4, Baltimore 4,
minister apartments, Sixth and The color arrangement w as red at
won for herself the distinction o f
4, Albany 5, Omaha 5, Day- ss rendered splendidly by Miss $5, F. O. Andrews & C o. $5, D.
M adison streets, after. October cither end, metging jpto the
., 6, Mobile 4, New Or- Katherine Covach, soprano,* Miss R. Jackson $10, F. H. Caldwell
center as a back ground. brilliant woman ’cellists o f
Friedle, contralto, Albert & Co. $15. C. J. Edwards $5, N.
3, Dallas, Tex., 3, F t Worth
After the ceremony M r. and Mrs. a ge.. Madame Aubi
Cincinnati 3, Providence, R. L . Gennelli tenor and Mr. Kearns, C. Christenson $25. E. L. Evans
On Saturday evening O ctober Seely retired to the rear o f the
. .
The ushers were Mr. $2.50, C. J. Ckmenson $2.50, A.
City 3, S t Joseph
9 , Mrs. J. W. Coffin entertained church where’they received
with the Des Moines 3, Sioux City 3, Hennessy and Mr. Ferguson.
C. Hale $2.50, Jas. H. Mills $1.
in honor of Mr. and M rs. Her­ gratnlations.
with Lynchburg 8,
All who visited the church P. A. M orris and Jas. C. Duncan
bert S. Coffin. Musical selections
the best achievements o f her life
As ton entertainer “ Laurant were impressed with the com­ $10, J. Carl Nelson $2.50, L. W.
were rendered bv the Misses Pacific College and a young lady before her. Adolph Knauer is a The Magician” in the best in his pleteness o f the appointments. Harger $5, Jas. Patterson &Son
Katherine Romig, Jessie Britt, w ho is deserving o f the high master o f the piano whose per­ class, and as Newberg has never These features were accentuated $2.50, Fred Nemitz $5, Wattes
Mabelle Gardner. Mrs. W. H. Wil­ esteem in which her friends hold formances bold his auditors spell­ had an opportunity to witness a by some very pretty floral dec­ Larsen $10, A. C. Seely $5, W. a
son and C. E. Fuller which were her.
bound with amazement and de­ performance by one o f tip noted orations.
Stan $10, W. W. Hollingsworth
<ujoy«d very much. The house . Mr. Seely through his con­ ligh t Altogether the material magicians he will no doubt be ap­
There were services in the $10. Hodson Brps. $5, A, Sheldon
was decorated with autumn nection with the Chehalem Valley o f which the Central Grand preciated. The world has been church in the evening which $1, Jos. Bixby $5, Geo. W. James
leaves and cut flowers. After Mills and other interests in New- Company is made up is sufficient searched for wierd and curious consisted o f hymns, a lecture by $2.50, J. L. Van Blaricom $5, C.
a socia l time dainty refreshments berg has become one of the ita grand ovation wher­ tricks from all nations, India, Father Cantwell on ‘ ‘Indifferent- C. Ferguson $2, Geo. Larkin
were served in the dining room . prominent business man of the ever it appears. Every one o f China, Japan, Egypt. Turkey, ism in Religion,” and the bene­ $2.50, A. P. Oliver $5, J. D. Gor­
Those present were Mr. and tow n. The couple has a large the artists is a great soloist but Persia, and Laurant will present diction o f the Blessed Sacrament don $5, King & Bennett $10.
M rs. C. B. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. circle o f friends w ho wish them while solo numbers will be in­ these mysteries in the new past The Catholic chapel car arrived
R e v . H. J. M c D e v it t .
B . A. Newby, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. the best m life. After a brief trip cluded in every program a special entitled “ Magic o f the O rien t” on Sunday morning about 9
Hutchens, Mr. and M ri. W. H. to Seattle and other cities o f the feature o f each will be the con­
Single aeasoh tickets, good for o’clock and was visited by many.
Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. N. Brood­ Sound they will be at home on certed numbers, in which the fill reserved seats will be sold for It will remain here until Satur­
On Thursday afternoon at tw o
lette, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Park-J Wynooaki Street.
strength o f the company will be $2. Two or more tickets to the day and services are being held o ’clock, October 7, Miss Agnes
in it each day.
* Richmond, daughter o f Mr. and
same party $1.75 each.
Following the “ Central Grand”
Mrs. J. A. Richmond, was mar­
will be “ The New Zealanders- Dedication of Catholic Church.
ried to John H. M oore, the of­
From Canibalism to Culture;” À
The manner in which the non- ficiating minister being Rev. C.
Unusual interest was shown on
musical concert .by Alexander
L. Hamilton, o f Portland. The
Hull Howard Elliott, lecturer; and last Sunday morning by those Catholics readily contributed to­
ward the erection ot the new ceremony was performed at the
Laurent “ The Man o f Mysteries. who attended the dedication o f
church o f St. Peters is deserving home o f the bride’s parents in the
New Zealand is the wonder­ St Peter’ s Catholic church, the
o f the highest praise, showing as presence o f immediate friends and
land o f the South Seas. It is the firstedifice o f that religion to be
it did a remarkable broadness o f relatives only. Lobengrins wed­
land o f Romance, Poetry and erected in this section o f Yam-
thought and a spirit o f religion ding march was rendered by Miss
Sentiment It amazes the visitor hithcounty. So crowded waa the
with which it is delightful to Ethel Morris. The bride w as
with its wealth o f natural curi­ edifice that there was not room
meet when one is undertaking a dressed in a light traveling suit.
osities and the endless variety enough inside for all o f those who
We have just received a shipment o f 10 dozens o f
o f this kind. The response The home was decorated with
and grandeur o f its scenery. It were present and it was found
Ladies Shoes. Heavy welts, cork filled,
sweet peas and clematis. After
to thé home o f the Maori, the necessary to utilize the large to the request tor aid was spon­
just the thing for wet weather. Regu- « ^ / q
the ceremony light refreshments
highest type o f savage life in­ canvas covering that had been taneous and has earned the un­
lor value $3.50; Friday and Saturday...... ^ « U /
were served in the dining room .
habits ting the islands o f the pilehed for just such an emer­ dying gratitude, not only ot
bride was formerly a teacher
Pacific; a people who have been gency on the church grounds. myself, but likewise o f the other
We also have a fine line o f Wool and Cotton Blankets,
Newberg public school and
Catholics o f Newberg and St.
wonderfully quick to forsake their The assembly was made up large­
which we are placing in this sale. There are not very
is held in high esteem by all w ho
aboriginal customs and supersti­ ly o f the residents o f Newberg, Paul, who are directly Interested know her, while the groom is s
many o f these so yeu must come early and select quick,
in and benefitted by the completed
tions and fit themselves for the but there waa also a very liberal
as they will not last long at these prices.
Therefore I wish to thus prominent b u s i n e s s m a n in
highest walks o f civilised life. number from St Paul and Port­
publicly thank them, also the Brownsville.
The Rawei family are native land, the latter composed prin­
Mr. and Mrs. M oore left on the
$ 7 . 5 0 Wool Blankets s t...... ....................... 0 0 . 8 8
press ot this city, which has been
Maoris, and are handsome speci­ cipally o f members o f the cathe­
train for Portland and
so courteous as to give me what
5 .5 0 Wool Blankets s t.....................j ....... 4.88
mens o f their race. In their dra) pariah o f that city with
their home in Browris-
I asked in the w ay o f required
3 . 5 0 Cotton Blankets at.......................... 9 , 0 8
public exhibitions they wear the which Father McDevitt, the
advertisement during the project. ville.
queer but picturesque costumes founder o f the local structure, is
3 . 0 0 Cotton Blankets a t ......................... 9 * 7 8
o f the native islander, Mr. Rawei connected.
1 . 0 0 Cotton Crib Blankets at.................
The weather favored the
himself was bom in the wilds of
Northern New Zealand, among services and there waa not a
the most savage cannibals, was hitch in the program from the
adopted by an English lady of beginning to the end. Right
wealth when about twelve years Rev. Abbot Thomas, o f M t
A GUN, Fishing Tackle, Base Ball, Sporting Goods of any
old, given a thorough education, Angel, officiated with the as­
kind, a good Bicycle—new or .second-hand—pocket knife,
and enabled to graduate with
or rasor? Or do you wish something repaired, or mads
high honora and the degree of Donnelly, while Father McDevitt
over? If you do, call on us and we’ ll do the reel.
Master o f Arts from Christ sang the mass. T h e sermon,
Church University.
which proved an eloquent and in­
N tw btrff, Oregon »
The presentation o f “ From structive explanation o f the work
• te Melee« 4 He«ee«
Cannibalism to Culture” 1? so baing done in the church for the
cleverly and artistically dene, and purpose o f furthering the cam
i.......................H i
The First FRIDAY and
Remember, Friday-Saturday only
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