rsrar POLE I t POUND. Fredcrick Cook, American E x p lo rer, Point. è R u c h e s Most . c e n s u s w ork g o es ahead . *4p«Pt* Busy Arranging Schadulaa for fm im srators, , I 1 A ’ -¿®- jfâgg • , ' W Waahi ashington Sept, 8 .—Director of th e Ceneoe Cen* Durand, aided by a «core or adore of < expert* in economic*, agricul- tare, mi manufacture and statistic*, ia Hbw a t work an ooe of the moat import- a a t questions in connection with tbe next cenaue—th at of framing achedules to be oaad by enumerator* in entering the information they secure next April. Mr. Durand and tbe corps of expert* «fe working ant tbe form of *ehedule* and determining tbe subdivisions ci in- •«■tries to bo asked in gathering the in­ formation ordered by congre**. The agricultural, manufacturing and popu lation schedulea are the principal oam tinder current discussion. Among those most prominently mentioned on the manufacturing acbadulc will be tbe fol­ lowing: 8 nrgeon Boll, formerly assistant editor of tbe Economist, Chicago; Ar­ th u r J , Boynton, assistant professor of economies. University of K a n s u ; C. W. Doten, assistant professor of eeo- nomics la the Massachusetts Iagtltate •of Tesbnolegy; Edward Howard, . a»* siatant professor of economics, North­ western university; Emil f . Ecker, •expert professor of finance a t D art­ mouth college; B or e as Ecrist, inatraet- o r of economics in the University of Wisconsin ;'E . A. Willet, professor of oeoootnlbs ‘tn th e Carnegie Technical school, and Alvin 8 . Johnson, a statis­ tician of Chicago. Tbe appolgtioo schedule ia la c h u g s e f Professor W.- B. Bailey, Springfield, Mass. He ia an instructor on political •economy in Yale university. A large «lumber of special agents have been ap- fwinted in otber divisions. PANAMA REPAIRS WRONG. Pay* CompSnsatlon to T irs lean Warship«. to rta » with famine and frost, w* a t last hUghK II succeeded in reaching m m signed statem ent Paris' edition 1 of Tbe itatem uW ' ' “ Hans Egede, Lerwick' .“ continues: “ A new highway with stirip of animated nature to uted. pitted and big game which wiH delight tend th* Bsqoimo horizon. “ Land h u been dtoeovarad « — -1-«— r u t tbs earth’s northernmost POCO. ito* hu A triangle of 80,000 aq i on- Mn cot. aut of tbs known. outcome of “ The expedition w u a summer cruise in the Washington, Kept «.—f e tin g So* ratary of the Navy Win tty-op h u rw calvad $ 1«,000 from tbe Panama gov­ ernment, paid by it u mooay rapan« tion in the e a u s involving the mah treatm ent of Ameri Sen naval offieeu and seamen a t th* hands «P th* p o ti# of that republic. Of this amount $5,000 to for indem­ nity for what to known a t the Cniiaar Columbia incident, whan uvei ears la uniform were a rru ta d , up and roughly handled in Colon Up Jone 1, 1906. The a u a a lt, it to dared, w u n riitely unprovoked.. An'indemnity of $8,000 will be paid tka lim its pf nar in Smith sound t* the 1 relatives of Charles Read, E|*ÍB conditions late in A ngui, II wain’s mate an th* cruiser Buf- ■ ior who W U killed in Panama in Sep­ tember, 1908, and $1,000 will be given to the relative* of Joupfa Cieelik, a for loea| _ __ u ilo r of the asm* vessel, who 1 it for emergencies served well stabbed a t the time and killed. for evsey purpou ia toe Arctic*. «‘A t sunrise of 1 9 0 8 -February 19— S m al Claim Against Big Roads. the m*ta expedition embarked on it» Washington, ftepL 2 .—The smallest A N D m jo o claim for reparation over fitod with too Interstate Commerce commission h u laden sledges •O L D A N D a U A R A N T K D BY b u n presented by to* Tyson ft J o n u land shore and poshed westward Boggy company,* of Carthage, N. C. the troubled id* of f The a e u a n t ia 80 osofta. Tl The gloom of the long night WU • itfc consists of six p a g u of legal cap, in vod holy by a few hours of day- L The chill of the winter w u a t its worst. As wa crossed tod toe firm ordered iron wagon axles ' to of Etlsmare sound to Bid Pa- W ilpubarre, Pa. Tbe ratq, slope, the tem perature sank to 1 88 centigrade. Several dogs I ' frozen and the man suffered se­ should have b u n 62 coots per bandied. ws eoon found tbs gam« Th* -shipment weighed shoot 1,4)0 which th* way w u easy, Six railroads w orr made an unknown line «60 fondants—tbe Central of Georgia, was our goal. Ws tw«y Philadelphia ft Reagin, • the Comltor- lf3 T land Valley, the Norfolk ft W asM b, CAR SHORTAGE FEARED. i* an Irremediable breach she naturally w h y 'THE v m m is m u sic ’ s k m g . the Southern and the the tea s# the tar’s aids of th* difference, she to apt to do her beta to ’•*’ — " B y Jamm Itmneker. heal It. Besides, in time of trouble, who to u ready with little delay. ftailroads May Be Unable to Handle boro. tb* “ W s advanced steadily Immense Business. Restricted u to its range of dynamics, the to help and to comfort u th* wtfa’s mother? Canadian Wood Pulp Hit. j unotony of moving s u i vlolta has had for It* votaries men of such The prejudice against mother» in-law is a modern on*, Washington, Aug. 8 L —Rulings . Washington, Aug. 81.—A haavier found ourselves beyond the range of all widely different temperaments u Paganini for which Thackeray to largely responsible. The moth- business than h u ever been known in tb s administration of retaliatory pro­ life neither footprints of b u rn nor and Spohr, WUhelmj and Sareate, Joachim ers-ln-law whom he portrays are drawn with lampblack m single year is looked for by Chairman visions of the Payne tariff law, directed the blowholes of seals war* detected Yeay*. and acid, and it to difficult to see how any man, though K napp of tbs Interstate Commerce a t th* wood palp and print paper in­ Even the microscopic creature# of the Its literature does no compare with that of endowed with th# patience of Job, could dwell in peace •commission for American railroads dustry of Canada, were issued by the deep were no longer under us. toe piano, for which Bach, Beethoven, Schu­ and harmony with such women u those whom he In­ Treasury department Friday. I t is, di­ •during tbs present fiscal year. ThU , day after day, our weary lags mann, Chopin and Brahma have written their flicted upon Olive, Newoome and Philip- But Mra. Mac­ The serious situation anticipated, not rected that if any province forbids the spread over great distances, incidents choicest music; yet the Intimate nature of kenzie and Mra. Bayne* are as unusual, let us bops u ■only by Judge Knapp, but by other offi­ exportation of wood palm an additional and positions war* recorded, bat ad­ cials of tbe commission, and by operat­ duty of one-tenth of a cent per pound venture w u promptly forgotten in tbs the violin, its capacity for passionate emotion, crowns improbable, u any of th* villains of fiction, and It is in g railroad man generally, ia that should be levied on print peper valued next day’ r’a effort». The night of April It—and not .the organ, with its mechanical tonal effects grossly unfair to accept them u normal types Just leas, which ___ ,_______ ,___ notable by the swing­ I th ere may be a shortage of ears. The a t $ cento per pound —a*\he king of Instrument*. why Thackeray, whose written cynicism In the main crop prospects are considered ad bright cornu from that province, and a duty ing *f th* sun a t midnight over to* Nor doe* the voice make the peculiarly poignant ap­ was kindly, and who in social Intercourse was among th a t tbe transportation companies may of one-twelfth o f a cent per pdbnd northern ice. Sunburns and frostbites peal of the violin. Its lowest not* to the G below the the most genial of men, should have shown such rancor be assessed m mechanically f be taxed beyond their capacity to han­ rded on the same day, treble clef, and Ito top note a mere squeak; but It seems toward« mothers-in-law Is hard to guess Cert»inly it ground wood palp coming from such d le the freight. hut the doable day’s g litte r infoaod In a few octaves to have Imprisoned within its wooden was not from personal experience, since his According to the figures submitted province, and which will quite an incentivo -into one’s life of walls a miniature world of feeling; even in toe hands long been an orphan when he married her. of toivars. of a clumsy amateur It has the formidable power of giv­ I V W# were now shout 200 miles from ing pain; while In the grasp off a m aster It is capable Of HEW PROBLEMS FOR THE LAWMAKERS. ours of a year and a half ago, and are the pole and sledge loads were reduced. rousing the eoul.—¡Everybody**. Irrigation Land Withdrawn- * mow handling almost u much traffic as B y M ai. Ofi* dog a fter another w est tato the Washington, Sept, fi.—Acting Sec­ 7 they did in tbe rash months of 1907, hungry survivor* servi In four yuan’ time w* assy he able to aay the bongry until | which w u the banner year in Amert- retary Pierce, of the department of the tram s war* considerably diminish­ M O tH E lS -a -L A W MOST KAUOKED OF ALL , f the interior, today ru to re d 18.800 ed in number, b at there t su railroading. u m rned to re- I t to then that new law* and regulations WMh m land withdrawn in a<— *MI B y H ê/»a OUÊolé. i hsicU * far will have to be adopted. The “rule of too with the Yakima irrigation project Allegad Bandii Ceught. Probably no class of persons are so much ll into m I mmut road** in th* a ir must be settled, aa also Washington, S ep t 2.—In thè arreet Washington. He ordered withdraw and so persistently misrepresented and mi the mystery to which w* had u t tho question aa to whether international t a f Guillermo Adam, tbe allegad band­ «9,000 acres in Aftaona In asm " ligna* as ara mother*-ia-law > , h. frontiers are to be respected, and if not. with the Salt river project; i i , a t El Paso, en tbe charge of violat- “ On April 21 w* h a d ________ As a rate, women are pleased to have their whether universal tree trade must result. M scree in the La Grands, Or., dip.■ the imm igra ti on lawa, tbe Eagie grass 69 minutes «fiaaeonda. Th* pole daughters marry well; the matchmakln Then comes the «object of toe ownership of a coqpeetod w ith the UnmtiHa project, i more tban was in sigh t W* aovarad the remain­ mother to aa common a subject for a Joke as the air above private praparty. Finally we must con­ y e » ago, m rocaiiao. T he M exico# ing 14 asoooda and mads a few final M th* objectionable mother-in-law. It aft* sider the mesas by which laws may ha enforced and govesnmSRt is duirous of having him observation*. I told Ttnhtabimk and marriage it turns out that th* match to m the registration and identification of aerial machine* re tu n e d to Mexico in oeder to pr osa protecting pomibla power sites from Abwelsk, the accompanying ffekimns, all that th* wife’s mother wished for and c u te c barge* against him, and M ia de­ being filed en by private corporations. that w* had reached toe /great nail.’ expected, she usually is anxious that in th* eyes of the carried o u t It to no good making Mure without tho ability to carry clarad Adam will ha killed if deportad. south. world It should appear satisfactory, Sad to this an them into effect. Bran supposing a regular service was Fat Income for Crows. j He enterad witbout paming inapection W ith a tingle step w* oould pass from earnestly and steadfastly she endeavors to show her inaugurated of police patrolling th* air in extra swift Washington, S e p t 1.—Tbe Craw In­ one aide of toe earth to tfaa other; from b y immigration officiala. son-in-law In the most favorable light to outsiders. flyers, they oould seldom follow and catch up trans­ diana will receive $lflt,260 next year to m idnight A t last th* flag Therefore, it the mother-in-law have even ordinary gressors, sines it would not often be possible to oonvey far to* Erasing privileges nn their land Boated to th* braaisa a t th* pole. It Taft Visits oommon sens* she will, tor the love which she bears the information to them In time. There can be no doubt -11 21, i April 2 1908. Th* tam pen Beverly, Maas., Aug. 81.—Tbe q u i n t in Montana, instead of M0 ,000 The ad for the i her daughter, encourage her to do her beet to please tpat an intricate problem to now confronting us regard­ i «nimia 88 centigr ade; barometer little city of Gloucester had the honor i of 29.88; latitade, 90; as for longitude, ing the amending and making of laws to regulate that her husband and to retain his affection. today of entertaining President T aft Ut It sometime* la pitiful to see «.woman’s efforts to pla­ traffic which some of ns believe will soon be darkening h is first public appearance since the having grazing bids opened and con­ it was nothing, as it was bat s word. cate a cantankerous son-in-law. and although when there the sir above our heads. “ Although e n s y w ith joy, our spirits beginning of his vacation. Today the tracts lot in tbia city instead of m the members o f the phgeant committee and Indian reservations, and tbs Crow res­ began to undergo g feeling of weari­ m any other prominent citisene of Glou­ ervation w u too first in whieh tb* inno­ ness. Next day, a fte r taking all oar the young bull reared and whipped hla go bade BOW BT. JO B * WAR BTVWO. cester were invited to toe home of John vation took effect Th* last of thocon- observations, a sentiment i t tatease Ball-Ilk* flippers at me. Luckily the money.“ solitude penetrated os while w* looked H ays Hammond to m ost too president. tracts w u closed today. The Governor pnt th* envelope In guns were stacked so as to form a W IM r-k a tw a K m m u B i-O *v«r»o» a t th* hertaon. Was it poaaibla that M r. Taft, Secretary of the Navy and his pocket and resumed his study of temporary barrier, but unluckily on* Rifle Seng« far Navy.' Pella a P re r to a* Sfearpar. this desolate region, without a patch Mrs. Mayor hnd a half doren others the landscape. Finally he bethought thick paw w u impaled on a bayonet. Washington, S e p t «.—Steps have of earth, had aroused the ambition of ■rare guests of Mr. and Mra. Hammond. John P. St. John, former Governor m t taken by th* Navy departm en t to so many mao far so many centuries? of Kansas, won the brand of the “easy him that th# stranger had never come Hearing In fresh rage, tbs animal back. Then Mr. SL John opened tb* lunged at me with lacredini* speed, Rectifiers Gat Respite. ' h . car* e much-needed small arm s rifie There was no ground, only an immen­ mark“ recently when he “ 1 * 11 “ tor envelope. It contained only two pieces snapped the gun between bis Javelin rang* on th* Pacific e o u t Command- sity of dasxling white snow, no living th« game of a confidence man on th* Washington, S e p t «.—The operation er May bury Johnston w u today ap­ teeth as though If were a straw. I dnt to break th* monotony. I Ro«k Island tra in between Wichita of tissue paper. o f regulations prohibiting rectifiers pointed chairman of a commission to ¡Ming, nò point leaped backward, but slipped. “ On April 88 wo started on ■ our to* and Topeka, says z S t Louis news- MPHT U IO T H * SXA RLBPHAJTT. from making a so-called wine maeh and report on pvailabl* aito*. Although Instantly he clutched at my body, turn.” paphr. As a result he is 846 poorer but missed in th* semi-darkness, lung­ tb*rd* 0 artfi>ant h a s the necessary funds in real perfectly good money, and w ith w*-1* to make to* purchase, it Io n * of the D aas* rt E a tr a a to r tf ed and clutched again, catching my Scientific Value I* High. «inai and table wines, will be post­ would not be surprising if interested much richer In actual experience. right arm in his powerful Jaw. < His Croat tk ( Boll’s Torrlblo J a m . Winnipeg, Man., Sept. S.—Th# Brit­ poned until October 1 aa a result a f an s t a t u and cities on the coast should Mr. 8 L John waa seated in the chair The chief danger attending the kill­ awkwardness enabled ms to regain my order ieeued by the acting commission­ donate ground best suited for tbe de- ish association for the advancement of cHr watching the landscape when a science a t its national meeting showed much-perturbed and hatless man *n- ing eH th* sea elephant is in approach­ feet, but. with a ripping tug, th* e r of internal revenue today. Tbia or­ partroeafajM irpo u . ing too near his terrible Jaws, which animal fastened on to the sleeve of my great interest in the report th a t Dr. «<*d. d er affects the so-called raisin wine In­ are capable of biting in two an Iron heavy skim Jacket, out of which I Cook had reached the Ndrth Pole. Col­ dustry and w u issued aa a result of an Dash for National Guard. The hatlesa man dropped into a seat rod the thickness of one’s finger, says ■lipped Just a i on# of my men drove onel Sir Duncan Johnstone, declared appeal to the secretary of the tre u o ry . * (¿apt. Benjamin D. Cleveland in Hamp­ a harpoon into him J u t above th* Washington, Sept. 1.—Four million the expedition would be of the higheet baaide the Governor. ------ »----- “I waa told,” be said, “that I could ton’s Magazine. The hunter, how­ eye. dollars appropriated by con gres* for scientific value if scientific observations ..if Roosevelt Bends Rats. buy a money order on the train. Now ever, must get pretty close, u the tbs m ilitia has been allotted among the Washington, S e p t «.—Ex-President several s t a t u and territories by Lien- were made by qualified men. C. H. l find that I cannot. I don’t knew thick hide and blubber render the Roosevelt h u shipped to the Smithson­ tenant Colonel W u v e r of tbe general Chisholm, professor of geography at what I am going to do. I must send nntmnl practically impervious to aft Edinburgh university, said magnetic ian institute specie* of moles and rata staff «orp« of the army. Th* gllot- observations th at could be mad* a t the this money to my sister, and I have tack, the only vulnerable point being which ara vaty popolar with institution menta for th* s t a t u and territories, in only a big bunch of small bills It officials. A ra t with two warts on to* round numbers, include the following: pole would likely be among the most won’t do to put them in an envelope.” n spot about tbe else of a walnut above each eye. Careless hunters have at lowar lip w u included in toe shipm ent Idaho, 819,000; Montana. '$18,000; valuable results bf the day. Governor St. John roe* to the bait times got within reach of the brute’s Gentleman (in audience)—I have The government exerts never before Washington, $88,000; Oregon, $81*000. Jos« as if he had never braved the teeth and have escaped only by dex­ enjoyed th* lectors much, sir, and Justice Moody III. knew of a ra t so decorated. Conse­ Haverhill, Mass., Sept. $.—Aeso dangers of such great cities as Topeka terously wriggling from their clothes. have understood it all except a few quently great value to attached to toe Veterans' * 800 * C hoose Atlantic City. I had occulon once to shed my coat technical terms. Will you pleas* tell d a te Justice Moody, of the Supreme id Wichita. particular hide. I t outrank* in worth Washington, S e p t L —Atlantic City, coart of tho United States, was remov­ “I can let you have two twenties,” with great agility, one of tb* smaller me what you mean by the words per­ ‘'th e biggest Mon altin in to* bnnek. N. J ., w u selected today u the place ha said. # beasts having caught me by tbe sleeve. spectiva, fresco and mtckls-anjalo? for holding til* next annual encamp- ed in a police ambulanoe from the Our afternoon kill had been about (Lecturer sits down discouraged.) Th* offer waa accepted. Mr. St. Bradford railroad station to his home Salvador tp Have Ships. . . e s i and Georg* W. Poll it, of Patter- »* forty animals, soma, or which had —Chicago Tribune. hors last night. He appeared to be John produced the two twenties and Washington, S e p t «.—The State m, N. J ., w u elected commander in departm ent h u b u n Informed by ii*f. I t w u dpqjdad to pass o re f un­ helpless daring the transfer from the th* stranger handed over a roll In given me and my four hunters con­ Lee*»* to iM tto r. lag train to tb* ambulance. Justice Moody return. Seeing that he w u dealing siderable trouble. This was mainly “If you refuse me I’ll tabs a revol­ cam* bar*, it to understood, from a due to th* tj-eacberous footing and with a stranger, Mr. St. John care­ tfce'Sons of to n fed« r ite Veterans about to inaugurate a weekly steamship in th* auction of a peace monument In sanitarium in 'New York, where ha has fully counted the contents of the roll. the heavy nature of tbe work, not only ver and blow out my brains.” “Better take a shotgun; you would the pòrto of Acajutla, Washington, ! aervfM ft bitffaen bète M u bean for several weeks, following a He found that it contained seven $1 in killing but In stripping the pon­ never hit them with a revolver.“— short stay i t Hot Springs, Ark. derous bruts» We were anxious to bills and ooe $6 hill. ■ in Salvador, and Salinas Crux, in M< Rooston Poet. Man Given dab. make the afternoon kill an even fifty “Ton have made a mistake.” he * ico. Tb« service ja to begin a raggi Pittsburg Minar* Win. Sept. 8 .—I t Ras , schedai* shoot JUnoary Ï, 1910. ' said. “Thar* to not enough money and nltbt w u fast coming so. Cw! In cutting out two particularly hard i t th a t T »■} Pittsburg, SspL $,—Th# dispute be- hare.“ Ta hoop th# water fra* h and swoeft j i h R u ^ M B p f i ^ f.W w to fle a , twoon «ha minar« and operatore of th* Tbs staangsr, who |n too meantime fighters, a male and female. I had in vases of cut flowers, add to It a ito /' Washington, Sept t - A cablegn Pittsburg distriet, affectlng 18,900 had placed Urn two twenties in an en­ overlooked a young hull partly hidden ■mall Mt of sugar. This la successful Rie We had •van la the case of so« b things aa «asesad q . C ,W ard. Mr. Wart man, w u setti ed tonight a t a eoefer- velope and sealed It, w u *11 apologies. behind an Ice hummock. - been named to suro*« W, . F. WIH ene# bsttassa Un operatore, thè natice­ -"That la a Joke on my wife," he stripped both animal* aad. walking wallflowers. «rosivi, t th* by a* of Porto R la* a l «Beanti«« board of tb* Uaitod Mina­ explained. “She gava me th* roll and ever to the hummock where our guns «■ tetad that As a man grows Man« to# w orken of Amori#* and Praaident told me that that* w u lift la I t Haro, were stacked, 1 was leaning to pick tatter. bussa* L. Lewis. you Just bbld tola envelop* while I mine up whoa, with * bellow af rag*, aiiSiiii“ DI8 EA8 E S .......................... PNEUMONIA — CON ® MOORE tsSLSsas'sf TH E _f f & ^ : EH ffi •.seiSri JSSk» AND ALL THROAT