Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, September 09, 1909, Image 1

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sighted th at they caa’t tell the
differ ence betw een a matt and a
■ait ot clothes, and some women
spend money fo r a nurse to take
care o f the children, w hile «he
com b« the hair o f a poodle dog.
The devil find« no fault w ith the
w om an w ho «ends Her children
on the street to keep them from
w earing oa t the carpet«-”
The Rev. M r. B row n bad much
ad vin a to o ffe r « « to the proper
w a y o f keeping a husband’slove.
“ Remember,” he «aid , "th a t
when the L o rd to o k o a t the
m an’« rib he replaced it w ith
more stomach, and put it near
h i« heart. If you w an t t o keep
a husband “ teed the brute!” An­
other good w a y to make yod r
husband lève you as w ell a « he
did before he m arried ^ou, is to
look as clean and neat n ow as
you did then.”
The county convention o f the
W . C. T . U. workers is over, and
w hile w e so eagerly anticipated
it, only its hallow in g influences
lin ger w ith ns."
W e were entreated from start
to finish to lay all sentim entality
aside and do practical w ork for
th e cattee, Did not its deliber­
ations show us, th a t if w e were
weighed in the balance, w e ’d be
found w an tin g in many respects?
M a y w e n o t bnckel on the
w hole arm or, and fire up to our
privileges. A re w e not robbing
ourselves of m any blessings By
n ot developing the Christian
graces as w e should?
M rs. B row n ’s w ords w ere in­
spiring and should enthuse us to
greater effects and a m ore deter-
minded seal to d o our p art td
m ake the, ‘ ‘m ap w h ite.”
It is n ot only to destroy in­
to x ica tin g drinks th a t W . C. T .
IV s w ork, but to educate* d era te
| < I wish to call your attention to
and nplif^ mankind, especially to
the coming County School P a ir to
rem ove the tem ptations, th a t
be held at M cM innville this fall.
allure the you th o f our land, to
The fa ir last year was a great
?m all vices, th a t degenerate and
success, but w e wish to make it
lead to drink. Only a few days
this year even better than ever,
a g o a nine year old boy confessed
and whether w e succeed or not
t o the officer th a t arrested him,
depends largely upon the teacher.
th a t he learned to steal b y seeing
I f you are interested, it w ill be
-it illustrated a t a m oyingpicture
an 'easy m atter to arouse the
interest* o f your pupils.
W e are ail tem pted in some
w ork that is being carried on in
w a y, some are intem perate in
these industrial fairs is strictly
desire, in thought, or speech or
in line w ith the ‘ ‘N ew Educa­
action . E very one must figh t to
tion.” A t last wa have reached
w in a m astery over sell. So let
the conclusion that hoys and girls
us persevere w ith a definite aim in
should team how to do things.
vie w for this year ‘ ‘to make the
Cooking, sew ing, manual train­
m ap w h ite.” There is an exhil­
in g and gardening is as impor­
a ra tion in a go o d figh t tor %
tant as learning so much geogra­
noble cause, and jo y in overcom ­
phy or arithm etic.
"T o work
in g.
Pres. Supt.
with the hand as wall -as to think
w ith the head” is the educational
motto o f tonday-i I am sure that
you w ill note _ an added interest
There w ill be a modal chicken and pride in ' your school on the
yard at the Oregon State Fair, part o f pupils and parents i f you
Salem, September 18-1&
Out­ m onad in m aking’ a creditable
side o f the poultry building, in ex h ib it ‘ Do not w ait another
the shade o f an oak tree, there day to begin fo r it is im portant
w ill be a colony house w ith a that this work be taken up at
fenced yard enclosing tw o dozen once ih order to g et the best
Plym outh Rocks. The house w ill results. P rize lists w ill be sent
be o f approved style, suited to out later. I f you have any ques­
most farm conditions, and every tions to ask concerning the Fair,
farm er interested in poultry please feel fre e to w rite to me.
Yours sincerely,
keeping w ill do wall to study it.
H. H. B e l t .
Th e flock o f Plym outh Rocks w ill
be one o f the best in the state.
A New Way to Can Tomatoes.
A d join in g this w ill be a small
coop which serves the purpose o f
Last summer I tried a new
a hatching house, a brooding method o f canning tomatoes, and
house, and a colony grow ing it proved so satisfactory that I
house fo r chicks.
This w ill be want to pass it on.
Scald and
fitted up fo r hatching the chick­ peel the tomatoes as usual. • Have
ens. Another coop o f the same the cans sterilized, place the raw
kind w ill show how the house is tomatoes in them whole, pour in
used fo r brooding t the chicks. boiling „w ater to fill the cans,
T w o hens w ith about fifty chicks running a knife around in the
w ill demonstrate the use o f the cans, so that all the crevices are
These houses and ap­ filled, then put on the cover.
pliances are intended to represent Place the cans in a boiler orlargs
the equipment necessary fo r vessel, pour in boiling w ater till
successful poultry keeping. This it reaches the neck o f the can,
is a new feature o f the fa ir which put the lid on the boiler, wrap it
should prove in stru ctive as w ell with a blanket or rug, and leave
as attractive to visitors. It is until the w ater is cold, which
planned by the poultry depart­ w ill be next morning. The cans
ment o f the Oregon Agricultural are then ready to put away. I
C ollege.
^ t , ^ * ;*r , did not lose a can out o f fo rty
When the cans were
opened, the tomatoes w ere whole
“ T p o m any men are paying and firm enough to slice easily,*—
’ good m oney fo r rosew ood coffins, Woman’s Hom e Companion fo r
tuberose w reaths and flow ry September.
anchors th a t should be spent tor
hired g irls.”
This wns one d f thft m any epi­
F riday, September 16th, W ill
gram s th at came from the Kcv. be M issionary Day a t ftie teat,
Elijah, “ K h i u ’ s H orn” Brow n, m F irst street mad D ayton Rood,
on “ W atching the where gospel Services are being
W orld Go Round” a t the new held every night. Services a t 10
a. m. and 8 and 7:30p. m. Mrfe.
E lla S. M elody, 'from Portland,
w ho has been a m issionary for
fifteen years ih P o rt Said» E g y p t,
and other places w ill be present
in the afternoon and evening and
w ill deliver the addresses. v Tbe
public is cordially invited t o a t­
tend these meetings.
Feed the Brute,” Says Brown.
|; Miss V im a Humke o f JiHlsboro
proved herself a heroine during
an excitin g encounter w ith a
cougar near Netarta, Wednesday,
A u g., 25, and by tier skill w ith h
rifle and presence o f mind prob­
ably prevented «p lea su re excur-
sion ending in a tragedy.
A tetter received by M rs L M.
Humke this week gives ttip par-
. •
m . % A w *•
W « ff’ __ L V l* ? _ il J
ticulars o f the affair.' Mias Virna
is one o f a party cam ping at
N etarta and on tfie m orning to
question, accompanied J>y M u#
Rose, her a ster, her brothers,
George and Kenneth, and O. G.
and »W ard W ilks«, started to
visit the ligh t house a t Gaps
M ea t««, about five m iles distan t
A fte r coverin g about three, mites
o f the distance the party paused
to re s t and white seated on «a
«kilftil in prayer, in faith, and in
pd work«?
la there not a way for parent* to
dn their children, ao that the pro r u m
b bo realised with absolute certainty
Joel 228 “ Your aons and your
lighter« ahaD prophesy?”
Which la the more deeirable, to have
ion, or a daughter, noted for apirit-
lity and aoul saving, or for money
Keraee 11-12— Did tide noted prophet
tabus (SoaAeta 1127-21) join with
l rest of the saints hi saying, that tee
Hj Spirit told th«m, that Paul ought
t to go te Jerusalem?”
[» there any way to consistently aup-
ie that both parties to this loving
itrovsny wore right?
luppoee Agabus and the others wore
ht in persuading Paul not. to go te
rusalem, but that Paul still thought
ought to go. what would he Paul’s
ty in the circumstances?
If a good nian says he has s message
m God for us, are We under obliga-
3 to obey whether our judgment may
icur or not?
ferae« 13-17—Cen you recall in all
tory a greater example o f fortitude
I bravery than here displayed by
¡Paper 2/our W alls
Nothing better in the city.
j$ h n M ., Orchards; ,Wm. H ..
Albany; James T ., Newberg; An­
drew J., Sherwood; M ovdecai,
K lam ath Falls; and six sisters,
Julia A. Bryan. DUky; M arth a B.
Young, Laurel; Lourinda Ada-
fine H ill, K lam ath F alls; Sarah
jE.Joaea, Salem; M a ry J. C art-
return the follow in g day to gat. fright, M onroe; Helen O. Davis,
the hide.— Independent
Portland. 'Interm ent was made
. .. . rT - .
in the Everest cem etery a t New-
Prune picking begins full blast
next week.
C, Jacobsen has finished his
Jno. St. Germain made a busi­
Journey.—Act« 21:1-17.
ness trip to Portlan d the first o f
Golden Text—The »rill o f the Lord be the week.
done. Acts 21114.
M rs. Lars.’ Christianson has
V e n e « 1-S—Where w u Peul bound
relatives from M innesota visit­
lor? V-H
. ’•
Had Paul dearly received Divine in g them.
instructions to go to Jerusalem or was
The sale o f the personal proper­
he simply gratifying his own desires?
o f W. R. C arter takes place
(See Acts 20:16, 22-28.)
I f a devoted man has a longing to go next Saturday.
to s'place, or to do a thing, is it safe
Ben Hodson, o f Am boy, In­
for him to conclude that the longing is
diana, came home w ith E. Ridge­
of God?
w ay, from his travels through
Because there ia danger invloved in
and Texas.
a journey, or an enterprise, in connec­
tion with our religion, should we allow
M r. C. X . Larribee and sons,
our chivalry alone to be the incentive Charlie aod Neddie visited Sun­
for us to undertake it?
day w ith his uncle, Chancellor
Ia there any ground for the opinion
and fam ily. *
that good men have sometimes rushed
unnecessarily into danger?
Verse**. I f Christians have to tarry
in a town should they hunt up the fol­
lowers of Jesus?
The advertisem ent o f
I f these disciples were told “ through Capital
Business College, o f
the Spirit” that Paul should not go up
Salem, Oregon, appears in this
to Jerusalem why did he not heed them?
If there is no record that Psal had a issue o f the Graphic. This school
direct call frota God to go up to Jaru- was established in 1889 with
sslem; would that, taken in connection some four or five pupils attend­
with what these disciples said, indicate ance.
It has grown steadily
that Paul was doing wrong in going?
under the direction o f W. L
Is there danger that good men may
be led by pious impulses, to do unwise Staley, who has been at ils head
things, which they could be saved from ever, since its establishment, ex­
if they waited to cool off, and to get cepting the first year, until now
the mind of God?
If it should prove that Paul whs .
wrong in going te Jerusalem, which
finally lad to Ms martyrdom, would that
ih any way lessen our respect for him.
or lessen his influence upon the world? th is School.
Vereea 5-7-Should thd children a l - t o b e n
ways be taken to church and t6 all
m en,
F all and W inter Millinery
F riday Afternoon and
Saturday, Sept. JOtH and 1 1th
G R E G O R Y S IS T E R S .
= = = = =
H A N N O N = -
- —- ——
A G U N , Fishing fmckle. Base Ball, Sporting Good« of any
kind, a good Bteyelu—n«w or second-hand— pocket knife,
or razor? Or do you wish something repaired, or made
over? I f you do, call on us and we’ll do the rest.
T H E O . S T . PIE R R E
T™««, tr
when biding good bye te one another on
the wharf, or at the railway station»»
M a fl
feel as free to get down on ‘their knees
and pray, as they are to stand and
Leora Fa
shake hands? ^
td Curtis V
Why is it that Christians are not it
p .
willing to be seen talking to God. o f . r .
preying, on the street, a « they are to v rarK r' rotr
be seen talking to their fellows?
< a
M . F lo r a
Verse* 8-S -W h o was Philip, and foe t o G u v E . 1
what one thing la he diatinguiahed in
this gospel story?
* >
J tth « M . .
Should Christian parents train their Jesse Alley,
Prepares young peoplo fo r bookkeepers, stenographers, corres­
pondents and general office work. The development o f the North­
west w ill afford openings for thousands in the next few years.
P r e p a r e now.