Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, May 27, 1909, Image 6

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N ew sy
irons uaniereQ ironi
Farts of tte Vartd. ,1
L u t Important but N ot Loaa Intar*
•sting Happenings from Points
Outeid« the State.
The British war seat« against Ger­
many is condemned as hysteria.
French seamen have gone on strike,
tieing np shipping at all the principal
The government has disproved the
charges that Heney is in its pay while
prosecuting grafters.
A b ig Eastern syndicate is said to be
preparing to operate a string o f SO dry
goods stores in the West.
A San Francisco chemist claims to
have discovered a method o f making
whiskey non-intoxicating, but exhiliar-
Evidence is being gathered that ex­
plorers from Sweden came to America
in 1862, more than a century before
I t is said that the reforms demanded
by Great Britain and the United States
have not been pot into effect in the
Congo Free State.
The Criminal court o f Veenesuela
has dismissed the charge agminet ex-
Preeident Castro o f complicity in a plot
to murder President Goman.
aider legislation aside from the tariff
measure, many river and harbor im­
provements are being held up, indod-
ia g those o f the Northwest.
France has decided to materially in­
crease her navy.
A change in lumber duties is likely
to be adopted by the senate.
The bill against b ig hats has been
rejected by the Illinois legislature.
Prominent N ew Yorkers have been
indicted fo r coal land frauds in Wyom­
Abdul Hamid is said to have tu n ed
over $5,000,000 more to the Turkish
Celeatino Castro, brother o f the de­
posed president o f Venezuela, has been
ordered to leave Curacoa.
Great Britain w ill start construction
on four more Dreadnoughts before the
close o f the present fiscal year.
Jap strikers on the Hawaiian planta­
tions are to invade Honolulu and par­
I t is estimated there w lil be
from 3,00 to 4,000 in line.
T a ft
Charles D. E lliott, o f the Minnesota
Supreme court, as a justice o f the Su­
preme court o f the Philippines.
B ailw ay freigh t troubles have just
Actions are to be commenced
against roads operating into Pacific
coast terminals demanding the same
treatment as Spokane.
D E M O N 8 TR A T E “ M O O N S H IN IN Q "
Fair Exhibitors Will Resist Efferts to
Deface Grounds With 8hops.
Reconstructed Illicit Still to Be Shown
•t Beattie Fair.
Seattle, Wash., May 86.— W ar to a
finish with a * appeal to the courts,
through injunction proceedings, i f ne­
cessary, was decided upon Sunday by
the A . Y . P. exhibitors who are re­
sisting the efforts o f the exposition
company to erect booths on grounds al
ready allotted to various states, Ore­
gon being the first to precipitate the
fight against the unseemly disfigura­
tion o f its beautiful grounds.
T o carry this determination into
effect, an organization to be known as
the Exhibitors' dub, was formed at
the Oregon building.
Colonel J..A.
Filcher, executive commissioner for
California, waa
chairman, and W. H. Wehrung, presi­
dent o f the Oregon commission, was
elected secretary.
Attorney General
Crawford, who had been summoned to
advise the Oregon commission as to its
rights in the controversy, took the po­
sition that the exposition authorities
bad no right to erect booths on the
Oregon grounds, or on any othe/
grounds assigned to different states,
counties and the government. Encour­
aged by this view o f the situation a
resolution was unanimously adopted at
the meeting firmly protesting against
locating any booths kon kanyj grounds
without permission.
Meanwhile the exposition authorities
are standing pat and say they w ill
erect the 100 booths planned.
promise to incur as little friction as
possible, but declare their authority is
supreme, and they must have their
w a y .l Should the Exhibitors’ club be
upheld in the courts, and it now seems
sure the case w ill reach the courts, it
w ill devolve upon the exposition au­
thorities to establish a special place
fo r the booths, as the exposition au­
thorities themselves declare that the
booths should not be installed in the
court o f honor, thus marring that
bright feature o f the grounds.
In a romantic gulch near the Pay
Streak o f the Alaska-Yukon-Paciflc ex
position, in a place shaded by lo fty lira
end hidden by a dense growth o f vine
maples and yellow broom, w ill be found
a typical "w ild -c a t" still.
This pest
o f the mountain revenue officers w ill
be reconstructed from a still destroyed
in the Tennessee mountains years ago,
and the battered copper kettles and
rusted worm w illjtgain be mooted for
N o corn, however, w ill be boiled into
the " o i l o f jo y ’ ’ in the exposition
"w ild -c a t;” only'the operation show­
ing how it used to be w ill be demon­
strated. A ll the settings o f the illic it
distiller have been gathered from the
high hills o f Kenucky and Tennessee,
end the corn w ill be shelled, the fires
kept np and tha trail watched by a
bunch o f long boarded gentlemen,
grown grey in practicing their unsanc­
tioned profession.
The’ arsenal o f weapons o f offenss is
made up largely o f Winchester 44s, but
scattered within easy reach w ill be
seen the long barreled squirrel gun
with which "Grand Pap” got meat fo r
the fam ily, and incidentally made new
jobs fo r governmental
aspirants. The "w ild -catter” repre­
sents s class unable to withstand the
encroachments o f certain brands o f
progress, and hia once highly respected
calling has fallen into ill repute and
the operator o f the mountan still Is no
longer looked upon as a prominent eiti-
W IL L 8 P E N D M IL L IO N S .
Eastern Capitalists Said to Be ' Inte­ O. R. A N. Company Gives Out Plans
fo r Extensive Improvements.
rested in C ove Bey Project.
Marshfield— The terms o f the fran­
chise granted to J. H. Somers and J.
F. Clark fo r an electric railroad on the
county roads have been made public.
The commissioners have given them
the privilege o f choosing between the
road from M yrtle Point to Rose burg or
the Coos bay wagon road from Sumner
to Myrtle P o in t The franchise pro­
vides that those receiving the franchise
must select one o f the tw o routes and
begin work o f construction within six
months and hsvs half o f the line com­
pleted within eighteen months, and all
completed within Coos county in two
The same parties promoted the
efforts o f the Coquille M ill A Merest)
tile company at Coquille in securing a
franchise for s road through that city.
Somers and Clark hava not y et di­
vulged their plana further than to state
that outside capital w ill be interested.
N ew O regon Law Is Misunderstood
in Umatilla County.
Pendleton— From present indications
there is to be much trouble relative to
the payment o f bounties on coyotes
when the new law goes into effect.
Though the new law doea not operate
until May 22. all coyotes killed since
February 1 are subject to bounty.
Hundreds o f the destructive animals
have been killed in this county since
that date and the trouble is to come
from these scalps.
Copies o f the law have been received
and it has been discovered fo r the first
time that all four feet, as wall as the
scalp, must be attached to each hide,
aixkit is this provision that has been
disregarded by the killers.
hundreds o f hides are ready to be pre­
C U T G O V E R N M E N T E X PE N S E 8
sented the day the law goes into effect,
it is not believed that more than a score
T a ft's Policy o f Economy Being Car­ o f them have the claws attached.
ried Out in A ll Departments.
Rogue Bridged at Woodville.
Washington, May 25. — Secretary
Medford— The court o f Jackson coun­
M eyer has cat off $10,000,000 in N avy
ty has ordered construction o f a new
department estimates fo r the next fis­ ■teel bridge serosa the Rogue river at
cal year. This is a sample o f what Woodville, below Gold H ill, which w ill
may be expected on the pert o f other open s large agricultural district adja­
cent to W oodville but aeroas the river.
cabinet officials.
The trade o f this section has hithsrto
I t may not be possible to reduce ex­ been diverted to Grants Pass but now
penditures in all departments to as no­ the little city w ill g et all o f the trade
ticeable a degree as in those pertaining o f that section. A planing mill, a box
to the army and navy branches o f the factory and a brick yard have recently
m ilitary service, but the thing that been added to the industries o f Wood-
w ill be accomplished in ell directions ville and work has just started on a
is a more intelligent idea o f the rela­ large brick scboolbouse.
tions between, or rather harmonising
Into Orchard.
of, estimates and'appropriations.
the prim itive
Secretary o f the Treasury MscVeagh
expects to have in hand by June 1 esti­ foreet to a field o f 50 acres planted to
mates o f all beads o f departments. th rifty pear trees, apple trees and To­
Between then and the time fo r the kay grapes is s task that has just been
meeting o f congress in regular session accomplished by W. B. Sherman, o f
Just a
in December, painstaking study and this place, w ithia five weeks.
investigation with a view to ascertain­ little over a month ago thia same 60-
ing the exact requirement o f various acre tract waa studded w ith pine, fir
bureaus embraced in different depart­ and underbrush. Today the improve­
ments, or just what work each is per­ ments placed thereon have increased
form ing and a detailed analysis o f re­ thia property three-fold in value. The
sults as compared to expense involved, tract o f land in question lies up the
river near Tokay Heights, and is with­
w ill be carried on.
in plain view o f town.
Every employe o f the Standard Oil
company suspended work tw o boors
during the funeral o f H. H. Rogers,
Two-Day Festival at Lebanon.
vice president o f the company.
Lebanon— The committee appointed
Santo Domingo Republic in Throes o f by the Lebanon Business Men’s league
are 67,000 on the payroll.
Another 8trife.
to make arrangements fo r the Lebanon
W heat has reached $1.80 at Chicago
strawberry fa ir has announced that
and $1.58 at Cincinnati.
revolutionary movement is spreading. Friday and Saturday, June 4 and 5,
A controlling interest in the SL
General Camacho, the ex-governor have been decided upon as the dates
P u l Pioneer Frees has been sold to the
o f Monte Chriati, who la working in for thia festival. The committee has
S L P u l Dispatch.
unison with General Quirito Felice fo r invited the ladies o f Lebanon and v i­
W illiam Adler, the N ew Orleans the overthrow o f the government, has cinity to join with them and have a
bank wrecker, has been given six years attacked and seized Guayabin and Da- rose festival at the time o f the fair.
in the penitentiary.
jabon, which are on the Haytian fron­ I t was also decided to hold s horse
show at the same time. The horse ex­
More Jap laborers on H a w a iiu tier, the Dajabon river being the north­
hibition w ill occur Saturday afternoon,
plantations have gone on strike u d west boundary between H ayti and the
June 5.
6,000 men are now involvled.
There has been fighting between the
Complaints Against Rates.
The Philippine general assembly has revolutionists and the loyal forces at
passed a resolution declaring in favor Monte Christi.
Salem— D. B. Lhamberlen, of Cot­
o f th e independence o f the islands.
The fate o f Jose Bordas, governor o f tage Grove, s poultry raiser, has filed
Allen Parker, a member o f the B rit­ Puerto Plata, is not known, but i t . is an informal complaint with the r a il
ish parliament declares that the race reported he is either dead or a prisoner. road commission in which he charges
Communications are interrupted, and that the rates on fancy poult-# and
to build dreadnaughts is crazy u d sin­
troops are expected to eggs enforced by the Southern Pacific
are prohibitive. M. C. Smith asks that
h the disaffected districts by
Evidence is being secured at Chicago
the Southern Pacific be compelled to
that various labor leaders called strikes
construct a sm ill freigh t shed at
in order to levy blackmail on employ-
W ilker, • flag station on the Southern
Lisbon. May 25.— The dispute be­ Pacific, toward the southern pert o f
Tbe members o f the Turkish cham­ tween Portugal end China over the the state.
possession o f the dependencies o f Macao
ber o f deputies have taken oath to sup­
become acute. The Portugese gov­
Presbyterians Plan Big Meat.
port the new sultan and uphold the con­
ernment is sending General Joee Mach­
Interest in the Presbyterian Brother­
ado to induce Chine to come to an ami­
Mrs. Longstreet, widow o f the C ivil cable agreement, notwithstanding the hood convention in Portland June 8 and
A banquet w ill be
w ar general, was awakened by a burg­ fa ct that the government has received 9 is increasing.
o f the convention,
lar. She took six shots at him, wound­ word that China absolutely refuses to
the second day being devoted to ad­
in g the man.
enter into negotiations with the Portu­
dresses and conferences by leading lay­
C a stellu e ha lost his appeal to gain gese delegates unless Portugal an­ men o f the state. The convention w ill
custody o f his children.
close the second evening with s mass
neighboring islands.
meeting addressed by officers o f the
Funds are being raised fo r a $100,-
National Brotherhood.
000 statue o f Grover Cleveland.
Dreadnaughts to Grow.
London, May 25.— Reginald McKen­
A p lu has hem presented to the
Face Potato Famine.
British parliament fo r the care o f the na, first lord o f the admiralty, in reply­
Marshfield— Coos county is facing a
ing to criticisms on the government’s potato famine and it is expected that
Three Nevada men tried to send their naval policy, said today that the bat­ the prices w ill soar higher and reaeh
mother to the insane asylum in order tleships to be built under this year’ s the record mark in this locality. There
program woo Id be at least 80 per cent ere practically no old potatoes obtain­
to g et her money.
superior to their immediate predeces­ able and dealers are offering as high
M u y moneyed men o f the East are sors. In what way that superiority is
as 2 cents s pound*. The shortage is
visitin g the Northwest in search for to be obtained has not been entirely
not confined to Coos county but the
suitable investments.
disclosed, but at least two o f the im­ district in general is affected.
provements to be introdoeed have been
Authorities o f Westminster abbey,
made known.
Willamette to Get 8tadh<m.
London, have refused to allow the
Pendleton— That Willamette univer­
body o f George Meredith to be placed
U. P. O rders IOO Engines.
sity, at Salem, is soon to have the larg­
Dunkirk, N . Y ., May 26.— I t is re­ est athletic stadium in the Northwest,
$6,000 from ported that the Union Pacific railroad and that it is sure to become the center
has placed an order for 100 engines for intercollegiate and interscholastic
Cairo, N eb., Stete bank.
with the American Locomotive com­ meets, is tbs statement gives out here
• being held end the
pany and that they w ill be built at the by President Homan, when in Pendle­
thought to be pert o f
and Brooks plants.
ton recently.
Salem— According to evidence intro­
duced before the commission in the
Eastern Oregon grain ratee investiga­
tion, the Or*got) Railway A Navigation
company contempla toe the expenditure
o f more then $8,600,000 during the
next year, beginning June 1.
mony to this affect was offered by the
railroad company to show that a reduc­
tion o f the rates at this tim e would be
The largest item in the detailed
statement presented is that o f the
bridge across the W illam ette river at
Portland, fo r which plans have been
perfected. Thia structure is to cost
the railorad company $1,250,000. The
next largest item is fo r straightening
the track end eliminating curves be­
tween The Dalles and Coyote, $1,000,-
The statement also includes the pur­
chase o f more depot ground at The
Dalles at s coat o f $71,000; ground fo r
and the construction o f s roundhouse et
Pendleton to coat • total o f $48,000; a
new station and additional grounds at
Baker C ity to cost $88,000. The other
items include straightening track and
ballasting the main line and improving
branch lines. The entire amount a g ­
gregates $8,628,788 86.
The hearing is the final one in regard
to the grain rates which have engaged
so much o f the time o f the commission
for,the past 12 months. I t w ill prob­ Union Pacific Overland Limited Held
Up Near Omaha.
ably be some time before the result o f
the hearings w ill be known.
Omaha, Neb., May 24.— Four masked
men held up and robbed Union Pacific
Buy Jackson Tim ber Road.
passenger train No. 2, known aa the
Medford— W ith the sale o f the Paci­ Overland Lim ited, a fe w miles west o f
fic A Eastern railroad to J. R. Allen, the city just before midnight Saturday
o f New York, during the pest week, night, end secured seven mail seeks,
the hopea o f Southern Oregon residents believed to have contained a large
that the road be extended to the timber quantity o f registered mail.
belt northeast o f this city above Butte
They »vidently got on the train at
Falls have risen tremendously, and some point west o f here.
The holdup
realty values in the country along the occurred about five miles wsst o f the
line o f the proposed extension have city limits, in • deep cut along the re­
ede a corresponding increase.
I t cently constructed Lane cut-off.
seems that at laat the road is to be
The robbers climbed over the tank
completed, and with its completion and forced the engineer to stop his
one o f the largest standing timber train, and then proceeded to the mail
belts in the Northwest, as y et un­ tar. The clerks were forced to open
touched by the woodman’ s axe, w ill be the door and hand out seven pouches o f
made accessible.
registered mail.
Once they secured the bags, the rob­
Ontario Demands Action.
bers hurried sway in s southerly direc­
Ontario— Protesting against the ac­
tion, and permitted the train to pro­
tion o f private interests who have filed ceed. The passengers were not molest­
on water rights in the Owyhee river
ed, and as soon as the robbera le ft the
without taking active steps to reclaim scene o f the hold-up the train came to
the land, representatives o f the Com­ thia city.
mercial club, o f Ontario, Weiser, Pay­
The chief mail clerk was singled out
ette end Vale, met in this city and for­ by the robbers and ordered to point out
warded a petition to the Oregon end tbe registered mail.
This he did,
Idaho delegations in congress urging end the robbers gathered up seven
an early commencement o f the Malheur pouches. The leader then remarked:
irrigation project. There are approxi­
"T h is is ell we can g e t into our au­
mately 145,000 seres o f fertile land in tomobile.”
this districL
Freewater Realty Active.
Freewater— Sales o f real estate have
been active this week, Hall and Korts
having sold 11 seres o f a lfalfa land at
$200 an sere fo r Nelson Allen to Miss
Grundry, o f Boston. Mass.: 40 a<-res o f
a lfalfa land from Harry Badgero to J.
Adrain, for $5,000, and nine seres o f
fru it land from W. F. Korts to J. J.
Gauner at $300 an acre. Fred Moreley
has sold bis livery barn in Freewater
to J. Usher, o f W alls W alls. Fruit is
lool^inS good.
Fruits— Apples, 66c®$2.60 per box;
strawberries, Oregon, 12)4e per pound.
Potatoes— $1.76(8)2 per hundred.
Vegetables— Turnips, $1.26 per sack;
carrots, $1.25; parsnips, $1.60; beets,
$1.75; horseradish, 10c per pound; as­
paragus, Oregon, 75c®$l. 25 per dozen;
lettuce, head, 20®50c per dozen; on­
ions, 12)4@15c per dosen; radishes,
16®20e per dosen; rhubarb, 2<6$3c per
Wheat— Bluestem milling, $1.80®
1.85; club, $1.20; valley, $1.17; red
Russian, $1.17)4@1.20.
Corn— Wbole, $35 per ton; cracked,
$36 per ton.
Barley— Feed, $34.50 per ton.
Oats— No. 1 white, $41 per ton.
Hay— Timothy, W illam ette valley,
$140)18 per ton; Eastern Oregon, $18
® 20; clover, $11®12; alfalfa, $13®
14; grain hay, $18®14; chest, $14®
14.60; vetch, $14.@14.50.
Butter— City creamery, extras, 28c;
fancy outside creamery, 27®28c; store,
Butter fa t prices average 1)4
cents per pound under regluar butter
Eggs— Oregon ranch, 24®26c per
Poultry— Hens, 15)4® 16c; broilers,
28@S0c; fryers, 22® 26c; roosters
10c; ducks, 14®15c; geese, 1 0 ® llc ;
turkeys, 20c; squabs, $2.60®3 per
Veal— Extras. 8 ® 8 )4 e; ordinary, 7
@ 7 )4 c; heavy, 6®6)4c.
Pork— Fancy, 10c per pound.
Hops— 1909 contract. 9c; 1908 erop,
8 ® 8 )4 c; 1907 crop, 8® 4c; 1906 crop,
l)4 c .
Wool— Eastern Oregon, 1 6 ® 21c;
valley, fins, 24c; medium, 23c; coarse,
22c; mohair, choice, 24®26c.
Cattle— Steers, top, $ 6 .6 0 ® 5.76;
fa ir to good, $6®6.26; common to me­
dium, $4.60®4.76; cows, top,' $4.25®
4.50; fa ir to good, $8.76®4.26; com­
mon to medium, $2.60®8.60; bulls and
stags, $3®3.60; common, $2®2.75.
Hogs— Best, $7.600)7.76; fa ir to
id, $7.25®7.60; sto c k s», $6®6.50;
ina fate, $6.767.
8heap— Top wethers, $44.60; fa ir
to good. $8.60® 4; ewes, )4c less on
ell gradee; yearlings, beat, $4.60; fa ir
to good, $4®4.26; spring lambs, $6®
6 . 10 .
H A 8 N EW F O R M U L A .
Major Nichols is Successful in C olor
Photography Experiments.
Spokane, Wash., May 24.— Major
Nichols, U. S. A ., o f Fort W right, a
veteran student o f photography, has
been successful in reproducing colors
by developing tbe negative with
formula o f his own.
For years he has devoted considera­
ble attention to color photography and
has studied tbe discoveries o f Lumiere,
o f France, founder o f the system. Hs
recently sent to New York for some o f
the Lumiere plates, which have met
with little success by the photographers
o f the country.
” 1 tried e little experiment o f my
own, with tbe result that I have been
able to produce some negatives which
•how the colors o f the object in detail,”
•aid Major Nichols this morning.
Hs showed some pistes which ware
taken on tbe m ilitary grounds and con­
tained the most minute detail in color­
" M y aide line is devoted to the mak
ing o f lantern slides,” continued the
major, “ end it is my intention to take
e quantity o f plates o f this kind to the
Islands in August and to devote consid­
erable o f my spare time to Disking
pictures o f tropical scenery.”
Big Mine Fire Spreads.
Tamaqus, Pa., May 24.— Despite the
fact that hundreds o f thousands o f dol­
lars hsvs been spent in an endeavor to
extinguish the fire burning for 60 hours
in the Lehigh Canal and. N avigation
company’s mine et Summit H ill, the
fire is spreading toward the Spring tun­
nel workings, and 80 o f the Reading
company’s carpenters and masons were
sent from tbe Ashland district to aid in
erecting concrete walls to check the
spread o f tbe flames. I t may be neces­
sary to fill the shafts with water in
order to continue the battle.
Honduras 8snds Apology.
El Paso, Texas, May 24.— Official -in­
formation has been received here that
one o f the more recent causes o f fric ­
tion between the republics o f Mexico
end Honduras, ths violation o f tbe
Mexiran consulate at Teguicagalpa, a
few weeks ago by Honduran soldiers,
has been smoothed sway.
Datvilla, o f Honduras, has apologised
to Mexico for the set o f his soldiers.
The Honduran troops invaded tbe Mex­
ican consulate to arrest a fu gitive.
Porto Ricans C ool O ff.
San Jusn, R. R., May 24.— Tbs full
text o f President T a ft’s special mes­
sage to congress on Porto Rican affairs
has been received by mail, and after
reading it carefully, the Republican
leaders praise it highly aa a states­
manlike document.
U -
A 'CM # « «
Roafi Ordered to M l Tickets to
East and Vest ita Portland.
O b jects'to Joint Traffic With Hsrri-
man Lines, Which A rs Required
to Maks Like Concessions.
Washington, May 22.— The first de­
cision in ths Portland gateway case is
in favor o f opening, but this la only
tha beginning o f what promisee to be
a long oontosL In a decision rendered
by Mr. Prouty the Interstate Com­
merce commission today ordered the
Harriman linee and tbe Northern P a ­
cific to join in tbe sale o f through tick­
ets and the through checking o f bag­
gage between Eastern and Pacific
coast points via Portland. Chairman
Knapp and EL EL Clark dissent from
the decision.
Tbe commission sustains the com­
plaint against the Northern Pacific fo r
refusing to sell through tickets via
Portland to points on the Union Pa­
cific and Chicago A Northwestern, in­
cluding Omaha, Kansas C ity and Chi­
cago, and sustains also the complaint
against the Chicago A Northwestern,
Union Pacific, Oregon Short Line and
Oregon Navigation company fo r refus­
ing to sell through tickets v is Portland
to points in Washington.
By the terms o f the decision, which
is highly important to the tra velin g
public and to the Western and North­
western railroads, the Northern Pacific,
tbe Union Paciific linee and the Chica­
go A Northwestern'railway are ordered
to join in tbe sale o f through passenger
tickets between Seattle and other
points in the Pacific Northwest and
Eastern destinations, via Portland, Or.,
and to accord through facilities, like
the checking o f baggage, over thia
The commission found in the present
ease that a substantial part o f the en­
tire body o f travelers moving between
these points in tbe Northwest and
Eastern destinations reasonably destra­
to travel via Portland, and that there­
fore the commission has jurisdiction t o
open that gateway.
I t is also held that public interest
requires that this gateway shall be
opened; but that tbe terms under which
that service is rendered should bo ju st
as between the carriers themselves.
The commission was also o f the opinion
that the through rates via Portland
should be the seme as those in effect
via the Northern Pacific and its present
connections, but no opinion is express­
ed touching a division o f these rates.
The decision orders first, that the
Middle W est linea complained o f and
the Northern Pacific shell establish be­
fore July 1, 1909, and maintain in
force thereafter for not lees than two-
yesrs, through rentes and joint rates
between Chicago, Council Bluffs and -
Colorado common points via Portland
and points in Washington between
Portland and Seattle, including the let­
ter, the joint rates to be the same aa
the joint rates contemporaneously in
effect between said points via the
Northern Pacific and its connections.
Second, the carriers named are order­
ed to establish before July 1, jo in t
rates and through routes fo r passengers
and baggage from points on the North­
ern Pacific vis Portland to Omaha, Kan­
sas City, Chicago and other Union Pa­
cific and Chicago A Northwestern
I t is understood authoritatively that
it is the intention o f the Northern ¡ Pa­
cific, in connection perhaps with other
roads, to seek an injunction restrain­
ing the commission from patting its
order into e ffe c t Should such an in­
junction be granted, it would prevent
the enforcement o f the order during tbe
period o f the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific ex­
position et Seattle, as it is estimated
that it would require many months fo r
the courts finally to determíne the case
on its merits.
Ksrmit Haro o f Boaters.
Nairobi, British East A frica , May
22.— Theodore Roosevelt and his eon
Kerm it are having good hunting luck
on the Juja ranch o f George McMillan.
Their, bag includes s water buck, an
impalk and fither varieties o f antelope.
Tbe expedition has now a total o f 60
specimens, representing 20 different
species. Mr, Roosevelt has killed a
python. Kermit, on a recent trip, des­
patched a leopard at a distance o f six
paces. The animal already had mauled
a beater, and was charging K erm it
when killed.
T w o Unions to Units.
Spokane, May 22.—-“ I t is probable
that working agreements w ill be made
by the Western Federation o f Miners
and the United Mineworkers o f Am er­
ica,” stated C. H. Moyer, president o f
the Western Federation o f Miners, who
is here tonight
” I t is not probable
that they w ill unite, as their fields o f
usefulness ars different
In spite o f
•il reporte, the next convention o f the
Federation w ill show that it is strong­
er than ever.”
Explosion Fires Forest.
■ Pittsburg, May 22.— One thousand
pounds o f powder In the wheels mills
o f the Oriental plant o f tbe Dupont
Powder company located at Pairshance,
Pa., exploded late last n ig h t
N o one
waa injured, but the plsat was «r e c k ­
ed, windows shattered fo r several miles
•boat, and the
italn woods sat on
fire. I
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