QUEEN PA TEN T LEW IS & C LA R K Highest market price Paid for Hay, Grain, Potatoes, Etc. j B oth ph on es C ity Free D elivery THAT NEEDS REPAINTING OR FOR YOUR W H I l i G a s S to v e s, R a d ia to r s , and other articles for w hich you need a heat' or cold-resisting, high gloss paint, L O W E BROTH ERS C A R R IA G E G L O S S P A I N T Is known to be best. It has been tested for years, and always with success. • Beautiful colors; easily applied; dries quickly and very bard with varaish-gtoss finish; costa but a trifle For Sale at J. B. Mount’s Something to “ Lean On and visible means o f practical support is a good, sub­ stantial bank account. Once you have a good balance at your banker’ s, you do not care how things go, be­ cause you feel independent. And the only way to get a bank account is to save, and save, and acquire riches by patient thrift We can help you do this by taking care o f your savings and paying you a good interest thereon. Do not delay, but start saving at once. B. C. MILES, Pres. J. C. COLCORD, Cashier J. L. HOSKINS, Vice Pres W . E. CROZER, Asst. Cashier A1 Willis is building a small cottage near the railroad in the north part ot town. Miss Lola Kaufman has en­ gaged to teach in the Spring- brook school next year. Miss Margaret Inglis left this morning to occupy her new house out at Newport for the summer. On Monday Claude Cummings commenced work on a cottage tor J . L. Hoskins who is building on his place near town on the north. Neil Williams has a new resi­ dence under way on the quarter block he recently bought on Me­ ridian street opposite the Col- lege grounds. Everett Heacock became a man yesterday and a number o f his triends manifested their apprecia­ tion o f the tact by celebrating the event with him last evening. Miss Ella Crawtord, who has been teaching successfully in the Seattle schools the past year, passed through town on this morning’s tram on her way up home. The management has been ex­ pecting to start up the big new cannery at any time tor some days but is still held up by the non-arrival ot the necessary stock The Methodist congregation has increased in numbers until the church is taxed to the limit and plans are under way for building a new church if satisfac­ tory disposition can be made of the old one. D. J. Gilbert has had recent word from his father, who lives near Lewisville, Indiana, saying he had sold his farm and was ex­ pecting to remove to Oregon in September with a view o f locat­ ing at Newberg. A wagonette party consisting of the Misses May Lamb, Mary and Anna Butt, lone Hill, Lenora Parker, Sibyl and Bernice Wood­ ward and Messrs. W. A. Newlin, W. A. King and W. C. ^ op d - ward cruised over the hills north of Newberg Wednesday after­ noon. ending with a picnic sup­ per in Otterbrook canyon in the Red hills west o f town. Harry Maxfield, who gradu­ ated from Pacific College last week, left Monday evening for his home atQuillayute, Washing- ington. After five years’ resi­ dence here as a student, by his manliness and mnostentatious faithfulness, he has made a place for himself which it will not be easy to fill. * The best wishes o f a host o f friends follow him. The first o f the three or four booklets to be gotten out by the Yamhill County Development League for advertising purposes, has been issued and it is a dan­ dy. Those wishing copies to send east to friends may secure them by calling on W. C. Wood­ ward, secretary o f the Newberg Commercial Club, at the Graph­ ic office. The booklet is finely il- June House Cleaning Announcement W e wish to d eer the store o f odd end broken lots o f merchandise, end in to do so quickly we piece these goods on sale at special prices. H elp us the work thoroughly. You need the goods; W e need the money. Men’s Clothing Ribbon Special $3.00 Hat free with any m an's suit above $15.00. $2.56 Hat free with any man’s suit up to $15.00. ' 25 Young Men’s and Men’s 2 piece suits at half form er price. No hats with these suits. Buy your ribbons now fo r the Fourth. No. 1500 Ribbon while they last No. 5 per yd 03c No. 22 per yd 12c No. 7 per yd 05c No. 40 per yd 15c No. 9 per yd 07c No. 60 per yd 16c No 12 per yd 08c No. 80 per yd 18c No 16 per yd 10c BOY’S O V E R A L L S -G ood Quality Den- ems; while they last at 21c. Goods placed on sale Friday, June 12th. Our ambition is to make this year’s sales equal or better than last year. H elp us out and we assure you that we will appreciate it by giving you the best possible prices. Wanted and For Sale. W atts & Keller Wholesale & Retail W il l Commission M erchants H am nett Highest prices paid for all kinds o f farm produce. Produce sold on commis­ sion. H. R. Cobb is prepared to do your express or other light haul­ ing at reasonable rates. Corner Main Sc Hancock Sts. Newberg C Six good milk cows for sale; al­ so tw o brood sows. Frank Nel­ son, 4V2 miles west o f Newberg. PHONE MAIN 367 L o s t —Gold locket and chain with initials “ K. R.” Return to Jas. H. Mills, jeweler, and receive reward. F o r S a l e -^ 444 acres, 9 room house, good orchard, city water, on Dayton Ave., Newberg, Ore­ gon. Address J. T. Osborn, 2118 Colby Ave., Everett, Washing­ ton. You will find creamery and dairy butter; eggs and chickens; potatoes and buttermilk; also ice cream in bulk at Watts & Keller’s commission house on main St. Call and see us, either to sell or buy. A beautiful 7-room bungalow in Portland. Has 3 large bed rooms, large deception hall and den, porcelain bath, medicine chest, fine linen closets, living room, dining room with opening, china closets, built-in window seats, nice furnace and fireplace, fine kitchen with pantry, porce­ lain sink with back, gas, electric and combination fixtures, elegant drop light, nice front and rear porch, cement steps and walk, cement basement, stationary tubs and everything modern. House is new. Nice terraced lawnS and beautiful shrubbery. Good neighborhood. Lot 50x 100 feet. Price $5500. Will Lumber & Shingles ßUY NOW Special prices. Figures will convince. Prompt delivery and grade guaranteed. Something That Every Woman Needs Colter's Patent Adjustable People of Newberg, Look Out! ods upheld by the Chicago Por­ trait Co. as we have heard simi­ lar stories from others. The Co. should be made to do business under its true colors, which would be a. black flag, suggestive of the good old days when the weak and unprotected were held up at the point of cutlass and gun. We give our experience with the desire only that it may save others unnecessary trouble and insult. I. E. H olt T. E. W rioht M ade and Sold by the Newberg Saab Sc Door Factory, W ood Notice' TAKE THE BLUE BELbLINE TO HEALTH The clerk o f School District No. 9 will receive sealed bids for 20 ricks of 16 to 18 inch wood, 10 o f old fir and 10, o f oak, each kind to be let in separate con­ tracts. The board o f directors reserve the right to reject anJ or all bids. Said bids to be all in by 6 p. m. July 10, 1908. By order School Board District No. 9. J. P. B arnhart , Clerk. Call and see how it works. The new Baptist meeting house will be formally dedicated Sun­ day morning, June 28. Rev. Geo. R. Varney, of McMinnville, will preach the sermon. He will also preach in the evening on the subject “ The Stuff that Stands and With-Stands.” The public is cordially invited to these services. F. C. S tannard , Pastor. THEY MAKE YOU FEEL LIKE A BLACKSMITH Ask for tod try one* BLUE BELL Cough Syrup. P0« Rcmvdy. Man'* Pain LlaioMal, Or Stomach Tablets, Diarrhoea. Croap, Nerve, Cough. Hey Fever aaS Catarrh, Blood. General Tonic. Bright Sunshine, Heart, Worm, Kidney, Headache. Sommer Complaint, Soothii^ Tablets for Children, Liver, Female Regulator or Qalney Tablets. • BLUE BELL F or sale t>y F . H. C aldw ell & Co. Notice, A cottage out at Nye Creek beach, adjoining Newport. See or address John Crosby, Dundee, Oregon. ’ 35tf