G RAN GE D E C L A R E S IT S E L F . Outlines Plan of Action on Irrigation Question. V Don’t have a falling out with your hair. It might leave you! Then what? That would mean t!)ln, acraggly, uneven, rough C a b b a c . W o rses. When the llret appearuuce of the hair. Keep your hair at home I Faaten It tightly to your acalp I worm ia made the plants should be dusted with the paris green and flour You can eaaily do it with Ayer’s mixture. When the beads are forming H air Vigor. It is something nae one pound of pjrrethum powder to more than a simple hair dress­ four pounds of flour to dust the plants. is harmless to man. After the ing. It is a hair medicine, a I ! ThU head begins forming parts green Should hair tonic, a hair food. * ;not be used. Those who are afraid Th# bMt kind of » testimonial— “ B o ld to p O T o r s i x t y years." a >.O.AmOo.,ZMd.) « ■ «n n h o t i w w o f yers Sol sod H er S a RSAPABILLA. FILLS. CHERRY PECTORAL. O p p o r tu n ity . He was not a very rapid wooer, and she was getting a bit anxious. Again be called, and they sat togeth­ er In the parlor, “just those two.” A loud rap cr.me at the front door. “Ob, bother!” she said. "Who can he calling?” “Say you’re out," said the deceiver. “Ob, n o ; that would be untrue,” mur­ mured the Ingenuous one. “Then say you’re engaged,” he urged. “Oh, may I, Charlie?” she cried, ar she threw himself In his arms. And the man kept on knocking at the front door.—Illustrated Bits. Mothers win And Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup the best remedr to use foe their c U l i r s during the teething period. R e la t i v e I s f e n e r s t s e * . “My poor man, you look as if yon might hare seen better days.” “Yon are right, ma’am. I have.” “And now, I presume, you are among what we call the submerged tenth.” “Worse than that, ma’am. I am an in- tnitesimal fraction of the submerged thou­ sandth of the submerged tenth. My pres­ ent occupation is stoking on an ocean steamer." One of the Essentials of the happy homes of to-day ia a ▼aat fund of information aa to the best methods of promoting health and happiness and right living and know­ ledge of the world’s best products. Products of actual excellence and reasonable claims truthfully presented and which have attained to world­ wide acceptance through the approval of the Well-Informed of the World; not of Individuals only, but of the many who have the happy faculty of ■electing and obtaining the best the world affords. One of the products of that class, of known component parts, an Ethical remedy, approved by physicians and commended by the Well-Informed of the World as a valuable and whole­ some family laxative is the well-known Syrup of Figs snd Elixir of Senna. To get its beneficial effects always buy the genuine, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., only, and for sale by all leading druggists. to use paris green are generally success­ ful by beginning early to use the py- rethum powder aud spraying often. Cabbage and other plant lice are beat controlled by spraying with kerosene emulsion, using the 15 per cent solution —a solution containing 15 per cent of kerosene. If the lice are on trees, flowers or rose bushes, tobacco decoc­ tion may be used with good results. The tobacco decoction Is made by tak­ ing three pounds of tobacco stems and five gallons of water and boiling for two hours. It la used without diluting, but must not be applied too hot, or It may scald the plants. If treatment Is begun In time plant lice can be controlled. It must be done before the leaves are curled so the spray can reach the pests. There should be several sprayings, four or five days apart, aa one spraying will not completely do the work. Clean cul­ ture la Important In fighting these In­ sects, as with many others. W a ste d R oad M o m . In a recent speech at l’eortu, H. H. Gross, secretary of the Farmers’ Good Itoad League and special agent for the National Department of Agriculture to study the question of highways, made the following statement; “In forty years enough money has been thrown sway and squandered on the dirt roads of Illinois to pay for graveling or mac­ adamizing every foot of highway In the State.” lie went on further to state that aa good, hard roads could be built on the black land In the corn belt of Illinois as In Massachusetts, or In any other State, and at a moderate annual expense to the landowners of the State, possibly not exceeding their present annual tax for road aud bridge purposes. A a to m a tle D am p W ssro s. The ease with which modern dump carts and wagons can be unloaded is Illustrated In the automatic dump wag­ on shown In the accompanying Illustra­ tion, the invention of a Connecticut man. The wagon box is pivoted on the Resolutions unanimously adopted by A t Oregon Stats Grange at Eugene, When the blood is pure and healthy, the akin will be soft, smooth, and May 14, 1908, upon the following mo­ free from all blemishes and eruptions; but when some acid humor take« tion: Moved that the resolutions be sdoptea root in the circulation, its presence is quickly manifested by some form of as read snd referred to the eommittee skin disease. The skin receives its necessary nourishment and strength T r e a t m e n t fo r L e e * . on legislation, with power to prepare a from the blood. When, however, this vital fluid becomes a humor-laden The results of the loco weed when bill as outlined therein, submitting thu stream, it can no longer preserve the healthy, natural appearance of the skin, eaten by stock are unpleasantly fa­ same to the next session of the legislv but by its acrid, impure nature continually irritates and inflames the delicate miliar to the stockman of the plains ture for adoption, and further, that ths tissues and fibres and keeps the cuticle in a diseased and disfigured condition. east of the Kooky mountains. It has ehairman of the legislative committee External applications cannot reach the blood, and therefore are beneficial been estimated that the losses from 'be authorized to invite'sneh state or only for their ability to reduce inflammation, and assist in keeping the parte this source in Colorado alone have national experts on water legislation clean. , To care any skin trouble the blood m ast be purified of the humors reached the sum of a million dollars who can be secured to assist the eom­ that are causing the trouble. S. S. S. drives out the humors from the blood mittee in preparing sueh bill, also one per anntMu. The national bureau of representative from any state organiza­ so that the skin, instead of being irritated and diseased, is nourished by a plant Industry has been taking a turn tion which may hereafter adopt sub- healthy, cooling stream. S. S. S goes down into the circulation and at the loco problem, and C. D. Marsh, atantially similar resolutions. removes every particle of impure matter, all acids and humors, and restores expert In poison plants, reports that the blood to its normal, pure condition, thereby curing every form of skin Resolutions- It baa been found that locoed cattle disease or affection. Book on akin diseases and any medical advice free to Whereas, Titles to water are of squid can In moat cases be cured by a course importance with titles to land, and it all who write. THE SW IFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLAHTA, GA. of treatment with strychnine, while appears that s water right should be locoed horses can generally be cural as easily ascertained, ns clearly defined, by a course of treatment with Fow­ as secure and in all respects as definite ler’s solution. The pgtlinals under as a perfect title to land; and, Whereas, It is apparent that -without treatment must not be allowed to eat E system of water right titles the loco weed ;ind should be given not snd definite adequate protection by the state, only nutritious food, but so far as pos­ our water users are burdened with eost- sible, food with laxative properties. ly, and apparently unending litigation; To this end magnesium sulphate was our present constructed works are de­ Heaping teaspo nful to a gel on of bo water w ill cleanse your dishes administered to correct the constipa­ preciated in value; the United States l a A t e s , c u p s , e a r t h e n w a r e , c u t l e r y a n d k i t c h e n v t f t v j « f r e m a i r t , n d g .-e a s e Booklet and De» n to r I a«* tion which la almost universal among hesitates to construct irrigation sys­ S l a v i n g n e i t h e r t a s t e n c r s r n t U . A ll dealer, S o m r l« P a c i l i c C . a , t B o r a x C o ., Û a U la n 3 , C a l. locoed nnlmals. It should be noted, tems; private eapital declines to invest; Centerpiece, sta m p e d reedy to work. lû t. go to other states snd too, that magnesium sulphate may home-seekers countries, where the purchase of an irri­ Lexical Supposition. H a r d to P le a s * . serve to some extent as an antidote to gated farm does not mean the purchase Little Lloyd—Papa, was George Eminent Statesman—What are the in- ' the poison. of a lawsuit, and thus our development ferns I newspapers saying about me now,1 Washington married to England? It may be added In regard to the is seriously retarded; and, ■ Peps—Of course not, iny son. Why Whereas, Our present wster laws can­ Chicksey? question of Immunity that loco poison­ Private Secretary—They haven’t men­ ing comes on In a slow and cumulative not be found by m study of the statutes tioned your name for a month. Senator. do you ask such a silly question? Little Lloyd—This book says Eng­ manner, so that there Is no possibility alone, but must be sought for in n long Eminent Statesman—Blank dash the land Is our mother country, and ns series of decisions by our supreme of animals becoming Immune. eonrt, snd apparently are so conflicting newspapers!_______________ George Washington was the father of that our ablest lawyers differ in opin­ i Bt. Vitos' Peace ead an Herrons Diseases his country 1 supposed they were mar­ I n t k g o l i G lo b e O n io n s. ion on the* most fundamental points. tljr eared b y Dr. K lin e ’s O n e t ried.—Chicago Newa - •' F R E E f ] trial b ottle e n d Connecticut’s famous Southport Globe This law is incomplete and inadequate, t ïDSËrrto-dfor« r eellee. D r. B . H . K n e e . Ld~ •SI A ie b BA, P b lla » P x and has been, and is. in s state of flux. onions stand unsurpassed among popu­ W ith in H e r R ig h ts . lar American varieties of the onion. Disputes are decided by the logic of n r siLLta destroys e ll th e “Madam, what ia your age?” asked They are in high fa­ judges, rather than by statutes of the flies snd «Words legislature. Few know what the law is vor in some of the today, none know what it may be to­ the lawyer. tg a a y n q roooh. tU e p in g ”1 decline to answer," responded the finest commercial on­ morrow; now. therefore, be it room U 4 «very p lace w here fllea ion growing districts Resolved, That it is the sense of ths witness. are t roobleaome “On what ground?” C lean, n ea t and of Ohio and New Oregon State Grange that it is the duty w ill n e t to il or “On the ground that It would con­ York and during a of the state bf Oregon, at the earliest Try t h r e once and yon w ill time, to eodify and enact a vict me of lying. I’ve always answer­ I f n ot hep' by dea.«ra. rent prepaid for Me. few years past have possible complete, concise, and definite water MABOL 0 SOUSAS, 14 » DaKalt Are., Areally*. V. T. made a steady ad- law, leaving to the courts only the mere ed that question when not under oath.”—Washington Herald. advance In standing interpretation of this law on sneh oc­ everywhere as a casion as it might be brought into dis­ W H IT E GLOBE Y e * Can Get Allen’s Foet-f esc FREE. highly bred, perfect pute; and be it further W rite A llen 8. O lm sted Le Rdy, N. Y., for s O H IO *. Resolved, That such water law should , free te m p le o( A lien ’s Foot-base. I t c u res onion. Eastern onion growers use the ee tin g , h o t sw ollen, e e h in g feet. I t m ekee based upon the best experience or i i sw O PEN ALL TH E Y E A B new o r lig h t shoes eesy. A c e rte ia c u re for red and white Southport Globes to be' other states and countries, such as corns. In g ro w in g nails e n d bnuions. A ll d ru g ­ C laim ? B each S easide , O rem * produce the exceptionally large, solid, Wyoming, Idaho and Canada, and gist* sell It. 25c. D on’t accept a n y su b s titu te beautifully formed bulbs that bring top should include the following funda­ " T u t D ir e r ;ly e a tk e beach o v e r lo o k in g C l e t s ' ^ y l s g H im . 1 nc tb e o c ea n . H e t s a l t b a th s a a l 1 prices in the New York City markets. mental principles; The pimply fared youth had thrown a Cl IFF H C U a F s e r f b a t h in g . R ecrea- U U r r n U U D t f l e e p ie r t e e f U b l e f . 3. That no water right should become pop bottle at the umpire. Besides the two varieties . named, n r B aa p a rlo rs. E le c tr ic l ig h t s . F ir e - I there is a yellow Southport Globe that vested except by direct grant from the J A policeman grabbed him by the col- I *■' p ie c e a r t •te a m b e a t. V la e w a lk s I state. f t R F O f l M " Rad d r iv e s. B ee foofie a ep ee-1 resembles the others In shape and gen­ ' lar. jerked him to bis feet, and removed I U f l t U U n | , i , y. Rates. $2.50 aed $3.00 2. To provide a svatem whereby the his het. eral i^iaracter, but is of a rich yellow prioritv and limitations of every exist­ | p e r 4 a y . * r bp d e l r a te s by t b e w e e k . | he took a tape line from his pock- |D A N . J . M O O R E . P r o p r ie t o r s color. ing right to the use of water can I ' et Then and measured tbe fellow’s head. The white Is one of those beautifully eventually be ascertained. 8. To provide a reliable record in I "Size 6,” he said. "That leta you off white, perfectly globe shaped onions some central office of all water rights this time, young man. But don’t do it that take the eye and bring highest .as determined, and of new rights as again, or back you go to tb’ ’sylum for price In any market. Its skin Is tblu , the feeble minded.” initiated. T h* w ell known re lia b le and paperlike, the flesh fine grained, No more pop bottles were thrown from 4. That aetnal measurements of crisp aud mild flavored. Add to this ditches snd streams be made as a basis that particular section of the bleachers that It Is a tremendous cropper, and it for the adjudication of existing rights during that particular game.—Chicago ■ ______ Beat aad lerk 1 1 represents almost an ideal product In and the initiation of new rights to the Tribune. 0 surplus water, if any. its line. How’s This? 5. To provide s definite procedure We offer O ne H u n d re d D ollars How ard for a n y whereby rights to such surplus water ease of C a ta rrh th a t c a n n o t be c u red by H a l’s D la k P lo w * . H su m ade e lif e s t a iy e g C a ta rrh Cure. roots and herbs, s o d l a th e* The twenty-four-inch size disk plow may be acquired. study discovered sn d hr f i e . F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo. 0 6. That beneficial use should be the W e, th e undersiK U cJ. h a v e kn o w n F. J . in s to tb e world b is w naesr can safely be recommended as being su­ fu lre o -e d iss. of all rights to the use of water, C heney lo r th e la st 15 years, sn d believe h im perior to auy other size. The smaller b a n a d s i s that P o is o n » or D r u f i l M - H t C m t wster for irrigation purposes perfectly h o n o ra b le In a ll buisness tra n s a c tio n s W dhnet O n e r a lio n,or-W ithout th e : A A id id a o f a K e if* size pulls easier, but It does not pul­ should be made appurtenant to the land and fin an c ia lly able to c a rry o u t a n y obliga­ i to t e e Our« m e Catarrh. ------------„ ------ --------- -- tio n m ade by nt* firm. ____ism . N ervoniinese. S e r v o n s D e b ility , verize the soil so well. The disk plow irrigated. . Rhooi WADDING, KINNAN A MARVIN, Iv e r. K id n e y T r o n i .l e c s l s o L o s t M s n b n n d . hTLir. W holesale D ruggists, Toledo.O Is callable of handling ground that has 7. All rights to the use of water for 'setole W eakness en d A ll P r iv a te Dise. C a ta rra h C ure Is sk e n in te rn a lly , a ct­ A SURE CANCER CURE become too dry and bard for the mold- power development should be limited to ing H a d ll’s ire c tly upon th e blood a n d m ucous su r­ m P e k i n g , C h in a —S a f e , S board plow. It Is of somewhat lighter a period -of twenty-five years, subject faces of th e system . T estim onial? se n t free. lest R e u i v t d fr o and R e lia b le . P rice 75 c en ts per bottle. Sold by a ll D ruggists. draft, does not require sharpening so to renewal under certain restrictions. I F TO T A B E A r tlC T E D , P O N T DELAY. T ake H a ll's F am ily P illa lo r C o n stip atio n . 8. To provide an efficient administrs DELAYS AKK DANGKHOU8. often, cuts through trash better and tivl system, with proper officers, for C O N S U L T A T IO N » F R E E T h e Q u in te ss e n c e o f It. does not clog so easily. Do not try to .the distribution of the wster supply “The gall of that fellow Stryker!” cut a furrow wider than eight or ten 'among those entiled to j ts use. “What’s be done now?” Inches with a disk. The wider the fur­ P le sso M en tio n T h is P a p e r. “Why. you know, he’s a chronic bor­ Q U E R IE S B Y FA R M ER S. row the deeper wiy corrugations be rower, and when I told him I'd have and the poorer will be the work. It is N o. 2 6 —OS P N U better to use two twenty-four-inch Experiment Station Called Upon for to stop loaning bint money now that I had a wife, he went for me hammer plows, each cutting eight Inches In • Advice on Various Subjects. E N wri r ilin g to ad vertiser* pi* snd tongs for getting married at bis I I T f I t T f l uomini width, than to use a single twenty- From the W ashington S ta te College. Pullman. n th is paper. expense.”—Boston Transcylpt. eight or thirty-inch plow cutting six­ A correspondent at Cheney writes the following letter to the station- teen inches. MULE TEAM BORAX MOORE C. Gee Wo C H IN E S E ' D O C TO R T a b r r r n lo .il, OPERA TINO THS DUMP WAOOÎf. Food Products L ib b y ’s V eal Loaf is made of the best selected meat, scientific­ ally prepared "and even­ ly baked by damp heat in Libby's Orest White K itches. The natural flavor is all retained. W hen removed from the tin its ready to serve. It can be quickly pre­ pared in a variety of styles and nothing makes a better summer meaL In the home, at the camp, and for the picnic Libby’s Vesl Leaf ¡a a satisfying dish; full of food value that brings contentment! Libby, McNeill A Libby* axle, the greater portion of the load being In back of the pivoted point The forward end of the box is normally held In position by n lever directly be­ hind the driver’s seat When ready to dump the load the driver turns In bis seat, releases the lever and the load au­ tomatically turns over. The driver Is thus not compelled to leave bis seat saving considerable time. CURES >. SKIN DISEASES Recently at the Iowa Experiment Station twenty pigs were fed for a time on tuberculosis cows' milk that had not been pasteurized, and twenty others were fed on tuberculosis milk that had been pasteurized. The twenty pigs fed on the raw tuberculosis milk all died of tuberculosis, and two of the other pigs died with the same disease. That showed that pasteurizing the iyllk gave 80 per cent of protection. W a n ts ■ N ew W h e a t. Prof. Herbert F. Roberts of the Kan­ gaeoothlaar D n s . sas State Agricultural College and Ex­ periment Station will visit Europe dur­ ing the summer. He Is commissioned from tbe Kansas Experiment Station to Inspect the wheat regions of Central and Southern Europe In search of su­ perior sorts of hard wheats for Intro­ To break down clods and give a fine duction Into Kansas. surface the field drag serves a useful P aros H e w s N o tes. purpose. It may be used In connection In New Zealand the best demand with the spring tooth harrow or even with the disk. The 0x6 Inch pieces Is for Shorthorn bulls of the milking are 6 to 10 feet In length and are laid strain. edgewise, being bound together by cross Kangaroo rata are destroying the vineyards near Santa Crus, Cal. They nieces made of !M>x6 Inch stuff. have appeared in thousands and are T h e P a r in g H era * . feeding on tbe young buds and vines. We have known of many animals Secretary Wilson says we ought to that have acquired the habit of pacing have bumper crops throughout the because of becoming sore forward. The country this season. All conditions are fore feet and legs do not assist in the favorable for tecord-breaklng yields of efforts of propulsion, their office Is all sort*. simply to hold up or support the fore A Connecticut farmer Ta reported to and heaviest part of the animal, and aa It must keep these fore feet out of use the Incubator system In starting the way of the hind ones, a horse will his potato crop. The aeed potatoes are endeavor to do so In the most awk­ placed In a warm room in a rack, where ward oC^ways a t times, for when sore they sprout, and are then transplanted forward It takes to any aort of a gait In the field. A story comes from Washington, Pa., that to tta mind appears to lessen the pain of action. It quite frequently that a fanner haa a sheep-killing horse. ; adopts the atugle foot action, gradually The animat was aeen to rush Into the progressing into that of pacing. It flock, trample a sheep to death, pick I was this soreness forward—and ha was It up In Its teeth and carry It o u t Tha j actually lams—that caused tbs great performance was renrated until .the Jay Bye See to pace.—Field and F ans. fanner Int—^«rad. “I am interested in the subject of bacteria as an agricultural agency, and would like to know if anything is being done by the government along the lines of bacteria research Is the use of bacteria cultures likely to prove an important factor in t! v agriculture of the Inland Empire? To what extent are fertilizers used in the Northwest, and with what ei ficiency? Please give me some infor­ mation concerning the new theory of ’soil poisoning by successive crops.’ '* Following is the reply given to this letter: % “At this station we have tested sev­ eral different cultures, some of which were successful, while others failed V'f* have found that in the laboratory and greenhouses, where conditions could be controlled fairly well, the cultures possessed values. W e are not sure that their use will become general, for most of the commercial product does not show up very uni­ formly. W e have depended more largely on the use of inoculated scir from old alfalfa fields, in getting a stand of alfalfa, than on the bacteria. “Fertilizers have not been very thoroughly tested in eastern W ash­ ington, but we are learning that manv of our soils may be vastly improved by certain treatments. The indica­ tions are that fertilizers will be used in the near future, more as a c o r­ rective agency, than to increase fertil­ ity. T he theory of ‘soil-poisoning’ is based on the fact that where a soil is overcharged with some element, the excess of this element becomes in jurious to vegetation. It is n rc e s ta rr to counteract this by the use of soms chemical fertilizer.” A Leek OASTORIA F o r In fa n ta an d C hildren. Ths Kind You Have Alw ays Bought Bears the Signature of la Use For Over Thirty Years A h *««. Ths sets and sans Fourth of July had come. “But how art the boys observing the day?” asked ths foreigner, who had just landed. “I don’t see any about.” "Tho boys?” said the native. “The last •f ’em, sir, were ell killed off on* year ago to-day, aad the new crop hasn't come on yet." Marveling at the changes times had brought about, th# stranger followed tho crowd to tho ball park, where th* real celebratlaa waa la Krart Copy of Wrapper. CASTORIA N •w - ■■■ iu i M T