Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, June 25, 1908, Image 3

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Republican National Assembly Meets
With Great Enthusiasm.
Secretary T a ft Plane to Leave Cabi­
net July I.
Washington, June 20. — Secretary
T a ft ’» resignation aa a cabinet offleer
will be received by Preaident Kooeevelt
today. It will take effect July L Thie
was learned last night following a con­
ference of several hours at the white
hours, at which Mr. Booeevelt, Secre­
tary Taft, Secretary Root and Asaist-
ant Secretary of State Bacon were pres­
ent. A fter the conference Secretary
T a ft wan greeted by a dozen newspaper
correspondents who desired to learn of
his plans.
“ The president wants me to leave a
clean slate for my successor," said the
war secretary, “ and it will take me at
least ten days to settle all pending
matters in the war department. I have
no definite plans tonight as to when I
w ill leave Washington.”
Mr. Taft intimated that it would be
within a few days. He will attend the
thirtieth anniversary o f the Yale class
o f '78, with which he graduated. He
will be in New Haven Monday, Tues­
day and Wednesday o f the coming
Asked as to his views on the viee-
presideutial question,. the nominee for
the presidency was non-committal. He
asked for the latest news from Chi­
cago as to who would be his probable
running mate. Upon being told that
there was a movement in favor of Fair­
banks, he remarked:
“ Things seem to be in a chaotic state
in Chicago with regard to the vice-
During the conference at the white
. house several telegrams were sent to
Chicago and Mr. Taft intimated ^hat
he was expecting responses from
these which would materially affect hia
plana for the immediate future.
T a ft Will Have Nothing to Say About
It Until Nominated.
Washington, June 18.— This state­
ment was issued from an authoritative
source yesterday:
“ An exchange of telegrams over
night between Washington and Chi­
cago indicates that there will be no de­
velopments, so far as the administra­
tion is concerned, in the matter of so­
liciting a candidate for vice-president
here until after the platform shall have
been disposed of and a nominee for the
presidenev shall have been named.”
It is understood that the above state­
ment was issued with the distinct pur­
pose o f avoiding complication of the
viee-presidency with the presidential
Reflection over night has only
strengthened the determination of the
war secretary to insist upon the in­
clusion in the Republican party plat­
form of the anti-injunction plank on
the lines of that telegraphed last night
Therefore, a long telegram went for­
ward from the war department yester­
day to Frank Hitchcock, Mr. T a ft ’s
Chicago manager, instructing him to
insist upon the anti-injunction plank.
Crops Worth Eight Million.
Washington, June 16__ Crops of 1908
will be worth nearly $8,000,000,000,
according to figures prepared by the
department of agriculture. I t is ex­
pected there will be sufficient funds to
move the crops from the farms to tide­
In discussing the outlook today,
Chief Statistician Clark of tha agri­
cultural department, laid: .
“ Indications at the present time are
for great crops. For eight years the
American farmer has enjoyed unprec­
edented prosperity and now the ninth
promising harvest is practically as­
sured. Never in the history of the
United States have there been nine
such years of big yields and high
prices. ’ ’
Chicago. June 17.— Amid seenoo o f
Stirring enthusiasm, tha Republican
convention o f 1908 began ita delibera­
tions at noon yesterday in the presence
o f an assemblage estimated at more
American C r d l . %
... (tar- ' { S L B f t W s E j l ï
man Court.
I Shouts
shouts for Roosevelt, TaFt
Tart and the other.
Berlin. June 17.— Th e emperor to- popular heroea, the «rat toeain o f the
in to 1
day received in audience the n e w ; eomiBff struggle
from the graceful ora-
---- ° - f *•'
American ambassador to Germany,' ' * to»
Mich iigan,
igan,^Senator Juliua Ct
na the
initial formalities
David Jayne H ill, who succeeded Burrows,
Charlemagne Tower. The audience which started thia momentous gather­
was fixed several days before D f. H ill ing Into motion. The opening session
anticipated it. hut the emperor’s lasted less than two hours, and was
less notable for the business accom­
greeting was none the less hearty.
The emperor's master * o f cere­ plished than for the opportunity it a f­
monies, Baron von de Knesbeck, forded of seeing again this stirring
called at {he hotel yesterday where pistnre of the people assembled from
Dr. H ill was stopping, and informed every corner of the eonntry to select
him that an audience with the em­ a candidate for president o f the United
peror had been granted for today .in States. The actual work of the day
the old palace, nis majesty coming was quickly accomplished and at night
committees on
in from Potsdam for the purpose. the various important
platform, organisation, etc.,
Three court carriages called for Dr. credentials, | piatfo
Hill today, and, accompanied by his were preparing for the more important
staff, he proceeded to the palace. On business to eoms.
his arrival there he received a mes­
sage from the emperor that the pre­
sentation would take place in .th e
garden which recently was planted in
Labor Mon Ofifsr Radical Plank and
one o f the palace courts.
Employers Resist.
Chicago, June 17.— A fter a session of
a subcommittee which continued until
Maryland and West Virginia Make a 12:20 a. m„ the subcommittee of 13
of the committee on resolutions o f the
Good Showing.
Republican national convention, to
Washington, June 17.— Rear A d ­ which has been referred the task of
miral Dayton today reported that the preparing the final draft o f the plat­
armored cruiser Maryland on a four- form, deferred until 10 o ’clock thia
hour full speed, forced draught trial morning final action on the anti-injunC-
off the California coast, averaged tion plank. The principal struggle cen­
133.1 revolutions o f her engines per ters upon this plank, 8enator Long lead­
minute, and the armored cruiser W est ing the fight for retention of the dec­
Virginia, under similar conditions, av­ laration contained in Wade Ellis’ draft
eraged 131.8 revolutions. The aver­ platform.
The T a ft forces elaim to have the
age speed obtained with a slight ad­
verse current was 22.25 and 22.1 knots advantage in the struggle. They assert
that the appointment of s subcommit­
'lh e revolutions may exceed those tee of 13 to consider the various con­
of the records of the contractors’ troverted planks was a distinct success
trials, and opinions o f the naval o f­ and point with pride to the fa ct that
ficials speak well for the work on the Chairman Hopkins had appointed on
machinery o f the vessels, which have this committee nine men who favor the
been now in commission for three injunction plank and four who are
opposed to it. The T a ft managers pre-
y e a r s . ________
diet a favorable result in the full com­
mittee and in the convention, but ad­
mit that their fight will be desperate.
The opposition, still under the leader­
Timber Owners and State Will W ork
ship of Speaker Cannon, who directs
his forces from his quarters at the
Olympia, Wash., June 19.— A r­ Union League Club, ia tonight claiming
rangements have been made between 30 votes to 22 on the full committee
State Fire Warden J. R. W elty and and expressing confidence that when
D. P. Page, Jr., chief fire warden for the platform goes to the convention,
the new Washington Forest Fire as­ the objectionable plank will be misa-
sociation, for co-operation in fighting
forest fires during the dry season this
year. Mr. Page will put 100 deputies
immediately into the field, who will
be paid by an assessment upon the
Plank Will be Urged Upon Both Na­
big timber companies composing the
tional Convantions.
association. These deputies will be
appointed state fire wardens at large,
Chieago, June 17.— " T h e gospel of
with power to make arrests and fur­ good roads’ ’ Rill be preached to both
ther enforce the forest protection the Republican and Demoeratie na­
laws. The state fire warden will is­ tional conventions.
Every influence
sue no permits to burn slashings will be brought to bear to have a
without sending duplicates to the “ good roads” plank inserted in the
deputies above referred to, and these platform o f eaeh party. This program
deputies will have power to stop the was decided upon nt the first meetieg
burnings if a personal inspection o f the national good roads eoagress
convinces them that forest fires here yesterday. Secretary Taft was
might result.
heralded as the ehampion of the move­
The organizers of the fire protec­ ment. Timothy Woodruff, chairman of
tion association
2,500,000 the New York delegation, in the eourso
acres o f timber land in western of an address before the gathering, «aid
Washington and have been assessed he would use his influence in promoting
1 cent an acre for the season’s work. the “ good roads” plank. He said he
A half-cent per acre has been col­ was heartilv in favor of good roads
lected in advance. There is, there­ throughout the United States. Similar
fore, a fund o f $25,000, with $12,500 expressions were given by others who
immediately available.
The state owns 65,000 acres o f tim­
A meeting o f the eongress will be
ber land in western Washington, and held in Denver, July 6. prior to the
a force o f about 25 deputies will soon convening o f the Demoeratie national
be put in the field and paid out of an convention. Arthur G. Jaekson, presi­
appropriation provided by the last dent of the eongress, read a letter from
the president, which said in part:
“ A few years ago it was a matter
Repaint Letter Boxes.
of humiliation that there was so little
W ord has reached Portland from attention paid to the roads; that there
the postoffice department at Wash­ should be a willingness not merely to
ington, that all street letter boxes in j refrain from making good roads, but
all cities o f the United States are to to let the roads that were in oxisteue.i
he painted a bright scarlet. The prin­ become worse.
“ I cannot too heartily congratulate
cipal reason assigned for the use of
the bright and attractive color is that our people upon the existence of a body
these mail deposit boxes may be dis­ such as this, ramifying into every sec­
cerned more readily. These boxes tion of the eountry, and bent upon
are now painted in Xn aluminum color more eminently proper work of making
and are not easily located in the the conditions of life easier and better
streets by many persons desiring to for the people whom o f all others we
can least afford to see grow discon­
deposit letters.
tented with their lot in life— the peo­
ple who live in the eountry districts. ”
Alaska Timber Burning.
Battleships to Panama.
Washington, June 19.— Reports re­
ceived here today as to the conditions
on the isthmus o f Panama state that
the situation there is growing graver
every hour, and President Roosevelt
today directed the navy department
to order the battleships New Hamp­
shire and Idaho at once to _ Colon.
Th e cruisers Tacoma and Prairie are
Dawson, Y. T., June 19.— Forest
already en route. There will be ap­ fires are raging near Minto and along
proximately 1 500 marines on the Lake Lebarge. Fifteen miles of Can­
isthmus when the elections arc held. adian telegraph wires have already
been destroyed near Minto. and for
Preparing Now Currency.
five miles along the lake.
Hundreds of souare miles of valu­
Washington, June 16.— The depart­
ment of engraving and printing start­ able timber have been destroyed. The
ed to turn out the new notes author­ fires were set by travelers en route
ized. by the currency act of the last down the river in small boats. There
eongress. The notes are similar to the have been over 800 arrivals here to
old United States bank notes with one date.
exception. Where the inscription “ se­
Georgia to Make Speed Trial
cured by bonds of the United States,”
appears on the old notes, the. follow­
Navy Yard, Puget Sound. Wash..
ing legend appears on the new:
Tune 19.— The battleship Georgia will
“ Secured by bonds of the United sail for San Francisco Thursday
States and other securities.”
morning, and incidentally will at­
tempt to break all battleship speed
Battleships at Honolulu.
records en route. The Georgia is the
Honolulu, June 20— The special serv­ acknowledged speed oueen o f the
ice squadron, consisting o f the battle­ Atlantic fleet, but her officers are de­
ships Maine and Alabama, which sailed sirous of establishing a record. Sus­
from San Franeiseo June 8 in advance tained runs under both natural and
o f the Atlantic fleet, has arrived here, forced draughts will be made, and all
one day ahead of schedule time. Sec­ records are expected to be smashed.
retary of the Interior Garfield, who was
n passenger on the Alabama, was re-
Opium Commissioners.
reiver by Governor Freer and other
Washington, June 18. — President
territorial and federal officials.
Roosevelt has appointed three commis­
sioners to represent the United States
Metcalf Goes Home.
on the international commission to in­
17.— Secreary vestigate the opium question in the Far
Metcalf- called on the President today East. They are: Thomas Bnrke, attor­
prior to leaving for his home in Cali­ ney. of Seattle: Dr. Hamilton Wright,
fornia. He will leave Washington of Maine, and Dr. Charles Tenney, Chi­
late this evening, and will not stop nese secretary of the American lega­
at Chicago for the convention
He tion at Pekin.
said that he was not and would not
Lumber Caeet Decided.
be a candidate for the senatorship or
Washington, June 18__ The decision
for any other office.
of the interstate commerce commission
Hyde-Benson Case to Jury.
in the Paeifie Const lumber rate eases
Washington, June 20— Counsel for will probably be announced the latter
both sides hsve made their closing ar­ part of thia week. The deeieions have
guments In the Hyde-Benson-Dimond- been written and are only awaiting In a l
Schneider lend conspiracy trial. Jus­ review and approval before being made
tice Stafford will charge the jury today. public.
A paper that will prove interesting to every
member of every family In thia county
OtigAN. When You Have
a Bad Cold
S h o r t l in e
mm U n io n P a c if ic
Three Trains East Daily
Through Pullman standard and tourist
sleeping oars daily to Omaha, Chicago, Spo­
kane; tourist sleeping cars daily to Kansas
City; through Pullman tourist sleeping c a n
(personally conducted) weekly to Chicago,
Kansas City; reclining chair cars (seats free)
to the Kast dally.
• :*> ». aa.
T i n t SCHtOULfcS
ParttaM. Or.
• «0P.SK
afea, i
Ft. Worth,Omaha.
Kansas City, S t
Louis, Chi cago and
• :16p.m.
A Severe Cold Quickly Cored by Ctam-
1 beriaki’s Cough Remedy.
W alla Walla, Lewis­
ton, Spokane.Wal-
Uce, P u llm a n ,
Minneapolis, St.
Paul, Duluth, M il­
waukee, Chicago
and hast.
foliar inform ation
at ticket agent, or
"L e s t winter I caught a very never* oold
which lingered for w eeks,” says J. U r -
quhart, o f Zephyr, Ontario. “ M r oougk
w a s very dry and harah. The looel dealer
recommended Chamberlain’a Oough Rem­
ed y and guaranteed It, ao I g a v e K a trial.
One ami H bottle o f 1* cured me. I believe
Chambi rlaln’a Cough Remedy to be *Se
beet I have ever need.**
7:16 a.m.
Price 2S cents
• :00a. m.
or writ#
M U . M cM U R R A Y ,
It is Equally Valuable for Children
It Contains no Narcotic and is Safe and Sure
Ask your Druggist for it
General Passenger Agent
E «s
ta o
,r s
s il
: o
bo l)
5 c
1*5 i l §
s ili
-a s s s -S j,, £
■“ U , 7 3 3 2
u °
! d ifilli
ta JO
?» I
li a asm hi
SD i l
m ii
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1 1 .3 »
Peace in Cuba.
Washington, June 17.— Secretary Taft
stated yesterday that a report he had
received from Governor Magoon de­
scribing with great detail the eondi
tions in Cnba ia most satisfactory with
reference to the turning over of the
island to the Onban authorities in Feb­
ruary next, proposed by the president’s
proclamation. Judging from the report
the secretary is satisfied that the com­
plete transfer of authority will be ac­
complished without friction.
American Auto’ s Progress.
Nertchinsk, Aeiatie Rnaeia, Jnne 17.
— The American motor car in the New-
York to-Parla automobile race, passed
through here at 9 o ’clock yeeterdav
morning. The German ear left at 9:3«.
Halt Lake, Denver,
Ft.Worth, Omaha,
Kansas City, Ht.
• :U p m.
< .'hioago and
Bt. Paul
Fast Mall
rem edí
abbi vs
Gamblers Trapped.
New York, June 17.— Three thousand
persons gathered on West Thirty-third
street, near Broadway, last night and
watched the police make a spectacular
raid upon a gambling house supposed
to be patronized by guests of several
uptown hotels. Patrons of the place,
all in evening clothes, endeavored to
get away by the fire escapes, but were
confronted by detectives who had been
placed at every possible exit.
managers o f the place and the patrons
were taken to the police station in pa­
trol wagons.
Twelve arrests were
Hundreds Die In Storm.
Tokio, June 17__ F ifty fishing boats
have been wrecked off the coaet of
Kagoshima and 350 of their erewe have
been drowned. The governor of the
province has requested assistance from
the government navy yard at Sasebo.
Y ou want a remedy that w ill not
only give quick relief but effect a
permanent cure.
Y o u want a remedy that w ill re­
lieve the lungs and keep expectora­
tion easy.
Y ou w ant a remedy that w ill coun­
teract any tendency toward pneo-
Y ou w ant a remedy that is pleas­
ant and safe to take.
meets all o f these requirements, and
for tiie speedy and permanent oars
o f bad colds stands without a peer.
S h
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