Newberg graphic. (Newberg, Or.) 1888-1993, June 25, 1908, Image 2

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Villages A re Destroyed and Hundreds
Mad* Homeless.
Breaking o f Piston Rod on Engine
Nearly W recks Train.
Dennison, O., June 23.—Secretary
Taft had a narrow escape tonight
from being involved in a serious
wreck on the Pennsylvania Flyer,
which was carrying him east.
Prompt action of the towerman in
la signal station a third o f a mile east
o f Coshocton, and o f the engineer
o f the flyer, alone averted what might
| have been a dreadful accident..
As the train was speeding along at
the rate o f 50 miles an hour, the pis­
A R m u r m o f tho Laos Important but ton rod on the left side of th*. loco­
motive broke short off. Alm ost in­
N ot L u i Interacting Event*
stantly the cylinder o f the engine was
o f tho Post Wook.
cracked by the unmanageable rod.
Secretary Taft and National Com­
mitteeman K ellogg entered the din­
A Jap spy has been caught with ing car and sat down to dinner after
complete plans o f N ew Y ork forts.
the accident occurred without thought
The Prohibition party is raising the of anything serious in connection
biggest campaign fund in its history. with the stopping and delay o f
the train. The Secretary made no
Crops in southern Minnesota were comment on the incident when in­
badly damaged by a wind and hail formed o f it. The engineer of the
locomotive explained that it was
T a ft has not yet selected a chair­ merely good luck that averted a bad
man for the Republican national com­ accident.
" I f the piston rod. after it broke,
had gone under the train,” said he.
More than 50 New Y ork militiamen “ we would have gone into the ditch,
gave out from the heat and over­ as we were running 50 miles an hour,
exertion o f a five-mile march.
and the derailment would have been
A N ew Y ork man plans to propel a serious matter. Fortunately the
and control an immense balloon with broken rod landed six or eight inches
a 45-horse power automobile engine outside o f the left rail. That saved
suspended from the balloon.
C L O S E C A L L FO R T A F T .
li I [ninni hm hr kr
Water Soon Ready fo r 20,000 A cres Lincoln County Makes Good Move for
Higher Education.
o f Arid Land.
Newport.— Lincoln county marks an­
Hermiston__ The dam of the Uma­
tilla project is praetieally complete sad other step forward by providing n high
school for the young men and women
the distribution is nearing completion who have just graduated from the com­
as rapidly as men and teams can do thw mon schools. The county court has
work. In a few weeks nearly all the issued an order giving both Newport
men who have been employed on the and Toledo money to establish high
project will have departed and one of school courses immediately, though the
the largest and best irrigation schemes question, as to where tno school will
in the northwest will be in shape to eventually be located was left to popu­
water 20,000 aeres of arid land. J. T. lar vote two years hence.
Whistler, chief engineer on the project, - Events have been eoming thick and
has already left for Portland, where he fast the past two months on Yaquina
will open an office, having resigned his bay. The organization of a commer­
position with the United States recla­ cial club was almost instantly followed
mation service.
by a vote to establish a high school,
D. C. Henny, supervising engineer and at the same time a large influx of
for the reclamation service, has stated capital caused large changes o f hold­
that he expects Secretary —James S. ings of property and promoted Duilding
Garfield here to visit the project about in Newport till now some $20,000 of
July 15. He will doubtless make a new buildings are under way.
tour o f inspection of the various proj­
ects and his visit here will doubtleea
result in helpful suggestions to the set­
tlers. He will be the guest o f the
board o f directors of the Water Users’ Grants Pass Farmers Double Their
association while here.
Detroit, June 22. - J rires in N orth­
ern Michigan forests, fanned to great
proportions by the gales of the last
two days, have destroyed at least
three villages, rendered hundreds
homeless, swept over thousands of
acres o f timber land and caused dam­
age estimated at about $200,000.
The heayjest loss has been sus
tained in Presque Isle and Cheboy­
Charlevoix and O tsego have also suf­
In many towns today lamps were
lighted, as the sun was obscured by
the heavy smoke.
The village o f Case, in Presque Isle
county, was destroyed today. A spe­
cial train conveyed the homeless vil­
lagers to Onoaway, where they were
sheltered tonight.
Legande, a little town in Cheboy­
gan county, was also abandoned to
the flames tonight. Many women and
children were taken in wagons to In­
dian River.
, W hile a big fire at W olverine today
was being fought, a forest fire threat­
ened another section of the village.
W hile the W olverine department was
engaged, a call for aid was received
from Rondeau, three miles north.
The firemen could not leave W o l­
verine, and Rondeau was at the mercy
o f the flames. A hotel, several stores
and houses and the Michigap. Central
station were burned.
In Lelanau county a great fire raged
near Fouche. A ll night the glow of
the fire could be seen at Trayerse
City, 12 miles away. Several farm
buildings were destroyed, and Fan-
nett’s big lumber yard was wiped out.
Much valuable timber was burned.
Roll of States Called by Mega­
phone Anld Uproar.
Nominating Speech Made by 8*nator
Burton — T a f f »
Nam* Starts
Whirlwind o f Enthusiasm.
- Chicago, June 19.— For president of
the United States, William H. Taft, of
Taft on the first ballot, T a ft by 702
votes, Taft by the unanimous ehoiee of
the eonvention.
Such is the record o f the culminating
day of tho Republican national eonven­
tion of 1908, effected amid scenes o f tu­
multuous enthusiasm, and after a nerve-
racking continuous seasion lasting near­
ly eight hours. With the president
named and the platform enunciated,
there remain* only the nomination for
vice-president to complete the momen­
tous work. Last night the whole city
was given over to wild exultation in
honor o f the new candidate, whom
name goes echoing through the country.
The picture within the walls of tha
vast amphitheater as tha praaidential
candidate was named was oae truly
grand in it* magnitude. In front, to
the right and left, below and above,
the billowing sea of humanity, restless
after hours of waiting and stirred from
one emotion to another, was ip a fever
of expeetaney for the culminating vote.
The favorite eons o f other states had
keen named, save Knox and La Follatte,
and now on the rolleall came Ohio.
As the Buckeye atate was reached,
the tall, gaunt form of Theodore E.
Burton, with student-like faee and se­
vere black, elerieal garb, advanced to
the platform to nominate Ohio’a candi­
date. He «poke, fervently, with the
singing voice of an evangelist, which
»•ent ringing through the great building.
The close of his speech of nomination
was the signal for the long pent-up
feeling of the T a ft legions. Instantly
the Ohio delegates were on their feet,
other Taft states fallowing, while the
convention hosts in gallery and on floor
broke into a mad demonstration.
“ Taft, Taft, W. H. T a ft,” eame in a
roar from the Ohioans. Mogaphonea
seemed to apring from eoneealed plaeea
and swell the T a ft tumult into thunder.
A huge, blue silk banner bearing tha
familiar features of the statesman-sec­
retary was swung before the delegates,
awakening a fresh whirlwind of en­
AH semblanee of order had been
abandoned, and the delegates were a
maelstrom of gesticulating men.' Tha
guidons of the states were matched
up by the T a ft enthusiast* or born»
under by the storm o f disorder. Tha
band was inaudible— a mere whisper
above the deafening volume o f sound.
For 10, 15, yes 20 minutes this uproar
was continued. I t was a repetition o f
the seene of Wedneaday, wheu the nemo
of Roosevelt brought the eonvention
into a frenzy. But there is a limit to*
the physical resources o f throat aud
lung, relay« had not been established
and at last the tired voices died down
to a hoarse shout and subsided.
This lull now gave the opportunity
for the speech seconding T a ft ’s nomina­
tion b y , George A. Knight, of Cali­
fornia, his big, round faee beaming
forth on the sympathetic multitude and
bis splendid baritone voiee going forth
like the tones of a great church organ.
California ’§ tribute to Taft was brief
and fervid. Now there was another
lull in the Taft movement, while tho
remaining candidates were placed in
The secretary was powerless to make
his call of states heard above the deaf­
ening clamor. 8elzing a megaphone, ho
shouted the roll of states: “ Alabama,’ *r
“ Arkansas,” hut hie voico was swal­
lowed up in the mad uproar. Gradu­
ally, however, the curiosity o f the mul­
titude conquered its enthusiasm and it
lapsed into silence to hear the result o f
the call. A hush of expeetaney hung
over the assembly as the eall proceeded.
Hasty summaries showed that T a ft
was far in advance. When New York
was reached the T a ft eolumn totaled
427. Ohio earried the T a ft total to
511, or 20 more than enough to nomi­
nate. Still the eall went on until the
final result was announced by Chair­
man Lodge:
“ For Theodore Roosevelt, 3 votes;
for Joseph B. Foraker, of Ohio, 1®
votes; for Charles W. Fairbanks, o f
Indiana, 40 votes; for Joseph G. Can­
non. of Illinois, 58 votes; for Robert
La Foflette, of Wisconsin. 25 votes; for
Charles K. Hughes, o f New York, 67
votes; for Philander C. Knox, of Penn­
sylvania. 68 votes, and for William H.
Taft, o f Ohio, 702 votes. ”
Grants Pass.— The tomato industry
of Rogue River valley has made rapid
strides, particularly since the erection
A man committed suicide by throw­
of the cannery last year, and the
ing himself in front o f a N ew Y ork
small farmer and berry-raiser have
subway train, almost causing a panic
found it profitable to set out idle
among the crowd who witnessed the Would End Chinese Boycott by Re­
land with the young plants. This
year’s acreage will be double that of
San Francisco, June 23.— Sochita
last year, and it is anticipated that
The jury in tfifc Hyde-Benson case
it will increase in like manner for
is still unable to reach an agreement. Asano, president o f the T o y o Risen
several years, for the reason the can­
Bryan feels sure o f the Democratic Kaisha Steamship Company, reputed
nery has a capacity to take all the
nomination, figuring out 11« votes to be the second wealthiest man in
Japan, ranking next to Baron Shi-
growers can produce for the next
more than enough to win.
busawa, has arrived here en route to
live years; in fact, it is understood
V irgil Gavin, who played ball with
N ew York on a. financial mission.
that the company will contract tc
the Chicago Nationals and New York
Speaking of the boycott against
that effect.
Giants, is dead.
Japanese goods in China, Mr. Asano
The plants do well here when
The first steamers txpm Seattle this said that Japanese trade had suffered
planted in rows five and six feet Party Raising Largest Campaign Fund
season have reached Nome, after a severely because of the boycott re­
apart, and planted in this manner
In Its History.
hard battle with the iee.
sulting from the Tatsu Maru affair,
they will usually produce from 20 to
22.— The largest cam­
40 tons an acre, and find ready mar­
Races w ill be held next year under but he did not expect it to continue
ket at $10 a ton for canning purposes. paign fund in the histewy o f the P ro­
the auspices of the U. 8. Signal Service much longer.
The Chinese were feeling its reflex
The necessary expenses for harvest­ hibition party is what Charles R.
between balloons and aeroplanes.
influence, and he thought that finan­
ing and marketing kre $25 an acre.
Jones, chairman o f the national com­
Denver police were enjoined from cial considerations would soon out­
The tomato plant, if properly culti­
interfering with race track gambling, weigh sentimental reasons.
vated, will grow from four to five mittee, expects to get, and the contri­
and bookmaking is carried on freely.
A different version is hrought by
feet high, and cover a proportionate butions so far indicate he is not ex­
space. Visitors who have looked over pecting without hope. Already more
The American auto has overtaken Thomas F. Millard, the author, who
Artesian Water fo r La Grande.
the field where the matured plants arc
and passed the German machine in the was a fellow-passenger o f Mr. Asano
La Grande— Considerably more than laden with fruit, have remarked that than $35.000 has been donated to “ the
New York-to-Paris race.
They are on the steamship Mongolia. Accord­
ing to Mr. Millard, the boycott is 100 taxpavers o f this city have signed they looked more like trees than cause," which is more than twice the
now crossing Siberia.
hurting Japanese trade so severely a petition to the city council to have vines. During the picking season, largest amount ever received so early
James J. Hill says the erep prospects that the government, through the drilled a- trial well in an effort to find
which opens in August and extends in a presidential campaign.
for the year are good, and as the erop merchants o f the empire, called the sufficient artesian water to supply the
through November, men, women and
W itfi its unusual campaign fund,
will not be an unusually large one, it Chinese merchants in Japan together future needs of the town. That arte­
children are employed to harvest the
will bring good prices.
Mr. Jones is willing to predict the
in order to make a proposal to end sian water is obtainable has been crop.
E. G. Bethel, the English editor ar­ the boycott by remitting the indem­ proved by numerous flowing wells in
O w ing to the soil and rank growth party will cut a wider swath tha/i it
rested for seditious utterances at nity exacted in the Tatsu Maru inci­ almost every part o f the valley. One of the plant, many find it necessary has mowed before Several have been
was drilled last year fo r the 6. B. A to prune the vines after they have mentioned by the Prohibition leaders
Seoul, has apologized for the publica­ dent.
N. Co. in the yards here that was a bloomed, so as to divert the energy as possible nominees for president.
tion, and says he was misinformed.
decided success. Another has reeently of the tree into the fruit instead of Fred F. Wheeler, a real estate dealer
Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy says that
o f Los Angeles, Cal., who has con­
been finished on the hillside west of vine and foliage.
during the past year new Christian
tributed liberally to the cause o f tem­
town, where the surface of the ground
Science societies have been formed at Strange Accident W recks Cazadero is at least 100 feet above the prin-
perance, was the first suggested. _ Dr.
the rate of one every four and one-half
Pow er House.-
einal business and residence section of the ground and preventing rot. It is J. B. Cranfill, a Baptist minister of
Portland, June 23.— An accident to the town as it is now built, and in estimated that $200 can be realized as Dallas, Tex., who was a candidate for
vice-president in 1892, has also been
A federal grand jury in New York the machinery at the Cazadero power which the water lacks but two feet of jr n e t " ‘profit“'u p o T ea ch ’acre
has indieted the heads o f the New plant of the Portland Railway, Light rising to the surface. These and many
A lfred Manierre, an attorney of
York Cotton Exchange and the Manila & Pow er Company early yesterday other examples have caused the people
Sue Road fo r Lack o f Cars.
N ew York, and Dr. W . B. Pelmore,
Paper and Fiber Manufacturers' Asso­ morning caused the complete wreck­ to hope that a supply o f pure water,
Pendleton.— The first suit filed in editor of the St. Louis Christian A d ­
at least for domestic neeas, may be
ing of the station, entailing a loss of
obtained at considerably less expense Oregon against the Oregon Railroad vocate, are said to be willing to as­
$110,000. Flying pieces of hot metal
An English editor is on trial for se­ and burning insulation set fire to the than by bringing it from the moun & Navigation company under the sume the honor.
provisions of the law passed by the
dition by Japanese authorities in
building, destroying inflammable parts
last legislature, giving shippers dam­
o f the structure. T w o opeantors who
ages for failure on the part o f a
Trainer Goes A fter New Methods
Havana authorities do not credit were on duty at the time had a mirac­
Universitjr o f Oregon, Eugene— The
the rumors o f a well-organized insur­ ulous escape from instant death.
the Umatilla county circuit court. Hayes Conveys Massage From Presi­
The three big water wheels “ ran associated students of the University The plaintiffs are Martin & Riggs, of
dent on C oolie Exclusion.
A dining car w ill be added to the away,” one after the other, the gen ­ Oregon 'a famous trainer, east this Milton. The plaintiffs allege that
Francisco, June 22.— In a
last fall they lost $6,310 50 on ac­
A. & C. trains between Portland and
flying in pieces and wreckage from summer. Hayward will take six weeks count of failure to get cars upon ten speech before the Asiatic Exclusion
each machine in turn disabled the in the Yale summer school, perfeetiug days’ written request.
League o f San Jose, Congressman E.
„„„Governor Dawson, o f W est V ir ­ next water wheel. Huge parts o f the himself in th£ most approved methods
A. Haves- delivered today what he
ginia, has a well-developed case of monster
hurled in training and physical culture, and
Cherries by the Ton.
declared to be a personal message
through the brick walls to the station studying the best forms of gymnasium
apparatus and equipment, and will
Cove.— It is estimated that, with
Th e transport Sherman will be and through the iron roof.
also inspect a large number of the the new cherry orchards coming in from the president o f the United
at Astoria. She has
this season, not less than 200 tons of States to the people o f the Pacific
were right in the midst o f the flying
smallpox on board.
rmnasiums of the Eastern States. cherries will be shipped from here, Coast.
wreckhge, they escaped without a
ayward will be away from Oregon and require twice the number of
“ T w o o f three days after the ad­
Harry and Evelyn Thaw have be scratch.
for a couple of months or more, and picking and packing crew o f last sea­ journment o f congress,” said Mr.
come reconciled, but Thaw must re
Hayes, “ I went to the president and
Buried in Ancient State.
main in the asylum.
Dan Kelly and probably Forrest Smith-
asked him how I should explain the
Honolulu, June 23.— The funeral to­ son for the Olympic games. He will
A runaway automobile jumped off
absence of exclusion.legislation, which
the docks into the river in N ew York day o f Prince David Kawananakoa, kccompany the American team to Lon­
I told him my constituents expected.
who died recently in San Franisco, don.
and drowned four persons.
. Wheat— Track prices: Clnb, 88e per H e replied:
and whose body was brought here on
bushel; red Russian, 86c; bluestem, 90e;
It is estimated that the spring the steamship Manchuria, was one of
“ ‘ I am still trying diplomacy. I
Normals Furnish Teachers.
Vallsy, 88c.
am sending to Japan the sharpest cor­
clean-up in the Tanana district of the most imposing royal funerals ever
Salem— One hundred and eleven
Miilstuffs— Bran, $26 per ton; mid­ respondence that any nation has ever
Alaska will reach $15,000,000.
held in Hawaii. The ceremony was
teachers will have been graduated dlings, $30.50; shorts, country, $28.50; received; but tell your constituents
Th e rivers have begun to fall at in accordance with the ancient H a­ from the four normal schools of this city, $28; wheat and barley chop,
that, if I cannot get what I want by
Kansas City, and it is believed all waiian usage in the case o f chiefs. state when the normals close this $27.50.
diplomacy, I will get it by exclusion
danger from the flood is passed.
Recommendations for
Bariev—Feed, $25 per ton; rolled, legislation.’ ”
Guard of Hawaii, a detachment of the graduation of 102 were made by the $27.50(928.50; brewing, $26.
A Venezuela war vessel fired on a Twentieth infantry from Fort Shafter
Mr. Hayes did not state whether
Oats— No. 1 white, $27.50 per ton; the presence o f the fleet in the Pa­
Dutch sailing vessel and took from and marines and sailors from the executive board of the normal school
them all mail not in regular mail battleships Maine, Alabama and St regents Monday. Nine were graduat­ gray, $27.
cific was in any way connected with
ed from Monmouth in February.
Hay— Timothy, Willamette Valley, the president’s note to Japan.
Louis, now in the harbor, marched
The graduates are divided among $17 per ton; Willamette Valley, ordi­
— .. ■
Four thousand o f the sultan’s in the funeral procession.
the different schools as follows: At nary, $15; Eastern Oregon. $18.50;
Great American Crime.
troops are in revolt.
Drain 14 will graduate; at Weston 21; mixed, $16; clover, $14; alfalfa, $12;
Plague In Port o f Spain.
Indianapolis, Ind., June 22.— One of
at Ashland, 28, and at Monmouth, 39; alfalfa meal, $20.
A Seattle man was robbed o f $10,-
Dressed Meats— Hogs, faney, 6c per the most important movements in the
Port o f Spain, June 23.— Since June which, with those who were graduated
000 by pickpockets in St. Paul.
in February, makes a total of 48 grad­ pound; ordinary, 7c; large, 6e: veal, history of railroad has been started
15 there have been four new cases o f
Bubonic plague has made its appear­ plague here, resulting in three deaths uates from Monmouth. Monmouth is extra, 8c; ordinary, 6@7e; h e a ^ , 5«; bv the railroad commission o f In­
diana to stop what W illiam J. W ood,
ance in Caracas, Venezuela.
The fourth case is in the isolation one o f the schools that received no ap­ mntton, fancy. 8@9e.
Butter— Extras, 25c per pound; fancy o f that body, terms “ the great Am eri­
hospital. Active measures are being propriation from the legislators last
24c; choice, 20e; store, 16e.
Samuel Gompers, president o f the taken by the sanitary corps in de winter.
can crime.” This crime is the kill­
Eg^s—Oregon. 17}(918}c per dozen. ing and maiming o f over 10,000 per­
American Federation o f Labor, is ill stroying rats and cleaning up the
Ontario Wool Sales.
Cheese— Paney cream twins, 18e per sons by American railroads at grade
in Chicago.
city. About 150 persons who came
Ontario.— The largest wool sale in pound; full cream triplets, 13e; full crossings. The crossings consist of
Senator Bailey, o f Texas, is recov­
in the observation camp, but up to the eastern Oregon will be next Thurs­ cream Young Americas, 14e; cream intersections at grade o f steam rail­
Prohibit Tips and Causa Strike.
ering from his attack o f bronchitis.
present there is no sign of infection day, June 18, in Ontario, when the briek, 20c; Swiss block, 18c; limburger, roads and highways, and o f steam
Cherbourg, June 19.— The agents o f
Frederick Arthur Stanley, Earl o f among them. The medical authori
Poultry— Mixed chickens, 11(911}« state railroad commissions will assist the North German Lloyd line have for­
Derby, and ex-governor general o f ties take a very hopeful view o f the pounds o f wool on the market.
ponnd; faney hens, 12e; roosters, Mr. W ood.
bidden the dockworker* in their em­
situation, and expect to be able to
Canada, is dead.
eradicate the disease at an early date. the prices ranged from 10c to 14c, but 9e; fryers, 16<917e; broilers, 16(917e;
ploy to neeept gratuities for the trans­
American warships are gathering at
since then the price of wool has been decks, old, 15c; sprifig, 15r920Jc;
Prostrated by A m t.
ferring o f passengers’ baggage from
San Francisco, preparatory to their
advancing, and the sheepmen geese, 8(99e; turkeys, alive, 16<918e
Kan., June 22.*— Frank J. train to steamer at this port, and conse­
trip around the world.
expect to realize a good price for for hens, 14@16e for gobblers; dressed,
Milwaukee, Wis., June 23.*—The
Hanly, governor o f Indiana, was pros­ quently the men yesterday refused to
A Southern Pacific gatekeeper com­ wake o f last night’s storm has left their clip. Nearly all o f the Malheur 17(919e.
Potatoes— Old Oregon, $11^1.10 per trated by heat while addressing the handle the baggage of the passengers
m itted suicide because his gates, had millions o f dollars of damage. Crops and Harney county wool clip is
hundred; new California, 2@ 2}e per Ottawa Chautauqua here this after­ who came down town from Paris to
stored in <this city.
accidentally injured a woman.
in the vicinity of Prairie du Chien are
embark on the Kaiser Wilhelm der
noon. Governor Hanly was given Grosso. To get over the diffienlty the
,, The German kaiser cordially re­ totally destroyed, buildings wrecked,
S e lf Supporting Normal.
ceived the American ambassador, D a­ glass fronts smashed, trees uprooted
(93.75; lemons, $4(01.75; strawberries. medical attention and assisted to his company requisitioned .ths serviees o f
Pendleton,— President Freneh of the 50e<3>$1.25 per crate; grape fruit, $2.75 train. H e started for home tonight. the ship’s sailors, and the baggage was
vid Jayne H ill, and talked with him or broken down. The loss in Prairie
bananas. 5}<®6e per The governor came here direct from handled without delay.
du Chien will reach $100,000._ In M c­ Weeton State Normal states that if the
fo r half an hour.
the Chicago convention to address the
Gregor, across the Mississippi, the
H P!
Rev. S. C. Lapham says women are loss will reach $100,000. About four that it has during the term just closed, gooseberries, 6e per pound; apricots, Chautauqua. H e had almost finished
Persia In 8orry Plight.
worse than ¿nen in supporting per­ inches o f rain fell in the 40 minutes, the institation would be self support­ $1(91.25 per erste; cantaloupes, $2.75(9 his remarks when he was taken ill
Bt. Petersburg, June 19.— A dispatch
nicious fads, including free love. He during 27 minutes o f which hail as ing. Tf the norm ad had 500 students 3.26; blackberries, $1(91-25 per erste; and forced to stop.
instead of 200 the income from dormi­ peaches, 90e@$l per erste; plume, $1
says oratorv is taking the place o f the large as walnuts fell.
reeeived here from Bakn says a Russian
tory rents and other fees would make
Gospel in the modern pulpit, and that
MenelTk Names Successor.
per erste.
gunboat has entered the Persian port o f
the institution absolutely self support­
social conditions are much the same as
Seventeen Condemned.
Addrti Abeba, Abyssinia, June 22.—
Onfona— California red. $1.66(91.76
ing and it would cost the atate nothing per seek; Bermudas, $2 per crate; gar­ The question o f the ascension to the Enzeli on ths Caspian m s , bnt tho
before the flood.
St. Petersburg, June 23.— A man to maintain it.
throne of Abyssinia, which has been statement has not bean confirmed. Ths
lic, 15(®20e per pound.
T a ft lead ara elaim ha w ill raeaiva and woman have been condemned to
Hope— 1007. prime and ehoiee, 6(^}5Je quiescent for over a year, has been foreign office here Is witjiont definite
death at Warsaw on the charge o f
704 votes an tba first ballot.
8*lls Ranch.
revived by an official statement from advices from Teheran concerning ths
perpound: old«, 2@ 2}e per ponnd.
being implicated in a recent gttempt
Thaw w ill ramala la Jail basane* ha to kill General Skallon, governor
Wool— Eastern Oregen, average best, King Menelik designating his grand­
North P o w d er— H. W . Polen has
situation in Panin. I t seas bnt few en­
hates tha asylum attendant.
general o f Warsaw. Seventeen death just completed the sale o f a 160-acre 6(91S%e per pound, according to son, L ig Yasu, the^ia-year-old aon o f
couraging symptoms in ths present
sentences wer announced today from ranch ngar town to Robert Stark­
Loading English Steel
Mohair—Choice, 18(918}* per ponnd. and Ras Michael as heir to the throna. ■tats i f aaarehy that exists ia Persia.
weather. Consideration $4,000.
«oth er towns and cities in Russia.
4aay tba etery a f (
Turpentine From Old Stumps.
Astoria.— Dr. Hawley, the govern­
ment forestry expert, accompanied by
H. G. Van Dusen, made a trip to
the Walluaki district to examine some
land that had been logged off and wkieb
would be desirable farming land i f the
stumps could be removed at a reason­
able expense. Dr. Hawley found one
stump, estimated to contain four cords,
including the roots, which he said
would contain at least $16 worth of
turpentine. Other stumps and roots in
the same neighborhood would develop
in proportion. The system used in pro­
ducing this turpentine is a very simple
one, but to*be used to advantage there
must be sufficient stumps, in a vicinity
to warrant the establishment of a plant
as it would not be profitable to bring
the stumps and roots to a central plant.
Dr. Hawley will receive from the Wal-
luski in a few days samples of stumps
and roots with which he will make
careful tests at his laboratory at the
Clatsop mill.