CHEHALEM VALLEY MILLS Flour Brands*« QUEEN PATENT LEWIS A CLARK EXCELLENT A cts as public w arehousem en for fo r storage’o f H ay and G rain. • H ighest m arket price Paid for’ H ay, G rain, Potatoes, Etc. J Z ---------- Wanted and For Sale. . B C Miles and w f to W Addison and w f It 1 aad 13 city add to Newberg $ Annie E Snapp and has h i Parker 57x102 ft Graphic and Oregonian $2.2$; and College streets Newberg $1. Graphic and Journal $2. . Jn oT Sullivan and wt to Henry Bara tor sale. C. B. Wilson. Hohuneyer 5 a sec 25 t 3 s r 3 s r 3 $600. H. R. Cobb is prepared to do N C Christenson and w f 't o ST yonr express or other light haul­ M Comer 1.89 a in J H Hess d i e ing at reasonable rates. t 3 s r 2 $675. - Ditching and well digging by > M D Warren and w f to W nrR Baker 200 a in J R Bean d 1 c t ;3 W\ A. Bales, Newberg, Oregon. r 3 $8000. Fifty to 100 bushels o f aòrd Milton E Cady and w f to Chas oats lor sale. E. S. Craven, Bell M Hollopeter 92.75 cl 52 t 2 r 3 pilone. , $J. E. W. Gear, Rex, Oregon. Vet­ Vivian M Miller to Pauline Ott • t S. E. WATKINS erinary sugeon and dentist, teeth 1 a 1 4 r 3 $275. Jesse Edwards and w f to W E work a specialty. Bell phone M anufacturer o f H ollow Concrete Building Stone. Architectural 185. tf D esigning, Plans-and Specification made to order. \ Crozer It 5 and sV ilt 4 blk 2 Ed­ W anted —P arty to handle 25 wards add to Neeberg $412.50. E J W right and w f to A K OMs to 60 nannie goats on the shares. 1.10 a cl 48 t 5 s r 5 $150. t2 C. A. D em ab ste bs , Douglas Hadley to M $ r y > Mutual phone 1-26. Dundee Or. THEY HAKE YOU FEEL LtKE A BLACKSMITH Alderman 17.12 a cl T5 1 4 1 3 The Boyes Bros, are in the _ A * for ami try mca BLUE BELL C o«* Syr«p. PiU SinHy. Maa s M a tlilM t. or $500. market again tor fat stock of all M ary Morris to (LB Freberg kinds and it will be to the inter­ Its 9 ,1 0 county survey No 147 est o f farmers to sec them. “ C ” for Chchakm valley board For sale by F. H. Caldwell & o f trade $1500. E W Broadwell to W J Adams vour orders for anything in tbel 20 a Oliver M o or d 1 c 1 3 r 3 line o f doors, windows and build­ Waldo J Adams to M Adams und Vi o f 120 a sec 2 1 1 3 ing materials. r 3 $1. Ia m prepared to plow gardens R A Stowe and w f to J Sawyer or do hauling around town be­ r y 83 a cl 51 t 5 r 5 $500. tween 9 a. m. and +-p. m., except Mianda Dudley to J W Saun­ Saturday. Bell phone 10-10. SPR IN G A N D SU M M E R H A T S ders 20.50 a A K Wright die t 3 Peter Jensen. O N D IS P L A Y . r 5 $650. On Saturdays I will pay s Dio E Mcikel and w l to J a s B the highest market price far eggs Brunt on Its 2 ,3 blk 16 H j & ‘L delivered at my home tw o miles add to Newberg $375. northwest o f Newberg. M. L. Minnie Dimick and huS to J F Thorn. O u r Hafts W ill Speak * j, Basher all int in D J Townsend For T > hem elves. We are selling direct tothepeo- % % d k t 5 r 4 $10. Xmanda Lake and hus to J F ple everything in the line o f doors, Basher all int in D J Townsend windows, moulding and general mill work. die t 5 r 4 $10. 3rd D oor East o f N ew Brick ' Jefferson Myers to J F BaabCr Newberg Sash & Door Factory. all iht in D J Tow nsenddkt 5 r4 W a n t e d — 10 to 20 acres close The Chas. K. Spaulding L o g ­ $ 10 . Nursery Stock for SaU. to Newberg, inproved, good J B Triallinger and w f to S A house, plenty water, bearing ging Co. always have at their Lambert, Royal Ann and other Dilley Its 1, 2, 7, 8 blk 2 Van Os- family orchard. Geo. C. Reed, store a large stock o f general including varieties o f cherries, appk and tram ’s add to Sheridan $1400. 283 24th St. N., Portland, Ore- building material, mouldings, peach trees as well as a stock o f R H Carlaen to Tim othy Ron. ___________ _________ doors, windows, turned work, also lime, sand, various kinds including quite a Brownhill 4.42 a cl 5 5 1 4 s r 4 Our kiln ' dried cedar, staved cement, plaster and 1 building lot o f English walnut trees, all $ 1 . colonial porch columns cannot grafted o f the best varieties. The D W Feely and w f to W T paper. 16-21 be beat. They are guaranteed latter will be sold tor about hall * MOcv Its in blks 18, 20, 22 Oak Cheaper Than Walking. - to stand and wttl not check. the price such trees have been Park add. to M cM innvilk $240. £all and see them. Passengers carried to trains selling for. Stock will be found Geo A Kidd and wt to W T Newberg Sash & Door Factory. from any reasonable distance in o n j. W. Child’s block west oi Macy It 6 blk 21 Oak Park add Galvanised iron chicken fount­ public school. Come soon as I the eitv, fifteen cents one way or McMinnuilk $50. ains for sale at Alfred W heeler ,s round trip tor twenty-fivé. Also wish to close out as soon ps pos­ H C Ruffner and w f to W T 2-26 prepared to famish good accom­ sible. Will give fall worth for Macy Its 1, 2 blk 20 Oak Park tin and plumbing shop. your money. J. B. FoasYtH. modations for picnic parties. add McMinnville $175. Rhode Islapd Rfd eggs for N bwbbkg T ransfer C o . R Jacobson to W T Macy Its hatching, 50 cents far 15. Leave 1, 2blK 21 Oak Park add Mo. orders at Vincent feed store. Minnville $150. , T. J. W e r t h Will Crater is now prepared A L Ford Warren and hus toj to serve the public with a new Iks 18,19, 20, * F or S a l e — Cheap, one 3% Mor W T Macy Its in blks w ood saw with gasoline motor. McMiun- wagon good as new, ona 21, 22 Oak Park add McMiun 2-seated back, 1 top buggy, fair None o f your wood consumed ville $360. ' 1 w f to W T condition. Also 200 bushels w holesaling. Bell phone 276 Frank Sully and The above fe rry w ith an Macy Its 1, 2 blk 19 J>ak Parld •hndeland wonder oats, clean How Oougb Germs Multiply. Entirely N ew Equipm ent / . 1 _ Cut" and of choice grade. The Vim add to McMinnvilk e $200. •When you have a cold the muc­ and under nack to W T Feed & Implement Co. New- M ary E McCornack ous membrane is inflamed and the L9, 20, 21, 22, Oregon. . New M anagem ent Macy Its in blks 19, disease germs which you breathe 23 Oak Park add McMinnville find lodgement and multiply, «spe­ is now open to the public Full blood R. I. Red .«eggs $2 cially the pneumonia germ. Fo­ $420. per setting. Bell phone 16-4. Investment Co to W T Macy H. N. Baker, R. F. D. No. 2. 4-3 ley’s Honey and Tsr soothes and heals the inflamed air passage, stops Prop. Its in blks 19, 20, 22, 23, U & V the cough and expels the cold from Oak ak Park add McMinnville $39 W er th , Mr. Johnson, o f »Portland, $750. Wynooski street spent Sunday at F. T. Keyes Jr. Jersey Bulls Ferfiele. W A Howe and wf to Valley; • y , % 4 * ' k ^ He H e , has recently bought the The Newberg Meat Co Real Estate Co all property ex­ Muriel’s Victor No. 64069, Ramadall place and contemplates cept stgre property in Carlton r- dropped April 2, 1902. Solid erecting a house on his property $ 10 . squirrel gray, black tongue and this fall. W A Howe and w f to Carlton 1 ¿witch. First premium at Ore­ Roe Robinson returned from Mercantile Co store property in 1 gon-State Fair 1903. North Yamhill this week where Carlton $10. I . Victor’s Exits Nò. 76250. he had been helping to care for Loella La Fo »fette et al to N \ ?1 dropped Nov. $, 1906. 8olid col- his father, whoih he reports aa Versteeg and w f 10.48 a in M l or, black tongue and switch. gaining slowly. Matheny die t 5 r 3 $1. Dam, Marea'* Pride, No. ¿4069, Mrs. A. D. McEwan and Jacob Holxworth and w f to L Sire, Muriel’s Victor. Also a fall Mrs. E. A. McCornack went to Louisa J Cain et al 176.6&acl’ L brother, dropped Sept. 20,1907. Portland Saturday, tfloming tor 57 t 5 r 6 $13,680. j J. C. A rmstrong , a short visit with hoipefolks. H C Bums and w f to J B Mar- J Carlton, Oregon. dis Its 3, 4, 5 blk 12 McMinnville «ow n . Come in a hurry for they Dnndee and vicinity is suffering Newberg Phone No, 214. $ 10 , 000 . will go quicjtly troth an epidemic o f grippe.. . .. TAKE THE BLUE BELL LINE TO HEALTH Both phones City Free Delivery MILLINERY OPENING Saturday* Mar. 2 8 . Gives careful attention to all business c o m m i t t e d to its charge, and highly appreciates your business. G R E G O R Y SISTERS. N. C. CHRISTENSON, Cashier A Splendid Stock of Buttavi I le Ferry M O U N T’S H. C. POOL, Something to ’’ Lean On 1 and visible means o f practical support is a good, sub­ stantial bank account. Once you nave a good balance at your banker'*, you do not care how things go, be­ cause you feel independent And the only way to get a bank account is to save, and save, and acquire ricnes by patient th r ift We can help you do this by taking care o f your savings and paying you a good interest thereon. Do not delay, but start iving at once. B. C. MILE8, Free. J. L. HOSKINS,Viee Prea. J. C. C0LC0RÜ, Cashier W. E. CR0ZER,,A**t. Cashier Ì ± .4