Registered at Imperial. Flour Brenda QUEEN P A TEN T LEW IS &. CLARK Highest market price Paid forJHay, Grain, Potatoes, Etc. Both phones City Free Delivery Gives careful attention to all business c o m m i t t e d to its charge, and highly appreciates your business. N. C. CHRISTENSON, Cashier. A E. U. Will John G. Peters H. C. Gearin John D. Clarke Frank C. Brown W. B. Streeter v E. E. Logan **^»~»* J. R. Flynn A. B. Salmon A. S. Bennett R. F. Brookings F. R. Griffith, W. H. Marvin Alice Rogers F. M. Branch Jo Bowman T. Ernest Oatis C. A. Eldridge H. S. Lowrie W. Ei Gilbert G. G. Orr J. S. Reilly A. Smith J. Eggleston B. Eggleston G. P. Morden H. N. Pritchard Charles H. Glass O. S. Fulton W. E. Frazer Miss Alexander G. C. Caroline Chas. C. Lightfoot J. H. Imhoff H. F. Cut hill F. W. Monroe W. H. Lopp Nelson J. Sykes Portland «4 • 1 Wanted and For Sale. 44 OF UNES WE HAVE NO ROOM FOR AT 44 44 B. e . Miles M. A. McLaughlin H. Nelson C. F. Moore Vf. A. King Dr. A. M. Davis A. P. Oliver W. S. Parker and w f / F. J. Parker ftiiRipl Parlfpr___________ H. M. Williams and w f F. A. Morris and wf S. W. Potter and w f J. A. Ruble and son Q. C. Crow W alter H. Wilson .* Clarence Butt and family J. S. Rees C B Wilson B. H. Evans . C. A. Crabtree C. J. Edwards & Sons Frank E. Hobson M cM in n ville G. Ellibtt John Estes Miss Myrtle Stewartson Rev. A. J. Hunsaker Eli Ludwig W. C. Miller Hibbs & Talbot Fargo, N. D. T. J. Conboy Albany Homer Moore Sherwood Adrian Bowman Clackamas J. A. Smith C. W. Hauxhurst San Francisco C. W. Henderson Rickreall J. K. Simonton T . A. Magers Frank Kerslake Arthur Phelps b u tler M. O. Boyer J. Teats Graphic apd Oregonian $2.25 Graphic and Journal $2. H. R. Cobb is prepared to do your express oI- other light haul­ ing at reasonable rates. Ditching and well dfgging by W. A. Bales, Newberg, Oregon. W a n t e d — Parties to do grubb­ ing. One mile west o f town. A.. J. Barrell. E. W. Gear, Rex,'Oregon. Vet-, erinary sugeon and dentist, teeth work a specialty. Bell phone 185. tf For Sale—Our home at corner of Fifth afid Meridian streets for sale at a bargain, if sold soon. L. B. C h a r l e s . The Boyes Bros, are in the market again for fat stock of all kinds and it w ill be to the inter­ est o f farmers to see them. Ship yonr produce to Bell T o w ­ er Co., 902 Post street, Seattle, Washington. They always pay the highest market price. 3-5 When you want anything in the bakery line call up Home Bakery, phone *266. Free de­ livery. F or S a le —3 good Jersey cows; also 1 2-year old registered Ches­ ter White boar, extra strong breeder. Lee Dadisman, on Jas. Madson farm, 3 miles northwest of Newberg. Mutual phone, tt F or sale —Entire, or subdi­ vided r Rogue River, Jackson county, Oregon, profit-bearing orchard on deep alluvial river bottom. Comfortable buildings. Ben A. Lowell, Woodville, Ore- N ow is time to get your rhu­ barb and asparagus plants or­ dered. Good roots, reasonable rates. Also a few hundred black­ cap raspberries. Mutual phone 30-9. John Gower, Newberg. HARDWARE P A IN T S OILS FORMER PRICES NOT CONSIDERED 5 0 0 Ladles’ Walki’o Skirts AJ1 colors; actual vaues in this lot up to $12.50, your choice at $ 2 .9 5 Ladies’ Tailored Suits 35 W inter Suits left— values up to $25.00. Y our choice Ladies, Misses and Childrens ' Underwear Union Suits, Vests and Pants, fleece lined, values up to 75c go at 19c Values up to $1.25 go while they last at $ 8 .7 5 $18.00 and w ill go at $20.00 v values $11.50 $15.00, $35.00, and $40.00 values in black and colors going at Ladies, Misses and Children’s Gloves Valnes up'to 50c at..... 15c values up to $1.00 go at.35c Hosiery Satteen Petticoats $1.95 values go at....... 95c 25c values colored black 3 5 c ...................... 50c “ * “ “ 75c “ “ “ 12% 19c 30c 50c F IR S T -C L A S S , H IG H G R A D E M ILLIN E R Y A S P E C IA L T Y A T LE P A LA S R O YA L 375 WASHINGTON STREET PORTLAND, : OREGON The Cbas. K . Spaulding L o g­ ging Co. always have at their store a large stock o f general building material, including doors, windows, mouldings, THEY m a k e y o u feel l ik e a b l a c k s m it h turned work, also lime, sand, Aak for w * try eaee BLUE BELL Cmtfk Syrap. Pita Ramad* M a rt Pata I tat» eat or cement, plaster and building BLUE B E LL S tooart Tabtata. Dtarrboaa, Croup, Narva, Coufk. Hay Fkvar aad Catarrh, Blood. Gaoaral Tonic. Bright Santana, Heart, Worn, Kidney. H««dacha. Waauaar Caipialat. Soothiag paper. Tabtata (or Cblldrro. Lhrer, Female Regulator or Qntaay Tabtata. • 16-21 TAKE THE BLUE BELL LINE TO HEALTH F or S a lx —Cyphers incubator, 1906 model, in excellent condi­ tion. Also three large home­ made brooders and one 75 chick Old Trusty brooder. Lamps for all. Prices low. J. W. Barcroft, Newberg, Bell phone 438. on Lar­ kins’ farm % mile northwest of Newberg. 2-27 Splendid Stock of Ladies’ Furnishing Goods and Millin ery House of Portland For sale by F. H. Caldwell & Co. Nursery Stock. Burbank’s Miracle, seedless plum. Monrica apple—the best keeper. Walnuts, cherries, etc. See J. B. Parker, Newberg, Ore­ gon, agent Capital City Nursery. At J. B. MOUNT’S Something to “ Lean On The annual meeting of the Commercial club will meet at council room Friday, Februaiy 28, at eight o ’clock. Other towns in the valley are taking active nieasures to 1 secure the in­ coming migration. Newberg is not <|oing what she ought to do in this direction, and we believe this can best lie done through some kind of an organization. There are various things of in­ terest to the community that should be discussed and action taken. iK-erybody come. R. W. Harrold.. New Outfit and visible means o f practical support is a good, sub­ stantial bank account. Once you have a good balance at your banker’s, you do not care how things go, be­ cause you feel independent. And the only way to get a bank account is to save, and save, and acquire ricnes by patient thrift. We can help you do this by taking care o f your savings and paying you a good interest thereon. Do not delay, but start saving at once. B. C. MILES, Pres. L. HOSKINS.Viee Pres. J. J. C. COLCORD, Cashier W. E. CROZER, Asst. Cashier Will Crater is now prepared to serve the public with a new wood saw with gasoline motor. None o f your wood consumed while sawing. Bell phone 276 W a r W ith Japan. Could not possibly make so many cripples as rheumatism does every year. And yet there is no reason why this disease should cripple anyone, if all sufferers will rub the affected parts night and morning with Ballard’s Snow Liniment. Cures all aches and pains. Sold by Moore’s drag store. For Sale. A t a bargain, 30-borsepower engine, boiler and tile mill. Mill making from 3 to 12-inch tile,- with brick die, side cut. Come and see me. Peep-o-day in c u b a t o r —216 ;g. Good as new. P/ice $15. J ohn F. P ettenoill , 20 > Rex. Notice. A very fine full blooded Jersey for service at one dollar. F red W e r th , Wynooski street. . For Solo ot o Borgoin. ‘ Six hundred first generation grafted English walnut trees have been sent to me from the Chico,California nursery. Trees are from five to seven feet,high. Will be sold at reduced prices. M ay be seen at H. R. Cobb’s barn near public school building. Call for me at any time between 10 and 2:30. f J. B. F o r s y t h . a S. E. W ATK INS Manufacturer of Hollow Concrete Building Stone. Architectural Designing, Plané and Specification made to order. The Newberg Meat Co Reduced Rates. Has the best facilities for fur- . \ The Southern Pacific announces nishing first class meats anji; that beginning February 15, the butchers’ supplies, and the best oklrate o f $1.10 for the round is none too good for their eus- trip between Newbejg and Port­ tornerà. Free delivery and both land lor all Saturday and Sun­ day trains, will be restored. phones.